GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #4

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I expect the defence have the :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: ready.
You guys are cracking me up :loveyou:
Jamie Stewart's evidence

The next witness is one of Ian Stewart’s sons, Jamie Stewart.

Jamie said he made a number of statements to police when Helen was reported missing, and a further one ‘when it became plain’ that Helen’s body was found in the cesspit of the garage.

He said: “The first few statements I gave was when I thought Helen was still alive bit missing, the next few I knew she had died.”

Jamie said he had lived at the £1.5m Royston house with Stewart, Helen, and his brother Oliver for two years.

“On the weekend before April 11 I was at home all weekend. In the evenings Helen was definitely home but during the day I think she had been out to do some shopping.

“Helen wasn’t a confident driver, when I first came to know her she had a small Fiat 500. Moving into the countryside she struggled with confidence whilst driving and a few weeks before she went missing she got a large car, a White Jeep, to give her a little bit more confidence.”

Ian Stewart visited son's bowls club on day of alleged murder, court hears

“My dad told me that on the Monday [April 11] Helen had come home saying she never wanted to drive again.

“On a Monday I normally get up at 7.30am, and I did the same this Monday. We have an alarm at the house.

“When I got up I was going to work in Royston. After work I had a bowls match in Cambridge, and planned to go directly from work to Cambridge.

“I got through to the final of the competition, it was an important match.

“Dad and I had spoken over the weekend over whether he was coming, and he wasn’t sure whether he was going to come or not.

“I got to the bowls club and he was just walking in in front of me, I was surprised to see him there but I was happy.

“In the game I lost and was disappointed. Coming back from Cambridge, I went straight home and dad said he would get me a Chinese to cheer me up.

“There’s one we normally use on the market hill in Royston. I saw him next at home.”

No sign of Helen or Boris at family home

“I got home between 9-10pm. I only had chance to speak to him for five minutes after the bowls match, nothing was said about Helen at that point.

“When I got home I only saw my dad. We had a Chinese in the living room whilst watching TV and talking how the game had gone. Nothing was said about Helen at that point. I’d assume she was home as both of her cars were there, her Jeep was outside.”

“The following day, on April 12, I saw the Jeep was still outside and hadn’t moved.

“Normally when you come home and walk through the front door Boris (the dog) comes bounding up to meet you saying hello. I remember that didn’t happen [on this day].

“I remember looking in the garden for them but couldn’t see any sign of Helen or Boris.

“When I’d seen they weren’t there, I saw my dad and asked if Helen and Boris had gone for a walk.

“He said Helen had gone to Broadstairs to get some time to herself, and left a note to say not to contact her.”

Stewart was "visible more stressed out"

Jamie Stewart’s evidence continues.

“Dad said he couldn’t get in touch with Helen as her phone was turned off”, he said.

“Throughout that week he began to get visibly more stressed out and was spending a lot more time with myself and my brother, just wanting to be around us generally.

“As a family dad would spend more time with Helen, but during the course of that week he spent a lot more time with me than normally would be the case.”

When Helen went missing'

“On the Friday (April 15) I had a lot of missed calls from my dad. He told me not to worry when I got home but there were quite a few police cars at the house as Helen had been reported missing.

“The dog wasn’t at home either. He (Boris) was the most important thing in her life, she had him since he was a puppy, she got him before her previous husband passed away. There was a very close bond between them.

“When Helen was missing, I thought she’d be in Broadstairs. I didn’t initially have concerns about any of her clothes. After she was reported missing police had searched her house and asked if anything was missing. We thought there was some wellies and a rain coat of Helen’s that wasn’t there, as well as the most commonly-used dog’s collar.

“If she went out walking she would always take that raincoat and her phone with her.”

Stewart's illness 'caused him to be tired' during public search for Helen

There were searches locally and Jamie said he knew there was widespread coverage of Helen’s disappearance in the media.

“I found out they were engaged after a conversation with police officers after Helen was reported missing.

“Around that time Dad had been in hospital. On the week of April 11, he had been recovering well but still spent a lot of time resting.

“He’d come to Cambridge and I thought it was the first time he’d traveled that distance. He told me his stitches were sore from sitting in the car for so long.

“I visited him in hospital several times. On occasions Helen was more than concerned about him being in hospital.

“He had an operation on his intestines but he also has a long-standing illness which weakens the muscles around his throat. This can cause breathing difficulties. Generally the illness caused him to be tired at times.”

Stewart 'became frantic trying to help the police'

From Monday April 11 to Friday April 15, there had been no conversations about Helen being absent, Jamie told jurors.

“I was told there was going to be police at the house, and there were. Dad said Helen’s brother and her parents in Northumberland were all concerned about how Helen was.

