Found Deceased France - Maëlys De Araujo, 9, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 27 Aug 2017

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I'm out until tomorrow morning, unless there's a breakthrough.

Need to clear my head.

Le Dauphine

In an exclusive interview, Fabien Rajon, lawyer for Maëlys's parents, unveils the daily life of a family that is overwhelmed but remains dignified. And that still has the hope of knowing what happened to their child who disappeared on Sunday, August 27 at a wedding in Pont-de-Beauvoisin (Isère).

Master Rajon, you meet with Maëlys's parents on a daily basis. How have they been living for two weeks?

Their life can be summed up in one word: waiting. An unbearable wait, a real torment... A heavy atmosphere at home, too. With, at all times, the fear of a new telephone call from investigators, a revelation in the media confirming what we all fear... As the days go by, lack of sleep, fatigue and anxiety are also becoming more and more present.

What is their state of mind today?

I would like to underline their dignity. Maëlys's parents are good people: humble, discreet, who never tried to attract attention and who have established themselves through work. The father is a technician, the mother went back to school at the age of 30 to become a nurse, after years of working as a factory worker. They raised their two daughters with simple values: respect for each other and politeness. When I asked the mother if they might have had problems with any people, she told me, looking a little sorry, that her dogs often bark a little too loudly and that she had recently apologized to her neighbours. Obviously, nothing foretold them to see their destiny turn like this. But they're coping, to the degree that they can.

What do you know about this child? Can you tell us more about her, her character, her passions?

She is a nine-year-old girl who was preparing for her return to school in fourth grade, was a swimmer and was going to play football in September. The parents described to me a cheerful, lively girl, very attached to the three dogs on the family. This point is not insignificant. She doesn't fit the profile of a runaway. For a lot of people, Maëlys is a picture on a missing persons notice. For the parents, of course, she is more than just a picture...

Can they specify the sequence of events? When and how did they find out that their little girl was missing?

The parents did not fail to detail the chronology of the evening to the investigators. You will therefore allow me to respect the secrecy of the investigation and of the inquiry. What I can tell you at this stage is that at the end of the evening, the mother realizes that Maëlys has disappeared. She calls her, frightened, calls the wedding guests, searches for her everywhere in vain, with the father. A call to the DJ's microphone is launched and the gendarmes are called in emergency, because the mother is already asking herself questions and fears the worst.

What were her first insights?

The mother fears that something serious has happened to Maëlys at this very precise moment. Yes, I can tell you that his first intuition, at this time of the evening, is, alas, a kidnapping. My client is positive and has no doubt to date. She tells me that as soon as she realized that Maëlys had disappeared, she immediately searched for her daughter of course, but also for a man whose behaviour during the evening seemed strange to her.

What do you mean?

According to the mother, Maëlys described this man during the evening as her "friend" and would have designated him as her "uncle" to a guest of the wedding. This man would have talked to Maëlys, showing the girl and her mother pictures of her dogs on her phone. The mother then left, letting the conversation between Maëlys and this guest continue for a few minutes. Another disturbing fact: Maëlys's mother tells me that when she and her father and other guests are looking for their daughter, she comes across that individual outside. The latter did not seem to be particularly concerned by the searches, nor really worried about the girl's fate...

Some sources point to a discussion between Maëlys's father and this man about videos he would have shown to the girl during the evening? Can you tell us more about that?

This thesis doesn't match the version of the father that I spoke with him about. On the other hand, there is indeed a matter of pictures shown by this man from his phone to Maëlys. Apparently, a wallpaper with pictures of dogs on it. This worries the parents, who know that their daughter is passionate about animals and, in particular, dogs.

Was this man, who was recently indicted, known to Maëlys' parents?

No. No. Maëlys' parents didn't know him.

How did they feel about this indictment?

An indictment of a suspect, accompanied by an order for pre-trial detention after two successive police detentions, does not imply guilt. Maëlys' parents respect the presumption of innocence. However, unlike other cases of missing children, investigators seem to be holding a person who obviously has something to tell... And I would add that time is running out, as it is not just a matter of resolving a case and possibly referring an indictee to a court of law. But, as a matter of priority, to know what happened to Maëlys. That is why the parents, who did not wish to communicate until now, asked me to speak.

How do Maëlys's parents react to the inconsistencies that appear in the subject matter of the indictment?

