Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #16

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Retired WS Staff
Mar 30, 2005
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Please continue GENERAL discussions here. Look around Nancy has her own forum, there are several threads started on specific topics to try and stay organized.

Links to previous and similar threads can be found toward the bottom of the page.



I am sad such a tragedy is bringing us all together.

I advise everyone to read the RULES of WS, Long and Short Version .
I just read some discussion about the vic cards. I have one from my local grocery store. I discovered something. I wanted to receive the stores coupons via email. To do this I had to register at the stores website, which I did, using the ID number on my vic card.

At this point I discovered I could view every purchase I had ever made at that store (including the time and date). It was actually quite creepy. For an outsider looking in, they would know if I owned a dog or cat, if I or my spouse colored our hair, how much alcohol I purchased, if I smoked or was trying to quit, if I had a baby, or children, incontinence problems, or if I was pre or post menopausal, this list could go on and on. What do you think of THAT?
I just read some discussion about the vic cards. I have one from my local grocery store. I discovered something. I wanted to receive the stores coupons via email. To do this I had to register at the stores website, which I did, using the ID number on my vic card.

At this point I discovered I could view every purchase I had ever made at that store (including the time and date). It was actually quite creepy. For an outsider looking in, they would know if I owned a dog or cat, if I or my spouse colored our hair, how much alcohol I purchased, if I smoked or was trying to quit, if I had a baby, or children, incontinence problems, or if I was pre or post menopausal, this list could go on and on. What do you think of THAT?

Big Brother Creepy
I just read some discussion about the vic cards. I have one from my local grocery store. I discovered something. I wanted to receive the stores coupons via email. To do this I had to register at the stores website, which I did, using the ID number on my vic card.

At this point I discovered I could view every purchase I had ever made at that store (including the time and date). It was actually quite creepy. For an outsider looking in, they would know if I owned a dog or cat, if I or my spouse colored our hair, how much alcohol I purchased, if I smoked or was trying to quit, if I had a baby, or children, incontinence problems, or if I was pre or post menopausal, this list could go on and on. What do you think of THAT?

HDS, that is precisely the reason that some people refuse to have "customer loyalty cards" as they're called. I hate that my grocer has so much information on me, but I feel like most markets have made it almost impossible to refuse the "discounts" the card entitles -- (I really see it more as they up the price for the non-card-holders and not a discount, but that's another conversation).
I just read some discussion about the vic cards. I have one from my local grocery store. I discovered something. I wanted to receive the stores coupons via email. To do this I had to register at the stores website, which I did, using the ID number on my vic card.

At this point I discovered I could view every purchase I had ever made at that store (including the time and date). It was actually quite creepy. For an outsider looking in, they would know if I owned a dog or cat, if I or my spouse colored our hair, how much alcohol I purchased, if I smoked or was trying to quit, if I had a baby, or children, incontinence problems, or if I was pre or post menopausal, this list could go on and on. What do you think of THAT?

And like I mentioned earlier, w/ most grocery loyalty cards, you are linked by your phone number. Therefore, someone really could get their purchases linked to your account IF they knew your phone number. Not saying that's what happened in this case, I'm just saying that it is plausible that there could be purchases on an account that the cardholder did not make.
Oh w/ all this talk of the distinct color of her running shoes, I decided to pay attention to running shoes over the past 2 days. I saw white w/ various color accents, gray w/ various color accents. I also saw lots that were predominantly light blue, bright green, black, red, etc. I have never paid attention to peoples' shoes while running. So, I don't think her running shoes were so unique that someone would have noticed right away.
And like I mentioned earlier, w/ most grocery loyalty cards, you are linked by your phone number. Therefore, someone really could get their purchases linked to your account IF they knew your phone number. Not saying that's what happened in this case, I'm just saying that it is plausible that there could be purchases on an account that the cardholder did not make.

eep--that part IS a problem--never thought of it that way--yikes! :eek:
eep--that part IS a problem--never thought of it that way--yikes! :eek:

I guess that's where the video footage would come in. And the video evidence would need to clearly show that person or something distinguishing about that person. I guess they could also use it to see if there was CC/Debit purchase and see if names matched.
Oh w/ all this talk of the distinct color of her running shoes, I decided to pay attention to running shoes over the past 2 days. I saw white w/ various color accents, gray w/ various color accents. I also saw lots that were predominantly light blue, bright green, black, red, etc. I have never paid attention to peoples' shoes while running. So, I don't think her running shoes were so unique that someone would have noticed right away.

