GUILTY FL - Lonzie Barton, 2, Jacksonville, 24 July 2015 - #4

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I believe the most recent MSM article says police say the last verfied sighting of Lonzie was 8:30, but it doesn't specify if it was by Lonna. Perhaps the video of her being dropped off at Wacko's turned out to be verification after the police studied it. The article can be found at*&p=11997845&posted=1#post11997845

I believe the last "verified" sighting was by a friend of Lonna's around 1 or 2 o'clock in the pm before the am he was reported missing.
Welcome back from the wedding. Lonna needed some defending.

Thanks! It was a lovely evening. I'm running on about 5 hours sleep.

I'm going to take your statement as sincere and not snarky.... But just to clarify, I'm not defending her. I'm just not making assumptions or insinuations the she is involved because she is not a suspect or POI. She is still a victim, this is a victim friendly sight, and I am going to treat her as such unless or until LE says otherwise. If they do, I will enthusiastically partake in speculating about it. Until then I am going to interpret what little evidence LE has given to MSM.
When Chris Barton first appeared in the media he had obvious signs of having been hit or otherwise injured on his face. Then, when he had his own interview, alone, his face was not clearly visible. Now he and Lonna have their backs to the camera. Maybe Chris revealed more than he wanted to that first time, so now they are being extra careful... for whatever reason.

I'm not sure what to make of RB and not sure if his identity has made it to MSM. I have seen him referred to here. What dynamics were in play around the life of little Lonzie? We know about drug use, mom's work environment, Ebron's apparent "personality"... but what about Lonzie? I am not questioning Lonna's love for him. Let me make that clear. But, who else loved him? Where did he really belong? Who wanted him?

I don't know what to think about a motive. I thought maybe Ebron got angry, disciplined Lonzie too forcefully. Then, I thought maybe he planned to "disappear" Lonzie because he was mad at, or manipulating, Lonna. Now I am not sure. I can think of other motives. I wish we knew.

If Lonna truly believes Lonzie is alive, I hope she will become more accessible to the public and begin to plea for him to be returned unharmed. Sure, some are going to be nasty. But, there are plenty of people who won't be, and it may help! Lonzie's face has been all over the news since he disappeared. Hackney became Lonzie's spokesperson. I hope that Lonna will find the strength to contribute to finding Lonzie. I do believe he will be found.
I believe the last "verified" sighting was by a friend of Lonna's around 1 or 2 o'clock in the pm before the am he was reported missing.

Not according to MSM.
Reread my edited post. I linked the article and how I stated my response to the post about the last sighting of Lonzie so that it's more accurate to the info provided by MSM.

If you mean directly verified by LE, you are correct. I haven't seen a direct statement from them that is different from what you stated above.
per MSN it was Lonna that made the statement,

"They were in the car, dropping me off for work and I gave him and L a kiss on their forehead and told them mommy loved them and I would see them when they came to pick me up," Lonna Lauramore says.

This is the first time Lonzie's sister name mentioned? I've not heard her name before.

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Most if not all of the interview is up now:

I still don't get it. Lonna is adamant that Lonzie was abducted and says she hopes he's somewhere being taken care of yet she didn't speak out to whoever that person might be to directly ask him or her to bring Lonzie back.

Ah well, I don't think anyone expected to learn anything from the interview anyway although she did confirm that the last time she saw Lonzie was when Ebron dropped her off at work.

"Lonna was adamant Lonzie was abducted"

That's the same thing the Anthony's said about Caylee. And we know what happened to Caylee, RIP Caylee.

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This is the first time Lonzie's sister name mentioned? I've not heard her name before.

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Her name has been mentioned previously in MSM. It shouldn't be on this site because she is a minor. Pretty sure that is covered in the TOS.
FWIW, here's a transcript of Heather Crawford's interview with Lonna and Chris Barton, as of the August 15 2:01 a. m. update:

Reporter: Lonzie's mother, Lonna Barton said she has not spoken publicly because she did not want the focus to be on her. She says she's breaking her silence because she says it's time to thank everyone, from the police to strangers to loved ones – for everything that everyone is doing to find Lonzie and she and the toddler's father both believe their son is still alive.

(cut to interview)

Lonna Barton: He's just so joyful and... and I miss that.

R: Lonna Barton has not held her baby boy in her arms for 21 long days. It's home videos like this one that she now treasures more than ever.

