Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4

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Thank you, Tuba! And thanks to you, too, technicalconfusion!
Yes, I mentioned the IP for the katerine email is for Road Runner in VA.
The other IP beginning in 209 is Yahoo, of course, out of CA. What evidence do you have that this and the others are fake accounts opened by any of the

I never implied that *they* opened a fake account. *KC* was faking emails, it's easy to do. No geekness required. She could have used anyone's account to do this - her mom's computer, logged into CA's yahoo account, same if she was at Lee's, or a friends. All she would need is access to their
mail program. Not necessarily logged in either. Thunderbird, Outlook email programs could have been used. A simple change to a yahoo addy, type up an email, send it, change it back to the original account, delete
the sent mail.

Do you have reason to believe any of them use Roadrunner? Where are
you getting a firewall from just out of curiosity? I don't see the IP you have listed, in that email but that is Road Runner also. Where
did you get this "58ms 58ms 58ms TTL: 0 (gig4-0-0.orldflcfrd-"?
I don't see that in the header or ARIN.

Finally, what makes you think the
Anthony's are using a VA based internet service? I guess it would be interesting
to know who they use.

Roadrunner is available thru cable networks, nationwide. Also available on Hopespring Drive and that area. Their headquarters are Va.

I did a traceroute on the original IP address. The traceroute stopped at the ip address, and I got a no response.
It generally indicates you've hit a firewall. This traceroute was done from my home computer. From another part of the world, a traceroute to, took me right in, without stopping. I suspect I did the traceroute from a site hosted on the Roadrunner network.

The "58ms 58ms 58ms TTL: 0 (gig4-0-0.orldflcfrd-" is a traceroute hop, not anything to do with the header except for the
fact I took the ip from there.

I don't *know* that the A's use Roadrunner. It's speculation on my part. It's a good bet tho. Even if they use ATT as their service, they would likely hit that router because of it's proximity. Your connection hits all kinds of routers and backbones on the internet.

It would be an easy thing for a detective
to get these things from Yahoo and/or Roadrunner, etc. That's their job. I don't
know why you think there is more they haven't reviled since he makes a statement
after this that its all a lie without any sign he followed up on anything. He
had his mind made up already after hearing from the real universal that
everything was a lie and there is no sign he contacted yahoo, etc there at all,
or in other docs I've read. I know some of those accounts existed, I sent emails
out and got back a message that they are closed, not that they don't exist. Now,
I suppose its possible that yahoo or roadrunner will be on the new witness list.
We'll see.

While alot of evidence in this case has been revealed, not all has been yet. We, as onlookers only get to see bits and pieces. These emails were released in August. If they were unable to get anything from her accounts, a subpoena would have been issued for maillogs. We didn't see any results from maillogs.

LE does not have to tell us what they've done in their research. I'm confident they have done what is needed to do. JB doesn't seem to be the greatest in requesting the info he needs to.

It's easy enough to find out "which account they came from". He would
simply contact the servers. Unless all of their computers have been completely
written over they can recover data from the past, easily, even if only

Not necessarily. If, for example, KC shacked up with say, oh Joe Blow one fine night. We haven't heard of everyone she's shacked up with. She gets up before him, gets ready to leave, knows he has a computer, gets on, makes the quick change to his from address and sends hers from Yahoo. Has LE tracked down Joe Blow yet? And his email account?

No, I am not implying that THE Universal studios is using yahoo or that
these emails came from them. That doesn't mean that there wasn't an illicit
"company" posing as them. Scams like this happen all the time. Casey doesn't
appear to have stolen enough over the last couple of years to have fully
supported her gas and other needs. I'm sure Caylee's piggy bank couldn't support
gas at the price it has been. So the money had to be coming from somewhere.
While her parents may have been feeding her I'm sure they weren't giving her
entertainment money all the time. Think about how much she'd have to steal
during that 3 years. She surely would have been exposed long before Caylee went

What money? That's just it!

The only one illicit in this whole thing is KC. I don't believe she was hooking or doing drugs,selling drugs or doing *advertiser censored*. It's quite easy for a girl with a cute figure and a semi pretty face to lead a guy on, and rip him off. She wouldn't even have to sleep with him. Sit with him at a bar, drink a few drinks, make sure he's good and drunk, and she could potentially have herself a few bucks because she needs mascara. He would never know.

