IL - Lt. Charles 'Joe' Gliniewicz, 52, found dead, Fox Lake, 1 Sep 2015 - #4

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Manhunt underway in Fox Lake after officer fatally shot

FOX LAKE, Ill. (WLS) -- A manhunt is underway in far north suburban Fox Lake. Police said they are looking for two men who should be considered armed and dangerous.

A law enforcement source said a Fox Lake police officer has been shot and killed.

Initially, police said someone was shot near an old cement plant in the 100-block of Honing Road. Officers were seen searching a wooded area near the scene for several hours Tuesday morning. Canine units were brought in from various jurisdictions, including McHenry County.

Mystery deepens in death of police officer in Fox Lake, Illinois
Posted: Sep 11, 2015 6:45 AM CST Updated: Sep 11, 2015 6:47 AM CST
(CNN) -- It was the type of routine call the cop known as "G.I. Joe" must have recounted for the young people he mentored in the village of Fox Lake, a popular boating and fishing spot about an hour north of Chicago.

Lt. Joe Gliniewicz had planned to retire in August but he'd been asked to stay on another month. And there he was, nine days ago, in the most familiar of situations for the Army veteran and father of four.

But the last radio call of his more than 30 years on the job was anything but routine. It would signal the beginning of a deepening mystery that has so far stumped investigators. Now the coroner says he can't rule anything out - homicide, suicide or accident.

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JMO The pursuit and investigation of this event as a homicide is based upon the call made by Gliniewicz regarding the 3 people he was suspiciously pursuing. This indicates that he actually saw that the 3 were 2 white males and 1 black male. Further, that they were running toward the "swamp" as he was speaking with the dispatcher. I can't see that it can EVER be proved that they were not there, but it can be proved that whether they were a work of fiction or not, they were not responsible for CG's death. There is a very remote possibility that someone else caused his death. I can't see it, but if Homicide is still not ruled out, it must be there. If it happened to turn out that his death was caused by someone he knew, then his story is less than heroic, because that would prove that the dispatch call was a false report. If this does involve a fellow or former colleague, then the people who know him have their suspicions. If this is a cover-up for either a homicide or a suicide, a lot of people need to be investigated by the Feds. JMO
The more I think about it, I think MG meant why didn't he just walk away and say this is the end after his Monday meeting with the mayor.

I agree with cady's above post. I dont think this was a random or stranger homicide. IF this is a homicide I have no doubt it was commited by someone known to LT. CG. There is going to be controversy regardless of the decision on tne MOD if it is determined by the current investigators. IMO the investigation should be turned over to feds because everyone else is just to close and personally invested.
JMO Presumably, his wife was his closest confidante. If anyone knew of his sentiments and frustrations with his department, it would have been her. I hope that she has told all that she knows to investigators. I don't expect her to air that publicly. JMO
The more I think about it, I think MG meant why didn't he just walk away and say this is the end after his Monday meeting with the mayor.

I agree with cady's above post. I dont think this was a random or stranger homicide. IF this is a homicide I have no doubt it was commited by someone known to LT. CG. There is going to be controversy regardless of the decision on tne MOD if it is determined by the current investigators. IMO the investigation should be turned over to feds because everyone else is just to close and personally invested.

Finally caught up on reading this thread over a day or two and I totally agree with all of this.

A few thoughts: based on all we now know, the timeline, the weapon, the range, the GPR on CG's hands, the lack of defense wounds, etc. it appears to be *highly* unlikely he was shot by one of the three unknown people he was supposedly in pursuit of.

Regarding the description he called in, having listened to the tape: at first I was pretty angry that he may have put innocent people in danger of being hurt/arrested/tried for a murder that never happened, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt since his description was so sparse "two white one black" as to be nearly impossible to target someone with. Does it strike me as being (probably subconsciously on his part) racist? Yeah. *But* had he wanted to specifically feed the anti-BLM/war on cops by people of color frenzy, I think he would have chosen to tilt the racial make-up of the perpetrators in the other direction. (Not that it stopped a lot of the media from running with the "omg BLM terrorist" angle regardless) It's also entirely possible he's noticed three people earlier who fit this description and they were who he visualized when calling this in, but as a crutch, not because he wanted to pin it on them. In other words, people feel that adding a bit of truth to a lie always helps with sounding authentic.

