OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #14

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On the subject of motives. Could "skimming" profits be involved? Maybe someone decides to punish everyone who may have benefited from the "skimming". Considering DR and family lived in a recently
purchased home where $30,000 was paid down.

I think the $30,000 was a loan from the bank, wasn't it? I thought at first it was just their own money, and couldn't see having that much money from just odd jobs, but I think it was a loan.
One has to ask what is being preserved by a near total information blackout - evidence or political futures? Folks, we are approaching a month and we do not even have a bolo.

Well, if we go back to the California drugs by mail case, it would appear as though LE let a bunch of hints out (this is really big, we won't release info until we can bring down the whole thing, etc), and locals were likely able to piece together who was the recipient of the package. Now IF there is a connection, or a presumed connection, in the form of someone handing inside info over to LE, or being suspected of handing over info, between that event and this one, I would say that the complete and total shut-down of information is totally justified. Or even if LE were completely blindsided and just WONDER if there's a connection, that would be a really good reason to keep tight lips.

But I do continue to think that simply based on the size and scope of this killing we are looking at something large. Whether it was locals and friends (? or persons well-known) that actually pulled the triggers, I think that the motives and impetus are business rather than personal, likely go beyond the county and are tangled up in various illegal endeavors that were somehow threatened by the Rs.
I'm not on here much, well until this case happened. I actually forgot (gosh, I'm sorry) about it until I read about the Rhodens. And got sucked in. I hope everyone realizes that every single person that posts on here has theories based on how they process information and their own filters. "Something" has caused every one of these theories to be ignited in someone's mind/imagination. It's like some people have tried to make the point earlier, and I agree, that theories aren't meant to be shot down by someone just because it isn't their pet theory. When the arrests are made, then we can deal with facts. We know very little right now. So unless you're saying glow in the dark giant armed earthworms assisted by owls did it ...

So--are you saying we shouldn't be talking about the earthworms? :)
This is what's freaking me out, it could be about cars, can't wrap my mind around it, executing people over crime with cars. It could very well be the reason since there's so many, and they're taking the cars in as part of the investigation. It's easier for me to see drugs, revenge, trying to cover up associations of crime with drugs and cars. I just keep thinking about the grow ops the AG is talking about, if he's just saying there's alot of plants growing, like little plants in trays, even 200 is really nothing. Many of the plants don't make it, so growing alot of little transplants wouldn't be unusual living in the country making some money or personnal use with family and friends. I swear if this is about stupid cars, it will blow my mind.

Apparently there was a kid in Logan County executed because he spoke with LE re: his association with a big chop-sop guy.

I don't think that is the case here. Where I do think the cars COULD come in has to do with providing links to who they were selling weed through--and how they could have gotten on the wrong side of some pretty messed up folks.
What runs thru my thoughts...

HR, HG, CR jr and even FR were by most standards very young, and not able to be actively ' in on' any
Serious Family Business of any sort legal or illegal.

FR did the Derby cars, but I can't see that as reason for murder.
I ask myself why was the FR home was included in this event, as that group logically should not have been part of the business.
But then, I have the same thought about DR home.
That group could not have been significantly involved in Family Business.
I don't see DR selling a few cars as trouble.
Then I think of others who were left untouched.
BJM (I am not accusing, simply pointing out) was employed by CR Sr , was in and out of his home, cleaned it, etc.
BJM and other Manleys, because of close proximity, could have had knowledge equal to the younger victims.
So, I am left with, some were killed just because they were there. Because they could identify.

I remain puzzled by the FR home and DR home being included . Those adults must have had very specific knowledge.

I am thinking out loud and still, none of this makes any sense.

One possibility is the CRjr and FR are of an age that might strike back at whomever. And would probably be able to figure out who to go after.
I am remembering the young man who recently said he rode along with Chris Sr. to keep him company
when CR made car buying/selling trips.
Something he said made me wonder, but I don't have link.

Did he say they went to Detroit?

Why travel all the way to Detroit to buy or sell cars? Detroit is a red flag .
I think the $30,000 was a loan from the bank, wasn't it? I thought at first it was just their own money, and couldn't see having that much money from just odd jobs, but I think it was a loan.

This is confusing to me too. I thought that there was $30,000 cash paid down, and then $30,000 financed through the bank for the total of $60,000 for the property? If this is the case, then one wonders how a part time handyman came up with such cash. Even a $30K loan should require steady employment as a loan requirement, one would think?

Dont freak out over the words Mexican Cartels. Purpose is not Cartel discussion.

I re visit this article as it has good information, now we understand the geography much better, seems more pertinent.
If nothing else, I am stunned at the lack of action on the part of law enforcement.
This article includes all major activity, and there is much in the general area.

Makes me wonder why Local LE seemed to drop the ball.
I come up with theories across the board.
On going deep- far reaching state wide and beyond investigation.
Look the other way.
No resources to deal with this.

Any ideas?

I served on a federal grand jury once. Very enlightening. Heard a number of cases. Some were quick in-out indictments, but others took a long time to lay out background, connect the players and hear testimony.

I think that when we are looking at potential drug trafficking, or potential for chopping cars--or any of the various entanglements likely to have driven a massacre of this scale--then there are probably a lot of players and a lot of rounding up and connecting to take place. In contrast to someone who simply "goes postal" (frequent mass killers who generally end up dead themselves by the end of the event); or a personal jealousy/retribution (which I think would tend to focus more directly on an individual), I think Dewine was pretty accurate in laying this one out as being planned rather than passionate--and complex.