(close up of video of Lonzie on Lonna's cell phone)

LB: 'Cuz there's not one thing on this earth that I want more than my baby.

R: She says that the last time that she saw her toddler was when he was in the car with his big sister and Ruben Ebron as they dropped her off at work.

LB: I gave him and Lily a kiss on their forehead and told them mommy loved them and I would see them when they got there to pick me up. I just never imagined I wouldn't see him again.

R: Hours later Ebron would call police and report his car stolen and Lonzie missing. Ebron said Lonzie's 5 year old sister came inside the apartment where he was and said she was scared.

R: Has she told you anything that might help find him?

LB: (tearfully) Not really, um... she just, you know, she just... says that, you know we, we have to find babyman and... pretty much everywhere we'll go she'll tell people you know my baby brother is missing, can you please help us find him... and every officer we pass she'll, you know, make him aware of that her baby brother's still missing and they still haven't found him can they please, you know, bring him home.

R: Lonna and Chris Barton agreed to sit down with us because they say they want the community to know how grateful they are for all of the support and the prayers and the time that has been dedicated to finding their son.

LB: All the time that is, you know, that they're inside their homes and taking their time, you know, before bedtime to squeeze that little prayer in for our son and our family... I really, you know, we really do appreciate it. We... we just want them to keep doing the same you know, and vice versa you know, we are praying for them too that they don't give up, you know, that God just keeps that little kindle of a flame burning in them... to, you know, keep our baby in their prayers and to not let them forget, you know, that he's still out there and he still hasn't been brought home and that he still needs them prayers.

Chris Barton: Everyone that has uh, babies... babies (LB: Hold 'em tight) Hold 'em tight, love 'em, squeeze 'em (LB: Don't take it for granted) don't... cherish every single minute you have.

R: They ask we not show their face (sic) for the sake of their other children.

LB: I don't want to be the focus, my baby should be the focus. They need to see his face, you know, not mine.

R: They [LE] have now said that they believe this is a murder investigation and that they believe Ruben has information that can help find him.

LB: I do not believe my baby was murdered. That's one thing that I refuse to believe, that evidence has not been put in my face, or on paper or in proof in front of me and that's one thing that I will not come to terms with, as far as even my baby not being alive, because until someone can prove otherwise, my b- I hope I … I can't help but I hope that someone has him that is taking good care of him.

R: Police have named Ebron as a suspect in Lonzie's disappearance. JSO released this surveillance video they say disproves Ebron's story. Lonna has so many questions and has visited Ebron in jail more than once.

LB: I just, you know, told him if there was anything, you know, that needed to be said, that was the time to, you know, do it, that... you know, that I would, you know... I'm looking for answers and... I was turning, you know, to him for them if he had them and... and he told me that I'm not the key, he was, he was not the key that, you know, everyone thinks that he was, that he wished he could give me the answers that I needed and that whoever had Lonzie and, has him, needs to just bring him home.

R: While Lonna and Chris light a candle each night for Lonzie they pray and have faith that their son will soon be back in their arms.

LB: I don't care if they set my baby down in the most public place ever and just walked away... I just want my baby back. You know, and at this point I wouldn't even ask questions.

R: I asked Lonna what she thinks happened to Lonzie and she said she truly doesn't know and as a mom that is the hardest part – the not knowing. I could see the pain in her eyes, I could hear it in her voice, but she and Lonzie's father refuse to give up hope that their son will be found alive. Heather Crawford, First Coast News NBC12, ABC25.

Why did LL feel the need to thank everyone who is searching for Lonzie in ponds and forested areas if she thinks he's still alive and was abducted? Kind of a contradiction there. I'd be front and center on the news demanding to know why LE don't appear to be searching for an abductor and a live child and pleading with the abductor to return my child. Unless I didn't really believe my child was alive and didn't think I had the acting skillz to pull it off.

I've defended LL from the beginning but that interview really left me with a bad vibe.



BBM - Well, it's the South. We thank everybody for everything. I don't find it odd. Even if she is fully convinced that Lonzie is alive, she could still be thankful for those who are trying to help.
Interesting reading the ex's case against Ebron. He was served with a Petition: Paternity Summons at 5:25 pm, July 23rd at the apartment address. Also interesting the ex & children were living with his parents last year in Dec. Ebron grabbed one of the kids & took off with them while arguing with the ex and his dad called the police. He threatened to shoot the ex too. Ordered to take classes and to undergo a mental evaluation. He didn't do either. A couple of days later, she put in for a request to withdraw the restraining order. It was reviewed in Feb. of this year and the restraining order stuck. She filed for child support too but he didn't show up to court.