I feel very badly for his family. They didn't ask for this tragedy and given the political climate the resulting media circus and national hero funeral wasn't anything they had control over. This isn't their fault and I don't blame them for feeling bitter, angry, etc when all of that public adulation and grieving is suddenly not only being pulled out from under them but also turning against them. Again, they are pawns in this and they've lost their loved one and their lives are never going to be the same. Having to come to terms with the shock, denial, and possible self-blame that your spouse or father may have killed themselves is hard enough. Doing so in the public spotlight is unimaginable, doubly so when it means acknowledging that the person you loved may have lied to and misled you, even if they thought they were doing so in order to make your life better without them. I think most people would crack under that pressure.

Lastly, this is the second recent case I've read about on here where the tragic death of a LE officer is immediately thrust into the national forefront by media and police organizations as being the inevitable result of anti-police brutality activism. Both of these cases were initially promoted with story lines carefully crafted to maximize public outrage and strengthen the "US (police) against THEM" mindset. Both cases have turned out to be far different than the initial reports would have us believe. I think this has caused unnecessary pain and suffering for the loved ones who have left behind in these two cases.
Great post, Marble! Thanks. JMO
I agree with cady's above post. I don't think this was a random or stranger homicide. IF this is a homicide I have no doubt it was committed by someone known to LT. CG. There is going to be controversy regardless of the decision on the MOD if it is determined by the current investigators. IMO the investigation should be turned over to feds because everyone else is just to close and personally invested.

It boggles my mind as to how some others can maintain the belief that this was either and inside job or that the Lt. was setup and intentionally murdered by anyone else.

What kind of assassin would have been able to PLAN ahead and know that the Lt. would be in that area at that exact time, trick him into reporting and pursing the three suspects (without getting backup there first) and not only plan it out but to pull it off - using the Lt's own weapon to kill him. . . and then have all the involved parties VANISH into the marsh with no evidence of foot prints or significant scent trails to follow!?!

I'm sorry. I can't imagine how others can see that as a possibility.
I couldn't figure out how to reply to the previous posts because this new thread was started so please forgive my paraphrasing. I have a couple thoughts.

Regarding the fact that neither LE or the family is using the press to encourage the suspects to turn themselves in, there was a statement that claimed such efforts would be futile because if the suspects were going to do this, they would have done so long ago. I strongly disagree. Past cases have proven that as time goes on, there is often a change of heart as the suspect is unable to deal with the guilt. In cases with 3 suspects such as this case, the chance that 1 will talk to LE or tell someone else what happened is 3 times as likely. The reported facts of this case point to there being only 1 shooter. Therefore, the other 2 suspects have a strong incentive to come forward and strike a deal in exchange for their testimony. These 3 suspects, who were unsophisticated enough to allow themselves to be seen acting suspiciously by a passing officer, not have their own guns (my assumption), and not have a more secure meeting place, are unlikely to be high level crime bosses or disciplined, trained, secretive assassins with an unbreakable code of silence.

For any of this to even be possible we also must first believe that a crime was taking place which was significant enough to warrant the murder of a police officer. Yet none of them has a gun (or discharged it if they did have one)? No evidence of money or drugs being exchanged - this would have been hit on by the dogs and then carried away by the fleeing suspects. What type of serious criminal act occurs in a public place like this, with the "suspicious" behavior taking place within view of everyone, including a police officer driving by? The 3 suspects reportedly ran away. If there was only 1 officer, why stop? He could only possibly catch 1 person. You don't have a gun but you are willing to gamble that you can get the officers gun away from him? How did the 3 regroup out of sight, instantly make this decision, formulate an ambush plan and then execute it perfectly? If your crime is so severe that you must kill rather than continue running away or stopping to face this officer, why aren't you worried about leaving evidence/DNA during your struggle to take his gun? Why leave his gun with potential DNA & fingerprints? Why go to an area so far away from your possible get away car?

