Found Deceased France - Maëlys De Araujo, 9, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 27 Aug 2017

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ZaZara: this is a very good post! My mind has been mulling very similar thoughts to yours.

Me too!! I also previously read that he had admitted/people had admitted that drugs were being circulated at the wedding...(I can't find the article sorry) This makes me doubt the time she was noticed missing...

It also makes me think that the suspect might be innocent, and is making himself look guilty by trying to cover up a drug deal...

If this is the case then other options emerge to explain this disappearance: Maelys could have mistakenly taken drugs thinking there were sweets, etc.


Le Dauphine

A further inconsistency would have arisen in the statements of the 30-something year old under investigation and imprisoned for kidnapping and sequestration of a minor under 15 years of age.

According to the Dauphiné Libéré, the DNA trace of the 9-year-old girl, mixed with the suspect's, was found on the light switch on his Audi A3. This button is located on the left side of the steering wheel.

However, the ex-serviceman of Domessin ended up admitting to having "opened the front passenger door and lowered the seat. The children got into the backseat, looked into the trunk to checked if the dogs were not in the trunk. Then they came out and everyone went back into the party hall again.

According to him, the girl entered the seat through the right door while the famous button is between the steering wheel and the driver's side of the left door.

Behavioural gendarmes have also been contributing to the investigation unit that has been mobilised day and night since Maëlys' disappearance. According to our information, these specialists intervened in particular during the suspect's arrest.

"Their mission is to decipher, to analyze the logic of certain suspects with complex psychological profiles, to detect certain loopholes", according to a source of the gendarmerie.

The search for Maëlys has entered its twelfth day. This morning, the nautical brigade divers of Aix-les-Bains continue exploring the gorges de Chailles (Savoie). The exploration started yesterday afternoon.

In order to facilitate these searches in a steep environment, a helicopter of the gendarmerie allows the air-lifting of divers.
The helicopter flies over the gorges area near the Savoyard commune of Saint-Béron, on the banks of the river Guiers.



This could be the famous button, le commutateur d’éclairage de son Audi A3 except that we do not know the year of the car. I took a look at the inside of various Audi A3 and to my pagan eyes (since I never had an Audi) the dashboard and the switch look rather complicated.

If this is indeed the light switch, it is more like a unit with various buttons and this unit is integrated into the dashboard. IMHO there would be no particular reason not to clean this area while you were at it, or to overlook it.

Also, I cannot think of any reason why Maëlys would be behind the steering wheel (driving the car?) or needing the headlights ~ all while no DNA of hers was found on his shirt or shoes.

The only possible red flag might be that the DNA could have been on the suspect's left hand, since that is the hand used to activate the switch. If they shook hands - most innocent explanation - her DNA would be on his right hand. How did her DNA get on his left hand and - possibly - index finger?

His best answer would be that he does not know. Transfers happen.
There is no DNA of her on his T-shirt, nor on his shoes. If there was blood, how did it end up only on his shorts?
The DNA-sample of Maëlys that was found in the car, was mixed with his DNA and may be a transfer. No one denies that they were both at the party, they were even seen speaking to each other.
He is currently living at his parents' home and the house isn't big, it has neighbours on both sides.
IMHO it is very unlikely that he would take her there for whatever reason.

The burden of proof is on the prosecution, and given what is known at the moment about the timeline and the 'evidence', the man in custody may get off the hook. Because if it was confirmed that he had returned to the venue while it was also confirmed that Maëlys was still there, then it would follow that he wasn't the one who took her.

If I were his lawyer, I'd go for the 'my drug-selling client wanted to protect his supplier' line. For now, that is.

No doubt there will be changes once LE gets the results of the forensic investigation and the images of the VCR's along the streets and roads.

Meanwhile, I am looking forward to the new timeline that Sjm_qc has promised us....


Sjm_qc's day did not go at all as planned, so she haven't been able to get that all together yet :(.
LE likely do not want the public to know the time frame of when the girl went missing so that the perp/s do not try to custom fit an alibi.
Many people with large dogs keep a permanent crate in their car, wondering if this was the case with the present poi?
Sometimes big, empty crates can be a magnet for kids (though, usually younger than 9 ) to crawl into- at 3 am or so, that might be a tempting place for a sleepy kid to enter, no need to be handled by anyone.
complete speculation.
It just seems very strange and perhaps too coincidental, that the missing child's DNA was found in his car.

