TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #27

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"A fitness trainer and mother of three was murdered in a Dallas-area church Monday morning by a man wearing SWAT gear, police said."

"Boot camp-style exercise class participants who showed up at the Creekside Church of Christ in Midlothian, Tex., around 5 a.m. found their instructor Terri “Missy” Bevers, 45, dead, according to the Midlothian Police Department."

"Fitness trainer Terri (Missy) Bevers, 45, was killed early Monday just before her boot-camp style class, police said. Participants in the Camp Gladiator class found her dead when they arrived to a Midlothian, Tex., church for the workout."

"Police Chief Carl Smith said a man wearing what looked like a tactical helmet, gloves and a heavy vest with "POLICE" written on it could be seen in security camera footage from the E. U.S. Highway 287 church just before Bevers arrived. The department released the 4 a.m. footage Monday afternoon, though Smith said no cameras captured the attack."


LE Update/Presser on April 22, 2016

Link to Midlothian Police Department facebook page
Images (still and video) from the church featuring the perp can be seen here.

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Dear Websleuths members,

Again we find ourselves trying to moderate based on rules set up for other cases.

Once in a while, our rules do not fit with certain cases and therefore changes need to be made.

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*Please no personal chatter back and forth. Welcoming someone back or making jokes at other member’s expense is not going to be allowed. The case is about Missy Bevers. Please do not make the thread about you.

* YOU CAN SPECULATE ABOUT PEOPLE IN THE SEARCH WARRANTS AS LONG AS YOU USE THEIR INITIALS ONLY. This overrides an earlier decision I made. My apologies for the confusion. It is 100 percent my fault.

*if you do speculate please do not make comments on their personal appearance. That’s just rude. You can speculate on their behavior but if you want to post something unkind about their looks please don’t.

*Speculation is allowed if it involves someone who has been named in the mainstream media and you can logically put this person at the scene of the crime or can suggest they were somehow involved. Speculation has to be based on some semblance of fact. In other words, you can’t speculate that the dry cleaning people killed Missy. The police have confirmed they believe Missy was targeted. That’s a good place to start.

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*We have an unfair advantage. We are anonymous. Your words are very powerful and they will be on the internet forever. You will own those words when the truth is found out about Missy's murder.

To review:

*yes you can speculate as long as it is logical and done in a mature manner.

*Missy's husband's Facebook page is now private therefore it is off limits. All Facebook pages that are now private are off limits

*yes you can discuss all pictures/ videos (No Minors) as long as you can source them to a legitimate source . Do not post or discuss the twitter picture that showed the face blown up. This looks like some sort of photo-shopped picture and it can’t be sourced.

i am completely responsible for any confusion that has gone on in this thread. Sparky is doing a great job and she was doing what i taught her to do. I want to publicly thank sparky for her hard work and dedication.

Ok newbies and old time Websleuths members, go forth and discuss!

Tricia Griffith
ps. Please forgive spelling and grammatical errors. I am half asleep as i write.

Search Warrants

dry cleaner warrant - redacted
LinkedIn warrant 5-5-16
AT&T Tower warrant 5-5-16
Search warrant
Good Afternoon!

Please read Tricia's message above. Some rules have changed for Missy's thread. Please make sure you thank her post.

Please Remember BB's employment is off limits.

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Please don't sleuth inmates or refer to the inmates link unless there has been an arrest in this case.

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Remember to Scroll and roll or use your ignore feature if need be.

Please thank this post.

Trying to bring this over - I hope it works!
I see your point but I thought of it a bit differently. Rather than SP
leave the area or building to clean up, why not go back to the kitchen where SP
left a gym bag. Remove all outer wear and gear and take it out to the trunk of the parked car there no one noticed and wait a bit out of sight...its
still dark out there remember..wait for campers to find Missy & call LE. LE shows up and while all attention is on Missy, SP walks back in w/o gym
bag ...don't need it cause "whats going on?"...as if he/she just showed up.

Just another theory. ALL speculation..

When you look at the front of the church from Hwy 287 you can see the main entrance and the canopy entrance face the street. I didn't realize it sloped down in the back (you can't tell from the street.)

When you look at the church from the back you can see it has a "basement level." Not sure if it would be classified as a two story.

When you look at an aerial view you can see the whole layout. It would be quite possible (IMO) for SP to have hidden a vehicle around back, out of sight from anyone pulling in.
(2nd photo was done by someone here I believe)

MB comes in parking lot at 4:16-ish and drives to the R to park under the canopy. At 4:20 MB enters the building through the main door and walks towards canopy doors to unlock it (I'm thinking the tiled floor would be the "main hall".) MB is ambushed, glass table(s) broken due to a struggle. MB killed, and SP goes out the same way S/he came in to a waiting car, strips down and puts "gear" in plastic garbage bags.

SP either drives off - or is driven off.

1st C arrives at 4:35, parks near MB's truck and waits for another CG because of the "rule" they have to be paired up to enter a building. ALL speculation on my end.