If LE has a significant evidence which they have claimed throughout this case, releasing this evidence can only increase the pressure on the suspects by demonstrating that they are closing in on them. They will ALWAYS have insignificant details that they can use to confirm statements or claims made by a suspect if needed. Did LE ever explain why the recently released information was held for so long or how it could have possibly threatened or undermined their entire investigation? They have confirmed all of the limited and vaugue information that Dr Rudd had previously released which they claimed was so reckless and damaging, so why the change of heart?

I also understand the perspective of the family being hurt by the thought of suicide but I think that Dr Rudd's comment regarding suicide was taken out of context and was also sensationalized by the media. Dr Rudd only stated the obvious, that the method of death has not been determined because he is waiting for evidence and that any of the 4 potential classifications were possible; homocide, suicide, accidental, or undetermined. The LE investigators have since confirmed this exact same thing several times.

Sorry for the long post and multiple topics.
It boggles my mind as to how some others can maintain the belief that this was either and inside job or that the Lt. was setup and intentionally murdered by anyone else.

What kind of assassin would have been able to PLAN ahead and know that the Lt. would be in that area at that exact time, trick him into reporting and pursing the three suspects (without getting backup there first) and not only plan it out but to pull it off - using the Lt's own weapon to kill him. . . and then have all the involved parties VANISH into the marsh with no evidence of foot prints or significant scent trails to follow!?!

I'm sorry. I can't imagine how others can see that as a possibility.

Relax, LOL. I think that it is next to impossible, but until homicide is ruled out, I have to allow for that "next to impossibility"!! Something IMO drove him to suicide. Was he under great duress about exposure of some kind? JMO
It boggles my mind as to how some others can maintain the belief that this was either and inside job or that the Lt. was setup and intentionally murdered by anyone else.

What kind of assassin would have been able to PLAN ahead and know that the Lt. would be in that area at that exact time, trick him into reporting and pursing the three suspects (without getting backup there first) and not only plan it out but to pull it off - using the Lt's own weapon to kill him. . . and then have all the involved parties VANISH into the marsh with no evidence of foot prints or significant scent trails to follow!?!

I'm sorry. I can't imagine how others can see that as a possibility.

We are all allowed to have our own opinions here. No need to make fun of others if you disagree. JMO
We are all allowed to have our own opinions here. No need to make fun of others if you disagree. JMO

I'm sorry if anyone took that as ridicule.

That was not my intention.

I only hope that readers will consider the extent that our imaginations are being stretched with some of these theories.
Al66pine said: I suspect, at the moment -
- There is much we (gen public, even sleuthers) do not know, because LE is holding back some/lots of info (approp'ly,imo).
- There is much LE does not know.

my response was; "We do know that LE's current actions are not the actions of a police force that actually BELIEVES that they have three cop killers running loose in their community." - Chuz

The Dutchess asked:
What should they be doing? Keep the town on lockdown? They are already being criticized for an "overblown" manhunt and taking too many resources and time and treating this case "special" because he's a cop.

I think you have missed my point. So, let me put it into a question.

If the investigators TRULY BELIEVE that this was a homicide/ murder. . . Why are they allowing for the possibility of this being a suicide?

Do you not see how it is a contradiction for them to hold a strong view that he was murdered and a strong view that he may have committed suicide at the same time?

The evidence and arguments for one seriously weakens the same for the other.

Editing to add this point: The authorities are not using the media to ask for the public's help, anymore. They are not using the media to try to get the 'suspects' to turn themselves in. They are not increasing the rewards or anything like that to increase pressure on the alleged "suspects." The manhunt was ended in only 14hrs with no warnings to the public that the killers are still "out there" and considered dangerous.