Enjoy y'all's company, but I think it's going to take some time.
Can someone clarify something for me? Was there another Rhoden brother, a brother of CRSr & GR, also living on Left Fork Rd? I believe that was a listed address for BR? Was he home that night of the homicides?
Sorry, I intended a different meaning by "clean". I was thinking maybe removing things that one would not want LE to see, like, for example, this "shatter" we have heard about, or anything of a compromising nature to the family. Maybe a hidden something that one wants to retrieve, because once LE gets there, there are things that you don't ask to be returned.

I did give that a quick thought, but it then raised the question--how might one make shatter or equipment disappear, given the time-frame? We're pretty certain that her companions were still with her when she made the 911 call (we can hear at least one background voice). Meanwhile, the plants are there.
I served on a federal grand jury once. Very enlightening. Heard a number of cases. Some were quick in-out indictments, but others took a long time to lay out background, connect the players and hear testimony.

I think that when we are looking at potential drug trafficking, or potential for chopping cars--or any of the various entanglements likely to have driven a massacre of this scale--then there are probably a lot of players and a lot of rounding up and connecting to take place. In contrast to someone who simply "goes postal" (frequent mass killers who generally end up dead themselves by the end of the event); or a personal jealousy/retribution (which I think would tend to focus more directly on an individual), I think Dewine was pretty accurate in laying this one out as being planned rather than passionate--and complex.

Enjoy y'all's company, but I think it's going to take some time.

At this point, I think you're right. I think they were tangled up with the wrong people. It could be the money that was at stake, or it could be that some of the Rhodens had "inside info" that would be damaging to this "criminal outfit" (for lack of a better term).
On the subject of motives. Could "skimming" profits be involved? Maybe someone decides to punish everyone who may have benefited from the "skimming". Considering DR and family lived in a recently
purchased home where $30,000 was paid down.

Except that they were producers/wholesalers, not sellers/distributors. At least so far as we know.
Apparently there was a kid in Logan County executed because he spoke with LE re: his association with a big chop-sop guy.

I don't think that is the case here. Where I do think the cars COULD come in has to do with providing links to who they were selling weed through--and how they could have gotten on the wrong side of some pretty messed up folks.

Around here teens are killed just going to meet up for a drug deal, it's crazy, kids killing kids for some pills. SMH
Are you saying he is still employed by the county? Due process vis a vis employment does not necessarily equate to trial in a court of law. One can lose a job without being found guilty of murder.
He's probably on administrative leave pending the outcome of his trial..could be paid or not
Thank you!! A while back, before I found out about WS, I posted this same theory on a message board most are familiar with. It was a pretty long post. The post I made showed as posted, but as soon as I refreshed my browser it was gone. I was on my phone and it took me a pretty good amount of time to write the theory so I never rewrote it (Needless to say I copy all my posts now before hitting the post button because of that lol)

Anyways, as I mentioned above, I have the same thought as you. I had even questioned in my post if those search warrants were possibly available. I know most say they were growing their own, but what if they were receiving shipments to turn into shatter and then ship back...or maybe it was a stronger strain then they grew making it better to use when producing the shatter...just my thoughts :)

In that general area of the country, the odds are quite good.

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At first, it looked like someone had a beef w/ CR1 & DR and took out their entire family, but GR was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then, they discovered KR, and that changed the whole dynamic for me. KR didn't do it and commit suicide. That's been established. I think CR1 was at the top, then KR, then GR. I'm sure FR knew about the marijuana and helped w/it. BJM had to be privy to everything too. (Yet, she wasn't murdered.) They all knew, (unless those four kept the grow op locked down and no others w/access), but those four were the main ones working with it, (and I'm thinking BJM had some hands on with it). What could one, or all, of those four, have done to someone, to bring this upon their entire family? Revenge? If it's a revenge killing, about a 1/3 of all these type killings (mass) are family related.* The assailant is most often male. They blame their family for their lack of success/happiness. Have access to weapons, are usually a loner type, likely to have a mental illness, and have probably planned this for quite some time.

I'm still not in the BJM &/or DS did it camp, but, in theory, they are the two family members whose planned activities changed. BJM usually got there earlier, IIRC, and it was not normal to bring two other people w/her. DS was supposed to spend the night w/KR but said he decided to go home (what time?), but then did not show up at 5:30**, when he said KR normally got up to work on/go to auctions, to go help him, as they'd planned.

*The other two most common mass killings is 1) co-worker related and 2) blames society and kills random people.
** The time that it's been noted that shots were heard in that area.
This is confusing to me too. I thought that there was $30,000 cash paid down, and then $30,000 financed through the bank for the total of $60,000 for the property? If this is the case, then one wonders how a part time handyman came up with such cash. Even a $30K loan should require steady employment as a loan requirement, one would think?

It's confusing to me, also. If it's $30,000 cash down, that's sure alot of money just for doing odd jobs here and there. It's hard to get a loan here even with a steady job, banks are very strict.
I served on a federal grand jury once. Very enlightening. Heard a number of cases. Some were quick in-out indictments, but others took a long time to lay out background, connect the players and hear testimony.

I think that when we are looking at potential drug trafficking, or potential for chopping cars--or any of the various entanglements likely to have driven a massacre of this scale--then there are probably a lot of players and a lot of rounding up and connecting to take place. In contrast to someone who simply "goes postal" (frequent mass killers who generally end up dead themselves by the end of the event); or a personal jealousy/retribution (which I think would tend to focus more directly on an individual), I think Dewine was pretty accurate in laying this one out as being planned rather than passionate--and complex.

Enjoy y'all's company, but I think it's going to take some time.

Yep, what they said about other investigations, this could be a very tangled web to other states, also.
True, it's actually the main thing that's connecting them. We know KR worked on them, he was going to auctions, Dana was selling them, CR and FR worked on them, and CR was going to other states, so that would mean Hanna, Chris Jr, and Hannah were just killed, because they were in the homes. SMH Evil knows no bounds.
Especially when lots of money is involved

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