Thanks for that, Carolinalady--and I just finished reading the last of the thread from last night after I went to bed--don't know how to transfer posts over, but I agree with the people who say that she could have been out that morning and not noticed. A runner looks like a runner who looks like any other runner unless they TRY to draw attention to themselves. I run on the trails here near my home and that is the case.

As for her friends not seeing her out:

I live in a development much like Nancy's and I can think of at least 20 families right off the top of my head (the ones closest to me primarily) that I know well and ALWAYS greet when I see them outside. Sometimes when I go out for a run I see one, sometimes I see several. Sometimes I don't see ANYONE that I know, only other "random runners" that all meld together....

Just because nobody has said they saw her that morning does not mean she wasn't out for a run, IMO.
ITA...when I go to the gym I don't really memorize what everyone was wearing and the only people I really pay attention to are the "regulars" (the ones that I see alot when I am there or who I have had classes with) I could see noone seeing her.
Can we take on the possibility that someone else killed Nancy?

What if it were some random sicko who gets his jollies off on hurting women. She didn't have any money on her that we know of, no car, no cell phone. That's the only reason someone would hurt her.
ITA...when I go to the gym I don't really memorize what everyone was wearing and the only people I really pay attention to are the "regulars" (the ones that I see alot when I am there or who I have had classes with) I could see noone seeing her.

I do try and say hello as I pass other runners/walkers. However, if I was asked how many people I saw and what they looked like, I wouldn't have a clue.

I also didn't think BC's statement that she had on tshirt, shorts, and light blue running shoes to be strange. I have one pair of shoes I run in, but lots of different tops & bottoms. If my husband were asked what I was wearing when I left the house, he'd probably be very general in the description of the top and bottom, but chances are he would remember the color of my shoes (since they are the only ones).
I do try and say hello as I pass other runners/walkers. However, if I was asked how many people I saw and what they looked like, I wouldn't have a clue.

I also didn't think BC's statement that she had on tshirt, shorts, and light blue running shoes to be strange. I have one pair of shoes I run in, but lots of different tops & bottoms. If my husband were asked what I was wearing when I left the house, he'd probably be very general in the description of the top and bottom, but chances are he would remember the color of my shoes (since they are the only ones).

I agree 100%
I do try and say hello as I pass other runners/walkers. However, if I was asked how many people I saw and what they looked like, I wouldn't have a clue.

I also didn't think BC's statement that she had on tshirt, shorts, and light blue running shoes to be strange. I have one pair of shoes I run in, but lots of different tops & bottoms. If my husband were asked what I was wearing when I left the house, he'd probably be very general in the description of the top and bottom, but chances are he would remember the color of my shoes (since they are the only ones).

exactly! My hubby wouldn't have a clue what I wore, but I only have one pair of tennis shoes and I only wear them to the gym. I can see him saying a t-shirt and shorts as well. Men aren't nearly as observant as we are *LOL*
Then there's always the possibility that Brad hired someone to kill Nancy...
Then there's always the possibility that Brad hired someone to kill Nancy...

I agree that is possible, but I think that possibility is slim.

What I can't figure out is how does an upper middle class, well-educated guy go about finding someone to kill his wife for him. It has to be someone who will actually do it and won't tell.

I've been thinking about this. If I wanted to hire someone to kill my husband (which I would *not* do), I would have no clue how to go about it.

First, my circle of friends does not include people who would kill for money or for fun.

Second, I can't imagine I would just go to a bad area of a big city and start asking around. For one thing, I would stick out like a sore thumb and definitely be memorable both in appearance and for the question.

Third, if I asked any of my friends for advice on how to do this, or for references, I'm 100% certain they would tell DH and call the police. I would do the same if the situation were reversed.

So how can a person like BC go about finding someone to kill his wife? Any ideas?

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