TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #28

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WannaB's post:
(snipped in consideration of space)

4. America in general (and TX in specific) is a culture of extremes (the saying around here is "everything is bigger in Texas") If you were to visit, you would walk away with the premonitions that everything is done to extreme (compared to Aus and most other countries). The people are proud and independent (which isn't better or worse, just who they are).[/QUOTE]

Seriously? Everything done to extreme? "just who they are"?
Wow........getting the day started with some pretty strong language. I'll not say what I'm thinking - y'all (and that's something said around here, too) have a nice day.
BB probably called to make sure MB was definitely going to the church in the morning since she had posted that she wasn't feeling well. Does anyone know if they might have used another trainer if Missy called out? If so BB would want that info!
To dismantle a camera closest to where SP was going to murder MB. SP was there long enough to scope out the place. JMO

Just thinking about why that would matter to SP considering they're on camera the rest of the time. The one thing that comes to mind, if this is the case with the camera, is that they must have revealed who they were, removed the head gear.
Whomever perp is, they sure seem to be knowledgeable about tools that go along with uniform, IMO, and from what I've researched. My gut says they have been trained for this gear likely in prior and/or present employment. Who would be comfortable not only in this gear but also knowing they were on camera? Someone well trained and comfortable.

With that said, what all type jobs would issue or use this type gear and tools? Special forces military, swat team LE, sheriff's, what else? Does MPD and or ECSD have swat teams/swat gear?
Yeah was thinking perhaps they ran into some LE body armor supplies as they were leaving store and decided to grab it.

Thanks for link. I checked it out and didn't see anything like the helmet or jacket that they would carry. So unless it was special ordered by the store and happened to be labeled where they saw the gear then it doesn't look like it was acquired during the actual robbery.

I suppose we still have to keep open the possibility of 1 of them maybe being involved with the murder though.

If a hit man was hired by someone then its possible they ended up finding one of the robbers that offered to do the job.

They wore a lot of equipment so it had to have come from somewhere and if we can find out where he got the equipment
then its a huge hint who may have done this.
Yes! Very similar gait. This should be checked out by LE to see if there could be a possible connection.

There is a huge piece in both the Houston and Arlington videos that to me are STRONG indications there is no relation - those videos fit every single aspect of what you would expect a robbery to look like. They start by picking a place that has items of value. They dress in clothing that disguises them but at the same time leaves them very agile. The come in incredibly quick and immediately get to doing what they are there for - stealing stuff. If the videos are any indication, they are in and out in under a minute or two. No hanging around for half an hour only to leave with nothing. They have 2 jobs, steal stuff, not get caught. Watching the actual people in that Houston video, I also can't see SP managing any of those moves. :) Those guys run and clear that counter in record time.

This all takes me back to thinking SP had to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that church did not have any alarm system. Anyone who hadn't completely verified that fact ahead of time just couldn't look that calm. I for one would assume a place with all the surveillance signs outside possibly had some sort of alarm. Even a younger man just looking for trouble as some have mentioned, would be nervous enough to look around more, appear to just stop and listen. Something. SP's demeanor in the video really is the strangest part of this whole thing to me. Eerie.
I have often wondered

1. How long MIssy had been conducting these groups at this time in the morning?

2. How necessary it was for her to conduct them so early when the participants live locally and probably have to get to work by 9am? Surely they could have been conducted about 6.30am still leaving enough time for the participants to get home shower, have breakfast and get to work as it is a small town.

3. I also think that it would have been wiser for her to have had a male co-leader with her at that time of the morning.

4. I know of nowhere else in the world that such camps would have been conducted at that time in the morning. Please correct me if I am wrong as i live in Australia. Most of your groups are conducted after work.

I have a few FB friends who attend CG in the DFW area. They both start at 5:30am as well. Many people have an 8am start time for work (many even earlier) and then many parents have a 7:30am drop off time for school kids. Class is 5:30-6:30, then you have to get home in time to shower and get ready. They really can't start much later without eliminating much of the crowd who wants to do it before work. After work gets to complicated. Many in DFW have long drives home and the finish times for work are as varied as the start times. Add kid activities, dinner, etc to the mix and it would be hard to get a full crowd at a specific time.