He was not a family friend, so why would this 9 yr old girl be out in the parking lot IN HIS CAR? How many grown men are alone in the middle of the night, with young children they don't know, allowing them to climb in and out of their vehicles?

It just seems too weird and not realistic. Have they found any DNA of the young boy too?
For all we know he may have dumped all the clothes he was wearing that night, we only know that he dumped the shorts, because he had said that was his excuse for going home, and then had to come up with an excuse as to why he couldn't produce them.
I don't believe he would have taken Maelys anywhere near his house.
I also don't believe he would lie just to cover up a drug deal, better to be done for drugs than murder.
ZaZara said:
snipped by me....
Since the 'little boy' still hasn't been found, we can also assume that the suspect may have made the entire story up. OR that he hasn't told his next step, namely that he offered to show his dogs to Maëlys and he lived quite nearby.....

Could the "little boy" be Leopold in the article above - who was playing musical chairs with Maëlys?

If not NL, then "who" was the other person detained after NL? Do we know?

About 20 children participate in the wedding. "It was like a party in a village square. It was cheerful! " a guest tells later. At 1:30 a. m., the DJ informs that the babysitter who was hired for the occasion will return home, and that "parents must now watch their little ones".
Some of them already sleep on mattresses in a separate room. "Maë" is one of those who won't go to bed. She doesn't want to miss anything. At 2:45 a. m., the hall is not very crowded. Many guests walk away, greeting the lingering smokers. This is the moment when the little girl exchanges a few words with her grandmother. After that, nothing. Silence. It's like she evaporated.

At 3:00 in the morning, her parents start looking for her. The DJ makes a first announcement to ask if anyone has seen Maëlys. Silence. The music stops. The last few partygoers will be the first to look for her. In the corners of the hall, outside on the parking lot, in the woods around, near the high school below. Some even take their cars. Dozens of witnesses are here, but no one who noticed anything, a detail. It's driving people crazy. There are those who say that she probably fell asleep, or that she is somewhere playing. But there are fewer and fewer of them. Soon, a panic breaks out. "An apocalyptic nightmare! "a guest will cry out. Maëlys is nowhere to be found. At 3:57 a. m., the police and gendarmes were alerted. The party ends in tears.

As the sun rises on Sunday, the next day, the guests are confined, in shock, by the lack of sleep and waiting. They'll be locked up until 19:00. "We were all convinced that Maëlys had been kidnapped. People suspected each other. Everyone thought: "The kidnapper may be one of us" Imagine..."Videos, souvenir photos of a holiday day are confiscated, seized. Identities, recorded, examined. And the discovery is frightening: a dozen guests or neighbors appear in the list of perpetrators of sexual or violent offences (FIJAISV). It includes persons who have been convicted, indicted, prosecuted, criminalized or even dismissed, cleared or acquitted of a sexual or violent offence or crime.

A call for witnesses has already been launched concerning "disturbing disappearance".
There are nearly a hundred of them on the ground, but "all the men I command [they are 1,500] pay particular attention to this file," Colonel Yves Marzin, commander of the Isère gendarmerie group, insists. On Monday, the Bourgoin-Jallieu Public Prosecutor's Office opens an investigation for "kidnapping". On Tuesday, reinforcements arrive.

Six dog handlers supported by a helicopter, divers from the Aix-les-Bains nautical brigade and speleologists sound the Guiers and bodies of water, search all the cavities. Hours pass. The search is expanded. "There were two other parties nearby, along with 70 other potential witnesses." Two hundred and ten people are being interviewed, some forty homes searched. Investigators receive assistance from Anacrim, the software that connects the multitude of elements collected and synthesizes them, and notes possible contradictions.

Three sniffer dogs enter the scene, including two stars, dogs of Saint-Hubert. All "mark" in the same place: at the entrance of the car park. "This may indicate the departure of little Maëlys by car," Colonel Marzin ventures. Investigators from the technical and judicial police search the cars, including the white Citroën of the party hall warden, and the Audi A3 of N., a 34 year-old interim handler and friend of the groom. N. is a former soldier, muscular, broad and nervous. He specialized in dog training in the army, in the paratroopers and in the Legion. "He has a gift," says a neighbour, "and an unconditional love for his Belgian Malinois shepherds." Lately, according to his lawyer, N. was on sick leave. One of his friends explains: "He left his apartment for economic reasons and went back to live with his parents and brother. He's going through a tough time. A few months ago, he would have broken up with his girlfriend, he didn't like it very much..."
But many people remember a nice boy," fan of speed and daredevil, but not dangerous. He used to play with our kids, he was playing the funny uncle. He has an easy smile," someone says. Others are less confident: "For several years now, he has been seeing people involved in drug trafficking. His criminal record does not plead in his favour: damage to property, arson of private property, burglary, use of narcotics, theft from a trailer."

