The Sidebar - Ross Harris Trial

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I think this is in dispute, we know RH ate there 3-5 times per month. I am not sure we know how often if ever he took Cooper with him.


I think RH actually ate there close to daily, at the very least, it was very frequent, and one of the interesting insights into Harris is that he always ordered the exact same thing. His friends all said about him that he is a man of rigid habit, down to never deviating from what he ordered at the few restaurants/eateries he frequented.
Does anyone know if Ross was in his car roughly 30 seconds before getting out to go into work? I thought I read that somewhere :waitasec: If that is the case I wonder what he was doing for 30 seconds, do it take that long to grab your coffee and briefcase?
I thought he was on his phone at chick-fil-a, in the car and walking out of the car to his office.

I've never seen any claim that RH was on his phone in the car, and times given for texts made public are during CFA and at work, nothing in between. The defense actually said explicitly during opening that RH had NOT been on his phone in the car.
I cannot recall if this information came from the PC hearing or from the DT's opening statement (or both). I have listened to countless hours of audio of this week, and the sources are beginning to get jumbled. It is my understanding that Ross visited that particular CFA several times a week. He went there for breakfast after dropping Copper off at daycare and for lunch on a regular basis. However, he took Cooper there for breakfast 3-5 times a month.

IIRC, Kilgore stated that he would provide debit card receipts to show Ross's normal CFA habits. He also stated that the CFA manager knew Ross from his frequent visits, but the manager did not recall seeing Cooper until June 18.
JMHO the signigance is that it is his Right Ear which is on side nearest to the carseat. IIRC he total deaf in that ear. JMHO that does make a difference to a point. I also wonder if had radio on. Lots of noises in car even with out a 22 mo old back there. *just making a comment not excusing anything or anyone.

My husband is deaf in one ear but now his other ear seems to compensate. I do not buy any excuse that implies Connor was awake, making noise etc. but he didn't hear him because he's been deaf in that ear for years!
For me personally, I want the State to present evidence that "sexting" happened during the time of him allegedly forgetting the child in the car. Otherwise to me that is not relevant to RH leaving him in the car. JMHO the sexting in itself is yuck but I want to know how THAT has some kind of connection with leaving child in car.[/QUOTE

This is pretty much not in dispute. He was "sexting" 6 different women that morning as Cooper was suffocating in the car. This was explained at the first hearing which I heard live on local radio in Atlanta.
He texted that he loved Cooper, but that both of them needed their escapes.

IMO it's not only not incriminating, but almost silly of the DA to try to spin it that way.

Of course parents need an occasional "escape" from their kids, no apologies necessary or required.

The "both" he was referring to almost certain referred to the woman he was texting, not Cooper. He was IMO rationalizing their hooking up/sexting for himself and for her.

Not an admirable way to "escape," but the "escape" had nothing to do with Cooper, unless what he was saying was that even though he loved Cooper he was willing to risk his marriage by hooking up.

Agree. It was very late when I finished the listening to Podcast last night/early morning. Couldn't remember much of content or context or time of it. Seems RH was up late night prior and was on his phone/laptop doing things prior to leaving for work that morning.

I know one thing there is a whole world of people that are addicted to being on their cellphones. LOL texting/all over the internet. He def seems to have been one of them. I will wait for that part of testimony. I def don't see an open shut case. I detest MSM. They only give what they THINK the public want to hear. Emotional factor. JMHO I want it all not snippits. BUT in defense of MSM it appears that some of that falls on testimony given by Stoddard at PC hearing. Thank you for your input!
The stuff from Professor Diamond, in my most honest opinion, is a bunch of bull. Sleep deprivation and changing routines/schedules is what MOST new parents face and from my experience I will agree to that. How about instead of normalizing and rationalizing what such a small percentage of parents do, we look at what makes them unique to the millions of sleep deprived parents who face changing routines as well yet never leave their child in a car for hours? It happens too often, because even one child death due to being forgotten is too much, but if it simply came down to exhaustion and change of routine this would be resulting in child deaths at a rate of an epidemic.
Does anyone know if Ross was in his car roughly 30 seconds before getting out to go into work? I thought I read that somewhere :waitasec: If that is the case I wonder what he was doing for 30 seconds, do it take that long to grab your coffee and briefcase?

