LP Asks “Would the DNA from a child resulting from a union from Lee and Casey..

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DNA Solves
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C.A. and J.P

I have always thought Caylee's resembalance to JP was striking....now if we could just set this blended pic next to a couple of pics of Caylee (especially the one where she is wearing the ball cap and holding her "mama" doll.)
Leonard needs to go home and shut his face. I doubt he knows anything to tell you the truth. I wish he would just drop off the face of the earth really. He is out of the situation so stay the heck out of it. If he wants to help search then fine search. Don't run your mouth trying to get media attention. Basically, I guess what I am saying is Leonard Padilla is a douche
Hmm, interesting that this sort of family "relations" is more common than anyone would think:sick:... it would explain the extreme defensive posture this family has had right from jump street.

I don't think there is anyway for them to salvage this family, IMO that ship has already sailed.

I don't know enough about DNA to make an intelligent opinion about that, but I can guess about incest. I agree with the other poster. Casey always had a man around and didn't need to carry on relations with any of her family members. She was an adult when Caylee was conceived so I highly doubt there is anything going on in that sense.

Someone who uses sex to gain acceptance or love doesn't discriminate between family and non family.
They are looking for acceptance.
Given the way Casey is, I could see her coming on to either LA or GA and things going to far.
I think that Caylee looks more like JCP than KC, but I know that you can't tell a childs parentage by looks but she is just really cute & I don't see that cuteness in either of the Anthony offspring, but just a guess.

C.A. and J.P

I have always thought that Caylee was a spitting image of JP- but it seemed to me from the documents that Casey didn't start running around with this new crowd until spring of this year. At the very longest she would have known then was a year... I would love to know how long she has known JP, but from what i was able to gather the timeline doesn't add up.
Hot trunk, 30 or more days, degraded DNA?

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis allows forensic laboratories to develop DNA profiles from evidence that may not be suitable for RFLP or STR analysis. While RFLP and PCR techniques analyze DNA extracted from the nucleus of a cell, mtDNA technology analyzes DNA found in a different part of the cell, the mitochondrion (see exhibit 1). Old remains and evidence lacking nucleated cells--such as hair shafts, bones, and teeth--that are unamenable to STR and RFLP testing may yield results if mtDNA analysis is performed. For this reason, mtDNA testing can be very valuable to the investigation of an unsolved case. For example, a cold case log may show that biological evidence in the form of blood, semen, and hair was collected in a particular case, but that all were improperly stored for a long period of time.

Although PCR analysis sometimes enables the crime laboratory to generate a DNA profile from very degraded evidence, it is possible that the blood and semen would be so highly degraded that nuclear DNA analysis would not yield a DNA profile. However, the hair shaft could be subjected to mtDNA analysis and thus be the key to solving the case. Finally, it is important to note that all maternal relatives (for example, a person's mother or maternal grandmother) have identical mtDNA. This enables unidentified remains to be analyzed and compared to the mtDNA profile of any maternal relative for the purpose of aiding missing persons or unidentified remains investigations. Although mtDNA analysis can be very valuable to the investigation of criminal cases, laboratory personnel should always be involved in the process

Lee, Casey, and Caylee would have exactly the same mitochondrial DNA no matter who Caylee's father is. Their mitochondrial DNA would be the same as Cindy's, Cindy's mother's, Cindy's mother's mother, etc. Any children Casey has or might have would have her same mitochondrial DNA regardless of paternity. Any children Lee has would have the same mitochondrial DNA as the mother of those children.
I don't think LP understands mitochondrial DNA.
Hot trunk, 30 or more days, degraded DNA?

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis allows forensic laboratories to develop DNA profiles from evidence that may not be suitable for RFLP or STR analysis. While RFLP and PCR techniques analyze DNA extracted from the nucleus of a cell, mtDNA technology analyzes DNA found in a different part of the cell, the mitochondrion (see exhibit 1). Old remains and evidence lacking nucleated cells--such as hair shafts, bones, and teeth--that are unamenable to STR and RFLP testing may yield results if mtDNA analysis is performed. For this reason, mtDNA testing can be very valuable to the investigation of an unsolved case. For example, a cold case log may show that biological evidence in the form of blood, semen, and hair was collected in a particular case, but that all were improperly stored for a long period of time.

Although PCR analysis sometimes enables the crime laboratory to generate a DNA profile from very degraded evidence, it is possible that the blood and semen would be so highly degraded that nuclear DNA analysis would not yield a DNA profile. However, the hair shaft could be subjected to mtDNA analysis and thus be the key to solving the case. Finally, it is important to note that all maternal relatives (for example, a person's mother or maternal grandmother) have identical mtDNA. This enables unidentified remains to be analyzed and compared to the mtDNA profile of any maternal relative for the purpose of aiding missing persons or unidentified remains investigations. Although mtDNA analysis can be very valuable to the investigation of criminal cases, laboratory personnel should always be involved in the process


Do we know for sure that they tested only Mitochondrial DNA?

