Brooke Bennett, 12 yrs. old Randolph, VT #11

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Here you go:
You know what amazes did these two guys think they were going to get away with all this crap? The bs alibis, the paper trails, the planting of evidence? Can they really be THAT stupid? I mean all of this was so transparent to us (not to say that we're not GREAT at what we do because we are), but did they think that LE would buy this crap? Just wondering how connected MJs family is in that town. He obviously felt imperviable to all consequences.
Obviously, MJ DID in fact think he could get away with this. His whole life he was given "passes" for his violent behaviors and he certainly did feel he was smarter than LE. Then again, he didn't think he needed to worry about AR and RG turning on him. I bet it came as a HUGE surprise. I believe he thought he had enough on RG not to and he thought he had complete control over RA PLUS the fact she actually participated in the abduction and maybe more...she wouldn't talk.
You know what amazes did these two guys think they were going to get away with all this crap? The bs alibis, the paper trails, the planting of evidence? Can they really be THAT stupid? I mean all of this was so transparent to us (not to say that we're not GREAT at what we do because we are), but did they think that LE would buy this crap? Just wondering how connected MJs family is in that town. He obviously felt imperviable to all consequences.

(bolding in quote mine) I can't help but to think MJ was doing a lot of this unbeknownst to RG. If RG had any idea that Brooke was going to be hurt (much less murdered!), I just don't want to believe that he would willingly be involved with the cover-up. But what reason could MJ have given RG to convince him to go into Brooke's Myspace account and change the log in time(or whatever he did!)?

"I have already burned myself. If I could change this I would."

What does Cassandra mean by this statement? I have never heard anyone say this before.

IIRC, Cassandra quite often 'miss-speaks', i.e., uses the wrong words - she may have a very low I.Q., which may explain (but not excuse!) a lot...
I have no doubt in my mind RG knew Brooke was dead the night he talked to MJ. I also hold every adult in Brookes life equally responsible. Her mother, grandmother, father etc all knew this mans history. I realize Jim may of risked losing visitation etc but isnt that a risk you take to do everything in your power to try and protect your child. If he would of pursued this it might of even resulted in an investigation to see if his concerns of Brooke being at MJs house was a valid concern, and maybe this would of been uncovered years ago and Brooke would still be alive. He originally said it wasnt an issue and the sex offense was a charge from a long time ago, he said he didnt notice anything at family gatherings etc. So if that was his frame of mind, then he is just as responsible in my opinion and I do not think its fair to say well Cassandra failed her but Jim's hands were tied.
I have no doubt in my mind RG knew Brooke was dead the night he talked to MJ. I also hold every adult in Brookes life equally responsible. Her mother, grandmother, father etc all knew this mans history. I realize Jim may of risked losing visitation etc but isnt that a risk you take to do everything in your power to try and protect your child. If he would of pursued this it might of even resulted in an investigation to see if his concerns of Brooke being at MJs house was a valid concern, and maybe this would of been uncovered years ago and Brooke would still be alive. He originally said it wasnt an issue and the sex offense was a charge from a long time ago, he said he didnt notice anything at family gatherings etc. So if that was his frame of mind, then he is just as responsible in my opinion and I do not think its fair to say well Cassandra failed her but Jim's hands were tied.
I had posted on another thread that the entire adult clan disgusted me. The plans were even in the works for Brooke to go visit her step-dad in Texas, her dad said that in an interview.
I just went back and listened to the press conference from last Thursday...and besides hearing a lot of "no comments" (in so many words)...when asked when the autopsy results will be made public (made the US attorney uncomfortable IMO)...the VT attorney general stepped in and stated that the "chapter and verse of the autopsy will not be made known anytime soon"...whether it was in fact a homicide will be made known (again no time was stipulated). There were a lot of interesting questions asked, i.e., was she taken over state lines this past week?, but no answers given due to it being an "ongoing" investigation.
Does anybody recollect if and how long Jim, Cassandra, and children lived together?
Sorry, but I do think Jim's hands were tied when it came right down to it. He did voice his concerns many times to Cassandra who did nothing. She had already taken off once with his daughter to Alabama. He was risking this again, imo. Had he known what was to happen, I have no doubt he would have grabbed this child and ran with her as far away as he could get her. He thought her having a mother was a good thing.
hi all... wow....alot has come to light... and it just seems to get more and more disgusting! SS...I agree with your thoughts above...
Hearing how Jim monitored (and closed) her myspace is enough evidence to me proving he did the best he could, IMO. I seriously can't say I know many fathers that are aware of that danger AND do something about it.
I do not know, just know that Jim and Cassandra were never married. RG and Cassandra lived in Alabama from the time Brooke was 3-9 yrs of age. I do not know when Ray and Cassandra got married, or if James and Cassandra ever lived together. James and Janet were divorced in 1992 and remarried in 2004.

