Skinner - Verified Friend of Mark Sievers - Q & A thread

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The bloody coveralls that were found, (IMO) is a sign of premeditation. I personally don't think MS was involved at all, and is in absolute shock, and probably feeling guilty that he brought this convicted drug dealer into their life's.
One more question if I may. The notion that MS and WW are biologically related, true or false?

Thanks again for joining the discussion here at WS, and sharing your insight. In return, I hope we can help you, if in no way other than by providing a sounding board where you can work through your thoughts while you await answers.

Hi Bessie.

They are not related. Just very long time friends.

Also, the speculation about identity theft, or some strange talk about how WW tried or wished to impersonate... is just silly nonsense.

For the record, MS is about 5", maybe 6" taller, than WW.

WW shaved his head some years before MS did. I cannot recall when for WW, but it was around 2000 give or take, and MS maybe 4 years later. ? Cannot recall those types of details, but when MS did it, people joked about the resemblance. That type of joking, to my recollection, did not happen during all the years former.
Thanks for joining Websleuths. I read much more than I post and many years of reading about crimes has made me very cynical about involvement of family (because that's so often the case). However, I tend to go back and forth about this case so I guess I'm mostly on the fence about the role, if any, of family this time. Your perspective is greatly appreciated.
Welcome & thank you, Skinner!

(I hope us Sleuthers don't inundate you---please be patient with us; we really are a good group)!
Welcome Skinner, and I hope that your prayers are met. If I may ask....

When was the last time you talked with Mark?

What kind of car does WW drive?

Can you elaborate on misconceptions or misinformation that you would like to clear up?

ETA: I see that you know WW well, I do hope that family and friends are supporting his wife, who is a victim in all of this too.
Hello Skinner and welcome to Websleuths :) I'm one of the members who have NO clue as to who, if anyone else, is guilty and what to expect next. My opinion changes several times a day as I read so many possible scenarios of the wonderful folks we have on here. I'm baffled as to why MS hasn't contacted TS family after the arrests. I would think he would want to speak with them about his friends and the developments. Also, why in the world would MS allow WW access to the computers at the office knowing WW's prior and long term struggle with drugs (I ask this because script hanky panky has come up as a motive). One thing I'm fairly certain of in my mind is that JR was sent there to perform a murder. His Facebook page appeared that he fancied himself as a hitman. Everything is JMO. Thanks again for putting yourself out there for us to talk to.

Regarding computer work, this is the least important issue, in my mind, though perhaps, if WW saw something that was opportunistic to himself via private records, that could get ugly with regard to patient/client privilege.

But first off, MS had been paying exorbitant fees to a different company and not doing a professional job, so WW is the goto guy for this stuff. Totally normal for MS to call on the best guy for the job who happens to be your trusted friend and is not going to charge very much at all, to do the job perfectly and more so. This is not even an issue.

Whenever computer networking issues come up in business, even if the decision-maker has knowledge of computers, will typically warn a stranger about privacy, and probably sign some type of non disclosure agreement, to get the job, along with having to demonstrate proficiency. WW is way above and beyond on ability. This is a no-brainer for MS and his wife, who I'm sure accepts the good fortune coming their way as a result of MS having such a friend. The privacy issue, probably would not be worried about by MS and TS. If later some impropriety shows up, it would be a surprise to both of them. Not sure that MS told TS the extent about WW's past with Meth, but TS was of the mindset about not judging and giving people 2nd chances, I believe.

WW would not travel to Florida to get Rx script paper, if TS even had those around. She certainly could have, having an M.D., but she had moved away from mainstream medicine in her practice. She also spent 1 hour with each patient, or sometimes 1 hour and 15 minutes.

MS had told me about how the insurance company rulings were a nightmare, and to make a long story short, they weaned themselves off insurance payments until they were exclusively pay at the window for your appointment (either before or immediately after, I do not recall. Maybe had some patient billing, to trusted clients, too. I don't know).

Getting off and away from insurance billing transpired maybe, Mmmmmm, 5 years ago?, give or take.

Regarding JR as a hitman, look for my new post in a just a few minutes, which worries me, when I think about it.
Thank you for joining us here, Skinner!

I was just wondering if you personally know either CWW or JR? I am guessing because of your long-term friendship with MS, you have at least heard of CWW. Can you offer any insight or speculation towards motive? If things played out as you suggested upthread, what do you think CWW might have been trying to retrieve from the house?


