Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #3

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Here is a source for the phone numbers. Note the 2010 dates.


Does the pic look like Jenny? It does to me.
In response to Post #401:

Thanks for the screen shot. It looks like this person, who may or may not be our Jenny, received 700 ‘membership points’ in August of 2010, and then accumulated only another 189 points, for a total of 889 points as of today. I don’t know what this means and I haven’t been able to access anything on the website like a dated history of activity.

[FONT=&quot]Until shown otherwise, I will be assuming that there is no activity by this user that is after our Jenny’s disappearance (realizing that this may not be true).[/FONT]
Does the pic look like Jenny? It does to me.

It kind of looks like one photo I've seen of Jenny, but not others. However, the one photo of Jenny that it does look like, does not look like other known photos of Jenny. If the real estate website photo is from 2010, even if it is our Jenny, comparing it to a photo of Jenny taken in 2015 or 2016 might make for a difficult match, as her appearance might have changed in those young years enough to make a non-forensic comparison uncertain.
I can barely keep track of new and old news anymore. We might as well just start recycling old stuff and call it new. ;)

Do you have a link for xiaohua1980. Usually numbers like 1980 indicate a birth year, so I'm just curious what makes you think it's Jenny. Photo or bio? Or?
I am wrong. Now that I am off the iPad and on a computer, I can see that it is just someone in China blogging about her. At least people in China are aware of her missing... although they are mocking her for stating she hates China.
Again, if it's old I apologize. Here is a translated article about the Mexico/Chinese embassy communications from June 2016.
According to the Chinese Embassy in Mexico news, since April this year, Wenzhou girl Chen Qun Dan travel in Mexico, the news of the poor affect the hearts of the majority of overseas Chinese. The Chinese Embassy in Mexico has attached great importance to the situation and has been in close contact with Chen Qundan's family, and at the first time to contact the Mexican state government and the police department, inform the situation, urged all around to help find Chen.

At the end of May, Chen Qun Dan's parents came to Mexico under the assistance of the embassy. Embassy Yao Fei Counselor and Li Shu consul accompanied them have visited the Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco and other state police department, to understand the progress of the search work. In addition, the embassy also funded the recruitment of Western translation, accompanied by Chen Qun Dan's parents around the activities.

After many investigation, the Mexican police provided encouraging information to prove that in late May Chen Qun Dan still travel in the south of Mexico more. Know the situation, Chen Qun Dan's family was pleased. The search work of the embassy has also been grateful to the President of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce in Singapore and the Chinese Embassy, ​​Ms. Huo Hongmei, for their help.

The next stage, the embassy will be close contact with the Mexican state police, through local radio, television, network and other channels to expand the search for the early to find the whereabouts of Chen Qun Dan. Please urge all Mexican compatriots and Mexican personnel to continue to give valuable support to the work of the embassy, ​​such as the discovery of valuable clues, please immediately notify the embassy (embassy conscription phone: 5520936210).

26-year-old Chen Qun Dan is Wenzhou Lucheng District, the English name is Jenny (Jenny). According to his family, three years ago, she graduated from a university in Zhejiang, and her boyfriend Jonathan Reindhard (transliteration) went to the United States and married. Chen Qun Dan English is very good, but also a little Spanish.
This tells me the Chinese embassy and Jenny's family have been in cooperation with the Mexican government, and if JR teams up with them he might get somewhere. Whereas before I was making excuses for him, I now am on that bandwagon asking why he hasn't gone to her family for help.

And this is interesting:
"We and she are basically through the WeChat contact." Chen Qun Dan's brother, Mr. Chen said that every time she went to a friend in the circle will update some photos, "she recently made a message in the circle of friends, is Beijing time It was at 9 pm on April 11, when she was roughly meant to mean that the friendly Mexican people helped her ride out for Mexico.

University students Miss Zhu may be Chen Qun Dan lost before the link of the last person. Miss Zhu said that Beijing time on April 11 at around 9:30 (when the ink time difference of 13 hours, that is, Mexico local time at 8:30), the two chat in the WeChat days, "she told me, a After a few hours, you can ride a free ride to Cancun, Mexico, where she travels alone for more than a month, and has also done 'sofa offsheets' (living on a couch) The camp in the yard. "

Chen Qun Dan's brother, Mr. Chen said his sister lost a few days after his husband, Jonathan Johnson and Wenzhou family contact, we know that the accident happened.
That post was by GigTu; I was just responding; it did seem to be a real estate website.