Faced with these inconsistencies, the family form an opinion: why does Maëlys' DNA appear in the car of the person under investigation? Why does the latter disappear from the scene, according to the mother, before the gendarmes arrived? What about his clothes and especially his shorts, that disappeared? What about the suspect's meticulous washing of his vehicle? Why does he say that the girl would have gotten into her car with a blond boy, who obviously only exists in her imagination? Added to the suspect's strange behaviour during the evening, as the mother tells me, these elements, if confirmed, are disturbing to say the least. The parents logically say that this man holds the keys to the case. And to the extent that time is of the essence, since it is a matter of the fate of a child, they inevitably invite the accused to finally reveal the truth and end the unbearable expectation imposed on them.

How are they surrounded during this time and by whom?

They can count on family, friends. They keep a certain discretion in the torment of this ordeal. And if they talk through me, their lawyer is because they want to know what happened to their daughter.

For the past 15 days, have your clients returned to the Jura? Did their eldest daughter return to school?

Currently, they live somewhere in Isère. The elder's first day of school was scheduled for Tuesday. I can't tell you more about this issue, which is a matter of privacy.

How do they spend their days?

This morning, the weather was sad and rainy. At home, in the kitchen, the television was turned on, connected to the news channels, the cups of coffee followed one after another. And the phone's never far away.

How do Maëlys' parents feel about the mobilization of the population, particularly in terms of field searches?

This does warm their hearts. This eagerness of solidarity, these people who have come from far away to help out, to participate in searches, these initiatives on the part of former classmates of the mother's nursing school... All this helps them to hold on and they ask me to sincerely thank all those who are working to find Maëlys and, in the first place, the investigators.

Have they been in contact with other families of missing children? Especially with Estelle Mouzin's dad?

Not that I'm aware of.

Your clients have called in a medium. Why?

Who would not, in such a desperate case, resort to all the possibilities of finding his child? So I don't judge my clients. Who could do that, by the way? On the other hand, I have alerted them to the risk of being approached by people who are ill-intentioned or likely to abuse their fragility, particularly in view of the accumulated fatigue. Unfortunately, this seems to be the case here. This character obviously abused them, as happens to many people in a situation of vulnerability in the face of tragedy or hardship. I am vigilant on this point and a criminal complaint for abuse of weakness is not ruled out.

Do they still have any hope of finding their daughter alive?

Objectively, every day spent without Maëlys adds, alas, to pessimism. But they always keep a certain hope... During their last vacation, they visited the Basilica of Fatima in Portugal together with Maëlys. The little girl had burned a candle there. They cling with difficulty to what they can.

How do they envision the future?

Maëlys' parents are currently living day by day.


Take a bow, sir. :takeabow:
Two new sonars, from Strasbourg and Switzerland, will be used to search the Aiguebelette lake on Sunday and Monday. The sonar coming from Switzerland is a more powerful sonar.

Ce dimanche, deux sonars fouilleront le lac d'Aiguebelette pour tenter de retrouver Maëlys. Le suspect allait en effet régulièrement aux abords de ce plan d'eau pour promener ses chiens. "Un sonar arrive de la gendarmerie de Strasbourg, l'autre, plus puissant, arrive de Suisse", fait savoir la gendarmerie à LCI. Les deux appareils seront utilisés également lundi dans le lac.
So he leaves the party, presumably with the little girl in his car, then comes back in time for her mother to see him after Maelys disappeared, then leaves again before the gendarmes arrive? Was he hoping that no one had seen him leave in the first place, and that Maelys' mom would be his alibi?

Why did he go back?
Thank you all again for all these updates! And your timeline looks great!!


Any news on a date for this guy? Just wondering! :)
Yeah it is a very forrest dense area with large bodies of water hills and ravines, I believe authorities have good reason to be looking in the Chailles Gorges.
The scratches on him if they really where from branches imply that too.
If she is already deceased they'll probably find her around that area.

I also wonder if his phone gave them any clues, according to some articles NL had a second phone he tried to hide as if there was incriminating evidence on it.
And whether they contain more information about his movements that day and the following days.

I wonder if he ever showed the investigators where his 'garden' was ---the one surrounded by blackberry bushes....I doubt it. :liar:

Who gardens where they have to reach through wild blackberry thorns?
Some new details... The shorts were Bermuda shorts. He stated he threw them away in a public trash bin, but can't remember which one. LE has searched all the trash receptacles in the area, but could not find the shorts.

