IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #55

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Wow I have never heard of families having to wait several weeks to have their loved ones released to the funeral home following an autopsy. I have family that are funeral directors/county corners and i'll check with them. But I haven't personally heard of this being very common at all....

A couple of articles regarding delays. Not that it happened in this case. I just stumbled on it when reviewing that the death certification had to be signed and registered prior to the body going to the funeral home.
When Libby took the photo of Abby on the bridge she posted it to her story right after she took the photo. Here is an example of a snapchat that I added to my story this morning. The photo says posted 6 hours ago

The second photo is a photo that I took yesterday and saved to my camera roll. I uploaded it to my snapchat story just now to show you this. It shows the time stamp of when I took the photo. So that people who are watching the story know it's not a photo from "now".
So my guess is that the time stamp on her snapchat photo is a screenshot from her snap story. And the "7 hours ago" is from the time they took a screen shot of it from her story. If anyone else has any questions about snapchat feel free to tag me. I've been using snapchat for a long time now. Hope this helps!

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Holychit! You're Nancy Grace?!?!

I'm not familiar with SnapChat, but your question piqued my curiosity. I double-checked my Samsung Galaxy s3 photos. These photos have both the complete date (20170311, which is March 11, 2017) and the time the photo was taken in military time (1322 would be 1:22 p.m.).

I'm thinking SnapChat would reference the photo date and time in a similar fashion.

I've used Snapchat for a while - mostly to view other people's stories. When you open the app, you can click on a little icon on the bottom right screen to bring up your friends' "Stories." They are listed by name. When you click on someone's name, this is how the screen is oriented. I have included the photo of Abby from Liberty's snapchat as an example of what I describe below. I can draw on the photo if that would be helpful.

The upper left hand corner has the name, and the time since the person published the story. Here it says "Liberty German 7 hr." In this case, this story was opened 7 hours after it was pushed to Snapchat. On the bottom you can see there is a little "chat" icon. While you're watching someone's story, you can click the chat icon and send them a private message. The top right hand corner has a little timer (the circle 3/4 the way full). When you send a snapchat story, you can set the amount of time friends can view the photo.

When you are looking at your own snapchat stories, there are more icons at the bottom. This is the viewing pane. If Liberty sent this snap to her memories, any of her friends would see this exact pane. LE could have taken a screen shot of this from any of her snapchat friend's phones. If it was posted at 2pm, this would have been viewed at 7pm.


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Re: date of death - maybe it's different for homicide, but when my stepson passed away a few years ago, he was found at approximately 3:00 am, coroner stated that time of death could have been up to 4 hours prior to him being found (based on blood pooling) - that meant he could have passed on the same day he was found or technically the day before. As it was not a homicide, I don't think they really cared what his date of death was so much, but the medical examiner did document his date of death as the day his body was found.
Re: date of death - maybe it's different for homicide, but when my stepson passed away a few years ago, he was found at approximately 3:00 am, coroner stated that time of death could have been up to 4 hours prior to him being found (based on blood pooling) - that meant he could have passed on the same day he was found or technically the day before. As it was not a homicide, I don't think they really cared what his date of death was so much, but the medical examiner did document his date of death as the day his body was found.

Same with my son. He died in his sleep. It could have been either before midnight the night before or a few hours after. We, the family, chose the date for the obit.
When Libby took the photo of Abby on the bridge she posted it to her story right after she took the photo. Here is an example of a snapchat that I added to my story this morning. The photo says posted 6 hours ago

The second photo is a photo that I took yesterday and saved to my camera roll. I uploaded it to my snapchat story just now to show you this. It shows the time stamp of when I took the photo. So that people who are watching the story know it's not a photo from "now".
So my guess is that the time stamp on her snapchat photo is a screenshot from her snap story. And the "7 hours ago" is from the time they took a screen shot of it from her story. If anyone else has any questions about snapchat feel free to tag me. I've been using snapchat for a long time now. Hope this helps!

