Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #15

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mother daughter sister wife friend paralegal
Oct 28, 2009
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Dear Websleuths Members,



There are hundreds of places on the Internet for you to go discuss if you think Sherri's kidnapping was a hoax. Websleuths is not one of those places. Feel free to send me a private message and I will give you the link.

Everything has come full circle. Mainstream Media (MSM) is now reporting on what is being said on the Internet. We used to say that if MSM discussed a topic then Websleuths members could discuss a topic. Not in this case. Just because theories from the Internet are being reported by MSM does not mean we can bring theories to Websleuths which leads me to the Skinzheads post or whatever it's called.

Until it is proven that Sherri wrote this post it is off limits. Her husband said she did not write the post. Law Enforcement has not said Sherri wrote the post but they are investigating. Until we hear for sure this part of the discussion is off limits.

We need to stop and talk a look at what we are doing. Are we so insensitive and uncaring that it is now OK to bash someone who has been through hell and back just for our entertainment? Especially when there is zero evidence the victim did anything wrong?

To those of you who feel it is OK to bash Sherri I ask you; would you bash her if she knew your real name and all your friends and family knew it was you bashing her? What if you had to stand in a spotlight and have everyone watch you while you bashed someone behind your computer screen?

Please, let's have some dignity and respect for each other.

Thank you,
Now tclya has something for you beneath this warning. Please continue to read.

Missing California Mom Found Alive After Captor Abandons Her in Restraints, Sheriff Says

"We are very ecstatic to report that Sherri Papini has been located and has been reunited with husband and family on this day of Thanksgiving," Sheriff Tom Bosenko said at a news conference today ... "


Missing Person Sherri Papini
14956607_10208327554372096_6103506709758080591_n.j  pg

Video here from KRCR News Channel → [video][/video]

Authorities search for missing woman in Shasta County

As of today, November 23, 2016, the ransom offer deadline has passed, and is now being offered as "$100,000 Reward for the Person Who Leads Us to Sherri Papini.":

UPDATE: Papini ransom money now going to anyone who turns in 'abductor'

skibaboo's Case Map


NOTHING has been stated to even hint that Sherri's story isn't true. Tricia's post here

From here on out anyone who mentions the skinhead site will receive a time out.

Until it is proven there is a connection between the site and Sharri there is no need to discuss this vile place Tricia's post here

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So there can be no misunderstanding, I'll clarify the parameters/rules for posting in this thread -

  • Sherri and Keith are victims. LE has confirmed this. Sherri clearly was beaten and tortured for 22 days. Keith passed a polygraph and LE has stated he has fully cooperated and they have explicitly cleared him. That means no bashing, insinuating they are anything but victims and no more sleuthing either of their social media pages.
  • No references, not even thinly veiled ones, regarding the 13 year old blog entry allegedly authored by SP. None. ZERO TOLERANCE
  • Any violations will result in an immediate loss of posting privileges.

Guys, there are a LOT more angles to sleuth. Aren't y'all getting dizzy? . I urge you to jump down from the Sherri & Keith carousel and look down other avenues. Gamble might be an interesting start.... He's a public figure who willingly inserted himself into this case and the sheriff is on record for being adamantly against his involvement. Just a suggestion....
Papini's former husband, David Dreyfus, defended her, saying it must have been written by someone else.
"People are bullies, and it's easy to poke at people online," Dreyfus told The Sacramento Bee. "With as diverse of a friends group as she and I had, that's not her."

Another curious part of the story has been the role played by a self-described "international kidnap and ransom consultant" named Cameron Gamble. Gamble posted a video offering an undisclosed amount of money as a "ransom" for Papini's safe return.
Then, when he got no response, Gamble posted another video offering the money as a reward for information leading to the kidnappers. He said the sum was put up by a concerned person who wanted to remain anonymous.
Papini turned up free the next morning, with Gamble claiming that his reward had put pressure on the kidnappers. Police said they don't believe it had anything to with her release.
Still, police have been upset by some of the husband's actions, including contacting Gamble for help and divulging details of her injuries to media.
Just to clarify- they can't be victims of drug cartel? No sleuthing any possible run ins with such characters?
What are your thoughts on KP? I completely believe him, but I'd just like to hear some of your thoughts on him after the 20/20 interview.
What are your thoughts on KP? I completely believe him, but I'd just like to hear some of your thoughts on him after the 20/20 interview.

He reminds me of a friend of mine, whom I love dearly. This experience has changed his life forever, in unimaginable ways.
Just to clarify- they can't be victims of drug cartel? No sleuthing any possible run ins with such characters?

Honestly, if a drug cartel kidnapped her I doubt they would have held her three weeks just to release her. However, local-ish growers could be involved, IMO.
I took care of my 2 yr old grand baby for a few hours this afternoon. She got so upset when her mama left my house. :cry:

I spent most of our time together trying to keep her mind off her mommy being 'missing.' We would be playing with bubbles or outdoor chalk on the sidewalk, and she would be having fun, then suddenly she'd say 'where's mama? And she'd have that pouty lip that melted my heart. lol

{ I couldn't say 'she is at TOYSRUS' but I really wanted to....]

Anyway, when my daughterinlaw finally returned, and I saw my baby girls joyous response, I thought of little Violet. And I wanted to cry. I just know that she and her big brother are so happy and thrilled to sit on mommy's lap and hug her and blow bubbles and draw with chalk on the patio. I am so overwhelmed with relief for all of them. :grouphug:
Just to clarify- they can't be victims of drug cartel? No sleuthing any possible run ins with such characters?