IIRC it was stated that is shown on the Home Depot parking lot surveillance video. Depending on what doing can be long time or short. I know many times I have finished listening to a song, weather/news report after parking. Used my phone or fumbled around. Very seldom do I personally park and immediately get out within 30 seconds. Takes a few seconds to put in park, release the seatbelt grab your purse/briefcase and get out. So again, it all depends on what his testimony was, which I do not know for that time frame. JMHO
Quote Originally Posted by arkansasmimi View Post
JMHO the signigance is that it is his Right Ear which is on side nearest to the carseat. IIRC he total deaf in that ear. JMHO that does make a difference to a point. I also wonder if had radio on. Lots of noises in car even with out a 22 mo old back there. *just making a comment not excusing anything or anyone
My husband is deaf in one ear but now his other ear seems to compensate. I do not buy any excuse that implies Connor was awake, making noise etc. but he didn't hear him because he's been deaf in that ear for years!

I respectfully agree. Same way we all overcompensate if one part goes out.. I have that problem with my right leg after injury, I overcompensate with my left leg. But my post was in reference to a post/question wondering about the significance. And it JMHO that was the significance. Nothing more or less.
arkansasmimi;12856954]For me personally, I want the State to present evidence that "sexting" happened during the time of him allegedly forgetting the child in the car. Otherwise to me that is not relevant to RH leaving him in the car. JMHO the sexting in itself is yuck but I want to know how THAT has some kind of connection with leaving child in car.
JudyBolton BBM
This is pretty much not in dispute. He was "sexting" 6 different women that morning as Cooper was suffocating in the car. This was explained at the first hearing which I heard live on local radio in Atlanta.
Sorry was not clear in my post. I meant prior to and during the time he left home and got out of his vehicle and went into work. He did many things during the day before he got back into his car to leave the parking lot. Not just sexting 6 different women. I have no timeline of each text and so forth. So I will have to await the evidence and testimony. JMHO
The stuff from Professor Diamond, in my most honest opinion, is a bunch of bull. Sleep deprivation and changing routines/schedules is what MOST new parents face and from my experience I will agree to that. How about instead of normalizing and rationalizing what such a small percentage of parents do, we look at what makes them unique to the millions of sleep deprived parents who face changing routines as well yet never leave their child in a car for hours? It happens too often, because even one child death due to being forgotten is too much, but if it simply came down to exhaustion and change of routine this would be resulting in child deaths at a rate of an epidemic.
Respectfully bbm, that is your right to have that opinion. I only referenced it because Dr. Diamond was Expert Witness in that case and he is also going to be in this case.
I agree even 1 is too much. But evidently there is an epidemic in many states. So much so that even GA Gov had made an awareness campaign about it less than a month prior. JMHO what makes them unique is that this happen to these cases and they become emotionally charged high profile cases in the media. I have even seen cases in news of people leaving child in car in cold climates. There are Experts in everything imaginable for reasons. JMHO

I am not going to argue if it is bunch of bull or not. I know I can think of many times that I have drove right past where I was needing to go because my mind was elsewhere and had to turn around. Or leave something plugged in or the stove on. OR unable to remember if I turned them off. Left my purse on car before, many things because of diff reasons. Thank God, no have never left child in car. BUT my neighbor once on a cold rainy morning at just prior to 6 am, after warming car up, put infant in car seat, went in to get other child and out of habit locked the car door.. with car running. She also locked the house door behind her and the 2nd child. Thankfully I had not left for work yet. It was scary for both of us. Thankfully nothing bad happened and a very kind LEO was able to get the car door open. Precious baby all warm and slept through it all. JMHO
Respectfully bbm, that is your right to have that opinion. I only referenced it because Dr. Diamond was Expert Witness in that case and he is also going to be in this case.
I agree even 1 is too much. But evidently there is an epidemic in many states. So much so that even GA Gov had made an awareness campaign about it less than a month prior. JMHO what makes them unique is that this happen to these cases and they become emotionally charged high profile cases in the media. I have even seen cases in news of people leaving child in car in cold climates. There are Experts in everything imaginable for reasons. JMHO

I am not going to argue if it is bunch of bull or not. I know I can think of many times that I have drove right past where I was needing to go because my mind was elsewhere and had to turn around. Or leave something plugged in or the stove on. OR unable to remember if I turned them off. Left my purse on car before, many things because of diff reasons. Thank God, no have never left child in car. BUT my neighbor once on a cold rainy morning at just prior to 6 am, after warming car up, put infant in car seat, went in to get other child and out of habit locked the car door.. with car running. She also locked the house door behind her and the 2nd child. Thankfully I had not left for work yet. It was scary for both of us. Thankfully nothing bad happened and a very kind LEO was able to get the car door open. Precious baby all warm and slept through it all. JMHO

There is not an epidemic. The average is 30 something per year, nationwide. That's out of tens of millions of children. I agree that one is too many, which is why there are so many PSAs. No state even wants one. Hotter climates are obviously more susceptible, since interiors heat up so rapidly, and it's warmer more months. That's why there tends to be a concentration of info in those states.
The stuff from Professor Diamond, in my most honest opinion, is a bunch of bull. Sleep deprivation and changing routines/schedules is what MOST new parents face and from my experience I will agree to that. How about instead of normalizing and rationalizing what such a small percentage of parents do, we look at what makes them unique to the millions of sleep deprived parents who face changing routines as well yet never leave their child in a car for hours? It happens too often, because even one child death due to being forgotten is too much, but if it simply came down to exhaustion and change of routine this would be resulting in child deaths at a rate of an epidemic.

