Bosma Murder Trial 05.16.16 - Day 49

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Quote Originally Posted by CJPRINCESS

I'm curious to how many people would remember. If one was to go out into a forest and bury something if they'd really know where exactly they buried it. Be in the frame MS claimed to be in (scared, frantic etc). Don't look for special trees, rocks or anything iconic to where you bury your item and in the dark. Go back in 3 days and see if you can find your item. I'm going to say, I'm 100% sure I wouldn't find my item or even be able to tell you where its location is. Other then, in a forest somewhere and which forest.

don't see how anyone can answer this honestly especially after having the discussion about how MS is lying and doesn't know where he buried it...everyone would be tracing their steps. The biggest factor why no one can answer this honestly is because none of us are going to be in the same situation as MS and DM that night.

Not sure what you mean, but all we have about the gun stuff is speculation, and fairly sketchy witness testimony. All we really know for sure is that a Walther existed (photos), and that a casing that could have come from it was found in Tim's truck.

In short, there's no evidence to back any of it up, we're all just spitballing after MS's amnesia testimony.

just a curiosity is all
I'm curious to how many people would remember. If one was to go out into a forest and bury something if they'd really know where exactly they buried it. Be in the frame MS claimed to be in (scared, frantic etc). Don't look for special trees, rocks or anything iconic to where you bury your item and in the dark. Go back in 3 days and see if you can find your item. I'm going to say, I'm 100% sure I wouldn't find my item or even be able to tell you where its location is. Other then, in a forest somewhere and which forest.

I don't think MS is being forthcoming but I can't help but wonder how many of us have hidden a birthday or holiday gift in a rush and then couldn't remember where we put it -- in our own homes.
I suspected it was oxy from the beginning (from the first time I heard about drugs other than weed). Just one more hook DM had in those who knew him. I think he likely really enjoyed being that position. The creep. :(
I'm drug naive but Google helped me with Oxy. It appears to be white so I'm curious what an "orange guy" could be
I don't think MS is being forthcoming but I can't help but wonder how many of us have hidden a birthday or holiday gift in a rush and then couldn't remember where we put it -- in our own homes.
Ummm I still can't find one to this day! I've torn my house apart!
I don't think MS is being forthcoming but I can't help but wonder how many of us have hidden a birthday or holiday gift in a rush and then couldn't remember where we put it -- in our own homes.

You have me there.

My big one is hiding valuables when I'm going to be away from home for a while and forgetting where I hid them.

Oh, and prescription pill bottles. (Grew up around too many addicts, sadly, so I automatically assume any visible rx bottle is a target for the cat sitter or whomever.)
MS strikes me as the type to call a friend rather than bury the gun himself. Recall that he didn't even pick up the drugs himself but instead trusted Arthur... who was not the most trustworthy person.
MS would remember where, he is being evasive, and that makes me believe he did not bury the gun himself. Perhaps Arthur or another lowlife buried it... or sold it and told MS they had buried it...
To me, this is a geocache game, with high probability of no cache.
I don't think MS is being forthcoming but I can't help but wonder how many of us have hidden a birthday or holiday gift in a rush and then couldn't remember where we put it -- in our own homes.

the many of times I can't find my keys! and that's usually after a few hours.
Is it possible the gun was not yet paid for when they used it?
Could the gun have been meant as MSs payment if the mission was successful?
When MS was showing his friend pictures of ammunition he said it was for his gun. Why wouldn't he show the gun he was bragging about if he had it? Was it promised to him but he had not yet received it?
When DM was arrested and the gun was "safe", did MS actually know where it was?
I am just trying to figure if the fear of N****s coming after him could be true if somebody was owed money and MS had neither money to pay for it or the gun itself?
i don't know if this was brought up but in the Bobcat vid, how come MS (while driving the Yukon) doesn't just roll up beside Bosma's truck to see what was up by powering down the passenger window and talking through the windows? Instead he pulled up directly behind bumper to bumper like MS knew ahead of time it was time to switch plates etc... odd maneuver at night on a test drive no? there was no traffic on that road, i probably would've done this, anybody else?? premeditation? moo

i don't know if this was brought up but in the Bobcat vid, how come MS (while driving the Yukon) doesn't just roll up beside Bosma's truck to see what was up by powering down the passenger window and talking through the windows? Instead he pulled up directly behind bumper to bumper like MS knew ahead of time it was time to switch plates etc... odd maneuver at night on a test drive no? there was no traffic on that road, i probably would've done this, anybody else?? premeditation? moo


Sure, but if MS is telling the truth, then in MS's mind, TB at this point believes there are two people in the Yukon. If they pull up beside the truck, then TB sees it's only MS
lol, ok then, being the cautious person that i am and i'm remembering that there is an invisible person with me i would've stayed way back, like 4-5 car lengths (or more!), just to see whats up!? anybody else smell the bullsh@t?... he pulls right up tight to the bumper without hesitation... like he knows wtf is going on!
Well I am still all over the map as far as MS. I believe some of what he says but not all. For the most part i feel he held up surprisingly well on his first full day of cross. As far as the gun I don't believe he has no idea where to atleast start looking for it.....but I think he either did bury it and it's still there or someone retrieved it. I think his memory lapse on the gun is more to do with where it came from then with this case. That he likely even had some contact with the seller or his associates while he has been in jail and that peeving that clique off is not something you want to do when your looking at a whole lot of time and good chance of crossing their paths on the inside.

I agree. If I was him I'd think I'd have claimed my lawyer suggested I not comment. Doesn't he have a right to remain silent on some issues?
I can't figure out why at this point, if I were him, I'd want to give up the location. So it's a moot conversation to have with the cross examiner not because he doesn't know where it is but because he doesn't want to incriminate himself any further. One never knows how things may be turned against you. IMO
(The irony here is that I'm sure people think the same thing about me, at least in RL. I like big words.)

Slightly off-topic: There is nothing wrong with 'big' words. I once had an old boyfriend who had quite the vocabulary. He was, and likely still is, a very verbose person. Every time he used a word that I didn't know it sent me straight to the dictionary. Without my knowing it, I found that I enjoyed learning new words and when a 'big word' comes across that I don't know, I'm delighted to learn it's meaning. I never told him but that man expanded my vocabulary with his love of words and it continues to this day. :)
Few devil's advocacy points:

There's a multi-hour gap before DM responds with "2". (But yes I am on record as not believing in the two-gun theory.)

Retooled: As someone who notices these things, DM makes weird word choices, partially out of an inflated sense of his own vocabulary (IMO). (The irony here is that I'm sure people think the same thing about me, at least in RL. I like big words.)

But I think stuff like "hegemony" and "mission digestion" and "retooled" are just DM being weird and not quite knowing what some of the words he uses actually mean.

No gun expert here but I grew up with them. "Retooled" is a common terminology as it relates to guns. Retooling is machining or hand rifling the barrel to change the lands and grooves which would be necessary to match up ballistics. I doubt that he used the term indicating that any weapon had in fact been retooled (unless he knew how to do it himself and took the time to do it), but as soon as I saw the term, my mind said "gun".
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