If she was doing anything illicit, other than stealing, and small time stealing at that, she would, at the very least, have gas money. She's a small time thief, knows enough on the computer to fake some people out and a murderer.
I never implied that *they* opened a fake account. *KC* was faking emails, it's easy to do. No geekness required. She could have used anyone's account to do this - her mom's computer, logged into CA's yahoo account, same if she was at Lee's, or a friends. All she would need is access to their
mail program. Not necessarily logged in either. Thunderbird, Outlook email programs could have been used. A simple change to a yahoo addy, type up an email, send it, change it back to the original account, delete
the sent mail.

Roadrunner is available thru cable networks, nationwide. Also available on Hopespring Drive and that area. Their headquarters are Va.

I did a traceroute on the original IP address. The traceroute stopped at the ip address, and I got a no response.
It generally indicates you've hit a firewall. This traceroute was done from my home computer. From another part of the world, a traceroute to, took me right in, without stopping. I suspect I did the traceroute from a site hosted on the Roadrunner network.

The "58ms 58ms 58ms TTL: 0 (gig4-0-0.orldflcfrd-" is a traceroute hop, not anything to do with the header except for the
fact I took the ip from there.

I don't *know* that the A's use Roadrunner. It's speculation on my part. It's a good bet tho. Even if they use ATT as their service, they would likely hit that router because of it's proximity. Your connection hits all kinds of routers and backbones on the internet.

While alot of evidence in this case has been revealed, not all has been yet. We, as onlookers only get to see bits and pieces. These emails were released in August. If they were unable to get anything from her accounts, a subpoena would have been issued for maillogs. We didn't see any results from maillogs.

LE does not have to tell us what they've done in their research. I'm confident they have done what is needed to do. JB doesn't seem to be the greatest in requesting the info he needs to.

Not necessarily. If, for example, KC shacked up with say, oh Joe Blow one fine night. We haven't heard of everyone she's shacked up with. She gets up before him, gets ready to leave, knows he has a computer, gets on, makes the quick change to his from address and sends hers from Yahoo. Has LE tracked down Joe Blow yet? And his email account?

What money? That's just it!

The only one illicit in this whole thing is KC. I don't believe she was hooking or doing drugs,selling drugs or doing *advertiser censored*. It's quite easy for a girl with a cute figure and a semi pretty face to lead a guy on, and rip him off. She wouldn't even have to sleep with him. Sit with him at a bar, drink a few drinks, make sure he's good and drunk, and she could potentially have herself a few bucks because she needs mascara. He would never know.

If she was doing anything illicit, other than stealing, and small time stealing at that, she would, at the very least, have gas money. She's a small time thief, knows enough on the computer to fake some people out and a murderer.

Well, LE does have in their document release where KC had a fake email address or used someone's she knew because she used the email name:
Matt Irwin @y***.com. She used that to send emails to the little girl who was the daughter or granddaughter of a woman named Lois. She turned all the emails over the LE and they are in the documents.

There were most likely a number of yahoo names used, and I hope LE has found all of them.

Your ISP info was right on what I have found also, BTW.
What IS the issue between JP and Casey anyhow? Just what IS going on between these two? Astro's care to weigh in?

<Respectfully snipped & bolded>

To gain some insight, I cast this chart for my location, at the time and date at which I read and understood the question, as per standard horary procedure. I will walk you through my analysis.

You can see the chart here:

Horary Question:
What is the issue between JP & KC? What is really going on between them? [Is JP Caylee's father???]

Chart Data:

3:08 pm (+5)
78:53 W
42:53 N

Venus Day
Saturn Hour
Taurus rises, L1 = Venus

I give 1H to Casey (VENUS), 7H to JP (MARS). Because this is a relationship question, MOON also symbolizes Casey and SUN also symbolizes JP. (See John Frawley, The Horary Textbook, page 191).


1) VENUS (KC) applies semisquare MARS (JP) --- there is some contact, friction, annoyance coming from KC since it is she (VENUS) who applies semisquare to MARS (JP).

2) MOON (KC) applies square MARS (JP) --- this shows conflict and stress between them.

To gain further insights on how they may feel about each other, we look at the Essential Dignities of the significators and note any receptions.