His mother confirmed that he did go home at one point during the evening, but could not recall which clothes he was wearing. She is having trouble figuring out how he could kidnap a child, get rid of a child, go home, then return to the wedding, all in less than one hour.

"Aucune trace non plus du bermuda tâché de vin. Nordahl avait confié l’avoir jeté dans une poubelle publique sans se souvenir laquelle. Après avoir fouillé toutes les poubelles de la zone, les enquêteurs n’ont pas retrouvé le vêtement mentionné.

Si Christiane, la mère du suspect confirme bien avoir vu son fils repasser à la maison dans la nuit, elle ne peut en revanche pas se souvenir des habits qu’il portait. Elle ne comprend pas comment en moins d’une heure, son fils aurait pu enlever une enfant, s’en débarrasser, passer à son domicile et revenir au mariage. "
From the same article... His friend (the other person who had also been held, then released) could not get a hold of him during the same time Maelys went missing. According to the friend's lawyer, this friend *may* have been trying to contact NL in order to get drugs, but was unable to reach NL by phone.

"Le soir de la disparition, cet ami a tenté de joindre plusieurs fois sans succès Nordhal, alors qu’il venait de s’absenter momentanément du mariage et que la petite fille était aussi introuvable. Les enquêteurs n’ont pour le moment pas pu déterminer la raison de ces appels.

Selon l’avocat de cet ami, Me Florent Giraud, il n’est pas inenvisageable, que cet ami ait tenté de joindre Nordahl pour lui demander de le fournir en stupéfiants."
Some new details... The shorts were Bermuda shorts. He stated he threw them away in a public trash bin, but can't remember which one. LE has searched all the trash receptacles in the area, but could not find the shorts.

His mother confirmed that he did go home at one point during the evening, but could not recall which clothes he was wearing. She is having trouble figuring out how he could kidnap a child, get rid of a child, go home, then return to the wedding, all in less than one hour.

"Aucune trace non plus du bermuda tâché de vin. Nordahl avait confié l’avoir jeté dans une poubelle publique sans se souvenir laquelle. Après avoir fouillé toutes les poubelles de la zone, les enquêteurs n’ont pas retrouvé le vêtement mentionné.

Si Christiane, la mère du suspect confirme bien avoir vu son fils repasser à la maison dans la nuit, elle ne peut en revanche pas se souvenir des habits qu’il portait. Elle ne comprend pas comment en moins d’une heure, son fils aurait pu enlever une enfant, s’en débarrasser, passer à son domicile et revenir au mariage. "

One hour is plenty of time. We have seen it done in that small window of time in several cases here.

One that comes to mind---and I hope someone can remember the name of the poor sweet girl---a sick twisted 'uncle' gave his young niece a ride home from church---even though her family was in the nest room, and never knew she was leaving with him.

And he placed her in a well next to his home--and was back in his house, when the concerned family called 45 minutes later-looking for their missing child.

There are other cases where it happened within an hour too. I think young Kaytlyn in Texas, who was put into a dumpster by a 16 yr old 'friend'---that happened within an hour or 2 window as well, I believe.

So hearing Mom saying that an hour wasn't long enough---not a ringing endorsement for her son.

If reporters asked me if my son kidnapped and killed a child, I'd say 'NO, he could never do such a horrible thing, he is a kind, non violent young man.' I wouldn't say ' an hour wasn't long enough of him to get way with it...' :no:
Thanks for sharing and making the effort of translating relevant articles folks!
Much appreciated.


video BFMTV

This morning, Monday, September 11, the sonars resumed service on Lake Aiguebelette. The two boats from Strasbourg and Geneva went into action yesterday in the middle of the morning. They have already surveyed almost half the lake.

Yesterday, the search was slowed down because of a false alarm. During the day, one sonar received an echo, indicating a potential target 300 metres from the edge. The divers then went to check at a depth of 13 metres, but it was only an object.

This morning, divers from Aix-les-Bains and Valence are preparing to inspect two nature reserves on the lake. Two biotope protection zones near which it is impossible to approach, as navigation is regulated around these sensitive areas. A helicopter may also fly over the area.

Search operations are made difficult by the lack of visibility and the large surface area to be covered. The third largest natural lake in France, Lake Aiguebelette measures 5.45 km² in surface area and its depth can exceed 70 meters.

