Who was George Brody?

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My time is limited today, so I was hoping someone could help me out. Was it said that the Georges had more than 1 hotel room when Anna disappeared? I was thinking there where 3...is that right? Two rooms in one hotel, and another room in a different hotel? If there where more than one hotel/apt. how far apart where they? Sorry for the redundant question. I'm trying to figure out how common it was for Brody to have more than one resident at a time. I remember Annasmom saying she had compiled a list of addresses from Joe Ford notes covering a 20 year period for GB &MK. Is there a way to view that?
Here it is:

Listings in San Francisco City Directory
(Taken from Joe Ford’s handwritten notes dated March 30, 1982)

1945-46: George Brody, 480 Ellis
(Brody not in 1948-49 Directory)
1951 George & Marian Brody clk. r. 1507 Cal
1953 Kukoda Margt nurse 1905 Fulton Apt. 5
(No listing for Brody in 1953)
1955-56: Brody Geo. r. 480 Ellis
1957: Margt. Kukoda, agt. for Stroll-O-Chair Display Co. h. 3009 Mission, Spt. 310
(No listing for Brody)
1958: Kukoda, Margt. M (Oriental & French Imports) r. 3019 Mission
1959: No listing for Brody, Kukoda or Mary Kay
1960: Mary E. Kay, 3141 Franklin, Apr. 4. No Kukoda, no Brody listed
1961: Mary Kay, r. 1006 Noe, Apt. 3
1962: Same listing
1963: Mary Kay, r. 1006 Noe, Apt. 3
1965: Not in directory
1966: Kay, Mary M. (widow of John) dir Beeline Fashion Home, h 1006 Noe.

Rent receipts for 1006 Noe St., Apt. 3, from July 7, 1966 to Jan. 10, 1967:
One dated 7-7-67 paid by Brody; all others paid by Mary Kay
Matthew H. Reyburn, owner of building, signed receipts.
Reyburn confirmed in talk to Joe Ford March 29, 1982, that Brody and “Mary Kay” were living together at that address since before he bought the building in 1962. Brody moved out shortly after “Mary Kay” died. Said MK had some sort of cosmetics business. He didn’t believe Brody worked anywhere. Rent was paid in cash. He said Mary Kay drove a Buick. He couldn’t remember ever seeing Brody drive.

A physician at San Francisco General Hospital says that as of Aug. 19, 1966, George Brody was visiting someone in Ward 34 named M. M. Kukoda, as well as a patient named Jessie Evans, 88 Sixth Street, Delta Hotel. Dr. Love was Kukoda’s physician. George Waters was an intern in charge of Kukoda and reported on her case to Brody, who had power of attorney for Kukoda. Physician said Brody was aged 55-60 at that time, was heavy-set, with grey hair.

In George Waters’ papers was an Occidental Life Insurance Company premium notice for Mary Kay, policy 4167942, addressed to Mary Kay at 1006 Noe. It was postmarked May 10, 1967 and had a due date of March 11, 1967. It had been forwarded to the Public Administrator at 1212 Market Street, San Francisco 94102, stamped received May 12, 1967. Brody’s name and the Otis Hotel Address was written on the back.

Margaret Kukoda died Aug. 30, 1967 at age 50.
The unclaimed property ($16,970.09) from Bank of America in Oakland, listed George Brody's address as 1955 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland.
Thank you Annasmom. That helps.

One weird thing I see off the top of my head is the Fulton Address. In the 1940 Voter Registration (VR), there are 2 George Brodys listed. One in Oakland at 534 12th Street, (thought to be "the GB") and one in SF on 831 Fulton, (GNB, the "other" Brody). I see MK was living on Fulton Street in 1953. Just odd again, in such an incredibly large city, that the same streets keep coming up over and over. :)
The unclaimed property ($16,970.09) from Bank of America in Oakland, listed George Brody's address as 1955 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland.

Here is a weird thought that I am wondering about...Brody, very precise, and numerologically based, puts this amount of money in an account.
Sept 16, 1970...or any variation date, mean anything significant?
Sept, I get,
16th of January as well...
Could he have done this in numerical code, as if the money was slated for something specific, by it's amount?
Yes it sounds cornball, but when I looked at the numbers, I wondered if they had relevance to the use of the money.
After all, the guy was a little weird with it all, numerically speaking.
Here is a weird thought that I am wondering about...Brody, very precise, and numerologically based, puts this amount of money in an account.

An interesting hypothesis, INH. I have always chuckled at the idea of GB keeping an amount in his safe deposit box that required pocket change to reach that total. As I write this, I guess a possibility would be that the "change" coins may have been rare coins that the state just counted at face value. But I find that possibility unlikely - he doesn't seem like the sort of chap that would be into coin collecting. Your idea about a numerological reason could answer this mystery, but what could it mean?
Anything in the BFH that mentions 1970 specifically? A policy perhaps, or something else...I doubt it had to do with the dates in Waters notebook, but if something correlates between the policies or something, and the info put in Waters notebook, we might have a plausible theory or lead.
The statement of acct would tell if interest payments made to the acct, accumulated to this much, or if this was the total put in...since it is said to be a safe deposit box, it would not accumulate anything.
Anything in the BFH that mentions 1970 specifically? A policy perhaps, or something else...I doubt it had to do with the dates in Waters notebook, but if something correlates between the policies or something, and the info put in Waters notebook, we might have a plausible theory or lead.