MARS (JP) essential dignities:
sign of Jupiter
exaltation of South Node
triplicity of Sun
Term of Mercury
Face of Moon
Detriment of Mercury
Fall North of Node

The only reception to KC&#8217;s significators is that MARS (JP) receives MOON (KC) by Face, which is a minor attraction, and hardly anything upon which to base a relationship. He probably never cared one way or the other about her. The fact that MARS (JP) does not receive VENUS, KC's primary significator, at all, shows he had no feelings for her. The fact the aspect between MOON and MARS is an applying square, suggests that, if anything, KC (MOON) stresses him out. This testimony is strengthened by the fact that VENUS (KC) semisquares MARS (JP), for the semisquare is another stressful (albeit minor) aspect.

VENUS (KC) essential dignities:

sign of Saturn
exaltation of Mars
triplicity of Venus
term of Saturn
face of Sun
detriment of Moon
fall of Jupiter

Since VENUS (KC) receives MARS (JP) by exaltation, she may possibly see JP thru rose-colored glasses, but there are no deep feelings. The exaltation gives the sense of putting him on a pedestal. Maybe she thought he was sexy, but as a living, breathing, human person (SUN), she probably could take him or leave him (VENUS receives SUN by Face, a minor reception). Furthermore, as a person, JP probably stressed her out somewhat, shown by SUN (JP) applying semisquare to VENUS (KC).

Moon's Aspects:

FROM: sextile Pluto
TO: square SUN (JP)
square MARS (JP)
conjunct URANUS
square MERCURY
opposite SATURN
sextile JUPITER
sextile VENUS (herself)


What is the issue between JP & KC? What is really going on between them?

Friction, annoyance on KC's part (VENUS semisquare MARS), conflict/ irreconcilable differences (MOON square MARS, MOON square SUN) because JC won't give her the time of day (MARS does not receive Venus). Additionally, when all&#8217;s said and done, KC only cares about herself (MOON&#8217;s last aspect is sextile VENUS which symbolizes KC).

[Is JP Caylee's father???]

While the photo comparison is intriguing, until / unless we receive proof that JP was intimately involved with KC during the conception time frame, I feel it would be unethical and invasive to speculate on this possibility.

This is amazing...It gives me further fuel as to why he may be the father...I will tell you why. ANY man that is unavailable and aloof to a young pretty woman I am thinking old me and others I know ( KC DOES HAVE VEN in ARIES )must be conquered and even for a moment (one night stand) must worship at the alter of my sexuality!! Its a game for alot of women... If he is a normal young man and drunk he is not going to care how annoying she is...Thank you so much again for all you do!!!
To explain further the LDB filing chart, Prosecution underplayed their hand. Venus is in her element (earth) and strong conjunct Jupiter, even though he is detrimented. He is the big benefic we depend upon. So the prosecutor has the advantage in a most afflicted chart.

Neptune in the H. of execution announces renunciation of that option. Relinquishing that choice acts against the state's best interests, opposite Fortuna. Chemists available to the state are more powerful than defense experts. Neptune by mutual reception comes into exact adversarial posture with those worthies, Saturn declaiming insufficiency and lack, paucity of evidence as is the function of Saturn. Chemists available to the state are nothing short of wizards: Neptune by m.r. in Pisces now, the Sign it rules. They also have the common touch, conjunct the Moon.

Planet ruling H. 8, Jupiter, trine Saturn also represents the bones of the child, in H. 5. If those or enough of them are found and identified, Neptune opposite Saturn, Prosecution will reconsider the death penalty on the basis of new evidence and thereby return to a more normal murder case where a body does exist, exercising the exchange of the mutual reception.

This is a fraught period in the progress of this case, particularly as we include the coming Full Moon. I have overstressed this peak time along with the Span of Truth, February 7-20. We need to keep our eyes skinned for every detail now. The Moon of this chart is trine the Dog Star on H. 3 of witnesses. Who is this friend turned state's witness?

Hi Tuba - I'm not sure how transits would affect this chart, but I notice Mercury will pass over the MH of that chart in early January, and then retrograde back over the beneficence just bestowed by the Venus/Jupiter. Perhaps the prosecution will rethink strategy then?
Question - is the 11th house representative of the "future" jury, and then when seated the jury will be represented by house 7 ???
Also I am of a mind to believe that KC will suffer far greater with a LWOP sentence, incarceration will be excruciating for her Mars/Uranus in Sag. Loss of freedom a worse fate than death.
Red mine...