Fifteen days after the disappearance of Maëlys, at a wedding in Pont-de-Beauvoisin, in Isère, the investigation focuses on Lake Aiguebelette and its surroundings, where the suspect under investigation had his routines. The 34-year-old man, currently detained at the Varces prison, loved to walk his dogs and his family would own a shed there.

Thank you all again for all these updates! And your timeline looks great!!


Any news on a date for this guy? Just wondering! :)

No court date yet, he's still only under formal investigation, not charged. The investigation has to be completed before anything else happens (unless there's a confession). IMO, there is still not enough concrete (rather than circumstantial) evidence that we know of to charge him. In other words, LE need to find Maelys.
From the same article... His friend (the other person who had also been held, then released) could not get a hold of him during the same time Maelys went missing. According to the friend's lawyer, this friend *may* have been trying to contact NL in order to get drugs, but was unable to reach NL by phone.

"Le soir de la disparition, cet ami a tenté de joindre plusieurs fois sans succès Nordhal, alors qu’il venait de s’absenter momentanément du mariage et que la petite fille était aussi introuvable. Les enquêteurs n’ont pour le moment pas pu déterminer la raison de ces appels.

Selon l’avocat de cet ami, Me Florent Giraud, il n’est pas inenvisageable, que cet ami ait tenté de joindre Nordahl pour lui demander de le fournir en stupéfiants."

More from the same article (there's a video of the interviews too, but it won't play for me :( )

Les équipes de 7 à 8 avaient réussi à joindre le suspect avant qu’il soit mis en examen. Il avait affirmé à notre journaliste au sujet de ses égratignures qu’il s’agissait "de choses courantes de la vie" et avait expliqué qu'il s'agissait de jardinage. "J'ai un bout de jardin, parfois on se prend une petite branche dans les pieds... "

Our team [the TV show] managed to contact the suspect before he was put under formal investigation. Concerning the scratches, he told our journalist "it's just normal activities. I have a little garden, sometimes one trips on a branch/twig..."

More from the same article (there's a video of the interviews too, but it won't play for me :( )

Our team [the TV show] managed to contact the suspect before he was put under formal investigation. Concerning the scratches, he told our journalist "it's just normal activities. I have a little garden, sometimes one trips on a branch/twig..."


Won't play for me either, the screen remains one shade of grey :(

Here is a short snippet with the 'interview' with the suspect when, according to info from the video, he was released after his first detention:


Disappearance of Maëlys: The last words of the suspect before his indictment

"it's very traumatic as an experience.... so, nothing to say, accusations, things like that, it's so serious. ... I kow the bride and groom, of course they are friends.. which makes it all the more unpleasant... that's why"

About his reaction to the accusations 'you had scratches, how did you explain that?:

"but these are everyday things in life, I mean, I have a patch of garden, sometimes one trips on a branch or twig.... well, the questioners have clearly understood that, and have seen these things for themselves."

Thank you for finding the clip, ZaZara, it's the bit I wanted to hear.

Reworking the timeline. Again. Mainly to add the most recent information about the "other guy" detained, questioned, released and phone call info between him & NL.

I'm thinking I should remove the part about Maelys' father having some sort of (negative) interaction with NL during the party as this seems NOT to be the case, given Maitre Rajon's interview yesterday.

Sounds like LE did check out the garden:

La mère de Nordahl, Christiane, qui dit avoir "la boule au ventre", a accepté de parler de son fils, face caméra. Elle montre sa chambre "en chantier", car "tout a été perquisitionné", son jardin également fouillé par les enquêteurs.

Video of the various interviews that this article mentions... won't play for me either.
Sounds like LE did check out the garden:

La mère de Nordahl, Christiane, qui dit avoir "la boule au ventre", a accepté de parler de son fils, face caméra. Elle montre sa chambre "en chantier", car "tout a été perquisitionné", son jardin également fouillé par les enquêteurs.

Video of the various interviews that this article mentions... won't play for me either.

Some of the various videos that have been published since the beginning are geo-restricted (is that the right term??), i.e. They're only available if one's IP address is in France.

I have had some success finding some of them on third party sites...

ETA: there's a certain amount of confusion (for me, because I'm pedantic, and I still haven't had time to see/find all the video) whether his mother is showing and referring to his bedroom and his garden, or his/her bedroom and his or her garden.

NB: "her" above = suspect's mum.

I'm sure screenshots or photos of the above will soon emerge...
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