“To me it appeared Dad was concerned and had made various searches and attempts to contact Helen, but couldn’t find her.

“Through the week he got more and more stressed. The following weekend he became frantic trying to help the police find her.

“Dad asked whether Helen had been in contact with me - she hadn’t.”

Jamie Stewart thought Helen might have committed suicide

“I was told right from the start that Helen had left a note. Dad said he thought he’d thrown the note out with the rubbish. I never saw it.

“I left trying to contact Helen to other people.”

Jamie is asked about how Helen and Stewart normally dried bedding. He said it would be put over dining room chairs and wouldn’t be put in the tumble dryer. Jamie said Helen was in good health.

“One of the possibilities when Helen went missing, I thought Helen might have committed suicide but I discounted that. I didn’t say this to Dad.

“Boris had a yellow collar which was the go to collar when he was taken for walks. We couldn’t find that anywhere.”

On July 15, after Helen’s body was discovered, Jamie made another statement to police. He said he was shocked that her body was found.

Dad was arrested on July 11, 2016, and was released a few days later.

“Dad was very stressed out and concerned about what was going on, and why”, Jamie told jurors.

On December 17, Jamie was interviewed again by police and was asked specifically about a number of questions.
Jamie said he was never made aware of two men called Joe and Nick, and denied his Dad had spoken to him and told him that the two men had taken Helen away.
“He didn’t tell me that one of the men had attacked him. He never said these two men were responsible for placing Helen’s body and the dog in the cesspit.
“He never mentioned to me that he was tasked to find Helen’s phone, and that he was told to take that phone to Broadstairs.
“He never said that my personal safety was at risk from these two men.”

Jamie Stewart's cross-examination begins

Jamie Stewart said he would normally expect to see Helen in the evenings, but on the week of April 11 he did not see her.

He told the court on the evening of April 11 he assumed Helen had gone to bed, and the dog Boris was with her upstairs.

He is now being cross-examined by the defence.

Jamie said Helen lived at an address with himself, his brother and Stewart, in Bassingbourn for six months before all of them moved to the Royston address.

He said his dad was also fond of the dog, Boris, and both Helen and Stewart would go on walks with him.

“I first met Helen in 2011, I was very happy to move into the Royston house.

“Dad didn’t work became of his ill health, he spent quite a lot of time making things for around the house.”

Ian Stewart was treated for 'cancerous lump'

Jamie, now 24, said his dad had been ill since he was about seven or eight years old.

On the weekend before Easter 2016, Stewart was in Addenbrooke’s as it was believed he had some form of cancerous lump, the court was told.

There were complications and he was moved to intensive care - this was quite a shock to Helen, Jamie said.

“Dad was in a lot of pain after this. It was three or four weeks later that he sat behind the wheel of a car again.

“The weekend before April 11 there was nothing unusual at all. We spent the Saturday night watching TV. It was hard to remember what happened because it was so normal.

“Helen had made a cottage pie for us all. There was nothing untoward at all about that evening.”

Christmas and Valentine's Day cards found in couple's bedroom

In the house during the site visit on Friday, there was a Christmas card, from Helen to Stewart, addressed to ‘my fiance’ in the couple’s bedroom, the court was told.

There was also a Valentine’s card along the same lines.

Jamie said: “During the week of April 11, dad rang me while I was at work to say himself and Helen had arranged tickets for us to go to the snooker championships. My birthday was a few weeks after.

“In the end we went while Helen was missing. We wanted to get away from the house as it was very different without Boris there”, he added.

Jamie reiterated to the court that there was nothing unusual about his dad on the evening of April 11 - the date of Helen’s alleged murder

Ian Stewart 'was becoming very forgetful'

Jamie said in the week of April 11, his dad was becoming very forgetful, and was forgetting things such as Pin numbers. He wanted to make a note of things like that in case he did forget them.

He said during the first search of the house, after Helen’s disappearance, there were ‘a lot’ of police officers searching the house and garage etc, together with police dogs.

“Dad had been saying he wanted to go down to Broadstairs and look for Helen himself, just in case there was something someone else might not have noticed. A note at the house said ‘Gone to Broadstairs. Ring me. Love you xx’ I thought that was Helen’s scrawling writing, it turns out this was a note Dad had written in case Helen came back while he was in Broadstairs.”

Key items missing from the house

Jamie said he thought a green wax coat, some wellies, a distinctive yellow collar and a ‘go to’ lead were all missing when he and his brother searched the house to see if any of Helen’s things were gone.

“We looked round after police asked us if anything was missing.

“Boris (the dog) didn’t wear a collar at home because his legs would get stuck in it, but obviously he needed a lead for outside”, he added.

Stewart 'too ill to move a body'?

Jamie said to police ‘I can’t see how my dad would have moved her (Helen)’ as his dad was still struggling due to ill health and struggled to reach some of the cupboards in the house.

