IN - Abigail Williams & Liberty German, Delphi, Media, Maps, Timelines NO DISCUSSION

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Police to release ‘significant’ information regarding Delphi murder investigation

The information is expected to come this morning by 10 a.m.

Sgt. Kim Riley tells CBS4 it will help clarify some of the pictures that have been seen related to the investigation and the man on the bridge.

Riley says this is the result of information to the tip line and follow-up investigations in the past couple of weeks.

According to police, there are no arrests at this time, and Riley could not comment as to whether they are close to making an arrest.

WISH-TV‏Verified account @WISH_TV 5m5 minutes ago
#BREAKING: New information on Delphi murder case to be released sometime after 11 a.m. with composite sketch --

Bringing this over from the main thread, as just recalled there is a media thread for this case. This is from a presser on 7/17 with the release of the sketch.


I personally did transcription of presser, please excuse any errors

"Good morning, thank you for showing up. Basically as you all know, we have sent you out an email with two photos in it. We would like you to put both those photos in those when you talk about this case. We want the original photo that was put out earlier and the composite photo. So please, when you are putting out your information we would like all that on there please. Thanks. Introducing a few people that are standing behind me before we get started here. We've got Lt. Tom McKee (sp?) from the Indiana State Police Post LaFayette. Tony Liggett from Carrole County Sherriff Department ,J??? Hammond from the Carrol County Sherriff's department. Jerry Hollman from the Indiana State Police Detective out of the Detectives out of the Layfayette Police department, and Tony Slocum, he's Public Information Officer out of the Peru post.

We're here to talk a little bit about the release that was put out so I'm just basically gonna open it up to questions. I will tell you now, most the information that you have in the news release is about all that can be released at this time, so there's not gonna be anything else real, um exciting that is going to be put out there but I will be happy to take questions and we'll go from there.

Q. How did you have an artist develp this sketch and is the sketch made with the help of eye witness or eye witnesses, or was it made solely from the other picture we have seen?

A. Basically, I can't really answer that question completely. I can tell you it came from the investigations itself, from officers looking into things, to tips and leads that have come in, that people have come forward, we got information from there, and the composite was put together with that information.

Q. Why release the sketch released just today? Did you just get finished, have other people seen this, including the family, now just the right time to release it?

A. This picture was release at this time because we felt it needed to come out, the information needs to be put forward, and we wanted to get it out there so people can look at it, and it has, it has taken a while to get this thing put together and that's why it's taken so long to get the picture out.

Q. In the realm of evidence and leads that you have, how big is this photograph, how much are you counting on this artist's sketch, or photograph of the sketch?

A. It's like anything else like this in a case. Anytime we get something new, or some information out there, we always feel it's important to the case. We feel this is very important because it actually give a better view of the perp, person in the picture that you see down below. It shows a little more facial features, it gives you a little more information on what we're looking at, who the suspect might be, and that's why we feel it's very important that this picture is out there at this time.

Q. What's so striking about this? What is the thing that investigators look at and say “Wow, that's the thing that is gonna make the thing that is gonna make this guy stand out from all the other men walking around.”

A. It's basically just a clearer picture of his face compared to what you saw down below. We've got the information out there, the pictures out there, now we've got this composite that we feel that is, we feel that is the same person, and we just want to make sure that people realize that picture is this person (ED: he's pointing BG, then to sketch) We're hoping that they can get that picture and take that picture and get us some information on a possible suspect.

Q. How confident are you that this is accurate?

A. We're pretty confident. The information was received, with that information we've been able to put that together. Again, this thing wasn't drawn up overnight. We've been working with this picture and with the suspects that we, excuse me, I mean the witnesses that we have, that we put this together so it's not something that we did overnight. This has taken awhile to put this together.

Q. Those witness, did they see him in the area, or did they call the tip line with that information?

A. I really can't go into that 'cause we don't want to compromise the case itself.

Q. Well, when you say witnesses, so multiple people that helped you out?

A. There were people that were able to help us out with this, yes.

Q. A lot of people will say that you guys are releasing this because you are running out of leads, that's not true in this case, right?

A. No, we are still getting anywhere from 5-10 tips a day. We are still getting emails, so it's not something that... this case is not dried up, it's not a cold case, this case if still very active.

Q. If you had not received the tips, we might not have seen this picture in the first place, right?

A. A possibility, yes

Q. What is the attitude of the troops working on this? The fact that there is a composite that is infinitely clearer than the picture that we have been looking at. What is the feeling among the investigators that have been grinding away and working on this for months.

A. Well, anytime that you get new information officers are always excited about that information. It kinda builds up their confidence on the case itself. With this information here, we're really, you know,
it really excites them, lets them know that people are still caring about this case and people are still interested. And we can get somebody to come forward with more information, if we can get a name, or at least a location of this subject, that would be great, but officers have never really gotten down on this case. I think they've, they are flustrated maybe, but as far as solving this thing, it's something that's never, we've always thought like we would solve this case.

Q. Who made sketch??? specific in here??? have you talked with those witnesses to come up with an exact look of this person?

A. It's basically just been a cumulation of all the departments have come together and we have put this composite together.

A. In the release you talk about not to focus on the hat, it may not be accurate. Can you talk a little about that so people at home …?

A. As you can see, the original picture below it appears that he's got a hat on and it's got the flaps down
and kind of down over the face. We want to make sure you focus on the picture. We want to make sure the face is what you are looking at and not worry about the hat even though the hat does is not quite the same as in the picture. We want the facial features, is what we want you to look at.