This is what I get when I combine Casey and Caylee. The eye messed up and couldn't get it to change correctly. But you get the idea, this is what a grown up Caylee could have looked like possibly.
Ok, this story may be a little farfetched...Even for me!!!! On the other hand it would explain why there is no Daddy in the picture and Lee was very close to Casey and Caylee.

I think the reason why there is no Daddy in the picture is because Casey does not have the slightest idea who the father is. She certainly seems to be and has been very sexually promiscuis, from all accounts she appears to have had several boyfriends at the same time. I really believe that she has no idea who he is. JMHO
Do we know for sure that they tested only Mitochondrial DNA?

I think if it were any other, LE would be able to say it was Caylee's, without doubt. During the Texas polygamy media, it was said that DNA could determine parentage even among father and daughter.
When I got up this morning and poured me a cup of coffee, I had no idea I was going to need a Bloody Mary instead.....
I think if it were any other, LE would be able to say it was Caylee's, without doubt. During the Texas polygamy media, it was said that DNA could determine parentage even among father and daughter.

So based on what they haven't told us, we are assuming it's only Mitochondrial DNA .

Here is a quick and dirty explanation of DNA and Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Imagine in your mind a chicken egg – it has a yellow yolk and the clear white viscous albumin surrounding the yolk, and then there is the eggshell. Keep this image in mind for the future discussion. For human cells, the terms will be compared to the chicken egg like this: a) Chicken eggshell = human cell membrane – they serve the same purpose in both examples, i.e. the membrane (eggshell) holds the cell together. B) Chicken egg albumin = human cell cytoplasm. C) Chicken egg yolk = human cell nucleus. Here is what happens when a male sperm fertilizes an egg (ovum) from a woman. The fertilized egg at that point will have the male sperm DNA in the nucleus (egg yolk for the chicken egg analogy). The ONLY place in the cell that the father’s DNA can be found is in the nucleus. The Mother’s DNA will be in BOTH the nucleus AND the cytoplasm. The DNA in the cytoplasm is a special kind of DNA called Mitochondrial DNA that is ONLY found in the cytoplasm, and it is EXACTLY the same as the Mother’s DNA. Thus, Cindy’s mtDNA is the same as Casey’s mtDNA, and the same as Caylee’s mtDNA. The DNA in the nucleus of any cell from Caylee would be a blend of Casey and the father’s DNA. Mitochondrial DNA is what is being discussed by LE in this case because they obtained the mtDNA profile from the hair in the trunk. They cannot get a full DNA profile from hair because hair cells do not have a nucleus – thus they can only look for mtDNA – which means they can only determine the female lineage of the specimen being analyzed. Hope that helps.

Reannan, thank you so much for this explanation. I'm sorry to take up space with off-topic posts, but I'm kind of new here and I'm not sure how to PM you. My father was killed in a plane crash in WWII when my mother was still pregnant with me. A few years ago, I had my DNA done (cheek swab). It showed 84% European, 13% Native American, 3% Subsaharan African. My question is this: I know my father was 1/4 Native American, so obviously his DNA was showing up in this test, right? My mother had no NA blood that she is aware of.
Here is some info about how DNA is tested to determine if incest has occured....

"Now not only can we look at alleged relationships between parents and their children," said Robert Allen, a professor of biochemistry at Oklahoma State University, "but now we can look at alleged sibships [siblings], alleged half-sibships [half brothers and sisters]."

To find a male child's father, researchers will look for match-ups in DNA markers found on the Y sex chromosome, which is passed down from fathers to their sons.

"All males descended from a common male and female ancestor would have exactly the same Y chromosome passed unchanged from generation to generation," said Allen, who is also director of the Human Identity Testing Laboratory. "So I will have the same Y chromosome as my brother, father, son, paternal uncle, paternal cousin."

Mothers can be linked to children with DNA found in the cells' energy-producing structures called mitochondria.

The mitochondria hold a separate set of genes passed down from mothers to their offspring.

Based on the age of the child, officials could then figure out how old the mother was at the time of conception and the age of the father.

I believe LE has taken swabs of George, Cindy and Lee so at this point they know if George or Lee is the father.
So based on what they haven't told us, we are assuming it's only Mitochondrial DNA .


Sounds like it. The banding makes the difference here, but from what I've heard on NG, there is some doubt about the banding?
I keep getting dropped by my computer...

I saw a photo of GA cutting Caylee's cord and I thought it was, well, odd! What daughter would want their father in the delivery room with them. Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't want my father seeing me that way! Perhaps Casey was more comfortable with it than I would have been...

That said, I think it is irresponsible of JP to make such a statement knowing it would cause a stir...
Sounds like it. The banding makes the difference here, but from what I've heard on NG, there is some doubt about the banding?

Sorry to quote myself, not sure what edit does. I should have said this is probably why LE won't or can't say for sure if the hair was Caylee's or Casey's.
I really doubt that LP has anymore information than has already been released. I think he is still reeling all possible theory's around in his head, and continues to talk out of both sides of his mouth, so-to-speak. The more theories he throws out there, the more likely he will eventually be able to say to the press ... "I told you so". IMO

ha ha, exactly
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