I tend to agree on the safety aspect of the early morning work hours. Everyone is different, but I personally wouldn't find it patronizing at all to have someone show concern for me. It is the repetitiveness that would worry me. Most crime is actually crime of opportunity so having people know that you will be at a specific location that is dark and empty at a specific time and day, over and over seems like a recipe to be extra cautious regardless if you are male or female. I still hear my mother's voice in my head from when I was in high school trying to push my curfew. "Nothing good happens after dark". :) Long before the MB case, the friends of mine that do CG have said it is creepy pulling in to the big parking lots that early. They do wait for other campers to exit their cars, but the trainers do get there early and alone to set up.
Something bothering me...other sleuthers are talking about the warning BB gave MB when he called her. He also told his Mom this as well before MB was murdered.

First - we only have one side of the conversation of the call made at 9:30 and it may have contained other info that BB did not let on to the public or LE. We will never know.

Second - if he BB was so concerned - (please don't make this out that I don't think a woman can take care of herself) but I am a woman and if my husband was concerned for my safety he would have made sure if he was out of town that someone was with me or followed to make sure I arrived safely. I don't care it it was a small town Population 10 he would insist at 4:30 am dark building at the edge of town. JMO
The children may have heard Missy''s end of the conversation tho. BB may have just been a little more concerned in recent weeks or days with MB allegedly saying someone was making her uncomfortable. Besides, I'm sure he was aware she carried a gun and was in good shape which leads me to believe her attacker wasn't aware that she carried. After all, who is going to plan on attacking someone with a hammer or whatever tools knowing she could have her gun on her? Lastly, if BB would've had someone follow her or go with her to "protect" her and something still happened to her, people would be sitting on here talking about how controlling he was and calling it a red flag.
LILOLEME BBm???Thank you for your post. I have to agree, when I heard the words "bucket list" it implies a sense of finality to me. (I looked up the definition)
finality: the fact or impression of being an irreversible ending.
"the abrupt finality of death"

I don't know if I am reading too much into the words, considering he was thinking about his wife's death for at least a 6 hour return drive from Biloxi? Perhaps he really wanted to say, "It is every fisherman's dream trip." Even making that "excuse" in my head is still odd because who would think to explain it that way on the same day your spouse was found viciously murdered in a church? Who cares if it was on YOUR BUCKET LIST....we are talking about your wife's death. Not your leisurely pursuits!
Apologies in advance if my open thoughts offend anyone. If I haven't offended you yet, please give it some time, I'm sure I'll get around to you eventually.:blushing:

I took the comment of him using bucket list trip as in general and speaking for other fishermen that love to do it, not necessarily as his bucket list.
The children may have heard Missy''s end of the conversation tho. BB may have just been a little more concerned in recent weeks or days with MB allegedly saying someone was making her uncomfortable. Besides, I'm sure he was aware she carried a gun and was in good shape which leads me to believe her attacker wasn't aware that she carried. After all, who is going to plan on attacking someone with a hammer or whatever tools knowing she could have her gun on her? Lastly, if BB would've had someone follow her or go with her to "protect" her and something still happened to her, people would be sitting on here talking about how controlling he was and calling it a red flag.

Where was it confirmed that she carried a gun? I missed that. Thought it was all speculation. TIA
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Legal disclaimer: The following is just my opinion and for entertainment purposes:
I've been in LE for over 17 years and have seen many church break-ins. I, like everyone else, have watched the surveillance video numerous times. I believed that this was just a burglary gone bad ever since I've seen the video. I talked to credible source in the area and that person said that the victim was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I wasn't pushing for details, because I know that I personally wouldn't give them out. The only other thing I can add is that they are closer than what they were a month and a half ago.
Sorry, but I won't reveal any more than this since it would be speculation on my part.
I have often wondered

1. How long MIssy had been conducting these groups at this time in the morning?

2. How necessary it was for her to conduct them so early when the participants live locally and probably have to get to work by 9am? Surely they could have been conducted about 6.30am still leaving enough time for the participants to get home shower, have breakfast and get to work as it is a small town.

3. I also think that it would have been wiser for her to have had a male co-leader with her at that time of the morning.

4. I know of nowhere else in the world that such camps would have been conducted at that time in the morning. Please correct me if I am wrong as i live in Australia. Most of your groups are conducted after work.

When my kid was little, and I was motivated to work out, the very early morning hours were my only option. I cringe to remember how I would get up at 4:30am to hit the gym before work. I prefer my sleep nowadays. But the point is, I really do believe that especially for parents with youngsters, the early morning workouts are the only option.
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