Soulscape - I too am amazed by your work. And I wonder how or if KC did keep those "energies" in check.

A comment was made on another thread about a video of Caylee. I'll try to find the link, but it won't be until later today. Anyway... the comment was about how Caylee seemed to be trying to engage the person who was taping her and Caylee's frustration with getting no response. I believe Caylee was coloring and kept trying to show her colors to the person taping. I'm not sure I agreed with the interpretation by the poster of the video, but I was struck by the words and how cruel it seemed that someone would just ignore a child that was actively trying to engage your attention. I'm wondering, more and more, if Casey did begin a pattern of abusive behavior towards Caylee at this time. Maybe nothing outright physical, except for maybe drugging her, but maybe this is when KC began to really distance herself from Caylee so that KC's activities in June were much easier to bring about.

I saw that video. I do not think that was Cindy behind the camera because Cindy encourages Caylee to do things and say things when she is involved in the filming...I am certain that it was stone cold silent Casey on the camera, taking pleasure in ignoring her child as she said Cheese...

Salem, in this case anything is possible! Regarding the video, who took it, when & where? Without date, time & place, we cannot cast a chart. Without knowing who actually shot the video we cannot assign the cast of characters. If you can provide more information, please do.

I don't believe this information is known Soulscape...unfortunately.
This is amazing...It gives me further fuel as to why he may be the father...I will tell you why. ANY man that is unavailable and aloof to a young pretty woman I am thinking old me and others I know ( KC DOES HAVE VEN in ARIES )must be conquered and even for a moment (one night stand) must worship at the alter of my sexuality!! Its a game for alot of women... If he is a normal young man and drunk he is not going to care how annoying she is...Thank you so much again for all you do!!!

So, in a way, if he was attracted, he would have. And then, even if he wasn't he would have. I understand the situation which you are describing, but it kind of takes away any signifcance that the astro reported. The astros here are serious people. Their conclusions are well weighed.
Hi Tuba - I'm not sure how transits would affect this chart, but I notice Mercury will pass over the MH of that chart in early January, and then retrograde back over the beneficence just bestowed by the Venus/Jupiter. Perhaps the prosecution will rethink strategy then?
Question - is the 11th house representative of the "future" jury, and then when seated the jury will be represented by house 7 ???
Also I am of a mind to believe that KC will suffer far greater with a LWOP sentence, incarceration will be excruciating for her Mars/Uranus in Sag. Loss of freedom a worse fate than death.

Replying to both Kaitland and Tuba: Yes, dang it! The Prosecution case is better, at least to us WSers. But we are not part of the team, so we cannot know what went down as far as the decision to drop DP. No, there is no deal, otherwise we would have heard of it as in "KC reveals body, DP dropped for plea."

Also, I disagree with the notion that a jury would forgive KC because she is a lovely young woman who unintentinally (!) killed her child. Huh? Please correct me here, but I think that Diana Downs, et al. do not live in DP states.

Astros, you ROCK!

Where is housemouse?
Hi Salem. June 15, 12:03:27 pm EDT has Pisces ruling the descendant. This chart could be read, using the 7th/descendant as the subject of the photo being taken for one of Caylee's places, and the 9th as the granddaughter. This makes sense to since Venus rules the grand child and is exalted in Pisces which also fits her being the natural ruler of that house.

At this point, things are changeable and unstable, mutable signs ruling the angles. But there is a fixed t-square that is not changeable. The fixed laws of the universe come into play here. We can't avoid the law of gravity, any more than we can keep the Sun from rising tomorrow. Moon is at a critical degree, as well as Mars when this picture is taken. This is the photo of Caylee sitting on Great Grandpa's lap on Father's day. The t-square shows the empty part falling in the house of the grandchild so simply could be pointing out this fixed record of the child, Taurus showing tangible value. The critical degrees can show crisis but this was a lovely time, not crisis. The critical degrees are where the Lunar mansions change. Moon, the reflection of Sol, has outgrown her current space and must move into more appropriate quarters. But, Moon here, opposite the grand daughter could be capturing the absence of Caylee, already at this point.
Moon's next major contact at this time is trine Uranus, again 1.) a potential accident or something quite unexpected or unusual. Moon will square Neptune at void. The final Lunar aspect shows the overall theme and goal of Moon's trek through each sign. 2.) The aspect to Neptune could be a connection to drugs, but could also, even more easily show the visit to those limited and afflicted, the visit to the nursing home, as is the nature of Pisces and Neptune. This involvement also flavors this whole case, Neptune clouding things and making it quite hard to pin things down for sure. Pisces brings a lot of mystery and the non tangible. So that fits circumstantial evidence quite well. Virgo relates to all the fine details, breaking the whole down into its individual parts. Pisces synthesizes. The problem is, although the synthetic may seem to be a perfect copy of the original, it often is missing a vital component, which is why so many synthetic drugs have so many horrible side affects that the plant they are copying doesn't have. The square to Neptune could also point to a problem involving lies or confusion/lack of clarity, such as with someone that is senile, etc.

