TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #39

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She was murdered because:

She would get half the assets otherwise

I found someone I wanted to be with more than you

She knew too much about the illegal drugs being sold in the gym

Someone paid me to do it

She interrupted my burglary in process and I had to kill her

I wanted her life

Her instruction at CG got be seriously injured and I'll never be the same

My husband thinks she's adorable

She was going to out the stuff she was selling because it was a cover
for heroin

I saw her at school and I had to have her.

I tried to get her to notice me but she just wasn't interested

She was against me dating her daughter

How's that for starters?

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RBBM : Strange. I thought that as soon as I read about this case, about a boyfriend MB didn't like...
RBBM : Strange. I thought that as soon as I read about this case, about a boyfriend MB didn't like...

Crossed my mind too I must say. I didn't want to say it though.
Man, I've got a serious case of eye strain after following this case for the last few days! Definitely an uptick in noise after so many months of silence. Hoping arrests will come and Missy can RIP. Let's keep the thread going this time:)

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Hi there Oregon!

How's the weather out there? I am in Maine, and it's been one frigid winter.

Anyhow, your post:

"Mental health. Whoever committed this heinous murder will always justify it to go along their own personal opinions. I still can not rule out a female because mental health , revenge and hatred can amount to a huge burden for a person who thinks in the abstract tunnel. I'm scared of heights but i will tackle the height if I am driven to it."

1. Could you explain what you mean by "mental health revenge and hatred can amount to a huge burden for a person who thinks in the abstract tunnel"?

I would appreciate it if you have a moment. Thanks a bunch!
This firearm with a serial number is interesting because I have never heard of an officer's weapon being confiscated at the scene of a crime unless the officer actually fired his weapon.

Could one have been confiscated from an officer after autopsy? Was this firearm possibly planted somewhere in the Church that may be part of the ECSD investigations into stolen/missing evidence, specifically firearms?

I tend to believe the firearm was found in the Ford truck since the title and registration

This firearm with a serial number is interesting because I have never heard of an officer's weapon being confiscated at the scene of a crime unless the officer actually fired his weapon. Anybody with LE or criminal law insight ?

I think the firearm mentioned here is one that was at the church, possibly inappropriately in an office drawer. With the crazies out there shooting up churches and schools, I wouldn't be surprised if the nice lady in church reception had a pistol in a drawer.

Perhaps they are trying to protect that person's privacy because they will not press charges (if charges even apply, I don't know). They found and secured a firearm at the scene, basically, and want to keep that discreet. That's my opinion.
When considering SM, and assuming SP sent the "strange and creepy" message to MB, why did SP choose LI to send the warning to MB?

I suspect, as in hindsight being 20/20 for MB, that there were other warnings; we just aren't aware of them.

I've been stalked. It was terrifying that they knew to call when I was alone. He left lavender flowers leaning on the windshield of my parked car and used a clothespin to hang a red heart shaped doily at my mailbox. We moved a county over to get away from that misery. Thus, I conclude that MB probably was a bit troubled during those last few weeks if her killer was sending subtle warnings.

The LI message was the final warning. MB went to the CG Conference anyway.
I know this is simple minded ( but it's the only mind I've got) but:
i think it is extremely unlikely any burgular who is so prepared ( outfit)would burgle a church. Aside from a hot plate and a large coffee percolator there's nothing to steal in most church basements. If he was caught he'd probably run since it's not an enormous charge and he is definitely unrecognizable. Not kill. Jmo. But I really doubt a real burgular would suit up to rob a church basement and hang out for half an hour to do it then kill someone who could not recognize him nor restrain him. ( he was clearly bigger than Missy)
Also, he didn't steal anything. There's nothing in his hands. Most thieves would leave at that point, not kill time waiting wandering around trying to look busy.
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This was early on. After exploring leads and following evidence they said they didn't believe it had to do with a love triangle and they were exploring untargeted hit. You cannot refute that.

bbm No it didn't have to do with a love triangle.

bbm I can refute anything I want to, it's my opine it was a targeted murder. jmo


During their investigation, police discovered through search warrants that Missy was dealing with “an ongoing financial and marital struggle,” and that she’d sent “flirtatious and familiar” messages to someone else.

But after looking into that revelation as a possible motive, “the love-triangle thing is not really panning out so far,” Johnson says. This means they are exploring the option that the crime was “an untargeted type of hit,” which greatly opens up the field of suspects.

I am just trying to keep the facts straight and the board honest. I didn't say it wasn't targeted. However, the last statement we've had from LE is that after a lot of investigation, they are exploring it as untargeted.

If you would like to refute that, please show me a more recent article with LE saying they believe it is targeted.
I dont think Missy was killed by anyone she knew. I do think she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
To me she entered the church while it was being cased or robbed and she was attacked and killed. I do not believe she was targeted.

I do not think it will be solved either.

That scenario was debunked a ling time ago. It is a targetted kill.

Police have seen the entire video from church. They said that she was targeted. Her family believes she was targeted!!!!
I trust they know more than us!! Thanks

Anytime somebody comes on this board and says they believe it is untargeted, they are attacked with misinformation. It would be nice to respect the opinions of others and keep it civil.

