Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #24

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this todays news article regarding the intelligence used to catch tiahleighs killer is very interesting and det jubelin and team will surely be using this strategy here....

FOR better or worse, catching a killer sometimes necessitates a little smoke and mirrors.

Yes. :yes:
When William's case is resolved, we may all be blown away with the result. We really have no idea at all what is going on behind the scene.
All we really know is that they have stumbled on a bunch of slimey pedos and police are busy rounding them up ... which could be what Rosann2 is for.
In the meantime, Rosann is over-busy doing something, something that necessitated the formation of Rosann2.

ETA: I really admire Detective Superintendent David Hutchinson, too. (From Tiahleigh's case.) Another fine man who is diligent and relentless imo.
In the many public appeals for information, it was her absent mother Cindy Palmer, who lost her daughter to foster care after a jail stint in 2011, that faced the cameras as the grieving loved one desperately seeking information.
The Thorburns were nowhere to be seen, although their absence was explained by the strict privacy controls that govern foster carers.

Until this week, few in the media even knew their names.

Publicly, many expressed sorrow for them.
In an interview with the Weekend Australian earlier this year, Foster Care Queensland executive director Bryan Smith said the Thorburns had their hands tied by the Child Protection Act, that any public appeal for information they made would put them at risk of prosecution.

BBM: So why can't William's bio mother speak to the media? If Cindy Palmer could speak to them. Maybe the foster carer privacy laws are different between Qld and NSW?
yes, i think queenslands foster carer rules are less strict than nsws
i wish we knew what caroline overington is referring to here........maybe its just the foster system red tape hindering the investigation?

Hundreds of journalists, hundreds of police, plenty of people in the community know more than that, but it’s against the law for any of them – for any of us - to explain it to you
i wish we knew what caroline overington is referring to here........maybe its just the foster system red tape hindering the investigation?

Hundreds of journalists, hundreds of police, plenty of people in the community know more than that, but it’s against the law for any of them – for any of us - to explain it to you
Does anyone actually think they know the answer to this?

I certainly don't.

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Great idea. We could take a picnic of sausage rolls, marti sauce, fairy bread, bundi, and a bong. Frogwell why do you want a bong?? :scared:

Because richie is allegedly known to carry hydroponics on his personage when he lurks in my shortcut at night. Speculative.
Exactly. Why would I, when I could have all that and Pokemon. But we need a mystery machine. That would complete me.

How about a time machine instead? Then we could lay in wait for William's abductor, allegedly beat the living c*** out of him and hand him to police. That would solve all of our problems; including little William's.
For me, it was like BS became GJ's dream potential suspect... with seemingly everything lining up.. he fit the bill... but the thing with all of that is that BS has personal relationship issues from the past, with certain people being all too willing to help hang him.

BS gets called to the FGM house to fix a washer, so he does that. A few third hand reports supposedly speak to MSM, perhaps with some conflicting stories - easy to do with all of the millions of discrepancies in reporting in this case, and easy to do when a reporter is getting info third hand, and then being bad at reporting on top of it. In any event, it's a fact that BS was at FGM's house a few days before WT's disappearance. Maybe he receives the part, maybe he doesn't, maybe he is scheduled to return to fix it on the Friday, maybe he isn't, maybe he tried to contact FGM to schedule a time, maybe she tried to contact him, who knows... but in any case, it is perfectly understandable, imo, that BS, upon hearing about this mysterious, highly publicized case, took special notice of it, just because he WAS there, and he WAS to return, he had actually been to the neighbourhood, and possibly even into the house. He could have even been kicking himself, FAWK, thinking that if he HAD showed up that morning, he may have been able to see something, someone, that perhaps could have helped the investigation. So he, of course, takes notice of this, posts a couple of mundane things on FB, such as .. 'where is he'.. blah blah. He feels like he's closer to this case, just because he WAS there... and so it becomes a 'story' that he innocently tells to friends/family (like perhaps most people would, given the same circumstances), and word gets around...

Meanwhile.. we have a bio mom who was deemed insufficient to raise her own children, and so her kids had gone to the grandparents as foster-carers, reportedly had been there for *years*. The grandparents being MS and BS. The bio mom's ex, and the father of her kids, happens to be MS's son, who seems to still have an intact relationship with both his mom and her husband (BS). Perhaps he was told this story by BS about his visit to this infamous FGM house, and the son then inadvertently shared the story with his ex, or perhaps the kids heard the story and shared it with their mom during a visit. The holiday season comes upon them, mom is lonely, doesn't have her kids, wants to have her kids, misses her kids, doesn't understand why she can't have her kids, and thinks about this highly publicized case, and there's Grandpa, who has her kids, involved in this case by virtue of having visited the home, etc.

