Nedra & Patsy's sisters

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
My apologies is this has been cleared already. I'm reading all threads and digging my old notes.

Is it POSSIBLE that the ligature strangulation reported on the autopsy is not the so-called "garrote" but a similar ligature made from wire and not disclosed on the AR and/or CS photos?

I think it would explain the other marks on her neck. Searching the warrant documents; I recall a wired knotted ligature; I could be confused though...

I suppose it wouldn't be impossible, Mosaic. There was a piece of wire taken into evidence. I think it might be the one shown in Kolar's released CS video where the CSI seemed to make note of it in the video taping. It was outside the broken window in the window well. You can see it in the following photos (the first is a composite):




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I suppose it wouldn't be impossible, Mosaic. There was a piece of wire taken into evidence. I think it might be the one shown in Kolar's released CS video where the CSI seemed to make note of it in the video taping. It was outside the broken window in the window well. You can see it in the following photos (the first is a composite):



I'll call that a BR knotted wire. I am reminded that BR spoke quite fondly, almost boastful, of his knife collection. One tool, in particular, BR pointed out to his interrogator, was one that "made tying knots easier". It's the knife that had his name on it that his Mother purchased in Amsterdam, iirc. Maybe BR was referring to knots in ropes but there the knotted wire is tied in the shape of a bow.

Note this area outside the basement windows appears abandoned. It is from slothenly behavior. The Rs had a yardman who would have cleaned that nasty grate area for them, swept away the spider webs, and probably would replace the broken window, too. PR was lazy and felt entitled due to her riches.
Thanks for the pics, otg. Initially I thought the wired knot was part of some Christmas ornament or bow,
but now that I see the picture...makes me wonder...
My replies are above. Do not try to shove that "deal with it" rhetoric down my throat. This is not my first time at the rodeo, my friend. The DNA is nothing, I have experts on the handwriting also and as SD's post says a few weeks back, take a look for yourself. Most will be shocked at the similarites. And as far as Dr. Gelb goes, he is a liar about his credentials and so when someone lies about their credentials, they are suspect. The Ramseys used someone who is a known fraud about his credentials. Please, if this is the best you can come up with, just because 48 hours had him on, does not make it so.


Gelb received his diploma from "La Salle". LaSalle's office was investigated and raided by the FBI, and Thomas Kirk, LaSalle's owner and founder, was found guilty of fraud and sentenced to five years in federal prison. Kirk earned millions of dollars from people looking to obtain fraudulent college degrees at a discount rate with little or no actual course work required."

You say "Whether or not Ed Gelb has an authentic doctorate's degree is irrelevant".

Well in that case, I think I will go home and order up one of those "fake" doctorate degrees, I feel like becoming a polygrapher.

BlueCrab, I am starting to worry about you.:cool:

PR could have different personalities. She acted like several very different people while being interviewed. That might explain handwriting differences, and her lack of memory of events that night, and how her body language showed she was telling the truth on different things?
PR could have different personalities. She acted like several very different people while being interviewed. That might explain handwriting differences, and her lack of memory of events that night, and how her body language showed she was telling the truth on different things?

Patsy has always come over to me as a highly intelligent woman. Sure she made mistakes, who does not?

In the interviews Patsy was playing a game, e.g. convince the interviewer he is right and everything Patsy says is true. She largely succeeded, only sites like this think the parents were involved.

As far as degrees go, they are just a wasting asset class for the super rich. They just say we joined the Harvard or Yale club in 19 Canteen here is my bit of paper.

What you learned back then is now out of date, probably unfashionable, and non pc. Thats why its a wasting asset, just think where was AI, and Bitcoin 20 years ago?

BlueCrab offered credible theories whilst others played the latest book game, OK he got some stuff wrong, so what his general thrust has proven to be correct, despite the naysayers !

BlueCrab offered credible theories whilst others played the latest book game, OK he got some stuff wrong, so what his general thrust has proven to be correct, despite the naysayers !

Its funny how bluecrab's own fan club misinterprets his theory.