I also believe it was an interrupted burglary but I'm not attacking those that believe it was targeted.
G.M. Cox, an associate professor at Tarleton State University in Fort Worth and a former police chief in Murphy, has followed the case since the outset and says it is likely the break in the case exists with someone that knew Bevers well.

"There has to be some link between her death and people in her past," Cox said. "This person intended to do exactly what they did – when they did it – and whom they did it to.”


Authorities have not confirmed if the suspect is male or female. But Bevers’ husband, Brandon, believes his wife knew her killer.

We have had protesters downtown Portland that were threatening to shut down the city yesterday if a certain LE officer was not fired.
I'm posting this because our SWAT team uniforms are worth studying in comparison to SP who killed MB.
I have to admit, I have watched the video several times and there is a plethora of different videos of same event (yesterday) from other news sights. This is just one.

I want to add that I have studied the way our SWAT team walks in full gear and haven't seen anything remotely close to SP. JMO!

Other news channels in Portland are
G.M. Cox, an associate professor at Tarleton State University in Fort Worth and a former police chief in Murphy, has followed the case since the outset and says it is likely the break in the case exists with someone that knew Bevers well.

"There has to be some link between her death and people in her past," Cox said. "This person intended to do exactly what they did – when they did it – and whom they did it to.”


Authorities have not confirmed if the suspect is male or female. But Bevers’ husband, Brandon, believes his wife knew her killer.


This case will never get solved, because the investigators will never admit that they may have been wrong. They have never even considered the other possibilities.
Hi all,

Today, I pushed myself to do some solid thinking and research about the view in opposition to mine: that this was an unplanned murder...that it was a burglary, something of the sort. I have always believed that SP was there to murder Missy. Still do. Firmly.

Part of the entire case, of course, has been speculation re: whether SP is a male or female; my opinion on that issue is also the same as it was 9 months ago -- I have no.freaking.idea. As time wears on, in fact, I become less sure about this variable.

In the midst of this, though, I began thinking about a correlation between these two matters.

I'm curious -

For those who believe that Missy was targeted that morning, when you take a moment and think about the other possibility -- that Missy walked in on a burglary - does that all influence your thoughts about SP being male or female?

For those who lean toward this being an untargeted event, does that scenario come equipped with a male or female SP? Have you equivocated, too?

If you have moved from targeted to untargeted - did your thoughts on gender change?

When I first saw the church video back in April, I assumed it was a male. Just went right to it ....bam. Dude. Then, the speculation began that it could be a female, and like many, I watched the video (many times) through a questioning lens. I have since gone back and forth - examining mannerisms, body, etc.. Of course, I also know about the contents of the SW, the scuttlebutt, etc. After all of that, if the outcome aligns with my belief that Missy was targeted, I will not be completely surprised either way -- though my one hedging point about gender is that very few women could pull off the murder in such a small amount of time (given what is perceived as the weapon used -- a hammer) due to strength, and endurance, particular regarding upper body strength. Having the confidence, too, is another matter. Everyone knows that Missy was in top shape with some serious muscles of her own. Were a woman to kill her, especially given the small window of time allowed, a gun would be a preferable weapon.

Could a woman be a conspirator? Of course, and I do believe that is this case here. But the act itself, I see done by a male. I think the fact that the public - and LE - opened possibility about gender - has given SP a lucky boost.

Strength to strength IMO is the case here: --- Good plans+ executability (given the physicality and mindset of SP) + a couple of red herrings + redirection, and some luck.

Do I think it's solvable? Yes.

Due to LE or tower dumps? Nope.

I call hubris.

I have been reading since day 1. My initial thought on video, female....but, she has more manly mannerisms. But, I'm also in the ballpark of I think there could have been two players here. I think the female "strolling" may be a diversion, the male/murderer, is off camera, or, we see two on camera but can't tell the difference. I think a female would be more calm if her man was there "coaching" her along and she wasn't the one doing the actual killing.

But with everything on this case, I'm 50/50. I honestly don't know anything for sure, it was just my initial thoughts. I actually wrote them down so IF this is ever solved, I could compare and see if anything matched.

I do for sure think targeted only because of how brutally she was killed. I think if it was a robbery interrupted, they would have knocked her out and ran for it, not killed her.

I am just trying to keep the facts straight and the board honest. I didn't say it wasn't targeted. However, the last statement we've had from LE is that after a lot of investigation, they are exploring it as untargeted.

If you would like to refute that, please show me a more recent article with LE saying they believe it is targeted.

I look at what they do more than what they say. And the last POI recently identified (and cleared) was a targeting SP.

But I think they are looking all directions as well; wherever the evidence leads IMO
I also believe it was an interrupted burglary but I'm not attacking those that believe it was targeted.

As much as was going on in Missy's life, a random robbery is always a possibility, especially given this was a church and it was overnight Sunday-Monday (right after tithes and offering Sunday and before they could take it to a bank Monday morning):

"Robbery is one of the leading causes of deadly attacks in places of worship in the United States, according to statistics compiled by church security specialist Carl Chinn, who is based in Colorado Springs, Colo.

"Criminals tend to make these things up in their minds that the church is really rich," Mr. Chinn says. "Maybe they have been to church one or two times and seen offerings taken up."

This case will never get solved, because the investigators will never admit that they may have been wrong. They have never even considered the other possibilities.

What possibilities do you believe they have not explored?
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