I don't know if Wenzhou is Jenny's home city in China.

I was going by Kaboom's dating of those phone numbers to 2010, in assuming that the posting is unlikely to have been made after Jenny's disappearance. However, as you state, that may be unlikely but it's not a certainty.

Any ideas on how to find contact info and make contact with Jenny's Chinese family? Do you think her brother would be the best person to try and contact in her family? I wonder if a Chinese embassy (anywhere) would be willing to help with this.

Her home city is mentioned in the Embassy article which I don't have time to check right now. I think it's Wenzhou, but I'm not positive. Her brother's name is also mentioned I think, or possibly in a Mexican article. I would say her brother would be the best one to contact. He is more likely to speak English than her parents. If we can get his name, I would first look on the list of HFJ members, then Jenny's weibo if friends show. After exhausting all avenues, I'd try a Chinese Embassy, without much optimism that they would help a total stranger.

I'll dig around tonight if no one has tracked down his name by then.
Again, if it's old I apologize. Here is a translated article about the Mexico/Chinese embassy communications from June 2016.

This tells me the Chinese embassy and Jenny's family have been in cooperation with the Mexican government, and if JR teams up with them he might get somewhere. Whereas before I was making excuses for him, I now am on that bandwagon asking why he hasn't gone to her family for help.

And this is interesting:

Thanks GigTu. Yes, this is old, but it's what I said to look for in my post just after yours. So I'm glad you posted it! It says her home city is Wenzhou, as I remembered. I wish it gave her brother's name. I know I've seen it somewhere.

When the help given Jenny's family by the Embassy and Mexican LE in several states was first discovered and brought to JR's attention, he was dismissive of their conclusion that she was still traveling in May. At the time, and even now, we wondered how he could be so sure and why he had never mentioned Jenny's family before. It's possible there's some estrangement, but it would be nice to put differences aside to work together.
It could be perhaps that they are angry at him for taking her away from them, although it is really her (Jenny) choice and he should not be blamed. Or, for all we know he was harsh with them or something and they aren't on speaking terms. We just don't know.

I do find the article I posted interesting in that the Chinese embassy posted their phone number and asked for people to call in tips to it. I wonder if anyone ever has.
In response to Post 406:

The article in Post 406 states: "The search work of the embassy has also been grateful to the President of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce in Singapore..."

I will try to get contact info for them, as English and Chinese are both spoken by many people in Singapore. They might be an organization that has some info on Jenny (whether or not her family ever had contact with her after her disappearance) and one that we can communicate with in English.
Now we're getting somewhere. No more waiting for JR to fumble around. Thanks webant.
Ok, I will buy that both numbers are for China. Those area codes are also listed for China here:

That makes more sense than Finland and the US; also area codes for those countries, but separated by half a planet. As well, a Chinese person on a Chinese website could be expected to have a Chinese phone number.

Can you tell me why you feel confident (if in fact you do) that this is our Jenny Chen? The surname Chen is one of the most common, as is the name Qun, while Dan is a popular female name. In every photo I've seen of Jenny, she looks different enough that I wouldn't be sure it is the same person. In any event, this only becomes important if it is dated after Jenny disappeared. I didn't find a date on either website screen. Did I miss it?

The lead that Kaboom and Dex posted is interesting because it is dated after Jenny disappeared. I still feel the reality of the case is as reported by JR and his team though; that circumstantial evidence is not outweighed by this recent lead of Kaboom and Dex, in my opinion. However, their lead certainly seems to be one that should be explained, if possible.

Have you ever been a member of the HFJ site? Do you agree that it would be good to get JR's response to the lead that Kaboom and Dex have provided? I can't do it, as they have logged my internet ID numbers (and I've been booted from that site), so I can't join again from my home computer even under a different name and email address. Are you willing to do this?


The link from 4/29/16 shows her username as Jennycqd.

Now she uses that username on like 10 social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Weibo, etc.

So her username and real name is a match.

So the fbi needs to find out the email address used to join.
I'm curious how she went from Chen Qun Dan to Jenny Chen. Where does Jenny come from? What is her birthdate? Did she ever work at Safeway?
In response to Post 406:

The article in Post 406 states: "The search work of the embassy has also been grateful to the President of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce in Singapore..."