3.) Now, Uranus rules the 12th of the 7th. This is the house of suicide or being hidden and imprisoned, not murder. Uranus rules the house of health and hygiene in the radical or non turned chart. There is no connection with Saturn ruling Cindy's daughter, shown by the 5th. A self inflicted accident or suicide wouldn't directly involve other people. Scorpio is known to inflict pain upon self at times. I can't help but notice how often Pisces is showing up int the charts. 4.) Allowing Uranus and Neptune to trade signs, as they do when in mutual reception, we can see the potential for an accident by drowning or in water, accidental electrocution in water, accidental gas or drug exposure, most likely through inhalation with Aquarius involved. But I'm not even sure this would be a simple drowning. I say potential electrical involvement because of Aquarius and Gemini both being electrical in nature. Now, I see some 6th house type inconjuncts and activity also. The 6th house involves hygiene like taking a bath. Moon is making a waxing inconjunct to Sun and Venus, the grand daughter that is combust. Sun was recently waxing inconjunct Jupiter also. Sun could be music, a radio, Neptune could also. I point this out just as possible alternatives shown. The 8th house or waning type of inconjucts are what would more clearly point to death though.The daughter, Casey, shown by Saturn in the 12th is in mutual reception with her daughter, Caylee, shown by Venus ruling the 5th from the 5th or the 9th house. The reception is through triplicity. 5.) This isn't the very strongest reception but is reception just the same. It's interesting that this dignity is only by day. At night they are both peregrine, in foreign territory. But, Venus welcomes Saturn into her Libra home, treating him as an honored guest so clearly they receive each other with dignity.
The relationship between Cindy and her daughter would be shown by Mercury and Saturn. They have a relationship also, taking turns ruling air, Saturn by day, Mercury by night. 6.) I'm sure back when Casey was an events coordinator she mostly worked at night when the events were happening. But, this could also show that Casey took care of Caylee during the day and Cindy did quite often at night. There is a mixed reception between them too. Cindy receives Casey through triplicity or air, and Casey receives Cindy through being ruler, having exaltation and ruling term. That is rather heavy on the side of Casey receiving Cindy but isn't that usually the case between a parent and child? I would say they are receptive to each other but on different terms or for different reasons. There is no reason, looking at this chart to think that they have huge problems that can't be resolved. 7.) But, Saturn, Casey could be a thief, being peregrine. Not every planet that is peregrine is a thief but I think there is evidence to support it in this case.
Mars is the natural ruler of the 8th, death, in the 6th of the photo subject, the 7th, and very near the fatal position of Moon's and nodes. The South node is the release point. Keep in mind that Mars rules the 12th of the grandchild. This release is less than a degree away. There are certain degrees that are said to be connected to suicide. One is the 26th degree of Gemini which is 25Gem01 to 26Gem. Sun is only 6 minutes away and Venus has just left there. Sun is Caley's ruler and Venus disposites her Moon. 8.) In fact, using a sunrise chart for Caylee, her 4Libra Moon is very near the turned 8th house here. The Arabic part of danger, here is at critical 17Gem high in the sky. The ruler Rx shows it is likely a repeated danger.
Moon about to trine Uranus could also show her going for her daughter's throat, Uranus ruling the 2nd of the 5th house daughter. That would only be a couple hours away though and Casey couldn't have gotten back home until over 6 hours later. No, it looks to me like the fight was before, as Moon squared Mars which could bring some major anger (Mars) with a child (Leo) over money (Scorpio). It looks like Cindy was trying to confront her about it with the call at 3:35 pm but the call was only half a minute. Moon was trine Neptune Uranus at that time. At 5:06pm it she called home as Moon was in contact with Neptune. She only talked for 3 minutes though, then her phone was quite for 2 hours. She was still at Tony's at that time though. Either the fight took place before the trip to the nursing home or after she got home late evening, and it only lasted a couple minutes. She was texting or talking on the phone non stop every few minutes so I don't see how there could have been a big brawl until maybe 3:30 am but she was back on the phone at 7:45 so she had to sleep sometime. I'm not too sure there was a big fight that day.