Perhaps she thinks if she can find fault with Grandpa, cast suspicion upon him, then she will get her kids back, afterall, surely she must now look better to FCS as her children's caregiver than HIM. So she calls the police tip line and reports BS as a potential candidate to look at for the 'kidnapping'. And not only that, but perhaps from previously being a family member, she was also privy to the crazy ongoing allegations that were constantly streaming from BS's ex-wife (and perhaps religious zealot) over decades. She also calls FCS to ask why her kids are with this historical sex offender, and they (apparently) tell her that they're looking at him.. perhaps due to his ex's ongoing allegations? Now CAS has TWO concerned parties. Bio mom makes a big stink about all of this and suddenly the ombudsman is investigating why BS has children in his care. Perfect.

BS's ex-wife has been making these accusations for decades, perhaps to deaf ears.. for the entire time that her ex has been with his new partner, MS, over some 20 years? It seems that up until a certain point in time, BS was still in contact with one of his daughters that he had with his ex... so he easily could also have told this daughter about his infamous visit to WT's FGM's house.. and she could in turn, have easily told her mom, the ex, the story. This gives the ex some more ideas on getting back at her ex, and so she too calls the tip line... offers up BS's name, gladly telling the officers about all of her historical accusations that to date, had gone nowhere. Now they are listening to her! Perfect.

Suddenly GJ has all of this information coming up on one man, BS.. a man who just happened to have reason to be in the street, a man who it has been alleged for decades has been involved with horrible incestual child sexual abuse, a man who currently has minors in his care. He is the perfect candidate for GJ's theory, and so a big league investigation is ON. And MSM finds out, and has plagued the man in a big way ever since. Police scrutinize him, forensically search 3 of his vehicles, pump his septic, spend days searching a 'secret basement' under his house, dig up his fire pit, enquire as to how long ago a cement pad was installed on which to build a shed, search his workplaces, dig up his land, search his prior addresses, they take piles of stuff away for forensic testing. They've got their man. The media is happily all over him for all the world to know and agree. But even after all of the forensic testing and searching, no charges come of it.... but they do act on the ex's allegations of historical sex abuse and pursue charges, even though they didn't charge him originally. There are issues with the case, but it would certainly help him to fit the MO if these allegations could be proven in a court of law. BS's life as he knew it, both personally and professionally, is forever over, without his ever being charged, let alone convicted.

Such an interesting character, what with his talkative friend, 'Col', who supports him but yet perhaps inadvertently inspires even more suspicion upon him. Who knows whose mixups are in the press when different things are written by different news media at different times, it has happened all along, with each and every detail.

I too, hope that nobody is experiencing 'tunnel vision' with this theory, and with this POI, and perhaps at the expense of other theories and potential POIs. All moo.

According to media reports Gary Jubelin took over the lead role in the investigation after Bill Speddings properties were searched. He took over from Hans Rupp who retired.

'The Newcastle Herald can also reveal one of the state’s most respected homicide investigators, Detective Inspector Gary Jubelin, has taken over the lead role in the investigation just days after police searched two properties belonging to a local handyman.'
Map showing grandmother's house at 48 Benaroon Drive and 256 Batar Creek Road at lower end of map.


Image Source: Google Earth.

Great map, Makara. Could you also do one of the buildings in the clearings betweeen Benaroon Drive and Batar Creek Road, please? Not so interested in the property close to the road but at the bottom of the clearing there appears to be a track out of that area which leads to (a spur? off) Batar Creek Road. TIA.
I just have to say, I don't think Gary Jubelin is being one-eyed about this investigation.
He has been around for a long time, and is considered a diligent case-breaker. He knows how to run the investigation, to look at all possibilities, how to build a court case. Pretty sure that is why they pulled him in for William's case. They engage him to crack the hard ones.

It pays to look at his history, to see what kind of man and investigator he is. Especially with the Bowraville murders. 25 years later (not his case for many years), and he is still going to make sure that the families receive justice.

I don't think Jubelin is being one eyed. I do believe BS probably is #1 POI still. Jubelin has two vital pieces of info that we don't.
He knows exactly what happened during phone calls with FG, he knows very simply if BS was expected at house that Friday.
He knows whether BS was at school assembly.
If he lied about both these things it's hard to go past him, but he has still spread the net far and wide looking at other people.
It must be very frustrating to know you have your man, but have no physical evidence or a body, hence why I believe the reward and pleas are directed to the one person who will admit he has lied.
I don't think Jubelin is being one eyed. I do believe BS probably is #1 POI still. Jubelin has two vital pieces of info that we don't.
He knows exactly what happened during phone calls with FG, he knows very simply if BS was expected at house that Friday.
He knows whether BS was at school assembly.
If he lied about both these things it's hard to go past him, but he has still spread the net far and wide looking at other people.
It must be very frustrating to know you have your man, but have no physical evidence or a body, hence why I believe the reward and pleas are directed to the one person who will admit he has lied.