In my 2nd post (post #5) I wrote "I'm not sure what the main objective is for WW..."

He had been accused of thievery, many years ago, that I know of, but I do not know the main objective here. WW is bright and shrewd. I don't know what lurks behind motivation on this one.... hoping it's not as circumstantial evidence is leaning.
Welcome Skinner.

I would like to know your thoughts.... *if* JR and WW were arguing with TS (and themselves) for 5+ hours in the home, it seems there would be a lot of DNA evidence that would have led LE on an easier path, especially with ID'ing JR by DNA evidence in the home. But it seems that LE had a difficult time with ID of perps. I can understand WW DNA in the home from prior visits there as friend of MS, but it seems JR DNA evidence would have led to an arrest earlier than 8 weeks after the murder.

About the hammer - was it left at the crime scene? Also, "if* there were actually 27 hits with the hammer, that seems like serious passion or revenge. I imagine she was dead after a few hits. Why 27 hammer hits if the killing was just to silence the witness to their break-in?

Where were the dogs during this time of arguing and killing?

This is the new thought that worries me. I just thought about this (while many of you may have seen the implications immediately, it just dawned on me).

IF the smock, or overalls, that JR had buried, were the type of garment used to completely mask your own clothing (underneath) for the purpose of not getting stains on your "real" clothes, then this is very damning.

In my initial posts, I tried to postulate how two guys saw an opportunity on the spur of the moment to drive to FL to a vacant house, when they got caught unexpectedly and things go bad.

BUT if JR is actually dressed and prepared for a hit, then that is the sole purpose of this endeavor, and the connection to MS via WW, is near impossible in my mind to dismiss. It would exclude my theory immediately, since murder was the intention from the beginning.
Welcome, if WW needed to retrieve something so important from the house why didn't he/they get it when the whole family was in Conn. and no one home? Why wait until Dr. T is comming home alone? JR had no way of knowing any info on the Sievers 1st hand, WW had 1st hand info, but certainly NOT, IMO from reading emails.

Did Dr. T know about WW drug past?

Do you know or ever met Lenka Spiska?


To your first question, my answer is I don't know.
To your second question, maybe WW is under the belief that the whole family is away until Wednesday.

This issue, though, is problematic for me. The timing of the ordeal is just bad luck? Yeah... I'm worried when I ponder some of the intricacies.

Regarding knowledge, why would you assume (as you don't) that it came from Emails? MS talks to WW all the time on the phone. In that conversation, WW becomes aware of the trip to a funeral, and MS also mentions intending to extend it a few days to Wednesday, without giving all the details about TS coming back on Sunday night to see patients. That could be just a not spoken detail, or an obvious one not needing communication, or she considered staying up there and then reconsidered and came back on Sunday night.

Did TS know about WW past? Probably, maybe , I don't know, but it does not seem an issue to me.

I do not know Lenka Spiska.
Skinner are you a Missouri friend of MS or a friend met down in FL?

Was WW recent marriage a long time coming or a bit of a surprise?

When did WW take over the IT job at the office?

Dr. Teresa was a remarkable and extremely energetic woman. I bet MS was proud of her on one hand but perhaps feeling overshadowed on the other. It is very difficult for a man to be thought of as a homemaker. I know he was the office manager but it was a job where again she was the boss.

When you have a chance tell us a little bit about MS, his hobbies, his past jobs, his education and his relationship with his own family.
Welcome Skinner and thank you for taking our questions and hearing our thoughts. I can't begin to imagine your position as a friend of MS and this makes me realize how many people are affected by this tragedy. I'm glad to hear you have your faith to fall back on during this especially stressful time.

I'd like to apologize in advance if I have said anything hurtful regarding MS, as it's not meant to be that way. I only wish to find out who all the parties are that were involved in this heinous crime. During the process of trying to understand all the details, and because we don't have very much information from LE, I have made assumptions that hopefully will turn out to be wrong. Time will no doubt tell, and hopefully we will know all the answers very soon.

I believe one of the biggest red flags to me (other than TS being home alone when this happened) is that MS has been extremely quiet ... there were no public statements from the very beginning, and I felt that an innocent husband would surely cry out for people to come forward with any information they might have. I wanted him to speak of this horrific crime and show us how shocked and saddened he was. I realize everyone has their own way of dealing with tragedy, but I still feel disappointed and suspicious that he has not said anything at all. Now it appears, from what we know, that he has not even communicated with his wife's family since the arrests ... is that true to your knowledge?