9.) Again, if this isn't how it happened the other 6th house potential is a servant of some kind, someone that provides a service, like a nanny. I am not seeing death at the hands of the mother here. In fact there is no contact shown here between Moon and the potential rulers of mother of either 7th or 9th house Caylee. The same is true if we gave her the ascendant. Cindy's daughter is near crisis, Saturn being near critical 4Virgo, but that doesn't happen yet. Moon will square but not till after moving out of the sign of death. And we know she didn't return home till later that night. The natal asteroid Cayley sits on the midheaven but transiting Cayley is in the 4th of this chart, which is not only the grave, but the 8th of the 9th house. Perhaps we could cast a chart for the first call on her phone after she got back in that area for more of the story. The part of servants is appropriately in the 6th house, at 14Aq and Mercury recently made a trine. Rx indicates it is a repeat contact. Mercury is the natural ruler of servants or employees, as is Virgo. As much as it seems too hard to believe Virgo keeps coming up for some reason.


Bold and underlining mine...

1.) Something unexpected, like a dead child perhaps?

2.) Connection to drugs or visiting those limited or afflicted, perhaps it is BOTH...

3.) Hidden, imprisoned, not murder/ health and hygiene, aye? Let's see, hmmm, I imagine of one were locked in a trunk of an automobile then one would be hidden AND imprisoned all at once, and if one were drugged before being placed there, then that would certainly affect ones health or hygiene, don't you agree? If Caylee's death came because of these events, then it was still murder of a different kind...MORE diabolical than if she just flung her into a wall in a rage I think...

4.) Quote: the potential for an accident by drowning or in water, accidental electrocution in water, accidental gas or drug exposure, most likely through inhalation with Aquarius involved. Perhaps these were the potential death scenarios that Casey considered for poor Caylee...??? Perhaps she thought of electrocuting her while bathing her, and perhaps there was a radio that was in a convenient spot in the bathroom to do just that...Perhaps she thought of making her actions appear as if by accident, when in fact it was calculated and cold-blooded premeditation at its worst. Perhaps Neptune is hiding things...from all concerned. Or maybe that IS how she killed Caylee. Maybe she drugged her up, threw her in the tub hoping she would drown, and when she did not she just threw in the radio to finish the job?

5.) Even severely abused children have some connection/reception with their mothers...I know, as I am one of them, and a child has a special place within the heart for its matter how foul and undeserving that mother may be...

6.) Whoever told you that Casey WAS an actual "events co-ordinator must have gotten their facts confused. That was what SHE said she was...What she actually was is something else entirely. She took pictures of people coming off of rides, and as her pregnancy progressed she was moved to a desk job, perhaps in human resources...she was NEVER an "event's co-ordinator" not no way, not no how...

7.) Yes, Casey COULD very well be a thief...good call...

8.) Yep, Caylee most emphatically WAS in danger...from her mother, the very one she trusted to protect her...another good call...

9.) Perhaps nanny's/servants keeps coming up because that was the sole concentration that was in Casey's heart as she orchestrated this theatre of murder. Perhaps nanny's keep coming up because unfortunately there is a "nanny" involvement by Casey's lies, although there is no actual nanny. Perhaps the "servant" was the planned scapegoat and the stars are leading us to see this...

These things are certain: Caylee is dead and her dead body was in her mother's trunk. Casey ADMITS that she was not staying at the house since the 9th of June...(we do not know if Caylee was or not)...The fight could have been one of many and fights don't have to be long in order to be lethal. Some families have it down to an artform...Caylee is nowhere to be found and no evidence has surfaced to substantiate ANY of Casey's claims. I am all about looking at things in a different way, from a different point of view, because it clarifies which view meshes with the evidence at hand...:rolleyes:
Bold and underlining mine...

1.) Something unexpected, like a dead child perhaps?

2.) Connection to drugs or visiting those limited or afflicted, perhaps it is BOTH...