The gendarmes interrogate N. for the first time on Thursday, August 31st. They notice his closeness to the children. His sudden disappearance at the moment Maëlys vanished is disturbing. According to two guests, a slight altercation took place between Joachim de Araujo and N.:"Maëlys' father did not like N. showing his daughter videos", they tell us. Above all, he did not participate in the searches..."
The gendarmes ask him why he cleaned his car on Sundays, from top to bottom, and why he has scratches on his arms and knees. He's got the answer to everything. His disappearance: he went to change because he got dirty with wine. The scratches? Raspberry trees. The car? He sells it. N. was taken into custody with a second man of the same age. It would be a matter of confronting them. But very quickly, they were released. The gendarmes did not wait for the legal deadline to expire. In Pont-de-Beauvoisin, no one knows whether to celebrate or not.

The results of the tests carried out on the samples taken in the Audi will change everything: they show a DNA trace of Maëlys on an instrument on the control panel of N's car. So what? The dog-handler agrees, Maëlys has climbed to the rear of his vehicle. But that was at the same time as a 5-year-old boy. They wanted to check if his dogs were in the trunk... Besides, it happened long before the disappearance.

Eight days after the tragedy, he is indicted and remanded in custody. The happy ending that Sophie, a young mother invited to the wedding, dreamed of, is moving away. "I've hardly slept all week. I'm going back to that day and that damn night over and over again. I'm looking for something. A clue, a pattern of behavior, anything that might help me find Maëlys. It's eating my stomach to not remember every second, every minute. Maybe I saw something and I don't remember anything. The more I think about it, the more I forget. It makes me sick! And Maëlys is alone, not too far away. Or worse..."A word she refuses to say. Like her, many of them continue to believe, and keep on searching.

At 7:30 a. m. on Saturday, September 2, they had found themselves full of hope in the high school parking lot. Kids, hunters, retirees, family friends or strangers from all over the valley, called upon by social networks. Neither the fine rain nor the cool weather discouraged them. But like bad hunting dogs, they reported nothing but a shredded shirt, a red marker, a gray sock, bottles of beer in quantity - nothing from Maëlys, her white dress, her bare-foot shoes. So, between rare clearings and violent showers, the smiles faded, the faces closed. And the serene, soothing nature turned, in the eyes of all, into what it can be like for a child lost at night. A monster, hostile and cold.


Maëlys was last seen at 02.45 and gone at 03.00 hrs.
The suspect was present when she disappeared, but he did not take part in the searches.
Did he leave earlier in the night to go home and change his short? (This is what his lawyer says.)
Or did he leave to change his short when everybody started to seach for Maëlys? (Priorities!)
Was he locked into the hall later? Or did he not return at all?



De source proche du dossier, le Dauphiné Libéré apprend ce matin que « l’enfant blondinet » que le suspect a évoqué au cours de sa garde à vue, affirmant que cet enfant était monté dans sa voiture en même temps que Maëlys, n’existe pas.

Au cours des premières auditions réalisées par les enquêteurs, les jours qui ont suivi la disparition de la fillette à Pont-de-Beauvoisin, aucun enfant n’avait spontanément parlé de cet épisode. Après les déclarations de l’ex-militaire, les enquêteurs ont bien entendu vérifié ses dires.

Il aurait été démontré que l’existence de cet enfant est une pure invention du trentenaire car aucun autre enfant n’est monté dans l’Audi A3 du suspect pour « voir si ses chiens étaient dans le coffre ». « Le suspect a donc fait monter Maëlys seule dans sa voiture. Mais elle n’en est probablement jamais ressortie sur le parking de la salle des fêtes du mariage où était garée l’Audi », conclut une source proche du dossier.

"According to sources close to the case, the Dauphiné Libéré learned this morning that "the blond child" that the suspect evoked during his police custody, claiming that this child had got into his car at the same time as Maëlys, does not exist.