Sure, that's a possibility. Many have speculated exactly that.

All good as long as you don't insinuate S and/or K are members of the drug cartel. ;)
What are your thoughts on KP? I completely believe him, but I'd just like to hear some of your thoughts on him after the 20/20 interview.

I have never seen anyone quite like him before. His personality seems to be a lot 'story-teller' (I had a relative like him), and I don't mean that in the bad sense, necessarily. But I would say that I don't think his frequent public appearances are helping Sherri's story gain credence in public perception. So in that sense, I think he's shooting himself in the foot everytime he does an interview. JMO, and IMHO.

To me the reason is that he's not 'careful' - his emotions (or just personality?) cause him to do a lot of unnecessary description and embellishment, and as the elaborate details tend to change or update from time to time, it doesn't help this story gain credibiltiy. ETA: If I were an investigator he would definitely get my interest as a possible POI. IMO. JMO.

Please do not take this as victim-bashing. I'm trying to answer your question objectively. If I were his attorney, I'd advise him to not do any more interviews. (But he may not have an attorney nor feel the need for one; again, this is JMO.)
This is in reference to Matt G tweeting that KP said "my wife" a lot of times.

Respectfully Quoting CharlestonGal's post:

"It's called distancing language and is a red flag to interrogators. It's an interesting google if you're so inclined."

Actually, calling Sherri "my wife" is the opposite of distancing language. The textbook case of "distancing language" was when Bill Clinton said "I did not have sexual relations with "that woman" Miss Lewinsky.

Calling Sherri "My wife" while detractors and disbelievers call her names is protective intimacy. He's calling her a part of him, and if you want to disparage her, you have to go through him.

He is building a protective wall - himself - around her. Distancing language is the opposite.
Please help me understand something. This is my first post on the matter as I've read/watched to see how it unfolds. Now it seems news is slowing down as she's home and recovering. Just watched the 20/20 show.

Very curious why there is no sense of urgency and "we must find them, here's a sketch of what they may have looked like, please be on the lookout for people with this description etc." in the news or in the 20/20 show. It almost seems like they've given up on trying to find them. I know she looked at surveillance of SUVs in that area at that time and none seemed a match to her.

The 20/20 show seemed kind of like a closed case. It was sort of a "she's home and it's over" but if these are dangerous people out there kidnapping strangers, wouldn't they want the public very vigilant? Does that mean this is something where they know a lot more than they're saying? And it's still a crime and a kidnapping and a victim, but somehow no threat to the public?
Presumably,people are generally "cautious" when it comes to personal safety, at least to some degree. But this was a rare, violent crime with some sort of specific luring or ruse to abduct the victim. People need to know. Jmojmojmojmojmo

This was very rare indeed, and not in what one would typically consider a high crime area. It was a rural mailbox site.

Although it's nice to think that people are generally cautious, I rather disagree. I think people are far too complacent and unaware of their surroundings most of the time. Especially during the daytime.

I'm armed in my home, I carry when I travel, and I've sometimes carried concealed. Some of my friends call me paranoid. That's ridiculous. I'm just more aware than most. But I know I sure let my guard down when I'm at my mailbox.

I only wanted to know why no one has mentioned the motive yet?

Especially since others could become victims of these 2 women.

That is all.
What are your thoughts on KP? I completely believe him, but I'd just like to hear some of your thoughts on him after the 20/20 interview.

I think he is an amazing husband and father. He seems very protective of his family; especially SP. I am impressed by him.
Everyone I talked to today said they're now convinced that she was abducted, abused, and then thrown out of a vehicle. No one I talked to knows what the motive is. (This was a women's group, and then casual conversation in a waiting room).
These may be kind of old thoughts now but I finally managed to get on when the thread was unlocked. A few points I wanted to bring up that I haven't seen too much about (and I've tried to read everything, I really really have!):

I'm not at all surprised she was released the same day. I was wondering if some of those who seem so shocked by it have ever had the 'fun' of going to the ER for anything serious? Unless someone leaves against medical advice it's generally up to the doctors and insurance companies when you leave, even if you WANT to stay. I would've been far more surprised if they kept her, even overnight (at least based on my experiences here in California).

Mask/Head Covering (of abductors)
I was picturing something kind of bandana style, like the examples below. They'd be easy on/off, and still allow someone to see the abdoctors' eyes, brows, hair, and earrings. By the way these were the least offensive images I could find when doing an image search for woman bandana face, so use caution if you do this search yourself as plenty are NSFW (not safe for work):
(I originally found these prior to the 20/20 interview but I think they may still apply. When SP was abducted initially I doubt they were wearing these; or, maybe they had something like this tied and ready to go pulled up over their hair, or down around their necks) - again these are just examples, I know we have no idea what type of face covering they were actually wearing:

Other masks I ran across just for additional possible examples where SP could still have seen some features but not all - these seem less likely to be worn and at the ready when she was abducted:
Dust mask (or surgical one?):
Surgical mask:

Broken nose
I was in agreement with many who said or implied it was broken when she was pushed out of the van, but reading that article previewing the 20/20 episode he says her nose was yellow, meaning bruises that had been healing awhile. I couldn't get the interview itself so I'm not sure if it was mentioned again. It brings up some new questions for me such as did it get broken when she was abducted, or while held captive? May not matter that much, but if they smacked her in the face/head when they abducted her she might've been knocked unconscious pretty quickly and the phone etc. fell out of her hand or a pocket? Or as mentioned maybe it was placed there, but I think it's also possible it happened to fall and just coincidentally look that way.
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