GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #5

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This is so reminiscent of Malcolm Webster, whom we were discussing at the weekend. He was constantly (especially as time went on) seeing himself as the victim, and even appealed against his conviction. The other thing that has come to mind since we were discussing him is the statement by one of the sons (Oliver?) that IS would always avoid confrontation. So did MW, in the TV series and I think real life. It didn't stop him planning sneaky murders.
I think he could work. Maybe a desk job without stress but he could no doubt work. I think he is lazy. Neurologists do tell their patients not to work but not working is soul destroying for most people. I think he liked being idle and fiddling about with clocks and finding a lovely, kind, rich and generous woman must have been the answer to all his prayers. Next problem though is how does he get his hands on all her money. Well the greedy parasite bodged it and I hope he spends the rest of his life inside.

I had a look at the MG site ( US) and I know you know of this disorder unfortunately.

15 percent of MG patients have refractory MG—meaning that despite current treatment, they continue to suffer from debilitating muscle weakness that severely impairs their ability to engage in simple daily activities..........

Significant muscle weakness is the hallmark symptom of MG, but no two people experience MG exactly the same way. Basic functions that many take for granted—like chewing, swallowing and walking —become difficult.*..........

Between 15 and 20 percent of MG patients will experience a “myasthenic crisis”—difficulty breathing that can require hospitalization and may be life-threatening

He definitely seems to have had the underlined but the bits in bold don't seem to apply to him.
I appreciate it's a complex disorder but maybe that thymectomy ( sp?) worked for him then?
I wonder most of all what Simon Russell Flint is thinking!

Probably something along the lines of 'Dear God, glad I'm not just being paid on commission if I get him off, otherwise it'd be bread and jam on the table for dinner next month'.
The one that had me baffled for ages was MOO.

I kept thinking it was a veiled reference to either the poster or the poster being addressed being a cow!

I'm sure I worked out MOO in context but now you've mentioned it out of context, I can't remember what it was! Please put me out of my misery!
Stuart Trimmer QC


Phil Mitchell
Joely, I assure you I didn't mean it in any derogatory or judgemental way against helen, I would feel annoyed with myself if that is how it came across. Although you're right, they are his words, I could see it in a cheeky, flirtatious way, nothing more. I've missed the part about the drinks. But the more I have read, it's quite clear he's trying to put it across as helen being the one who instigated the relationship.
Pinklillies - I didn't even think of YOU being in any way against Helen. It doesn't come across like this at all - I just had to dive in to use your link to my link of him being the stalker. Sorry, that I got my placement wrong as if to suggest you, honey, my target is Ian Stewart. x
I'm not.

This murder involved the worst kind of deception and callousness imaginable as far as I'm concerned. The cold calculation and planning involved shows me what he is. And his act of drawing attention to his relationship with Diane, her medical history and the circumstances of her death today, shows me that he knows what is on the line with this case.

He is working extremely hard to show his innocence in a crime he hasn't been accused of, and that speaks to me of a desperate need to defend himself. It is not necessary beyond saying my wife died of an existing medical condition, but old motor mouth can't stop himself blabbing on about it.

It's like walking into a room and your child saying I didn't eat the chocolate before you even noticed it was missing.

YES. I'm all for he switched her medication for sugar tablets. SEND HIM STRAIGHT TO THE GALLOWS M'LUD

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How could Helen 'read' him in the depths of despair when he foot faults some of the most clever Websleuths - and me a wise novice.
We thought - and most definitely did - think he would be collapsed in his cell, with Doctors and Pyschs rushing around him.
Case adjourned.
But - NO - here he appears large in confidence, almost handling his own Defence, as he shifts from boasting about his life, his achievements - and shifts to 'poor me' ... shifting/shifting .. just as he did with smiling and joking with Police .. to NO - I am the Victim of your stamping all over my home.
Shifting - like a child - to get his support and allegiance with his Nurses (wound treatment) and his Mental Health people - prove to the Police that I need a holiday, tell them how I am so ill.
Still crying in prison when he tells his Son, Oliver, I am a Victim.
He has spent his life in Glory or his pits (in his mind) - he is showing great signs of delusion of his power - but he cannot wriggle from madness in his killing of Helen and Boris. He knows he did it - he may not even be able to understand the whole truth of WHY he did it .. it may not only be money but I believe a sort of 'stalking' of Helen, he wished to embrace (not the right word) integrate? her within himself.
He was jealous from the start - of her life and her lifestyle - her accomplishments, her honesty which he hadn't ever had in his life.
He is a stalker mixed with Freudian complex?
He took her to Cambridge to 'walk her around' - please!! Helen had London as her home - she did not need an excursion - but he was trying to emulate John S. Just as he tried to copy her words on many occasions.