During the first interviews conducted by the investigators, no child spontaneously spoke of this episode in the days following the disappearance of the girl in Pont-de-Beauvoisin. After this statement by the ex-soldier, the investigators of course verified his statements.

It has been shown that the existence of this child is a pure invention by the suspect because no other child got into the Audi A3 of the suspect to "see if his dogs were in the trunk". "So the suspect let Maëly alone into his car. But she probably never got out of it again, in the car park of the wedding hall where the Audi was parked", concluded a source close to the case."

From the same article, searches continue for the third day in the Chailles gorges, a few kilometres from the suspect's home. A specialized mountaineering brigade has joined the search.
Could the "little boy" be Leopold in the article above - who was playing musical chairs with Maëlys?

If not NL, then "who" was the other person detained after NL? Do we know?

The investigators think that the second child does not exist, it is an invention of the suspect.

Le Progrès

No children have spontaneously mentioned the episode and, after checking it out, the investigators consider it to be a pure invention.

"So the suspect got Maëlys into his car alone. But she probably never came out of it in the car park in the wedding hall where the Audi was parked," a source close to the file told the newspaper.



"According to sources close to the case, the Dauphiné Libéré learned this morning that "the blond child" that the suspect evoked during his police custody, claiming that this child had got into his car at the same time as Maëlys, does not exist.

During the first interviews conducted by the investigators, no child spontaneously spoke of this episode in the days following the disappearance of the girl in Pont-de-Beauvoisin. After this statement by the ex-soldier, the investigators of course verified his statements.

It has been shown that the existence of this child is a pure invention by the suspect because no other child got into the Audi A3 of the suspect to "see if his dogs were in the trunk". "So the suspect let Maëly alone into his car. But she probably never got out of it again, in the car park of the wedding hall where the Audi was parked", concluded a source close to the case."

You beat me by 3 minutes ....:gaah:
You beat me by 3 minutes ....:gaah:

It's not a race, and it's good to have different sources :)

Anyway, I am relieved to see this being reported, we've all suspected that the other child was a figment of NL's imagination.

It does, however, remove the very faint hope I was clinging to that Maelys might be found safe.
It's not a race, and it's good to have different sources :)

Anyway, I am relieved to see this being reported, we've all suspected that the other child was a figment of NL's imagination.

It does, however, remove the very faint hope I was clinging to that Maelys might be found safe.

I know it is not a race, how could it be, but it would have saved me some work if I had seen your post earlier. I am a lazy person at heart.

Never thought the story of the blonde boy was very credible. No. Not at all.
Could the "little boy" be Leopold in the article above - who was playing musical chairs with Maëlys?

If not NL, then "who" was the other person detained after NL? Do we know?

We don't know. This second person was detained and questioned to "confront" (there's an element of both "confront" and "compare" in the French word used - "confronter") his version of facts with NL's.

IMO, this is where NL's story started to fall apart.

Somewhere, but I can't recall the exact link, I seem to have read that the second person detained had a version of events that when verified, checked out. NL's didn't.
And another bit of background information: here's a video of the Chailles gorges area.

NB: this is NOT a video of the searches, I'm adding it to show the type of terrain.

NB2: some may find it upsetting, in the context of what may have happened to Maelys, i.e. She could not have survived if this IS where she ended up.
We don't know. This second person was detained and questioned to "confront" (there's an element of both "confront" and "compare" in the French word used - "confronter") his version of facts with NL's.

IMO, this is where NL's story started to fall apart.

Somewhere, but I can't recall the exact link, I seem to have read that the second person detained had a version of events that when verified, checked out. NL's didn't.

If I remember well, the second person who was arrested, was of the same age, but he lived in the neighbourhood and wasn't a guest at the wedding. He was a registered sex offender though.
IMHO there was a lot of confusion about these two persons and this probably started because they are both 34. One of them was invited to the party according to BFMTV and the other one was present near the venue according to LeParisien. Both reports are probably correct, since they refer - unknowingly - to different men.
So if you take all that was said initially, and deduct all that we now know about NL, a possible profile of the other 34-year old emerges.
If I remember well, the second person who was arrested, was of the same age, but he lived in the neighbourhood and wasn't a guest at the wedding. He was a registered sex offender though.
IMHO there was a lot of confusion about these two persons and this probably started because they are both 34. One of them was invited to the party according to BFMTV and the other one was present near the venue according to LeParisien. Both reports are probably correct, since they refer - unknowingly - to different men.
So if you take all that was said initially, and deduct all that we now know about NL, a possible profile of the other 34-year old emerges.

