Sheriff Bowerman reminds me of an Andy Griffith type official. Just a good ol boy, aw shucks, don't know if there are any cameras.
And yet he's able to organize this:
"The primary searchers included multiple agencies such as, Salmon Search & Rescue, The Lemhi County Sheriff’s Office, The Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office & Bonneville County Search & Rescue, Salmon PD, Idaho Fish & Game, multiple canine handlers, divers,"
Add in the infrared helicopter.
Plus the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children sent an agent from Wyoming who is familiar with the mountainous terrain.
I'm 99% sure Bowerman pulled out every resource he had available. I'd love to hear what he really thinks happened.
I also think Sheriff Bowerman and his deputies are doing there best to find little Deorr as have all who have been out searching for him.