Who Has Heard Burke's Voice on The 911 Tape?

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Have You Heard Burke's Voice on 911 Tape??

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    Votes: 115 44.7%
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    Votes: 60 23.3%

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Carlene Rigby

I've read up on this case and learned Carlene had siblings. I wonder if LE has interviewed them regarding what they may have seen or heard. Or did the Rigbys pull a JR and say, "[They] heard nothing!" to police without even asking the kids first?
Well, people, another mother strikes again:


And, as usual, what leaped out at me was how similar the circumstances were to this case. Most notably, it's another strike against the people who say, "Oh, if there had been an accident, the Ramseys would have called for help." Well, this one didn't! She and her boyfriend decided to cover it up. She can gush all over her daughter on Facebook, but won't lift a finger to help her when she's dying! AFTER keeping her IN THE HOUSE.

My God. I've asked it before, and I'll do it again: how many angels have to die??
Happens all the time Dave. It's kind of a shame that IMO, to be a good investigator or "sleuth", you really need to be detached and unemotional, especially in cases dealing with young children. In JBRs case it is easy to see how people like Arndt and Smit's performance was affected by their emotions. I see the same thing day after day on these forums. Some people get emotionally tied to the victims or players in these cases, and become unwilling to even consider evidence that might paint these people in even a slightly negative light. These cases should be looked at using a combination of fact and logic only., there simply is no room for emotions and gut feelings.

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Well, people, another mother strikes again:


And, as usual, what leaped out at me was how similar the circumstances were to this case. Most notably, it's another strike against the people who say, "Oh, if there had been an accident, the Ramseys would have called for help." Well, this one didn't! She and her boyfriend decided to cover it up. She can gush all over her daughter on Facebook, but won't lift a finger to help her when she's dying! AFTER keeping her IN THE HOUSE.

My God. I've asked it before, and I'll do it again: how many angels have to die??

The only similiarity I see between the cases is that in both of them, the adults had an involvement. In Bella's case, we don't even know the COD or can even theorize whether her murder was premediated, abuse leading to murder, rage accident, etc.
The only similiarity I see between the cases is that in both of them, the adults had an involvement. In Bella's case, we don't even know the COD or can even theorize whether her murder was premediated, abuse leading to murder, rage accident, etc.

I think there is a little more in common than that. There is also a parent that was not involved in the murder that, rather than calling police, decided to make herself an accomplice to the crime. I think 99.999999999999999999999% of people who found their significant other had killed their child, would be compelled to call the police rather than to help them get away with the crime. I think that what this shows is that their had always been a chronic disregard to the child, the parent's relationship being far more important than the child's life. I've always kind of suspected that the Ramsey's weren't exactly great parents. Yes they provided the necessities, but the kids were simply possessions that helped them fit in in certain social situations, but at other times were nothing more than a nuisance that interfered with their jet setting lifestyle. Similarly Bella was probably a nuisance to her parents when they wanted to indulge in their heroin lifestyle.
OK...so I think there's someone talking in the background of it. Like a young boy. But I can't quite make out what he's saying.

For the record, I am BDI and I think the enhanced phone call is really overall hard to hear.
I am almost surprised there hasn't been a copycat for JonBenet's murder. Where the parent kills the child and claims an intruder? Maybe it has happened and it didn't get much publicity and the parent was arrested shortly after..[/QUOTE said:
There probably have been several copycats..the problem is they did a better job than the Ramseys at covering their tracks. Hence we don't know about them.

Another thing to consider is that the Ramseys were probably not as brutal as others. Most people would have murdered everybody like in the McDonald case. I don't think Patsy or Burke could have done that, especially if JonBenets death was unintentional.
There probably have been several copycats..the problem is they did a better job than the Ramseys at covering their tracks. Hence we don't know about them.

Another thing to consider is that the Ramseys were probably not as brutal as others. Most people would have murdered everybody like in the McDonald case. I don't think Patsy or Burke could have done that, especially if JonBenets death was unintentional.

I don't think there are many cases out there where the parents say an intruder murdered their child, have the dead child's body still in the house and were never arrested. Any case with an intruder would get some media attention. And if it doesn't, it's probably because the family doesn't fit the background the media prefers, making it more likely they would be arrested. Lastly, I think any family who chooses that sort of coverup would likely seek out some type of media coverage.

I think any copycats get arrested right away and their cases fade away or never manage to generate much interest.
Why on gods earth would anybody want to copycat this case? It's pretty damned obvious the Ramsey's did it! So unless you have massive wealth, a DA in your back pocket and a police force that operated like Andy Griffith and Barney Fife, you aren't going to get away with it. As so many have said, this crime was the perfect storm and if it happened in any other place or at any other time, chances are the outcome would have been quite different.