Great post. Just to add - I hope the psychology of the man and the murder will be studied while he's locked up at her Majesty's Pleasure at the taxpayers' expense. We don't hear about what happens to prisoners once they are sentenced, if they are not studied in this way I feel it's a huge missed opportunity.

I notice it was mentioned in court that IS had been involved in some kind of 'incident' in prison that had left him on the floor - an attack from behind? Interesting. He may discover, over the next 25+ years, that other convicted killers aren't quite so easy to manipulate!
Poisoners, apparently, ( never had to look them up before) , tend to share these traits:

not just "smart," *clever
incredibly immature
parents spoiled
glaring feeling of inadequacy

from a pop-psychology article

the longer read :

Killing someone with poison, by it's very nature, requires careful planning and subterfuge, so it comes as no surprise that poisoners tend to be cunning, sneaky, and creative (they can design the murder plan in as much detail as if they were writing the script for a play).

*Male or female, they tend to avoid physical confrontation and, instead, rely on verbal and emotional manipulation to get what they want from others.

Convicted poisoners*also tend to have a sense of inadequacy, for which they compensate through a scorn for authority, a strong need for control, wish-fulfillment*fantasies, and a self-centered, exploitive interpersonal style.

*Often either spoiled as a child or raised in an unhappy home, some*experts*liken the poisoner's personality to an incorrigible child whose immature desire for his/her own way leads him/her to try to control and manipulate the world.

*It's as if the poisoner never grew up and is determined to take what s/he wants just as a child would from a candy store.

*Developmentally stunted, other people are viewed without*empathy*and the poisoner's internal compass is guided instead by greed or lust rather than morals.

*And, because poison is often not detected initially, the power and control poisoners experience with success tends to increase his or her*confidence*in future endeavors.

Unlike murders by gun, poisoning murders are always premeditated. There's no sudden impulse, flash of anger or fear, in ordering cyanide so that you can mix it into an energy drink. And poisoners believe that their calculated plans, their cleverness, will allow them to kill and walk away.
They're wrong about being so clever. Because there's always someone smarter
, such as a suspicious doctor who will surprise the killer by testing for poison in the victim's blood.
Even if he didn't have anything to do with his first wife's death, the financial benefits of that (notwithstanding the mystery amount they say he hasn't tried to claim) could have given him notions.

Yes, agree with you neteditor. He had already become accustomed to not working for his living, maybe the benefits which came to him after his wife's death (whether he had anything to do with it or not - we can't be sure, as they were admittedly married for a long time - though this does not completely disclude anything if he was capable of Helen's horrible murder, what kind of monster must he be beneath a banal facade?...) gave him the idea of looking for a rich widow who came with benefits...dead or alive, whichever was more profitable or -as some posters think- allowed him more control.
I'm sure I worked out MOO in context but now you've mentioned it out of context, I can't remember what it was! Please put me out of my misery!

my opinion only!

Pah! as if opinions should be 'only'
Trust me, he wouldn't be a QC if that were the case. They are the best actors in the business. If he's playing the softie so far it's because he's confident of his case and/or he hasn't seen fit to bare the terrier's teeth yet.

YES. I'm all for he switched her medication for sugar tablets. SEND HIM STRAIGHT TO THE GALLOWS M'LUD

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Needs to be pilloried in the stocks first. If Bassingbourn bowling green is not available then maybe Royston village green can accommodate.
Well I suppose the big reveal today was that he didn't know Helen was dead until 15th July.

That was my impression anyway, without checking back over the reporting. So it remains to be revealed how he knows N&J did it, and how he also knows J has been dealt with.

Also if we consider his story true that he didn't know and he obviously knew helen was missing and there were two heavies after her why wouldn't he raise an alarm? The only excuse to me would be that they were blackmailing him but with nothing to back that up he's stuffed.

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Poisoners, apparently, ( never had to look them up before) , tend to share these traits:

not just "smart," *clever
incredibly immature
parents spoiled
glaring feeling of inadequacy

from a pop-psychology article

the longer read :


This sums up everything I have thought about him. Everything. Especially the spoilt child, that's exactly the impression I got right from the beginning.
Poisoners, apparently, ( never had to look them up before) , tend to share these traits:

not just "smart," *clever
incredibly immature
parents spoiled
glaring feeling of inadequacy

from a pop-psychology article

the longer read :

And as he's emphasising how just how weak and sickly he is to the jury, I hope they're thinking "Ah so that's why you chose to poison her till she was in a deep sleep and couldn't fight back rather than kill her in a more physically demanding way"

This sums up everything I have thought about him. Everything. Especially the spoilt child, that's exactly the impression I got right from the beginning.

did you spot any real ref to his Dad in that soliloquy, I didn't. Wonder if there's some recent tension then?
I also liked Alyce's guess that he re-wrote some of his speech over lunch. We know he tries to adapt to survive!
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