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The photo of Abby on the bridge was uploaded to the story when it was taken and followers could have seen it as soon as it was posted but in this copy it was 7 hrs after it was posted/taken, probably when it was provided to MSM? Am i stating that right?
Are SC times always approximate, like 7 hrs instead of ex: 7 hrs, 12 minutes?
Do you routinely use SC as your camera?
If so are you adept at also pulling up your standard phone camera as well? I ask because I noticed the video on SC requires you to hold it and even so it is very short. Since I assume Libby made the video covertly she would need to make as few moves as possible to access the camera. Perhaps something like double click the home button.
ICAM. Especially on point #1. He is right under their noses, IMO.
Does he have a problem with his right hand e.g injury, scar, tattoo, missing finger, paralysis, shaking? Has anyone heard someone close to this investigation has any of these or anything else hand related?
Referring to the photo of BG, since the image isdo blurry and virtually indistinguishable.


I do agree that BG could be someone closely connected to the girls. But he could've been a teacher, a preacher, a neighbour, a friend of the family, a sports coach, many many possibilities......

I think we're all anxious that this case be solved but the list of possible suspects surely must be far greater than the half dozen or so males who've publicly shared their sorrow.

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:cheers: :tyou:

Thank you crhedBnger, Gisjoe (aka Nancy Grace, not that one), and Alethea for your super quick responses and fab photo examples!!!:loveyou:

I understand it now!! Yay!

BTW Nancy Grace - not that one, are you doing a show on who killed that ant? :fence:

From day #1 I haven't been able to figure out if the perp has a mustache or if that's his mouth under his nose!
Originally Posted by CurlyQ Re: date of death - maybe it's different for homicide, but when my stepson passed away a few years ago, he was found at approximately 3:00 am, coroner stated that time of death could have been up to 4 hours prior to him being found (based on blood pooling) - that meant he could have passed on the same day he was found or technically the day before. As it was not a homicide, I don't think they really cared what his date of death was so much, but the medical examiner did document his date of death as the day his body was found.
Same with my son. He died in his sleep. It could have been either before midnight the night before or a few hours after. We, the family, chose the date for the obit.

:frown: Sorry, how very tragic.
For those tuning in to this case, and a good refresher re: when the SC photos hit the news wires, here's a link to a Time magazine article on the 15th, with no time stamp:

An article I just found on the Fox59 Indianapolis site, timestamped 7PM the same day, shows the initial release of the Bridge Guy images.

Edit: NY Post article timestamped 5:12PM on the 15th:

Just throwing this out there, as there was no timeline for the SC photos, in fact I'd imagine MSM outlets were spreading those images around on the 14th and into the 15th. Not 100% certain on that, but it makes sense, SC is a social media site where it would have been easy to pull/copy the images.
The photo of Abby on the bridge was uploaded to the story when it was taken and followers could have seen it as soon as it was posted but in this copy it was 7 hrs after it was posted/taken, probably when it was provided to MSM? Am i stating that right?
Are SC times always approximate, like 7 hrs instead of ex: 7 hrs, 12 minutes?
Do you routinely use SC as your camera?
If so are you adept at also pulling up your standard phone camera as well? I ask because I noticed the video on SC requires you to hold it and even so it is very short. Since I assume Libby made the video covertly she would need to make as few moves as possible to access the camera. Perhaps something like double click the home button.

If the photo was posted to her snap story. Her friends would have been able to view it as soon as it was posted. If they view it right away it would say "just now". If they viewed it 13 minutes after she posted it it would say 13 minutes ago. I know the time stamp will be to the exact minute up to an hour. I think after that it it just rounds up or down to the nearest hour. I decided to test this out by posting a picture to my story and will check it in an hour. Here is a screenshot of this pic I just posted.

I frequently use snapchat for photos and videos unless I need to get to my camera really fast. Or if I want to take a longer video. It's much faster to access my camera.
IMO Libby used her regular camera to take the video of BG. Bc you are correct, snapchat requires you to hold the button down for the entire video which only records up to 10 seconds. Also, once the video is recorded on snapchat it replays the video that was recorded over and over on loop until you send it, or delete it. And if you have the volume turned up on your phone you can hear the sounds of the video taken as it replays on loop. So I think Libby used her regular camera to record The video of BG then put her phone in her pocket which captured the audio for however long her phone was recording. ALL IMO

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