There are so many coincidences in this case which have led me to be suspicious of MS, and I've said before I do hope I am wrong, especially for the sake of the two precious daughters. Also, what item could be so important to WW to steal from the Sievers' home? This was his good friend's home!! I appreciate your theory, but I confess I'm having a difficult time absorbing it.

Lastly, thank you again for putting yourself in the open arena here at WS ... I know this can't be easy for you. Let's hope and pray for everyone's sake that MS is completely innocent.
Hello skinner

Welcome and very glad you are here!

Your theory and ideas are very plausible and I can see a scenario playing out exactly or close to what you say. You're right in that if WW was not present it discounts it though.

The things I'd want to think about to consider the theory are these:

1. What would they have wanted to obtain from their home - and, if the case, wouldn't they have left with it so robbery was in the mix?

2. If they entered the home and TS walked in on them, how did they get in without sounding the alarm?

3. If MS not involved he'd be shocked no doubt and given that he appeared close to TS family, wouldn't the first reaction at his best friend being arrested be to contact her family and let them know he's as surprised as the rest of the world and not involved? In fact, wouldn't he contact them upon arrest of anyone even a stranger? I will say the fact of no contact was as of Friday so there may have been since.

I can't even imagine the internal conflict you must feel and thank you so much for coming here and sharing your thoughts because they are much appreciated. For myself, I want nothing more than for MS to not be involved because that would mean TS hadnt been betrayed by the person she shared her life with, and for their children to still feel safe in this world with their Daddy still there.

1) I do not know the answer, if it was not murder. But all the history you sleuths have brought up about home addresses in Missouri and Florida, is absolutely nothing to write about, but past history - real estate deals, hopeful profits. But in that history, WW has made countless trips to Florida and could almost be viewed by himself as a trip to the local 7-11, as many times as he has driven down there. I'm hoping that, aside from murder, it was just a quick idea with another rascal (JR) to go and do a quick thing.

2) I read a post on Thread #6 by somebody who gave a very good response to this question. Sorry I cannot say more.

3) MS can hardly speak about the murder and the details, that he does not break down into tears. Grief-stricken, horribly so. In his speaking to me, 3 times since the murder (last time was about 4 weeks ago), I could feel the breathing of his diaphragm over the phone, and frustration as he fought back crying to talk.
This is the new thought that worries me. I just thought about this (while many of you may have seen the implications immediately, it just dawned on me).

IF the smock, or overalls, that JR had buried, were the type of garment used to completely mask your own clothing (underneath) for the purpose of not getting stains on your "real" clothes, then this is very damning.

In my initial posts, I tried to postulate how two guys saw an opportunity on the spur of the moment to drive to FL to a vacant house, when they got caught unexpectedly and things go bad.

BUT if JR is actually dressed and prepared for a hit, then that is the sole purpose of this endeavor, and the connection to MS via WW, is near impossible in my mind to dismiss. It would exclude my theory immediately, since murder was the intention from the beginning.
Mr Skinner, I also think the "the bloody jumpsuit" was Jimmy Roger's insurance that he would not subsequently get "knocked off" by Wright! And that would be the reason Taylor (JR's girlfriend) would have been told about the "location of the jumpsuit." Wow!! Kind of the "if any thing ever happens to me, the evidence is in my locked safety deposit box."

I'm betting there was a lot more evidence the LE have (that was with the coveralls) pointing at WW's involvement, maps, alarm code, burner phone, etc. Thank god the GF went to the police, or she might not be alive.

I really don't think MS's was involved though...

Your theory is partially based on the possibility that WW had reason to suspect that nobody would be at the house until Wednesday. However, it is my understanding that WW had access to computer records at the practice. Do you have any information as to how the practice handled booking appointments? In other words, was it possible for WW to check TS's schedule to confirm that she did not have any appointments scheduled until Wednesday?
Hi Skinner and welcome to Websleuths :)

First, thank you for your eloquent, heartfelt post explaining your theory of how things may have transpired. Obviously, you think highly of Mark and my heart breaks for all of TS and MS's friends and loved ones having to deal with any of this right now.