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OK...so I think there's someone talking in the background of it. Like a young boy. But I can't quite make out what he's saying.

For the record, I am BDI and I think the enhanced phone call is really overall hard to hear.
Springrain (lovely username, BTW), I’m not sure which recording you’ve listened to. There are two versions that have been made public. One has the first part of the recording completely erased. The other one includes all of the beginning (which is usually transcribed as “inaudible”) and part of the end which has a portion that has had an obvious attempt at erasure. But the attempt at erasure was not complete, and the beginning portion of the conversation between Burke and John can be heard. The portion that can be heard is enough that if you are able to discern the words you’ll recognize it as the sound of words spoken by a young child.

If you care to look into this further, try the following:

First listen to the version that was received by Tricia (our fearless leader) and posted on Acandyrose.com.

I copied it to here (in case it ever disappears from there):

I used audio editing software to clean up some of the background noise (ambient sound, machine buzz, and the 911 operator’s keyboard clicking at the end). Here is the result:

I also have a Word document that shows what is commonly transcribed next to what I feel is a more accurate transcription, and next to that are explanations and comments. But by all means don’t read this document until you’ve had a chance to listen for yourself first. After you’ve listened, then listen again and read along with the transcription to see if you can hear any of the background conversation at the beginning and at the end. Here is the transcription document:
http://www.mediafire.com/view/fxa8mxqlmq5blu1/911 Transcript (otg version).doc

Any version that has the first and/or the last portions completely cut off is not worth fooling with (IMO). There is a version floating around that begins with Patsy saying, “Police!” There are others that have both the beginning and the end cut off. Years ago, NBC did a segment on this and played the 911 call. Both the beginning and the end were cut off and replaced with Katie Couric’s voiceover. Here is that recording:
Sorry, still don't hear anything. IMO either the enhanced audio has never been released or it was all just a ruse to see how the Ramseys would react. And we all know how that went.
Springrain (lovely username, BTW), I’m not sure which recording you’ve listened to. There are two versions that have been made public. One has the first part of the recording completely erased. The other one includes all of the beginning (which is usually transcribed as “inaudible”) and part of the end which has a portion that has had an obvious attempt at erasure. But the attempt at erasure was not complete, and the beginning portion of the conversation between Burke and John can be heard. The portion that can be heard is enough that if you are able to discern the words you’ll recognize it as the sound of words spoken by a young child.

If you care to look into this further, try the following:

First listen to the version that was received by Tricia (our fearless leader) and posted on Acandyrose.com.

I copied it to here (in case it ever disappears from there):

I used audio editing software to clean up some of the background noise (ambient sound, machine buzz, and the 911 operator’s keyboard clicking at the end). Here is the result:

I also have a Word document that shows what is commonly transcribed next to what I feel is a more accurate transcription, and next to that are explanations and comments. But by all means don’t read this document until you’ve had a chance to listen for yourself first. After you’ve listened, then listen again and read along with the transcription to see if you can hear any of the background conversation at the beginning and at the end. Here is the transcription document:
http://www.mediafire.com/view/fxa8mxqlmq5blu1/911 Transcript (otg version).doc

Any version that has the first and/or the last portions completely cut off is not worth fooling with (IMO). There is a version floating around that begins with Patsy saying, “Police!” There are others that have both the beginning and the end cut off. Years ago, NBC did a segment on this and played the 911 call. Both the beginning and the end were cut off and replaced with Katie Couric’s voiceover. Here is that recording:

I think I listened to the 2nd one you described...not 100% sure. & thank you for the links, will listen to later...
Sorry, still don't hear anything. IMO either the enhanced audio has never been released or it was all just a ruse to see how the Ramseys would react. And we all know how that went.

Are you using headphones or speakers?
OK...so I think there's someone talking in the background of it. Like a young boy. But I can't quite make out what he's saying.

For the record, I am BDI and I think the enhanced phone call is really overall hard to hear.

Way back in this forum a few years ago, I mentioned the 911 call from @candyrose with Pasty speaking before the operator spoke, and they thought they heard Pasty saying "help me Jesus,help me Jesus, they're going to arrest me." instead of Burke, but with John saying we're not talking to you, it had to be him. Maye cross talk and a little of both?

Which sounds like something Pasty would say.
Sorry, still don't hear anything. IMO either the enhanced audio has never been released or it was all just a ruse to see how the Ramseys would react. And we all know how that went.
Andreww, I’m truly sorry you’re unable to hear any of the conversation. However, your inability to “hear anything” is not proof that it doesn’t exist. It DOES exist -- I know what I can hear. I can hear exactly all of the words I printed out into the transcript of the 911 call.