I believe that all of the schemes involving insurance policies started in 1970. Annasmom can check the specific dates in GW's notebook.
I want to ask Annasmom, how is it that the conclusion was reached that GW destroyed papers before his death? Were there burned papers in garbage cans? What way were they destroyed, where were the remnants found, who concluded that things were destroyed? Was it a police observation? Did they write that down in their report? Or someone else find this? Thanks
Does anyone know what "Dec" would mean on the Voter Registration. There is Rep for Republican, Dem for Democrat, but I can't think what Dec would be...
doogie could the two brodys found be one in the same?. could he have had two addresses listed at one time. or it was an old address and he was still showing as living there
doogie could the two brodys found be one in the same?. could he have had two addresses listed at one time. or it was an old address and he was still showing as living there

I'm beginning to wonder if there is a possibility. What I find strange are the voter registration records. There are 4 entries for the other George N Brody (GNB) where his wife Margaret is listed with him. He registered Republican each time. 1928, 1930, 1932 and 1933. (all on 2375 20th Ave, SF) Then there is not another entry for him until 1938....But there is for the oakland GB in 1936, listed as a merchant, (Like GNB).

Then in 1938 and 1940 the other GB SF addresses are different and she is not listed, he then is registered Democrat. The only 2 dates that both Georges are listed are in 1938 and 1940 and both are registered Democrat.

I wonder what happened to Margaret V. Brody. She could have died...
Another thing I am in the process of doing albeit strange once again...

I am going to a numerologist, to put Anna's name and Georges name to a numerologic test. I am putting in eifee, but what I think will happen is that her name will only match his, if her name is ACe, as in no Waters at the end. I will do this in the near future, when we have a 'convention' of sorts in my town. I think that his middle name is Robert, and when I get the whole thing run, her name will not be Waters, and I think it will fit like a glove, and I will detail the numbers and significance when I get it done.

Another note that has been discounted before, but I still believe Brody felt was relavant, is that what they were going for, astrologically speaking is what I am almost certain is the ACE. In tarot. I am willing to bet money on it from my research, he wanted her to be ACE. And I think it will take some more time to figure out how it all fits together, but I am will ing to do that! (This guy was nuts, but numbers are precise, and this all fits together more neatly than I think most of us realize)
I believe that they are two different people, but before I start tossing out info with double-checking my facts, let me reconstruct the data this weekend about why I think that they are two different people. I will post the complete info Saturday or Sunday.
I want to ask Annasmom, how is it that the conclusion was reached that GW destroyed papers before his death? Were there burned papers in garbage cans? What way were they destroyed, where were the remnants found, who concluded that things were destroyed? Was it a police observation? Did they write that down in their report? Or someone else find this? Thanks
I can't really answer this, since all my information is at third hand. No police, only the coroner, was involved. Joe Ford spoke to the hotel desk man (this is in the book), who told him GW gave lots of things away. I think there were things like empty file folders and envelopes among the papers we received. The main thing to note is stuff which was NOT among the papers, such as birth certificate, etc., or any papers identifying Brody, who also lived in the room.
My hypothesis has been this from the beginning, although I look at all info and do not dismiss any possibility...

For the record, lol, I believe that Brody liked easy large sums of money, and easy targets. He found that Waters was an easy victim. He also knew a woman or man and woman that wanted a child. He convinced Waters that he should not pay support, and decided to make a quick buck, as it were, by charging these folks, and telling them how to get Anna, and that it was easy, and they should do a drive by and see if she was what they wanted. They paid Brody, and his hands were clean, Waters was victimized and didn't know he was used, just convinced by Brody. The transaction takes place, the folks get Anna walking to the mail, and Brody has money, and Waters, and power, albeit sick and twisted.

This is my theory, I think it is plausible, and I think the money in the safe deposit box, is the 'prize' of a narcisist, an ego with an edgy twisted way of working people, money and numbers, and he did it before, and this was not his first victimization, in one way or another. He held that money as a prize, with a number that meant everything to him, and no one else would know.
So the coroner ruled it a suicide, could it be that it was not? No police? That seems odd for the setting and circumstances, people usually called the police first, not the coroner...I think it probably was suicide, but could it be that someone was afraid he might talk, and had a friendly 'drink' with him? Now that they knew Brody was gone?

I know they are weird questions, but I want a direction that Anna might have taken in all of this...the bottom line, find Anna :)
thanks Annasmom, I know you must be tired of rehashing this..bless you, and you have all our love and support, as always
It becomes obvious that something occured (most likely a "cleansing") around 1972-1973. There are meticulous records kept (bank accounts, personal notes, etc), but there is a distinct gap right around when Anna disappeared.

One other bit of data related to this: the schemes involving insurance policies started around 1970 and continued up to this gap. If I am not mistaken, all of the shenanigans involving insurance came to a halt around 1973. Hmmm...?
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