Excellent post! Right down to the garbage bag box. I asked my hubs again a few days back to watch the SP video again...he said he thought it was a gbg bag box
as opposed to any tool or even a saran wrap box. I had to ask him about that too cause it was speculated here but his first response was a gbg bag box.

Also, IF SP was a previous camper maybe he/she had been there at the church before and had a chance to "get lost" and look in a few rooms (kitchen) to see
if there were cameras in them. Apparently, with the amount of gear he/she wore, it was known that there were cameras in the main hallways...but if SP knew
there were no cameras in kitchen then it would make sense to enter and exit from that room. A place to change in and out of disguise...
Again, ALL speculation ...random thoughts...JOM
rodee 34-
I'm not responding with quote to save space, but WOW!!!!! This is fabulous. Maybe I missed it before, but I had no idea those loading dock/service bays/whatever they are were on the back in a lower level......OH MY..................how much cover that would provide to compete the plan.
I couldn't agree more - I've thought the change out of the costume was at the church somewhere. Your presentation just strengthens it for me.
Wonderful work - thanks so much!
Thank you JLSChook. I also scoured Missy's facebook the first couple of days and didn't see a fire department post. I was so worried my sleuthing skills were slipping and I'd have to return my Websleuths coffee mug. :blushing:

Okay last time I will speak of what I saw, it was the day missy was killed prior to the thread being opened on WS. Again, I'm local and so I was watching the news and she looked familiar to me so I immediately started sleuthing her FB. We have many friends in common one a very close friend which is where I recalled seeing her before. It was then that the fourth of Fifth post from the top that the check showed. I was very busy and didn't think of taking screenshots. I then noticed several hours later there was a thread in WS. I guess it really isn't that important just bothers me. Lol. I will scroll and roll from now on :)

Sent from my iPhone
rodee 34-
I'm not responding with quote to save space, but WOW!!!!! This is fabulous. Maybe I missed it before, but I had no idea those loading dock/service bays/whatever they are were on the back in a lower level......OH MY..................how much cover that would provide to compete the plan.
I couldn't agree more - I've thought the change out of the costume was at the church somewhere. Your presentation just strengthens it for me.
Wonderful work - thanks so much!

There aren't any loading docks or the like in the back of the church, if that's what you're saying. Just parking spots, grass, and stairs up and into the building.

The lot does slope downward from the street. So it is very possible for a car to have been parked in the back, or in a number of places on the parking lot perimeter, without being seen by MB, especially if she didn't drive around the church but simply went from the driveway directly to the vehicle awning. And who knows but what MB could have seen a vehicle and thought nothing of it, just assuming someone had left their vehicle there at church the night before for an unknown reason? It can happen.
rodee 34-
I'm not responding with quote to save space, but WOW!!!!! This is fabulous. Maybe I missed it before, but I had no idea those loading dock/service bays/whatever they are were on the back in a lower level......OH MY..................how much cover that would provide to compete the plan.
I couldn't agree more - I've thought the change out of the costume was at the church somewhere. Your presentation just strengthens it for me.
Wonderful work - thanks so much!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I know that LE said that none of the exterior cameras were working that morning, but the timeline of events has MB shown arriving on video surveillance at 4:16. They also have what appears to be a definitive arrival time for C1. So at least one external camera was working.. which one(s)?

Based on so many inconsistencies, I think that LE is holding everything as close to the chest as possible. I suspect that they are connecting the dots, and they don't want the perp(s) to know that the are only half a step ahead.
Jan 3 2016 Class/Camp was posted that will be indoors ... JMHO was common practice to post prior night if was going to be indoors

Missy Bevers
January 3 · Ovilla, TX · (Sunday night 8:01 pm) https://www.facebook.com/missy.bevers/posts/10208364859538964
Camp tomorrow @5:00am indoors at Creekside Church of Christ and 9:00am at Midlothian Conference Center...Bring Your Weights!
I'm off to bed...been under the weather since last night. But, will see all of you bright & early!
LE must have way more on camera than they have released to us. They know what time Missy arrived, they saw a car parked far back in the parking lot and those must be outdoor cameras that caught those images. I can see how perp would not be seen by the campers parked in front, even when perp drove out the driveway to leave. I don't believe they drove on the grass as it had been pouring not just earlier that night, but for many days. Perp too smart to risk getting stuck in the mud. What else did those outside cameras actually catch? Did they catch 1st camper coming in or was that a verbal arrival time from the camper themselves? Wish they would release more footage. And we haven't had an update from BB lately, maybe he will do another interview soon to give the public an idea of where they stand with the case, tips, etc.
I know that LE said that none of the exterior cameras were working that morning, but the timeline of events has MB shown arriving on video surveillance at 4:16. They also have what appears to be a definitive arrival time for C1. So at least one external camera was working.. which one(s)?.