He told police: “I couldn’t imagine him wanting to harm her at all. He’s not someone who gets angry, he walks away from any confrontation.”

“There were various stages where dad appeared to me to be confused. There were stages where he acted like he was quite unaware as to where Helen might be.

“There was never any word or slipped comment at all as to where Helen might be.”

Jamie Stewart completes his evidence

Being re-examined by the prosecution, Jamie said he wasn’t aware that his dad had been to a waste disposal site on the afternoon of April 11, 2016.

He said it surprised him to find out his dad had been there.

When Helen was missing, Jamie was asked possible reasons by the police as to why Helen might have gone, including suicide or whether someone might have hurt her.

In that context Jamie was asked about whether his father could harm Helen, which is when he made the above comments.

Jamie Stewart has now finished giving evidence.
Oliver Stewart's evidence

Ian Stewart’s other son, Oliver, is now giving evidence.

He works as an apprentice at Cambridge University’s Pembroke College.

Everything was normal' says Oliver Stewart

On a normal Friday night Oliver would drive home from work, see his dad, have a shower and wait for his girlfriend to finish work, he said.

“On the Sunday (April 10, 2016) I popped back to the house to collect work clothes for Monday. I remember seeing Helen, who asked if I wanted any food and I said no. “I popped into the lounge to see dad and Jamie. I was at the house no more than 20 minutes.

“I spent the night at my girlfriend’s parents house, and went directly to work.

“On the evening of April 11, 2016, I would’ve been attending cadets as that is a usual occurrence for a Monday and a Wednesday.

“I would’ve gone home to change. I did see dad, it was a brief conversation because dad knows my Monday night routine.

“It was normal. Everything was normal. I didn’t see Helen or the dog.

“Usually I would be home at 10pm, but this night was different and I was delayed coming home. I got home about 11.30pm, and I didn’t see anyone.”

Dad wasn't complaining of any injury', says second son

On Tuesday, April 12, Oliver said he went directly to work at 7.15am and didn’t see anyone before he left.

“On the Tuesday night, I came in from work and had something arranged with my girlfriend.

“I was rushing getting ready and dad said he wanted to have a quick chat with me.

“He was in the study, dad said Helen had gone for a break to Broadstairs and said that’s where she was. “I said ‘fair enough’ and that’s about it. I didn’t feel that was anything unusual, that’s her holiday home and that’s her space.

“Dad seemed fine in himself, wasn’t complaining of any injury or hurt.”

No reason why Helen would have been upset'

Oliver said his dad then let him know that he was going to report Helen as missing to police.

Oliver said his dad told him that Helen’s family and close friends hadn’t been able to get hold of her.

Oliver said he was away that weekend (April 16/17) and was back at work the next Monday.

Oliver said there were no disagreements between Helen and Stewart, no reason why Helen would have been upset.

At this stage, Oliver said he wasn’t aware of the couple’s engagements.

“I was told about a note dad said Helen had left. He mentioned there was a note left saying she had gone for a break in Broadstairs”, he tells jurors.

“Dad said he was having his hair cut in Royston before he came home and the note was found.”

More on Helen Bailey's Jeep

“Dad said nothing about the circumstances of Helen going missing. Helen had a white Jeep, it was a new car.

“It was kept outside when the car first arrived and Helen practiced moving it around. After Helen was no longer there, dad moved the Jeep into the garage.

“That’s where the car stayed after Helen went missing.”

A description of 'Nick and Joe'

Police posed a number of questions to Oliver in December 2016.

Some weeks before this, Oliver had been to visit Stewart.

“There was a conversation linked to Helen’s disappearance. He said two men called Nick and Joe might have been involved.

“He made me aware there were these two guys, he said they’d been to the house in a couple of accounts when me and my brother would have been at work.

“He said when they were coming they wanted to find out from Helen about some paperwork.

“Apparently they came to find this paperwork, Helen claimed to know nothing of it, they seemed to be fairly sure she would have known something of it.

“Apparently on one occasion when they arrived, having known dad had had an operation, they decided to punch him in the stomach at least once.

“Helen claimed to know nothing of it, but may have got a bit anxious about it all.

“Dad said one time that the two men were saying about the paperwork, so Helen asked them to look into the study.

“I don’t think he said directly what this had to do with Helen’s disappearance.

“Nothing was said about Helen’s phone. The way dad was warning me of these two guys, I could tell by the way he was telling me, facial expressions and so on, I could tell this was no joke and it was a serious matter to be aware of.

“He explained one of the men had tattoos and another man was bald. He said roughly what they looked like.

“He let me know that the men had given him a phone and were instructing him to do things via the phone.