Does anybody recollect if and how long Jim, Cassandra, and children lived together?
Originally Posted by RR0004
You know what amazes did these two guys think they were going to get away with all this crap? The bs alibis, the paper trails, the planting of evidence? Can they really be THAT stupid? I mean all of this was so transparent to us (not to say that we're not GREAT at what we do because we are), but did they think that LE would buy this crap? Just wondering how connected MJs family is in that town. He obviously felt imperviable to all consequences.

RR, I hear ya and ditto it. I am just glad that the same STUPIDITY that they used to kill a little girl has also landed them in the hooscow (old ohio slang for slammer). They are just plain stupid....AND THANK GOD!!! I just wish they had been this stupid a few days sooner...for B's sake...:furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:
Sorry, but I do think Jim's hands were tied when it came right down to it. He did voice his concerns many times to Cassandra who did nothing. She had already taken off once with his daughter to Alabama. He was risking this again, imo. Had he known what was to happen, I have no doubt he would have grabbed this child and ran with her as far away as he could get her. He thought her having a mother was a good thing.

I totally agree with you SS. In addition, IF Jim were to take Cassandra to court for custody of Brooke, chances are the Judge would talk to Brooke and put a lot of weight into Brooke's wishes, which would most likely be to stay with her mother.
I do not know, just know that Jim and Cassandra were never married. RG and Cassandra lived in Alabama from the time Brooke was 3-9 yrs of age. I do not know when Ray and Cassandra got married, or if James and Cassandra ever lived together. James and Janet were divorced in 1992 and remarried in 2004.
Wow, BL...I can always trust you to get me the info- oxoxoxox

I also learned something new about Jim and Janet.

I totally agree with you SS. In addition, IF Jim were to take Cassandra to court for custody of Brooke, chances are the Judge would talk to Brooke and put a lot of weight into Brooke's wishes, which would most likely be to stay with her mother.
.........and you know what sucks the most to me....? The fact that all that Brooke can ever get is hindsight...with all the broken families and fathers and mothers...and steps and co~steps, and cousins as old as tippy turtle...that is all she can get...hindsight.

i think this uncle has a more extensive past and others he has abused....

and perhaps this could be some long overdue forsight for find any others that have been victimized by this ABSOLUTE MONSTER...
I just re-read Brooke's obituary notice, and I notice they made a small change. Originally, it stated that she was the daughter of James and Cassandra Bennett. Of course, Cassandra was never a Bennett. It now reads as follows, which of course is still not correct, as it leads one to believe that James' last name is Adams:

She was born July 12, 1995 in Randolph the daughter of James and Cassandra Adams.
I do not know, just know that Jim and Cassandra were never married. RG and Cassandra lived in Alabama from the time Brooke was 3-9 yrs of age. I do not know when Ray and Cassandra got married, or if James and Cassandra ever lived together. James and Janet were divorced in 1992 and remarried in 2004.
Janet commented she was around Brooke from the time she was only 16 mos. old, IIRC. One would have to assume that Jim wasn't with Cassandra very long...if at all.
RR, I hear ya and ditto it. I am just glad that the same STUPIDITY that they used to kill a little girl has also landed them in the hooscow (old ohio slang for slammer). They are just plain stupid....AND THANK GOD!!! I just wish they had been this stupid a few days sooner...for B's sake...:furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:
Well NB...if they're that stupid then that makes the people around them even "stupider" IMO (please no one jump on me for using the word stupid).

BTW...I knew exactly what a "hoosegow" meant (Love It!)...just showing my age I guess.
Wow, BL...I can always trust you to get me the info- oxoxoxox

I also learned something new about Jim and Janet.


YES, THANK YOU BL......:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:ps, have you ever tried to click on the woohoo man? (above)? If you have had just two sips of a beer it is DIFFICULT LOL!!!!!:beersign:
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