Who Has Heard Burke's Voice on The 911 Tape?

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Have You Heard Burke's Voice on 911 Tape??

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    Votes: 115 44.7%
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    Votes: 60 23.3%

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I wasn't aware that we have any of that information. What is the source for that?

This is from the Dateline episode, originally posted in the Enhanced 911 Ending thread. I'm not sure exactly what this document is but Dateline said they got access to previously unreleased docs.

This is from the Dateline episode, originally posted in the Enhanced 911 Ending thread. I'm not sure exactly what this document is but Dateline said they got access to previously unreleased docs.
<< images snipped for space >>
DFF - You are a virtual library of info - Thanks bunches!
To the original question, maybe my ears are playing tricks on me, but using headphones on the latest available version of the call, I can hear Patty muttering or mumbling something that I can't make out. And I clearly hear a much higher voice that is not Patsy's and so must be Burke's. Definitely sounds like a child. I can hear John Ramsey speaking very distinctly, although I can't say for sure what he's saying, but it sounds as if he's speaking sharply, and could very well be along the lines of "we're not speaking to you". So while I'm not sure what any of them are saying, there's no doubt in my mind that Patsy, Burke and John can be heard on that tape after communication with the dispatcher ceased.

But if Burke admitted to the GJ that it sounds like his voice but continued to deny he was in the kitchen, I can see that raising all kinds of questions for them. I guess we'll learn more tonight.
I heard Burke ask where Jonbenet was on the call. I also heard Burke say in a later interview that he heard commotion but stayed in bed during the call until morning after the call.

I heard John say to Burke: "we're not speaking to you right now." And I heard well controlled anger in the tone. I also heard Burke say later that his Dad ignored him after the murder as if Burke had done something wrong.

I also saw much PTSD caused by the loss of the relationship between Burke and his parents, as well as a complete state of denial from Burke towards the loss of his sister. Burke didn't change his demeanor towards his sister whether he was speaking of her in life or death. That just doesn't make sense, since Burke is clearly emotionally cut off from his sister now, he very well could have been disconnected enough to commit murder even at nine years old. I know my sister would have offed me a long time ago, if she could have gotten away with it like Burke did.
Burke didn't change his demeanor towards his sister whether he was speaking of her in life or death. That just doesn't make sense, since Burke is clearly emotionally cut off from his sister now, he very well could have been disconnected enough to commit murder even at nine years old. I know my sister would have offed me a long time ago, if she could have gotten away with it like Burke did.
You and me both, Rameylane. You and me both.
I’m not so “sensitive” that I would get my feelings hurt over something posted here :lol: (but I know some who are more “delicate” than I am, might).
I was recently accused of this and had to roll my eyes and laugh. JUst because you don't respond to a post immediately or even forget to respond to it due to a sea of new posts always flooding in doesn't mean you're running away from a post. LIke you said, real life also gets in the way as well.

I read this back when you posted it and don't remember the part about your life not going well. I hope you are doing ok and also hope its not anything health related. As you know, I went through health issues starting in May that dragged out for months. I just recently got the all clear on my scan so apparently I do not have cancer(knock on wood).

Hope things start looking up for you. You are one of the most valuable members of this community and we all miss you when you go lengthy periods without posting but understand that you cant log in every day.

One of the reasons I consider BDI members such you, UK, DeDee, and a few others as some of my favorite members is that while we disagree obviously on who did it, you don't swallow hook, line, and sinker what CBS or even Kolar push. You recognize its flaws and make serious and genuine attempts at getting to the bottom of things that do not have easy answers or get ignored by others because it doesn't fit in to a basic, simplistic theory. To you, it doesn't "all make sense". So instead of accepting it at face value, you look for answers....and you do an amazing job of it.

I love your search for what the real thing was that may have caused the head wound. You also realize that strangulation and what is commonly pushed should not be taken at face value.

Every crime site needs somebody like you.
I am firmly BDI and I volunteer for a class of 9 and 10 year olds, kids Burke's age at the time. Not that this really contributes anything to the discussion though.

Even though I am BDI, I don't hear Burke's voice on the tape; I can't quite make out much on the enhanced version, that I can't already hear on the original version.
annapurna:: I know this post is two years old but I'm just catching up on this forum now. Can you elaborate on the bible and the den photo? I had never heard of these before and would like to think I know a lot about the case.
the den = study on the 1st floor?

Was the dictionary dog-eared or marked with a pen?

if the dictionary has a connection with this crime, the pink purse (thx KCinNYC) can have it too:

911 call
01:19 to 01:26
Patsy? Patsy? Patsy? Patsy?
Bay-bee what did you find, what did you do?
I'm sorry.

That's what I hear, three people, 911 operator, Patsy, and a young boy.
here's the file loaded in audacity with where i hear what i hear. what do you hear?


  • convo in ramsey call.GIF
    convo in ramsey call.GIF
    97.3 KB · Views: 124
certainly with all the commentary of people hearing help me jesus i wonder how i can hear this and not that....?
Part of the tape that was made public has been erased. That is why I laugh when people say they can clearly hear John and Burke. I'm sure the Ramsey's are responsible for not allowing that section to be made public

Sorry to bump an old thread but this is what I was trying to get at in the other thread I recently posted in. There's clearly part of the 911 call that's been cut out--the part John & Burke are talking on. We still haven't heard the original Aerospace-enhanced call that was played on Geraldo in '98 that multiple trustworthy posters heard once & never again. Boulder police heard it. The voices of BR & JR were clear as a bell on that one. Everyone who listened to it was CERTAIN of what they heard down to the inflection of the words.