In the 60 minutes interview, the FM talks about herself calling BS on the morning of the disappearance. Her mum's washing was piling up and she wanted to know whenhe could come over. On that phonecall she claims she left a message for him. On a couple of pages back, there is an extract from a Daily Mail article. In it, the police reported that other people claimed the couple, (BS and MS) were in their company that day. MOO
For me, it was like BS became GJ's dream potential suspect... with seemingly everything lining up.. he fit the bill... but the thing with all of that is that BS has personal relationship issues from the past, with certain people being all too willing to help hang him.

BS gets called to the FGM house to fix a washer, so he does that. A few third hand reports supposedly speak to MSM, perhaps with some conflicting stories - easy to do with all of the millions of discrepancies in reporting in this case, and easy to do when a reporter is getting info third hand, and then being bad at reporting on top of it. In any event, it's a fact that BS was at FGM's house a few days before WT's disappearance. Maybe he receives the part, maybe he doesn't, maybe he is scheduled to return to fix it on the Friday, maybe he isn't, maybe he tried to contact FGM to schedule a time, maybe she tried to contact him, who knows... but in any case, it is perfectly understandable, imo, that BS, upon hearing about this mysterious, highly publicized case, took special notice of it, just because he WAS there, and he WAS to return, he had actually been to the neighbourhood, and possibly even into the house. He could have even been kicking himself, FAWK, thinking that if he HAD showed up that morning, he may have been able to see something, someone, that perhaps could have helped the investigation. So he, of course, takes notice of this, posts a couple of mundane things on FB, such as .. 'where is he'.. blah blah. He feels like he's closer to this case, just because he WAS there... and so it becomes a 'story' that he innocently tells to friends/family (like perhaps most people would, given the same circumstances), and word gets around...

Meanwhile.. we have a bio mom who was deemed insufficient to raise her own children, and so her kids had gone to the grandparents as foster-carers, reportedly had been there for *years*. The grandparents being MS and BS. The bio mom's ex, and the father of her kids, happens to be MS's son, who seems to still have an intact relationship with both his mom and her husband (BS). Perhaps he was told this story by BS about his visit to this infamous FGM house, and the son then inadvertently shared the story with his ex, or perhaps the kids heard the story and shared it with their mom during a visit. The holiday season comes upon them, mom is lonely, doesn't have her kids, wants to have her kids, misses her kids, doesn't understand why she can't have her kids, and thinks about this highly publicized case, and there's Grandpa, who has her kids, involved in this case by virtue of having visited the home, etc.

Perhaps she thinks if she can find fault with Grandpa, cast suspicion upon him, then she will get her kids back, afterall, surely she must now look better to FCS as her children's caregiver than HIM. So she calls the police tip line and reports BS as a potential candidate to look at for the 'kidnapping'. And not only that, but perhaps from previously being a family member, she was also privy to the crazy ongoing allegations that were constantly streaming from BS's ex-wife (and perhaps religious zealot) over decades. She also calls FCS to ask why her kids are with this historical sex offender, and they (apparently) tell her that they're looking at him.. perhaps due to his ex's ongoing allegations? Now CAS has TWO concerned parties. Bio mom makes a big stink about all of this and suddenly the ombudsman is investigating why BS has children in his care. Perfect.

BS's ex-wife has been making these accusations for decades, perhaps to deaf ears.. for the entire time that her ex has been with his new partner, MS, over some 20 years? It seems that up until a certain point in time, BS was still in contact with one of his daughters that he had with his ex... so he easily could also have told this daughter about his infamous visit to WT's FGM's house.. and she could in turn, have easily told her mom, the ex, the story. This gives the ex some more ideas on getting back at her ex, and so she too calls the tip line... offers up BS's name, gladly telling the officers about all of her historical accusations that to date, had gone nowhere. Now they are listening to her! Perfect.

Suddenly GJ has all of this information coming up on one man, BS.. a man who just happened to have reason to be in the street, a man who it has been alleged for decades has been involved with horrible incestual child sexual abuse, a man who currently has minors in his care. He is the perfect candidate for GJ's theory, and so a big league investigation is ON. And MSM finds out, and has plagued the man in a big way ever since. Police scrutinize him, forensically search 3 of his vehicles, pump his septic, spend days searching a 'secret basement' under his house, dig up his fire pit, enquire as to how long ago a cement pad was installed on which to build a shed, search his workplaces, dig up his land, search his prior addresses, they take piles of stuff away for forensic testing. They've got their man. The media is happily all over him for all the world to know and agree. But even after all of the forensic testing and searching, no charges come of it.... but they do act on the ex's allegations of historical sex abuse and pursue charges, even though they didn't charge him originally. There are issues with the case, but it would certainly help him to fit the MO if these allegations could be proven in a court of law. BS's life as he knew it, both personally and professionally, is forever over, without his ever being charged, let alone convicted.