3.) Hidden, imprisoned, not murder/ health and hygiene, aye? Let's see, hmmm, I imagine of one were locked in a trunk of an automobile then one would be hidden AND imprisoned all at once, and if one were drugged before being placed there, then that would certainly affect ones health or hygiene, don't you agree? If Caylee's death came because of these events, then it was still murder of a different kind...MORE diabolical than if she just flung her into a wall in a rage I think...

4.) Quote: the potential for an accident by drowning or in water, accidental electrocution in water, accidental gas or drug exposure, most likely through inhalation with Aquarius involved. Perhaps these were the potential death scenarios that Casey considered for poor Caylee...??? Perhaps she thought of electrocuting her while bathing her, and perhaps there was a radio that was in a convenient spot in the bathroom to do just that...Perhaps she thought of making her actions appear as if by accident, when in fact it was calculated and cold-blooded premeditation at its worst. Perhaps Neptune is hiding things...from all concerned. Or maybe that IS how she killed Caylee. Maybe she drugged her up, threw her in the tub hoping she would drown, and when she did not she just threw in the radio to finish the job?

5.) Even severely abused children have some connection/reception with their mothers...I know, as I am one of them, and a child has a special place within the heart for its matter how foul and undeserving that mother may be...

6.) Whoever told you that Casey WAS an actual "events co-ordinator must have gotten their facts confused. That was what SHE said she was...What she actually was is something else entirely. She took pictures of people coming off of rides, and as her pregnancy progressed she was moved to a desk job, perhaps in human resources...she was NEVER an "event's co-ordinator" not no way, not no how...

7.) Yes, Casey COULD very well be a thief...good call...

8.) Yep, Caylee most emphatically WAS in danger...from her mother, the very one she trusted to protect her...another good call...

9.) Perhaps nanny's/servants keeps coming up because that was the sole concentration that was in Casey's heart as she orchestrated this theatre of murder. Perhaps nanny's keep coming up because unfortunately there is a "nanny" involvement by Casey's lies, although there is no actual nanny. Perhaps the "servant" was the planned scapegoat and the stars are leading us to see this...

These things are certain: Caylee is dead and her dead body was in her mother's trunk. Casey ADMITS that she was not staying at the house since the 9th of June...(we do not know if Caylee was or not)...The fight could have been one of many and fights don't have to be long in order to be lethal. Some families have it down to an artform...Caylee is nowhere to be found and no evidence has surfaced to substantiate ANY of Casey's claims. I am all about looking at things in a different way, from a different point of view, because it clarifies which view meshes with the evidence at hand...:rolleyes:


Really, AquarianE, do you realize what you are saying half the time? Do you even consider evidentiary testimony or forensics? I want to be respectful, but you make it hard in a forum of proven astros who claim a lot less and have been shown to be so much more accurate. And who take the time to ponder so that their statements are self consistent.

Do you have an agenda, AquarianE? When I read your page long statements, there is not one revelation nor do you seem to realize obvious illogic / negations in your train of thought. All of it is to place doubt, not catch a killer. Whoa, Caylee might be alive.....

Although I've been a member for months, I've been reading the forum for weeks without responding. I know when I have nothing to contribute or when the horror/stupidity of this case makes talking impossible.

Frankly AqEss you need to read the primary documents (don't stop in July or August) and look at tapes, then come back, ok?

Example: you know nothing about computers or the net. Both Tecno and Turbo told you. You would have known had you even read anything in the investigation. LE covered it.


Bring it back, Astros!
AqEssence. Look above. We are talking to you.

Yes, I mentioned the IP for the katerine email is for Road Runner in VA. The other IP beginning in 209 is Yahoo, of course, out of CA. What evidence do you have that this and the others are fake accounts opened by any of the Anthonys? Do you have reason to believe any of them use Roadrunner? Where are you getting a firewall from just out of curiosity? I don't see the IP you have listed, in that email but that is Road Runner also. Where did you get this "58ms 58ms 58ms TTL: 0 (gig4-0-0.orldflcfrd-"? I don't see that in the header or ARIN. Finally, what makes you think the Anthony's are using a VA based internet service? I guess it would be interesting to know who they use.