I don't even have words to properly express my gratitude for you choosing to dive into this discussion for the purpose of enlightening us so that we can be more informed. Considering some of the opinions expressed here, I know that wasn't an easy choice. Mad respect, my friend. Mark is a lucky, lucky man to have such a loyal, trusting friend. And God knows, he needs one right now. Bless you!

That said, my issue regards Bessie's post I quoted below, particularly the portion I emphasized.

Welcome, Skinner. Based on what we know at this time, I'd say that certainly is a plausible theory. Which begs the question: What would WW want from the house that was so important he'd allow his best friend's wife to be murdered? Five hours, give or take, seems like an awfully long time to come to a decision over it.
If possible, can you enlighten us about the relationship between TS and WW from your point of view?


Expounding further:
The house was broken into. There is firm evidence of that, including photographs. It's the 5 hours, I can't reconcile. Teresa returns to her home that had been broken into and unexpectedly discovered WW and JR in her home, I just can't wrap my head around it taking 5 hours. I simply can't reconcile the time lapse on many levels. That she didn't immediately notify police of the obvious break in. Even if you consider she didn't notice it, she was still bound to have had questions about not only why they were in her home without prior consent, questions about why the alarm system faulted, etc... I'm wondering if the first thing they did was take her cell phone and disable the landline (considering they have one, I can't recall that). Even though she knew and possibly trusted WW, discovering him there with another man unknown to her,...well, at the very least, she would have called Mark immediately, don't you think? And wouldn't he have ripped WW a new one and have a LOT of questions? eta: Considering she would have notified Mark, would he have allowed WW to stay and attend her memorial service??? Even if she was unable to notify Mark (phone confiscated) Mark would have had to have known he was at the very least in Florida since he stayed to attend the memorial service. All of it is mind boggling and just leads to more questions...

Thanks again for your willingness to take on our questions.

(Admin note: Don't hesitate for a second to click on the little triangle at the bottom left of each post if you see anyone being rude to you personally. It will not be tolerated. When you click that icon, a message box will appear where you can simply type in "Mod please review")
Hi Skinner, welcome and thanks for offering to answer questions.

Can you verify that Teresa called her husband from the airport and not from their home? I don't understand why anyone would call their husband from the airport, to say they were "home" safe - usually a call to say you got home safely, means you are actually home. A call from the airport, just means that the plane didn't crash (in which case, it would have been all over the news anyway).

If people care about you, they want to make sure you make it home, not just to the airport or wherever (I understand it was her calling him, so he may not have had much choice in the matter).
Skinner are you a Missouri friend of MS or a friend met down in FL?

Was WW recent marriage a long time coming or a bit of a surprise?

When did WW take over the IT job at the office?

Dr. Teresa was a remarkable and extremely energetic woman. I bet MS was proud of her on one hand but perhaps feeling overshadowed on the other. It is very difficult for a man to be thought of as a homemaker. I know he was the office manager but it was a job where again she was the boss.

When you have a chance tell us a little bit about MS, his hobbies, his past jobs, his education and his relationship with his own family.

I have not seen or spoken to WW in 10 years, but know a great deal about him in both personal and business relationship. MS introduced me to WW in late 1990's. I've known MS for another 10 years before that.

WW latest marriage - like I said, I'm outside WW personal circle now for a decade, but when hearing about the new marriage, it did not surprise me. This is his 3rd, I think.

IT job - not certain, but a few years ago.

Regarding the psyche profile questions that you ask, and many others... look at a post to come by me, but I do not intend to elaborate.
Hi Skinner,welcome and thank you for coming on here and answering our questions.

Your theory is partially based on the possibility that WW had reason to suspect that nobody would be at the house until Wednesday. However, it is my understanding that WW had access to computer records at the practice. Do you have any information as to how the practice handled booking appointments? In other words, was it possible for WW to check TS's schedule to confirm that she did not have any appointments scheduled until Wednesday?

Answered already in another post of mine, but whether his knowledge came from a phone call by MS alerting another friend of his agenda over the next several days, or if WW obtained scheduling info. from office network, then the answer is absolutely yes, if this is how he came into the knowledge, since it goes without saying. If you can fix a computer database remotely, which you do not need to be all that masterful in order to achieve, then that is a no-brainer. Countless kids know how to use remote software on PC's.

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