I'm an absolute dunce when it comes to math, much less statistics, but I suspect your answer about what makes the parents unique who cause their children's deaths by forgetting them is-- nothing identifiable, for good or ill.

New parents are exhausted, parents with more than one toddler are often exhausted, as are parents who work full time and have children of any age. Not all parents commute to a job, but many commutes in many circumstances are long in time and distance, and toss in all the everyday distractions and demands on time, and frankly, it's probably remarkable that so few children do get forgotten and left in cars, and inevitable statistically that it happens.
Sorry was not clear in my post. I meant prior to and during the time he left home and got out of his vehicle and went into work. He did many things during the day before he got back into his car to leave the parking lot. Not just sexting 6 different women. I have no timeline of each text and so forth. So I will have to await the evidence and testimony. JMHO

I'm not sure I understand what you are talking about. Are you saying that unless he was "sexting" while driving the car that it had no impact on forgetting Connor? When he walked into his office Connor was still alive. There were probably a few hours when he could have been saved if Harris had "remembered him". Instead he was sexting with 6 women. That has been stated numerous times.

I'm still thinking this was intentional...but for those who think he "forgot Connor" this could be an important element.
I will be interested in Det Murphy testimony as well. This case is really messed up. video of Hearing Dec 14 2015. Murphy testified to a Magistrate, getting SW for iPhone 6/18/2014 at 10:32pm " that RH iPhone was taken from RH and secured when he was handcuffed and secured into patrol vehicle" BUT RH had his iPhone in his pocked on the patrol car video! This is so messed up with just the little bit of testimony so far! Wow! [video=youtube;rT8boHsOxmM][/video]
I'm not sure I understand what you are talking about. Are you saying that unless he was "sexting" while driving the car that it had no impact on forgetting Connor? When he walked into his office Connor was still alive. There were probably a few hours when he could have been saved if Harris had "remembered him". Instead he was sexting with 6 women. That has been stated numerous times.

I'm still thinking this was intentional...but for those who think he "forgot Connor" this could be an important element.

I respect your opinion. JMHO, I think all the evidence and times will be important elements of the case. So far hasn't been entered as exhibits with testimony. I will eagerly await the trial testimony for sure. JMHO
My husband is deaf in one ear but now his other ear seems to compensate. I do not buy any excuse that implies Connor was awake, making noise etc. but he didn't hear him because he's been deaf in that ear for years!

Plus sound waves bounce off surfaces. Whatever sounds he was making would be bouncing off the windows.
I think he had a sexting addiction, like an addiction to drugs. So does that mean he is less culpable than a drug-addict or alcoholic?

Most people who have addictions don't leave their kids in hot cars, either. He had no problem taking Cooper to day care any other day, aside from the day Cooper died which was after he googled "how to survive prison."
Yes, of course the burden of proof is on the prosecution. What I am saying, is you seem to believe the searches didn't really happen, simply because the defense says they didn't. OF COURSE they are going to say that! They aren't going to agree. We haven't even come to that batch of evidence being presented and scrutinized, yet. Why not wait until that happens, before it's assumed the detective is lying? I just find it strange that the defense is believed so readily, before we've even reached that part of the trial. Accusing a detective of lying before it's presented in this trial is really lofty. I don't think either side can or should be accepted as fact right now. (IMO.) I have my own opinions, but if the evidence shows something else...well, I've been wrong before.

Yes. The defense is going to say anything and everything to get JH off, even if it means denying reality and denying the evidence and trying to gaslight the jury into doubting their own sanity. Kilgore&Company even compared Cooper to a podium, in a round about way when he asked witnesses if they could remember every detail of it when they walked in the room. A podium has nothing to do with this case. A podium is an inanimate object, not a little boy. I wish there were a big sign above the defense table that flashes "FALSE EQUIVALENCY" whenever Kilgore starts doing this.

I've served on a jury before, but not like this. Now I know why people never want to serve on juries. Not because they have to sit there day in and day out trudging through horrifying evidence. Not because lawyers bicker back and forth. People don't want to serve on juries because they don't want to have their intelligence insulted or be talked out of their own good common sense. It's crazy making.
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