What we have now is NOT that tape. That one has been scrubbed from the public domain. The incriminating parts have been cut out--there's dead air on the current recording where JR & BR's voices should be. The one played on the CBS doc & everywhere else on the internet is the altered version--not the damning one. Patsy might be heard saying "Help me Jesus" but the other two R's have been cut out intentionally. You can tell because the recording goes dead & then picks back up right near the end--you can see this on those visualization soundwave program things.

I think we're all running ourselves ragged trying to work with a bogus redacted recording, guys. Burke & John may be on the actual 911 call but they can't be heard on the one WE have access to as mere plebs. TL;DR - The 911 call we have now is a big ol' red herring because it's not the OG version. I suspect the Rams' lawyers were able to pull some "Burke is underage!" BS to get that tape back quietly without making a big stink publicly & thus making BR look guiltier than he already does, but you can bet lawsuits were threatened to Geraldo & anyone else who released it. (Geraldo was an absolute pitbull when it came to stuff like this; he hounded Lorena Bobbitt more than anyone else according to her recent documentary, bordering on stalking just to get an interview. And he went all in on the Ramsey parents until one day he suddenly didn't anymore. Wonder why?).

Sorry to bump an old thread but this is what I was trying to get at in the other thread I recently posted in. There's clearly part of the 911 call that's been cut out--the part John & Burke are talking on. We still haven't heard the original Aerospace-enhanced call that was played on Geraldo in '98 that multiple trustworthy posters heard once & never again. Boulder police heard it. The voices of BR & JR were clear as a bell on that one. Everyone who listened to it was CERTAIN of what they heard down to the inflection of the words.

What we have now is NOT that tape. That one has been scrubbed from the public domain. The incriminating parts have been cut out--there's dead air on the current recording where JR & BR's voices should be. The one played on the CBS doc & everywhere else on the internet is the altered version--not the damning one. Patsy might be heard saying "Help me Jesus" but the other two R's have been cut out intentionally. You can tell because the recording goes dead & then picks back up right near the end--you can see this on those visualization soundwave program things.

I think we're all running ourselves ragged trying to work with a bogus redacted recording, guys. Burke & John may be on the actual 911 call but they can't be heard on the one WE have access to as mere plebs. TL;DR - The 911 call we have now is a big ol' red herring because it's not the OG version. I suspect the Rams' lawyers were able to pull some "Burke is underage!" BS to get that tape back quietly without making a big stink publicly & thus making BR look guiltier than he already does, but you can bet lawsuits were threatened to Geraldo & anyone else who released it. (Geraldo was an absolute pitbull when it came to stuff like this; he hounded Lorena Bobbitt more than anyone else according to her recent documentary, bordering on stalking just to get an interview. And he went all in on the Ramsey parents until one day he suddenly didn't anymore. Wonder why?).


I heard it on Geraldo with my own ears! Your are 100% correct- it was clear as a bell.
Sorry to bump an old thread but this is what I was trying to get at in the other thread I recently posted in. There's clearly part of the 911 call that's been cut out--the part John & Burke are talking on. We still haven't heard the original Aerospace-enhanced call that was played on Geraldo in '98 that multiple trustworthy posters heard once & never again. Boulder police heard it. The voices of BR & JR were clear as a bell on that one. Everyone who listened to it was CERTAIN of what they heard down to the inflection of the words.

What we have now is NOT that tape. That one has been scrubbed from the public domain. The incriminating parts have been cut out--there's dead air on the current recording where JR & BR's voices should be. The one played on the CBS doc & everywhere else on the internet is the altered version--not the damning one. Patsy might be heard saying "Help me Jesus" but the other two R's have been cut out intentionally. You can tell because the recording goes dead & then picks back up right near the end--you can see this on those visualization soundwave program things.

I think we're all running ourselves ragged trying to work with a bogus redacted recording, guys. Burke & John may be on the actual 911 call but they can't be heard on the one WE have access to as mere plebs. TL;DR - The 911 call we have now is a big ol' red herring because it's not the OG version. I suspect the Rams' lawyers were able to pull some "Burke is underage!" BS to get that tape back quietly without making a big stink publicly & thus making BR look guiltier than he already does, but you can bet lawsuits were threatened to Geraldo & anyone else who released it. (Geraldo was an absolute pitbull when it came to stuff like this; he hounded Lorena Bobbitt more than anyone else according to her recent documentary, bordering on stalking just to get an interview. And he went all in on the Ramsey parents until one day he suddenly didn't anymore. Wonder why?).

Occams Razor,
Two words:
Someone should ask Lin Wood. I would, but he blocked me years ago ... @llinwood on Twitter.

He was rather engaging until I asked him a question he didn’t have a answer to.
Linda7NJ, thank you for that info. Wow. Does that mean that in 1998 all jurors could listen to this original tape? What happened to it after that?

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