“I never saw this phone, and this was the first time any of this was ever mentioned.”

Oliver Stewart gives cross-examination

“Dad said the two men spoke to him via the mobile phone they had given to him.

“He had never mentioned any of this before now (December 2016).”

Oliver is now being cross-examined by the defence. He admits that Helen’s Jeep hadn’t been put into the garage until after April 15, 2016.

Oliver confirmed that at the time police first attended the Royston house, there was nothing covering up that manhole cover (to the cesspit) in the garage.

Not even raised voices' between Stewart and Ms Bailey

Oliver said he could be wrong about his dad going for a haircut on April 11, 2016.

He said he’d never seen an argument between his dad or Helen, not even raised voices.

“The only time there was an atmosphere is when they couldn’t go on holiday they had planned because dad was due to have an operation, which was cancelled.”

Oliver said he was unaware of the couple being engaged, but said he was happy at the thought of them marrying. He said there weren’t any financial worries and the financial position of each of them was not a worry - in fact it was quite the opposite.

Two men 'had been dealt with'

On re-examination from the prosecution, Oliver said there was no direct discussion with his dad on how the two men - Nick and Joe - killed Helen Bailey.

Oliver said he was then told one of the men had been ‘dealt with’. He reiterated that up until this point, his dad hadn’t said anything about these two men.

“I discussed this with Jamie, but Jamie hasn’t seen dad at a visit yet. I’ve been visiting dad every Sunday, but the first time he mentioned the two men was in December 2016.

WMSky ‏@wmarxsky 55s55 seconds ago

Prosecution has Oliver Stewart admit Helen Bailey's Jeep had not been moved until after police first visited, countering a defence argument
Access to joint bank account holding around £90,000

( and adding a note that, as per Tortoise earlier post, evidence yesterday stated the joint account held £22,877 on April 11, 2016. )

I think there are 2 joint bank accounts.
If you look at that picture of the garage on the Cambridge News live link I don't think he could have used the back entrance to the garage because there's too much furniture there blocking the area.
If you look at that picture of the garage on the Cambridge News live link I don't think he could have used the back entrance to the garage because there's too much furniture there blocking the area.

Agree. I thought he might have used that door, until Cherwell pointed out the gate in the main fence....easier and quicker.
[FONT=&amp]'Hadn't spoken of marriage before'

Mr Priest says their children would play together. He first met Helen when she was out walking with Boris and the boys.
“We would see them occasionally. We would bump into them and see them round the area. They seemed to be outwardly very happy together. Always going out together and seemed very happy. When I saw Ian after Helen went missing he said they were going to get married. He had not said that before. It was when I went round on the weekend after Helen went missing.”
[FONT=&amp]'Helen had left note'

“When I went round to see Ian he said he had no idea where she was.
“She didn’t have a phone or a coat. She had left a note which he couldn’t find. He thought he might have thrown it away. He checked everywhere he thought she might be. I was with Ian for a couple of hours. We had a cup of tea. I was there to support him. (this was Monday, April 18 - following disappearance) He mentioned her car was still there. But Helen would quite often leave her car and take the train. She didn’t like driving.”
[FONT=&amp]'He was exhausted and tired'

“It was puzzling. The only places she would have gone were the house in the north and the cottage in Broadstairs.
“I think he mentioned Helen’s brother had checked the Broadstairs cottage. He said the note said she wanted to be on her own. He had no idea where she was. He said he had just come back from hospital. He was exhausted and very tired. He had come back from hospital that week. He said he had put the note down somewhere and couldn’t find it.”
ooops ian
“She didn’t have a phone or a coat. "
[FONT=&amp]'Hadn't spoken of marriage before'

Mr Priest says their children would play together. He first met Helen when she was out walking with Boris and the boys.
“We would see them occasionally. We would bump into them and see them round the area. They seemed to be outwardly very happy together. Always going out together and seemed very happy. When I saw Ian after Helen went missing he said they were going to get married. He had not said that before. It was when I went round on the weekend after Helen went missing.”

At definite odds with what Helen had been saying to almost all who knew her. As suspected, Helen appears to have been telling everyone she was going to get married at some stage, but no date set. Then more confirmed plans with a venue in later stages. All the while, it seems IS had no intention of marrying her, or telling anyone they were to be married.
He had come back from hospital that week.

Had he ? I thought he was only going to Surgery at that time, to have the wound redressed ?
[FONT=&quot][h=3]'Is it in Ian’s nature to do her any harm?'[/h]Stuart Trimmer, prosecuting: “Is it in Ian’s nature to do her any harm?”
Mr Priest: “No”.
“I had gone round to help him do various DIY jobs. I helped panel the staircase and other various jobs. On the occasion, he phoned me to say police were going to interview him and he’d rather there was someone else there.”
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