It's a myth that he was BDI.
She pooped her pants. And the soiled undies and the unflushed toilet were in her bedroom.
Urine is one thing. Poop is absolutely another.
There was a 911 call from the Ramsey home a few days before Jonbenets’ murder. Maybe she suffered a more severe injury? Which made her less functional?
When she pooped her pants, someone flew into a fit of rage, smacked her over the head, and dragged her downstairs where she was to endure her regular abuse that she got everytime she soiled herself. Except maybe this time she fought back? So she was abused and or choked/tortured a little rougher then usual.
I get a distinctly creepy feeling everytime I see pictures of that downstairs shower and that laundry room.
She was maybe locked in a cabinet downstairs? Made to sleep down there in the dark?
Or maybe that bathroom is where her abuse happened?
I get a dark creepy feeling from those pictures. And a neighbor heard a scream. That broken basement window would have been the reason she could hear the scream so well?
I think they were both vicious to her. And both abusing her. And Burke had contempt for her because he saw how his parents treated her?
What about that guy with the jacket over his head as he left the Ramsey home?
He was living there. And got into a vehicle in front of the TV cameras after Jonbenets’ murder.
She pooped her pants. And the soiled undies and the unflushed toilet were in her bedroom.
Urine is one thing. Poop is absolutely another.
There was a 911 call from the Ramsey home a few days before Jonbenets’ murder. Maybe she suffered a more severe injury? Which made her less functional?

Except the call was made when there were lots of people in the home. The only thing noteworthy with JB during the party was that she was crying on the butler's kitchen stairs because someone supposedly said she wasn't pretty.

When she pooped her pants, someone flew into a fit of rage, smacked her over the head, and dragged her downstairs where she was to endure her regular abuse that she got everytime she soiled herself. Except maybe this time she fought back? So she was abused and or choked/tortured a little rougher then usual.
I get a distinctly creepy feeling everytime I see pictures of that downstairs shower and that laundry room.
She was maybe locked in a cabinet downstairs? Made to sleep down there in the dark?
Or maybe that bathroom is where her abuse happened?

Okay. Just as valid as other theories. Deep basements are just creepy in general. The problem with JB being taken into the basement to suffer from repeated abuse was that it wasn't necessary. JB could be taken into her bathroom. Taking her into the basement for punishment would mean that one parent was trying to hide the abuse from the other parent. That could be true.

I get a dark creepy feeling from those pictures. And a neighbor heard a scream. That broken basement window would have been the reason she could hear the scream so well?
I think they were both vicious to her. And both abusing her. And Burke had contempt for her because he saw how his parents treated her?

The neighbor who hear the scream was to the east of the house. The broken window is on the west side. There's also a large vent/pipe that feeds outside air to the boiler on the east side. It's about 1' in diameter or more and probably had a screen over it to keep out birds and large insects. That pipe is large enough to allow sound to escape from the basement. John and Patsy also kept a window cracked in their bedroom. Their room was on the top floor. Heat rises and there were no doors to stop all the hot air from coming up.

The neighbor who hear the scream also redacted her statement turning it into to more of a paranormal thing. Steve Thomas talks about it in his book.
What about that guy with the jacket over his head as he left the Ramsey home?
He was living there. And got into a vehicle in front of the TV cameras after Jonbenets’ murder.
That video was taken as some of the occupants of the house (Don and Nedra Paugh's) were exiting from the garage door on the side of the house. Who do you suppose the person was who felt it necessary to hide -- and WHY?
The neighbor who hear the scream was to the east of the house. The broken window is on the west side. There's also a large vent/pipe that feeds outside air to the boiler on the east side. It's about 1' in diameter or more and probably had a screen over it to keep out birds and large insects. That pipe is large enough to allow sound to escape from the basement.
The large vent/pipe in the boiler room was more than 1" in diameter. Just guessing by the other things in the attached photo, it's probably about 6" or 8" in diameter -- very much large enough to allow sound to escape to the outside.


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(rsbm)The large vent/pipe in the boiler room was more than 1" in diameter. Just guessing by the other things in the attached photo, it's probably about 6" or 8" in diameter -- very much large enough to allow sound to escape to the outside.

Not worthy of an argument. I was pointing out that sound could escape from that location on the east side of the house. The neighbor who reported the scream was on the east side. The broken window was on the west side. Given my knowledge of older boiler systems, the vents for outside air are always much larger than you think they'd need to be. But my experience is more along the lines of commercial boiler systems and medium sized multi family dwellings. 6"? Hell no. 8"? Maybe but so? You never starve a boiler of air. Aside from the carbon monoxide issues, a boiler starved of air produces soot. Soot is unspent fuel and that can cause fires or even explode.

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