Caylee Anthony 2 year old #67 General Thread

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I'm not surprised Casey refused to see Lee.

Why would she subject herself to questions about all of the lies that were revealed yesterday?

Besides, he would have asked her about Caylee being home by tomorrow, and that wall she's about to run into over that lie is getting alarmingly close.
Did all of you have a chance to read the search warrant yesterday ? (There is a thread dedicated to it.. BTW) I thought there was a lot of damning info in there!

Thank you! I have been looking through posts for a link to it, never thought to check out the threads.:cool:
Did all of you have a chance to read the search warrant yesterday ? (There is a thread dedicated to it.. BTW) I thought there was a lot of damning info in there!

Most if not all,but your right it's all there and I think that's why the change in George today.
I'm bringing this over from the last thread.

Today, 08:48 AM

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Originally Posted by nachomama

Thanks for posting this. IMO, grandpa is upset because Casey broke her promise to have Caylee back safe by her birthday tomorrow.

It's kind of refreshing to see grandpa finally acting like he should have been from day one.

Thank you! I have been looking through posts for a link to it, never thought to check out the threads.:cool:

The last couple of pages is new info... the beginning is a recap of the arrest warrant I believe. But OMG... I honestly don't know how Casey rests.. trying to keep up with the lies. It is truly unfathomable...
I'm not surprised Casey refused to see Lee.

Why would she subject herself to questions about all of the lies that were revealed yesterday?

Besides, he would have asked her about Caylee being home by tomorrow, and that wall she's about to run into over that lie is getting alarmingly close.


Classic manipulators know exactly who they can manipulate and take advantage of.

I thin she has had a feeling from the get-go that Lee doesn't believe her -- so why go to the trouble of facing him?

When you catch compulsive liars in lies -- they normally run for the corner.
Hailie, Did you email a mod to close other thread? If not I can do it.
In reference the whether George may have a gun, with him being former LE I'd say probably My husband has a Florida conceal carry and we don't live in Florida it's good in almost 30 states.
Just watched the video of the GP, he is the onr that needs to see Casey right now the truth would probably pour from her, He is showing the anger, and I believe he is realizing that little Caylee is in heaven.
Bringing my post over here:

Originally Posted by nachomama

Wow! He's had enough! He was even ordering Cindy into the house (of course she went out to the street to talk to reporters and tell them to search for Caylee. At the end, one reporters says, Cindy...Cindy...if you could tell us where to go...
Casey is safe in her cell. No one can force her to face up to her actions if they can't get at her.

Her world is becoming exceedingly small.
WOW - if you didn't see that video of George - go watch it. He is not only "ranting" at the media - he tells cindy to shut up and get back in the house several times. Cindy tells the media at one point to back up - she doesn't want to loose her husband over this. I hope he goes somewhere to "count to ten" and "cool off". I hope this doesn't get even more scarier.
I thought it was really telling that Cindy said "Before I lose my husband-back off" I wonder if he's been threatening divorce again over the whole Casey thing?
Wow, that was quite a rant. That was pretty disgusting if you ask me with Cindy trying to cool things off. I'm sorry but these two people right here have no one to blame for what they are going through but themselves. Tell the truth, make Casey tell the truth, and they might actually be able to bring Caylee home for her birthday, albeit probably not in the way they want but at least they would know where she is at.

God bless Caylee!
Just watched the video of the GP, he is the onr that needs to see Casey right now the truth would probably pour from her, He is showing the anger, and I believe he is realizing that little Caylee is in heaven.

And he is lashing out at the media for not looking for Caylee,I find that jusy pathetic.
Bringing this over from the other thread:

You gotta think with the baby's b-day tomorrow, George walking in and seeing the presents and prep for the party, it probably really hit him hard that this is REAL, then he finds out Lee was turned away by Casey for a visit? WHOA! I think she's starting to crack and can't face the family, not because she feels guilty but because she's running out of lies to keep them on her side.
I'm a journalist. I'm not on the crime beat, but I have covered crimes when I was on duty.

It's illegal to trespass on private property. Period.

Unless you are invited on someone's property, you are NOT allowed to be there. You are supposed to stay on public right-of-way.

Cindy has probably wanted the media around to keep Caylee's story alive, deperately hoping the attention would bring Caylee home. George has probably gone along with it. Given the events of this week and Caylee's birthday being tomorrow, George is probably stressed to the max. This is grief. He just wants quiet time. IMO.
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