The audio that was enhanced by Aerospace Corp. has never been released or heard by anyone other than those in Boulder LE. TMK, even the Ramseys have not heard the version that BPD had enhanced. I didn’t “enhance” the recording that was released publicly. As I stated, all I did was use audio software (WavePad Sound Editor) to eliminate the distracting background noise. The disputed voices are not as loud as Patsy’s voice when she’s speaking to the 911 operator because, as I’m sure you understand, those voices were not spoken directly into the phone (as when she spoke to Archuletta). The other conversations took place after she had put the receiver down and it picked up the voices in the same room.

Andreww, there is too much that we know about the Aerospace enhancement to doubt that it exists or to suggest that it was “just a ruse”. I see no value in trying to enumerate all those reasons again.
Tell ya’ what... Let’s try this...

I think hearing these subtle voices is like hearing a specific sound in a piece of music. When you listen to a musical recording you hear the tune, the melody, the overall sound with all the instruments coming together to make one single “sound”. But if you listen for, let’s say, the bass guitar in a band’s recording, you have to “tune out” the other sounds in order to distinguish it from the others. But once you’ve distinguished it and picked it out from the other sounds, you know what to listen for and you can hear it easily when you listen again. Another example would be looking for Waldo in a puzzle picture (That’s “Where’s Wally” for the Brits). Once you’ve found where in the picture he’s located, you have no problem seeing him the next time you look at the same picture.

To help anyone who wants to know what to listen for in the 911 recording, I isolated and looped just Patsy’s “Help me Jesus”. In the following clip, listen for the repeated sound of Patsy saying these words. Listen for the rhythm, the cadence, the pitch. It is repeated six times in this clip. Once you’ve heard it and know what to listen for, try listening again to the end of the 911 call while reading the transcript showing where it occurs. Here is that clip (the clicking sound is the 911 operator’s typing, which I tried to tone down without affecting the rest of the sound):

I did the same thing with Burke’s voice for those having difficulty hearing it. It’s him saying the words, “What did you...” (which is the point where the rest of the conversation was erased). That phrase is looped six times so you can (hopefully) know what to listen for at the end of the 911 recording. Here is that clip:

I hope this helps. Someone -- anyone -- PLEASE tell me you hear it for the first time! It really would make my day.
Tell ya’ what... Let’s try this...

I think hearing these subtle voices is like hearing a specific sound in a piece of music. When you listen to a musical recording you hear the tune, the melody, the overall sound with all the instruments coming together to make one single “sound”. But if you listen for, let’s say, the bass guitar in a band’s recording, you have to “tune out” the other sounds in order to distinguish it from the others. But once you’ve distinguished it and picked it out from the other sounds, you know what to listen for and you can hear it easily when you listen again. Another example would be looking for Waldo in a puzzle picture (That’s “Where’s Wally” for the Brits). Once you’ve found where in the picture he’s located, you have no problem seeing him the next time you look at the same picture.

To help anyone who wants to know what to listen for in the 911 recording, I isolated and looped just Patsy’s “Help me Jesus”. In the following clip, listen for the repeated sound of Patsy saying these words. Listen for the rhythm, the cadence, the pitch. It is repeated six times in this clip. Once you’ve heard it and know what to listen for, try listening again to the end of the 911 call while reading the transcript showing where it occurs. Here is that clip (the clicking sound is the 911 operator’s typing, which I tried to tone down without affecting the rest of the sound):

I did the same thing with Burke’s voice for those having difficulty hearing it. It’s him saying the words, “What did you...” (which is the point where the rest of the conversation was erased). That phrase is looped six times so you can (hopefully) know what to listen for at the end of the 911 recording. Here is that clip:

I hope this helps. Someone -- anyone -- PLEASE tell me you hear it for the first time! It really would make my day.

I heard it the first time. It sounds like, "What DID you...". IMO, we don't even need the enhanced tape to hear it.
I too was easily able to hear Burke's voice "What did..." Patsy's was a little harder but she is definitely saying something.

Thank you otg. This is the first time I've heard the 911 tapes outside of MSM.
Sounds to me like what people heard in the 80s when they played records backwards looking for hidden messages.

IMO if none of you had already been privy to the fact that Burke said "What did you find?", not one of you would be able to decipher that tape
And furthermore, there are two sides to that conversation. The Ramseys presumably attempted to disconnect the call but failed and Burke just happened to speak. But nobody has even considered whether those voices are background noise on the 911 operators side. I'm not sure how many people would be in that room but my guess is that it wasn't busy being the day after Christmas, and there was probably conversations going on in that office.

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