You may be right, I've not been checking up on the 2nd guy questioned.

IMO, in the early days, there was a lot of confusion in reports about sex offenders & who was who as well as who was where, when :(.

I'm trying to be VERY careful about that, and about the "second guy". It's hard enough trying to sort out the basics :(. I'm on about the 5th version of a putative timeline since yesterday!
I wonder if it would be helpful to have a few people that were close to the area when she disappeared be hypnotized to see if they can remember anything in their subconscious. It seems strange to me with so many people no one saw anything happen
So, here's my attempt at a timeline, because if I don't post it now I shall be editing, refining, agonizing over it into next week.

This has been quite difficult. I have been through this thread from the beginning, and used the links posted on the thread.

As far as possible, I've also only used the original articles in French. Where these articles have been edited and/or are no longer available (happens far too often in modern media & missing cases), I've (sparingly) used the translations quoted in WS posts here. If I'm not sure, it's not included.

All questions, corrections, additions will be gratefully accepted and I can and will revise.

I have another post "in progress", about NL's (and other) statements, stories and their contradictions & discrepancies, and maybe one on his background. Contributions welcome!

Saturday 26th/Sunday 27th August

- At sometime unspecified time during the evening, Maelys' father has an argument/dispute/interaction with NL because he doesn't like NL showing videos to Maelys

- 1.30am: the childminder engaged to look after the ~20 children present at the wedding reception leaves. This is announced over the microphone by the DJ so that families are aware

- 2.45am: Maelys seen by/speaks to her grandmother

- "Around this time" (early articles, now either edited or unavailable) mentioned ~2.30am: NL leaves the site. Early articles (now edited or unavailable) mentioned "to get cigarettes". NL's statement (after DNA in his car discovery) says "to change his shorts because they were stained by wine"). At some point he throws away the shorts "in a bin on the road". He claims to have been absent for "about an hour".

- ~3am - 3.10am (both times have been reported in articles quoting guests): DJ announces over the microphone that Maelys is missing & people (wedding guests) start searching

- NO TIME ESTIMATE (it's just too fluid, because based on NL's lawyer's quotes and "sources" speaking to Dauphiné Libéré) NL returns to the site. IF the "absent for about an hour" statement is correct, it's just before, or around the time, or just after LE are called/arrive.

- 3.57am: LE are called & rapidly arrive on site. Official searches start. Remaining guests (all or some?) are detained on site until 7pm/19h

- ~5am: the wedding photographer (who had left ~9.30pm/21:30) was called to come back with his photos

- ~5am: the site manager (concierge/gardien), who lives in a house on/next to the site is woken to come back to the hall

- 7pm/19h: the last guests detained on site are allowed to go

- Sometime on Sunday: NL deep cleans his car

Monday 28th August

- official investigation for kidnapping launched

Thursday 31st August

- 10.20am: NL is taken into custody for questioning

Thursday 31st August or Friday 1st September

- another man taken into custody for questioning

Saturday 2nd September morning

- both NL & other man are released

- According to a friend interviewed by Le Parisien, NL goes to her house

Sunday 3rd September evening

- NL is arrested and formally put under investigation for kidnapping and unlawful confinement of a minor. He is remanded in custody and remains there

Monday 4th September

- confronted by DNA trace of Maelys in his car, NL admits she did get in his car ("dog" story), with another child. Then they got out and went back into the reception hall.

Tuesday 5th September

- NL's residence (parents' house) and the surrounding area is searched (house searched for the 2nd time??)

Wednesday 6th September

- Dauphiné Libéré reports that the interior of NL's car (trunk/cargo area) was cleaned with a product, usually used for rims, which could throw sniffer dogs off a scent

Thursday 7th September

- Dauphiné Libéré reports that the DNA trace (mixed trace Maëlys' and NL's)was found on a dashboard button to the left of the steering wheel, while NL's statement says she got into the back of the car via the right hand passenger door

Friday 8th September

- Dauphiné Libéré reports that the little boy NL claimed was with Maelys (getting into then out of his car) does not exist after LE investigations.
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