In one document she said he had threatened to take her kids several times & is mentally ill.

At first I thought it was a good idea to keep Lonna off the newS, mainly because the audience will focus attention on tearing her down, distracting from Lonzie. This phenomenom occurs out of fear. We all want to feel safe in the belief that such horrors are completely preventable, "That could never happen to my child, because I am a good mother". That belief is easier to rationalize if we can convince ourselves that she is a "bad mother" and therefore at fault. Tearing her down is easier if we can have a look at her, folks will be talking about her hair color, jewelry, manicure and analyzing every facial expression.....none of that will help find Lonzie.

BUT at this point it is getting a little wierd. It is time for her to show her face and make a connection with the audience, plea for other witnesses to come forward.

AND it is important to hear from witnesses who saw Lonna that day. Witnesss may have looked right past WRE but noticed an attractive young woman. They may recognize her once they see her face and hear her voice on TV. If we are to assume she has told the truth, then eyewitness accounts of her activities will only bolster the case against WRE. If there is any possibility she was not truthful, then this information is even more important.

Hmmmm very interesting that Lonna does not want to be seen. WHY?

Is it because she does not want to be recognized for some odd reason?
BBM - Well, it's the South. We thank everybody for everything. I don't find it odd. Even if she is fully convinced that Lonzie is alive, she could still be thankful for those who are trying to help.

I think she will keep saying he is alive till his body is found!
JMO I think she knows what happened to Lonzie! JMO
FWIW, here's a transcript of Heather Crawford's interview with Lonna and Chris Barton, as of the August 15 2:01 a. m. update:

Reporter: Lonzie's mother, Lonna Barton said she has not spoken publicly because she did not want the focus to be on her. She says she's breaking her silence because she says it's time to thank everyone, from the police to strangers to loved ones – for everything that everyone is doing to find Lonzie and she and the toddler's father both believe their son is still alive.

(cut to interview)

Lonna Barton: He's just so joyful and... and I miss that.

R: Lonna Barton has not held her baby boy in her arms for 21 long days. It's home videos like this one that she now treasures more than ever.

(close up of video of Lonzie on Lonna's cell phone)

LB: 'Cuz there's not one thing on this earth that I want more than my baby.

R: She says that the last time that she saw her toddler was when he was in the car with his big sister and Ruben Ebron as they dropped her off at work.

LB: I gave him and Lily a kiss on their forehead and told them mommy loved them and I would see them when they got there to pick me up. I just never imagined I wouldn't see him again.

R: Hours later Ebron would call police and report his car stolen and Lonzie missing. Ebron said Lonzie's 5 year old sister came inside the apartment where he was and said she was scared.

R: Has she told you anything that might help find him?

LB: (tearfully) Not really, um... she just, you know, she just... says that, you know we, we have to find babyman and... pretty much everywhere we'll go she'll tell people you know my baby brother is missing, can you please help us find him... and every officer we pass she'll, you know, make him aware of that her baby brother's still missing and they still haven't found him can they please, you know, bring him home.

R: Lonna and Chris Barton agreed to sit down with us because they say they want the community to know how grateful they are for all of the support and the prayers and the time that has been dedicated to finding their son.

LB: All the time that is, you know, that they're inside their homes and taking their time, you know, before bedtime to squeeze that little prayer in for our son and our family... I really, you know, we really do appreciate it. We... we just want them to keep doing the same you know, and vice versa you know, we are praying for them too that they don't give up, you know, that God just keeps that little kindle of a flame burning in them... to, you know, keep our baby in their prayers and to not let them forget, you know, that he's still out there and he still hasn't been brought home and that he still needs them prayers.

Chris Barton: Everyone that has uh, babies... babies (LB: Hold 'em tight) Hold 'em tight, love 'em, squeeze 'em (LB: Don't take it for granted) don't... cherish every single minute you have.

R: They ask we not show their face (sic) for the sake of their other children.

LB: I don't want to be the focus, my baby should be the focus. They need to see his face, you know, not mine.