I will try to get contact info for them, as English and Chinese are both spoken by many people in Singapore. They might be an organization that has some info on Jenny (whether or not her family ever had contact with her after her disappearance) and one that we can communicate with in English.

I will advise the forum if I get a reply.
Sent today to the email given on their website for contact:

April 3rd, 2017

Dear Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry,

I am writing to you in regards to a missing Chinese woman named Chen Qun Dan. She disappeared in mid-April 2016 in southern Mexico. Her family traveled to Mexico at the end of last May to search for her, and an article in the news at that time stated that your organization was helpful to the family.

I am writing to you in hopes that you speak English as well as Chinese and will be able to give us an update on this missing person. Specifically, whether or not Chen Qun Dan has been in contact with her family since she was reported as having disappeared. I am part of an online organization called Websleuths, and you can view the case of Chen Qun Dan, known in English as Jenny Chen, on the Websleuths website at this link:

We have been working to locate Chen Qun Dan (Jenny Chen) since she disappeared. Some of our members have suggested that Jenny might have been reunited with her Chinese family. We would be grateful if you can answer this question for us, or put us in contact with the brother or other family member of Chen Qun Dan, or an official of the Chinese government that we can communicate with in English on this matter.

(name removed for this forum)
I'm curious how she went from Chen Qun Dan to Jenny Chen. Where does Jenny come from? What is her birthdate? Did she ever work at Safeway?

I think her birthday is Feb 3rd or 5th.

Btw. I think the Weibo birthday announcement was automated and not by her.

Because some of the comments said it was system made.
In response to Post #401:

Thanks for the screen shot. It looks like this person, who may or may not be our Jenny, received 700 ‘membership points’ in August of 2010, and then accumulated only another 189 points, for a total of 889 points as of today. I don’t know what this means and I haven’t been able to access anything on the website like a dated history of activity.

[FONT="]Until shown otherwise, I will be assuming that there is no activity by this user that is after our Jenny’s disappearance (realizing that this may not be true).[/FONT]

Yes, that is old activity from when she was living in China. But there is still this activity on April 29, which was after her disappearance.


I'm curious how she went from Chen Qun Dan to Jenny Chen. Where does Jenny come from? What is her birthdate? Did she ever work at Safeway?

That is an English name she chose. That is not uncommon for Chinese people to do. Plus Chen Qun Dan is also just an English translation of her name. That name could apply to thousands of Chinese people, both male and female. Her true name is 陈群丹. Without those characters there is no way to correctly identify her. The Chinese language is made up of thousands of characters. Translating those thousands of characters into 26 English letters is not an exact science.
I'm curious how she went from Chen Qun Dan to Jenny Chen. Where does Jenny come from? What is her birthdate? Did she ever work at Safeway?

It's very common for Chinese to take western names. It helps western friends who can't remember their Chinese name and helps them fit in. I know of a Chinese woman named Betty, for example. My husband's first generation Chinese college roommate was Ernie (Ernest) although I'm sure he had a Chinese name too.

Here's a funny article about names not to pick...

Jenny worked at a bank. I don't know about Safeway. Did you run across Safeway somewhere?
I will advise the forum if I get a reply.
Sent today to the email given on their website for contact:

April 3rd, 2017

Dear Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry,

I am writing to you in regards to a missing Chinese woman named Chen Qun Dan. She disappeared in mid-April 2016 in southern Mexico. Her family traveled to Mexico at the end of last May to search for her, and an article in the news at that time stated that your organization was helpful to the family.

I am writing to you in hopes that you speak English as well as Chinese and will be able to give us an update on this missing person. Specifically, whether or not Chen Qun Dan has been in contact with her family since she was reported as having disappeared. I am part of an online organization called Websleuths, and you can view the case of Chen Qun Dan, known in English as Jenny Chen, on the Websleuths website at this link:

We have been working to locate Chen Qun Dan (Jenny Chen) since she disappeared. Some of our members have suggested that Jenny might have been reunited with her Chinese family. We would be grateful if you can answer this question for us, or put us in contact with the brother or other family member of Chen Qun Dan, or an official of the Chinese government that we can communicate with in English on this matter.

(name removed for this forum)

Good work, Web. Thanks for doing this. It's interesting that on JR's first trip to Mexico looking for Jenny, he met with a Chinese Chamber of Commerce. I will check to see if it was in Oaxaca or Mexico City.
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