Such an interesting character, what with his talkative friend, 'Col', who supports him but yet perhaps inadvertently inspires even more suspicion upon him. Who knows whose mixups are in the press when different things are written by different news media at different times, it has happened all along, with each and every detail.

I too, hope that nobody is experiencing 'tunnel vision' with this theory, and with this POI, and perhaps at the expense of other theories and potential POIs. All moo.

In a nutshell and in the beginning, BS would have been a viable POI.

A few things:

BS was arrested by Sex Crimes Squad detectives, not DCI Jubelin et al (although I hazard a guess that he would not have been at all displeased to go along for the ride at the time).

Also, could it have been the son who was angry with Grandma for 'taking his kids away'.

I don't think Strike Force Rosann has ever had 'tunnel vision' about a public POI. It's all strategy, as DCI Jubelin keeps reiterating. We, as mere mortals, can be forgiven for 'falling for it'.

Police said they have questioned 'a number of people' and there are reports the couple were among them. They were released without charge.

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I think this quote relates to BS and MS at the school assembly. MOO

In the 60 minutes interview, the FM talks about herself calling BS on the morning of the disappearance. Her mum's washing was piling up and she wanted to know whenhe could come over. On that phonecall she claims she left a message for him. On a couple of pages back, there is an extract from a Daily Mail article. In it, the police reported that other people claimed the couple, (BS and MS) were in their company that day. MOO

To me, it sounds as though the couple (WS, MS) were among the number of people who have been questioned. Meaning they and a number of other people were questioned.

"Police said they have questioned 'a number of people' and there are reports the couple were among them."

I don't read that as BS & MS were at the school assembly among the other people who were questioned, at the time of William's disappearance. And those other people can substantiate that. Is that what you mean?
I posted some time ago that all of the houses in the Benaroon Drive estate are on septic. This information was given to me by an estate agent who was selling one of the properties in Benaroon Drive. As a 'prospective buyer' I needed to know this. :wink: I don't have the answers to your other questions. Perhaps check back over earlier MSM articles where the mention of septic tanks was reported.
On this housing development, at some houses the septic tank can be clearly seen on aerial imagery (SIXmaps).
At FGM house it isn't clearly visible on aerial imagery (nor in photos nor in 60minutes video of garden) however I have worked where in the garden it is.
In a nutshell and in the beginning, BS would have been a viable POI.

A few things:

BS was arrested by Sex Crimes Squad detectives, not DCI Jubelin et al (although I hazard a guess that he would not have been at all displeased to go along for the ride at the time).

Also, could it have been the son who was angry with Grandma for 'taking his kids away'.

I don't think Strike Force Rosann has ever had 'tunnel vision' about a public POI. It's all strategy, as DCI Jubelin keeps reiterating. We, as mere mortals, can be forgiven for 'falling for it'.

Perhaps more discrepancies?

Not only are Mr Spedding and Hillsley linked by family but they were arrested by the same detective about a decade apart.

Homicide Detective Inspector Gary Jubelin arrested Mr Spedding on April 22, 2015, more than 10 years after he took Hillsley into custody.

I very much hope that Strike Force Rosann and GJ have never had tunnel vision in regard to either a POI or a theory in this case, and I truly hope that everything they do is a strategy with the goal of unravelling this mystery, letting the evidence fall where it may and building a case from there, finding WT, and bringing him justice if it is determined there is any to be meted out, in the end. From my perspective, it seems like it could be a little easy to state that virtually everything they do (or don't do) is a strategy, no matter what it is, and whether or not it actually is.. and I hope that their strategies aren't planned with a tunnel-visioned goal. It seems I'm a little more resistant to falling for it, as much as I like GJ and find him extremely appealing. LE are just people too.
On this housing development, at some houses the septic tank can be clearly seen on aerial imagery (SIXmaps).
At FGM house it isn't clearly visible on aerial imagery (nor in photos nor in 60minutes video of garden) however I have worked where in the garden it is.

Can you see what kind of lid it has? Or if it's hidden with grass on top?
And I just thought, there is William's sister to consider. Maybe that adds another layer to the privacy, as well.

And perhaps the fact that WT's bio mom does have other child(ren) in her custody and she may not wish to risk p!$$ing FCS off. moo
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