R: They [LE] have now said that they believe this is a murder investigation and that they believe Ruben has information that can help find him.

LB: I do not believe my baby was murdered. That's one thing that I refuse to believe, that evidence has not been put in my face, or on paper or in proof in front of me and that's one thing that I will not come to terms with, as far as even my baby not being alive, because until someone can prove otherwise, my b- I hope I … I can't help but I hope that someone has him that is taking good care of him.

R: Police have named Ebron as a suspect in Lonzie's disappearance. JSO released this surveillance video they say disproves Ebron's story. Lonna has so many questions and has visited Ebron in jail more than once.

LB: I just, you know, told him if there was anything, you know, that needed to be said, that was the time to, you know, do it, that... you know, that I would, you know... I'm looking for answers and... I was turning, you know, to him for them if he had them and... and he told me that I'm not the key, he was, he was not the key that, you know, everyone thinks that he was, that he wished he could give me the answers that I needed and that whoever had Lonzie and, has him, needs to just bring him home.

R: While Lonna and Chris light a candle each night for Lonzie they pray and have faith that their son will soon be back in their arms.

LB: I don't care if they set my baby down in the most public place ever and just walked away... I just want my baby back. You know, and at this point I wouldn't even ask questions.

R: I asked Lonna what she thinks happened to Lonzie and she said she truly doesn't know and as a mom that is the hardest part – the not knowing. I could see the pain in her eyes, I could hear it in her voice, but she and Lonzie's father refuse to give up hope that their son will be found alive. Heather Crawford, First Coast News NBC12, ABC25.


I am reminded that I'm not an auditory learner.

All of those "you knows" are bothering me.
BBM - Well, it's the South. We thank everybody for everything. I don't find it odd. Even if she is fully convinced that Lonzie is alive, she could still be thankful for those who are trying to help.
As a Southerner myself, I must concur. You would ALWAYS "thank everybody for everything" whether or not their efforts had helped you. To thank them for their efforts, in other words. Not to do so would be considered rude/bad manners -- in general, that is.
I think she will keep saying he is alive till his body is found!
JMO I think she knows what happened to Lonzie! JMO

You may be right. TOS prevent me from fleshing out what I think happened. I just hope and pray that LE has something strong and concrete that will lead them to the real story and to Lonzie's precious little body. :(
The most recent MSM article says the last sighting of Lonzie was 8:30, but it doesn't specify if it was by Lonna. Perhaps the video of her being dropped off at Wacko's turned out to be verification after the police studied it. The article can be found at

"Lonzie was last seen by someone other than Ebron at 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 23. If anyone has any information related to Lonzie's whereabouts, you are urged to contact the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office at 904-630-0500 or, to remain anonymous and receive a possible cash reward of $12,800, call Crime Stoppers at 1-866-845-TIPS."
[quote="Ray_of_hope" post=11953239]Sad news:

From this article:
"Lonzie's mother told police that she last saw her son around 8 p.m. Thursday night at a laundromat on Powers Avenue, about 1.5 miles from where the apartment complex. Police spend much of Friday afternoon at the business, including search a dumpster behind the building."

I hadn't realized that it was the mother, Lonna, who reported last seeing him at the landromat. Did Ebron just drop her off at the laundry? I guess I assumed he drove her to work and that's when she last saw Lonzie. Now I'm going to have to re-read all the media. ...unless someone else has the answer for me. ;) [/QUOTE]

Not sure if I'm doing this right, but this is one of the earliest mentions of LL last seeing Lonzie at 8pm at the laundromat from Thread 1. Has it been discredited and chalked up to bad reporting since then?
"Lonna was adamant Lonzie was abducted"

That's the same thing the Anthony's said about Caylee. And we know what happened to Caylee, RIP Caylee.

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If Lonna and Chris believe that Lonzie is alive, they apparently accept the carjacking story, bc that's the account that RE gave the LE and he was babysitting.

There's clear evidence that the carjacking was staged...
If Lonna and Chris believe that Lonzie is alive, they apparently accept the carjacking story, bc that's the account that RE gave the LE and he was babysitting.

There's clear evidence that the carjacking was staged...

Either that or they have reason to believe RE did something else with Lonzie that would lead to him still being alive. If so, they need to be sharing that information with JSO.
Has LE yet to name what was taken from apt during their search? And what was missing?

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