None. LE said explicitly that none of the outdoor cams worked that night. So when it was said that MB was seen on a camera arriving, it would had to have been either (a) an interior cam, that was triggered by her driving into the lot and past it and picked up something in that manner, or (b) a cam at SWFA that somehow picked up her arrival in the distance. As for C1, unlike MB or SP, they don't need a cam, but instead can ask him when he first arrived, and undoubtedly did.
rodee 34-
I'm not responding with quote to save space, but WOW!!!!! This is fabulous. Maybe I missed it before, but I had no idea those loading dock/service bays/whatever they are were on the back in a lower level......OH MY..................how much cover that would provide to compete the plan.
I couldn't agree more - I've thought the change out of the costume was at the church somewhere. Your presentation just strengthens it for me.
Wonderful work - thanks so much!

Maybe change out clothes or hiding location = dumpster enclosure?
Results of QUICK POLLS from thread 26

The police know who did it 38
The police have no idea 9
Undecided/confused 40

The killer is female 19
The killer is male 18

Missy knew her killer, it was a targeted attack 50
Missy did NOT know her killer, but it was a targeted attack 2
Missy did not know her killer, and it was NOT a targeted attack 1
LE must have way more on camera than they have released to us. They know what time Missy arrived, they saw a car parked far back in the parking lot and those must be outdoor cameras that caught those images. I can see how perp would not be seen by the campers parked in front, even when perp drove out the driveway to leave. I don't believe they drove on the grass as it had been pouring not just earlier that night, but for many days. Perp too smart to risk getting stuck in the mud. What else did those outside cameras actually catch? Did they catch 1st camper coming in or was that a verbal arrival time from the camper themselves? Wish they would release more footage. And we haven't had an update from BB lately, maybe he will do another interview soon to give the public an idea of where they stand with the case, tips, etc.

BBM - The comment I bolded is what I keep going back to. Maybe I just read it here, but didn't LE say that during a press release? If none of the cameras are working how could they know there was a car in the back of the lot? Maybe it is what Steve S said, and it was from the gun store, but that seems like a long range and odd angle for them to be recording. It looks to be 1/4-1/2 a mile, is that within range of most surveillance cams?
BBM - The comment I bolded is what I keep going back to. Maybe I just read it here, but didn't LE say that during a press release? If none of the cameras are working how could they know there was a car in the back of the lot? Maybe it is what Steve S said, and it was from the gun store, but that seems like a long range and odd angle for them to be recording. It looks to be 1/4-1/2 a mile, is that within range of most surveillance cams?

Exactly! And that screenshot of the Altima at the gun store had to have been one of many that those surveillance cameras picked up. But they only release 1 picture. They definitely have more. And if it was the gun store camera that picked up the car in the back of CC parking lot and Missy's arrival then it also picked up perp arrival and departure. No way perp arrived any other way than that driveway. Far too wet on the surrounding grass/dirt from heavy rains.

Plus they initially said they had no footage after the murder, then it came out that perp walked up hallway from they way they came in after the murder.
Kami quote: Excellent post! Right down to the garbage bag box. I asked my hubs again a few days back to watch the SP video again...he said he thought it was a gbg bag box
as opposed to any tool or even a saran wrap box. I had to ask him about that too cause it was speculated here but his first response was a gbg bag box.

Also, IF SP was a previous camper maybe he/she had been there at the church before and had a chance to "get lost" and look in a few rooms (kitchen) to see
if there were cameras in them. Apparently, with the amount of gear he/she wore, it was known that there were cameras in the main hallways...but if SP knew
there were no cameras in kitchen then it would make sense to enter and exit from that room. A place to change in and out of disguise...
Again, ALL speculation ...random thoughts...JOM

I never gave that a thought.. quite possible. IMO
None. LE said explicitly that none of the outdoor cams worked that night. So when it was said that MB was seen on a camera arriving, it would had to have been either (a) an interior cam, that was triggered by her driving into the lot and past it and picked up something in that manner, or (b) a cam at SWFA that somehow picked up her arrival in the distance. As for C1, unlike MB or SP, they don't need a cam, but instead can ask him when he first arrived, and undoubtedly did.

I know that is what LE said, but I don't think that is actually the case. I don't think that LE wants to show its hand in the slightest, and they have significantly more information than has been released. Assuming this case makes it to trial, I would be shocked if there wasn't at least one external camera that worked that morning. I may be wrong, but based on the exact nature of the timeline, I think that that they do have decent external footage.
(I did not know there was a posted sign outside that stated Surveillance Camera on premises.)

My question is:
If this person "knew" that this church had Surveillance Cameras,
how did this person "know" that?
(If they knew about it, beforehand. Before, they came there on this morning.)

(It's one thing to believe, there "might" be.)

But if the person "knew" that there was,
how did they know that?

(And keep in mind, this was a 'church'.

i.e.: It wasn't a "gun shop", "pawn shop", "jewelry store",
a place that you would expect there "most likely IS" surveillance cameras.)

There isn't much to, steal, at a church.

(and if "a" church keeps a large sum of money on the premises, that isn't a very bright idea, Why not put it in the "bank". Why would they "not" put it in the bank, is what I would like to know.)
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