Q. If someone does recognizes this person, what should they do?

A. They can call the tip line, or they can email us.

Q. In the release you mentioned some things exactly such as the hair color, can you talk about this at this time

A. Basically, the hair color is a reddish brown. She was, the person was not clear on the color of the eyes, but sh.., the person said it was definitely not blue. She was very obvious..., the person was very obviously not blue eyes, but they did mention that they were not clear on what color it was.

Q. So there are people out there who are sure that are sure they saw this guy walking around this day and they helped you out, it that?

A. Pretty much that's what it is, yes.

Q. Did those people come forward right away, or did it take a little time for those people to come forward.

A. It's been a while. It took a little bit, people are scared, they are afraid to be recognized by the subject, so, it just takes a while for these things to happened. Like I said, the picture did not come overnight, we've been working on this for a while

Q. To you think this guy is still around the Delphi area, or you think he's in a different state?

A. That's what I hope this is all about.

Q. We've heard many times that somebody out there probably knows something, and is really driving home the point today to make sure you call no mater how little it may be, especially if you recognize this person.?

A. That's what we want, we want people to call in and give us information. Anybody that can give us an identification on this subject, or knows where the subject might be, that would be great, we would appreciate any information that we can get.

Q. So still have that voice, and you've posted that picture, and you have this other. So really three pieces of solid evidence that people can work with so that's gotta be a big development for the community today.

A. That is correct. We are really excited about the information being put out there. The dectectives and all the investigators that are involved are just basically waiting for the phones to ring.

Q. Will any more information or video be released from the cell phone that Libby had that day?

A. There's....I'm not going to comment on that, I don't wanna compromise that case.

Q. Just to be clear, do you know this man's identity and you are not releasing it, or you don't know who this guys identity?

A. We want to know who he is.

Q. Do you know.???.county and I know you said that....??? somebody around this area knows who he is and will possibly call in... (Cannot understand)

A. We are hoping somebody knows from wherever, we don't care where it's from, we just want to be able to find somebody that can identify this subject and can give us information on him.

Q. Any search warrants that are going to come now that you have released this person's picture, anything else developing after you put this picture out today?

A. We gotta just do the investigation at that point in time and see what happens

Anything else..............

[h=1]Officials Hold Conference in Delphi Slayings[/h]
..after releasing the composite:

Delphi task force reaching out for donations for trail safety plan

"The Trail Safety Task Force has been accepting donations to add lighting identification markers along the trails where two young friends were abducted, then murdered, last February."


"In addition to trail markers every tenth of a mile to assist 911 dispatchers in locating those in need of help, lights, cameras and public WiFi are part of the safety plan.

"Lighting is a top priority around entry points," said Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby, who said while the trail closes at dusk, lights will help police patrols and surveillance cameras on the trail.""
Information RE: DNA, Additional Audio, Etc.

See first transcribed interview at post # 186 (Parts 1, 2)

27-minute video interview 8/14/2017, Det. Holeman, near bottom of page, two sources (I acutally used the second):
Continuing from [13.13]
A= Alexis McAdams H=Det. Holeman

Part 3 starts at 13.13
A: That area where the bodies were found, too, when you guys went down there, because you guys kept that crime tape up for awhile, you were still going back down there and re-tracing the steps and looking for anything, that, you know, you might have needed to go back, you know, to the scene to check out.... so when you went back down there, so that area that was taped off, that area was where bodies were found, right in that circular, that taped off place?

H: Yes.

A: So that's where when we walked down there, obviously all that investigative work had been done and they had taken away any evidence they had found. Was there a decent amount of evidence found at the scene?

H: Oh, I think so. I think, uh, you know, without getting into detail, I think, like I said, we don't have a lot of evidence, but we do have more than, you know, maybe your normal crime scene. We have evidence there that we're processing daily and working on, and still, yeah it's been six months but there is still different techniques you can use and things like that. I'm not a lab person, so I can't talk in lab language, but I'm in contact with them weekly, if not daily, and they are telling us we're still doing this, we're still working on things. Yeah, it's hard to say without jeopardizing the integrity of rthe invesrtigation how much evidence we had, because there's three people, in my opinion, maybe more, but at least three people that know what happened, knew what happened that day, and two of them are dead. So that one person knows the details of the crime. That's why we don't like to talk about the details or what we found or what we didn't find, because when we do get that person, when we do talk to them, they are the only ones that are gonna know the details for this. And that's another reason why we don't like FB putting false information out because then people believe that and then they tip off of those details that are false, and it just kind of impedes our investigartion a little bit.

RSBM For Brevity
Moved this over from Thread 65 :
Indiana police probe possible suspect in Delphi girls’ killings

Indiana investigators are looking into whether a man arrested in Colorado for allegedly threatening people along a hiking trail with a hatchet could be linked to the February killing of two teenage hikers in Delphi.

Sgt. Kim Riley, of the Indiana State Police, said the agency is speaking with Colorado authorities about 31-year-old Daniel Nations to determine if he could be a suspect in the killings of 14-year-old Liberty German and 13-year-old Abigail Williams.

Nations, a convicted sex offender who has lived in Indiana, was arrested Monday in Woodland Park, Colorado, in connection with recent cases where people were threatened with a hatchet on a popular hiking trail near Monument, about 50 miles south of Denver.

Riley said the first question is whether Nations was in Indiana on Feb. 13, when the teens vanished while hiking near their hometown of Delphi, about 60 miles northwest of Indianapolis. Their bodies were found the next day.

“We have to look at whether he was even here at that time and then we’ll go from there,” Riley said Thursday.
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