I don't see how they are in any way acting as though they seriously believe the Lt's 'killers' are still out there and on the loose. Their actions and more so their in-actions tell me that they have concluded that it was a suicide and they are trying to find ways to make sure they didn't miss anything (best case.) Either that, or (worse case) they are trying to cover it up and do some damage control.

I seriously hope it isn't that^^^
I'm sorry if anyone took that as ridicule.

That was not my intention.

I only hope that readers will consider the extent that our imaginations are being stretched with some of these theories.

I have no strong opinion either way on suicide or murder.
I do have a strong opinion about keeping an open mind to outrageous things though.
I think many of us are aware of how far our imaginations are being stretched.
We are aware because they have been stretched that far before.

People keep saying how hard it is to believe this could be a murder.
I believe some are willing to entertain that idea for a reason.
We have seen unbelievable things happen with cases here.
I have personally learned anything is possible.

Many people here agreed with LE that this outrageous, straight out of a movie case was a hoax.*ARREST*

Guess what? They were all wrong.
Unbelievable as it was, it was 100% true.
You just never know is what I've learned here. :twocents.
I read the website rules but I did not see my question addressed. Would I be allowed to post a picture of 2 MB and 1 MW subjects walking in the area of the crime around the same time? Their faces are not extremely clear but I would cover or blur them more to protect their identity.

The picture is a screenshot from a dash cam video of an aquaintance who was in the area. After watching the news the evening of the shooting, he review his video and found the trio walking along the road. The footage was immediately turned over to LE who have cleared the 3 men. It does look like 1 is carrying a bag with a beverage, possibly recently purchased, which could provide the receipt & alibi cited by LE. The house & background in the photo would be enough to pinpoint the area where the were seen but I have just started using Google street view to try and find a match and could probably use some help if anyone would be interested.

I dont think that the 3 were involved but I was interested in their location to see if it is plausible that Lt G might have seen them that morning and decided to mention them as others have opined, "to lend credibility" to his radio call/story.
It boggles my mind as to how some others can maintain the belief that this was either and inside job or that the Lt. was setup and intentionally murdered by anyone else.

What kind of assassin would have been able to PLAN ahead and know that the Lt. would be in that area at that exact time, trick him into reporting and pursing the three suspects (without getting backup there first) and not only plan it out but to pull it off - using the Lt's own weapon to kill him. . . and then have all the involved parties VANISH into the marsh with no evidence of foot prints or significant scent trails to follow!?!

I'm sorry. I can't imagine how others can see that as a possibility.

I don't hold the assassin angle as a huge possibility unless the assassin was actually in the vehicle with him to begin with. Has anyone asked it has been proven that he was alone in the vehicle that morning?
I don't hold the assassin angle as a huge possibility unless the assassin was actually in the vehicle with him to begin with. Has anyone asked it has been proven that he was alone in the vehicle that morning?

Not sure if anyone ever asked, but I'm sure that when inspecting the vehicle, they checked for prints and possible DNA. Also, hopefully they checked for prints and DNA on CG's radio. JMO
I read the website rules but I did not see my question addressed. Would I be allowed to post a picture of 2 MB and 1 MW subjects walking in the area of the crime around the same time? Their faces are not extremely clear but I would cover or blur them more to protect their identity.

The picture is a screenshot from a dash cam video of an aquaintance who was in the area. After watching the news the evening of the shooting, he review his video and found the trio walking along the road. The footage was immediately turned over to LE who have cleared the 3 men. It does look like 1 is carrying a bag with a beverage, possibly recently purchased, which could provide the receipt & alibi cited by LE. The house & background in the photo would be enough to pinpoint the area where the were seen but I have just started using Google street view to try and find a match and could probably use some help if anyone would be interested.

I dont think that the 3 were involved but I was interested in their location to see if it is plausible that Lt G might have seen them that morning and decided to mention them as others have opined, "to lend credibility" to his radio call/story.

But the trio he called in was:
The suspects are described as two white men and one black man.
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