It would be an easy thing for a detective to get these things from Yahoo and/or Roadrunner, etc. That's their job. I don't know why you think there is more they haven't reviled since he makes a statement after this that its all a lie without any sign he followed up on anything. He had his mind made up already after hearing from the real universal that everything was a lie and there is no sign he contacted yahoo, etc there at all, or in other docs I've read. I know some of those accounts existed, I sent emails out and got back a message that they are closed, not that they don't exist. Now, I suppose its possible that yahoo or roadrunner will be on the new witness list. We'll see.

It's easy enough to find out "which account they came from". He would simply contact the servers. Unless all of their computers have been completely written over they can recover data from the past, easily, even if only fragments.

No, I am not implying that THE Universal studios is using yahoo or that these emails came from them. That doesn't mean that there wasn't an illicit "company" posing as them. Scams like this happen all the time. Casey doesn't appear to have stolen enough over the last couple of years to have fully supported her gas and other needs. I'm sure Caylee's piggy bank couldn't support gas at the price it has been. So the money had to be coming from somewhere. While her parents may have been feeding her I'm sure they weren't giving her entertainment money all the time. Think about how much she'd have to steal during that 3 years. She surely would have been exposed long before Caylee went missing.

Just my opinion but it makes sense to me.
"Could "hidden and imprisoned" be time Caylee was spending in the trunk of the car?" I hadn't thought of that before. Aquariaus is an air sign, a square could block the air. Aquarius rules air craft along with combustion engines so I might put cars there too but usually think of Mercury or Gemini for that, Jupiter and Sag for other people's cars. But I wouldn't rule out the trunk of the car. Chiron could indicate being wounded too. He mixed poisons for healing but they could also wound as he found out. But Uranus or Aquarius usually indicates accidental which was the case when Chiron wounded himself, but also deliberate rebellion at times. Revolution comes from Aquairian stuff.

Yes it could indicate the parties involved bringing the problems on themselves. The 12th house indicates self undoing. Moon in the sign of other people's money sits in the daughter's 11th/goals but the sign of truth sits on Casey's 12th and Jupiter is fallen so potentially not being honest. Saturn is making an 8th house/other people's money inconjunct to the part of fortune so this theme is showing up.

From what I see with the tangible evidence she was only fired because she didn't show up after maternity leave. Correct me if I'm wrong. I am not convinced yet that this more recent boss, shown in the emails, is not real. He is not real. The email address came back invalid but a good computer person could have possibly created a fake email address. The other persons this email for work was sent to were valid addresses that were no longer active so I'm sure these people exist but I see no follow up by the police. Some of these folks WERE real people, even friends of Casey, but they did not receive the emails and were not working for Universal. The emails have been shown to have been faked.Either they didn't do it or they are hiding the results. I'm thinking she was doing some kind of work that wasn't legit in some way. I'd have to look at the chart for that email to gain insight though. "Events coordinator" could be an escort, etc. The 6th house from the 5th in this chart could imply this work. Gemini could be an escort, then we have the female, Venus in 26* which to me usually shows a secret. She is escorting the male significator, Sun. Venus is the lady of the night here, setting after the Sun, being called Hesperis by the ancients. She is Lucifer as the morning star.

Regarding suicide, the 12th is also imprisonment of various kinds. If Casey did have some kind of employment that was illegal she committed her own suicide by having to keep it secret. It is also possible, if Caylee was taken, that she might sacrifice herself rather than potentially endanger Caylee. Please...this woman, who for nearly 3 years did NOTHING WHATSOEVER to provide even the most basic care for her child, food, clothing, shelter is going to sacrifice her own self to protect said child? And where does partying at the club night after night and shopping for her boyfriends' culinary delight come into this picture of the self sacrificing Casey? NO WAY-I don't even NEED the stars to tell me that one...It is perfectly apparent.:eek:I know I would. I might give hints but no facts that would endanger her life. I must say that my observation with Cancer Moon is that they will withdraw into themselves and not show emotion when threatened. Cancer is full of emotion, even more so with Pisces Sun, but they can appear cold (balanced with Capricorn on the other side) if they feel that showing their emotion might be too painful. So, I can't automatically judge Casey's apparent lack of emotion on camera. These are the extreme circumstances that would cause Cancer Moon to withdraw into her shell. If you watched Casey's visits with Lee you will see that she was in no way "withdrawn into herself". She was happy-go-lucky, laughing inappropriately, giggly, don't worry about ME Casey...I do not believe for one second that Casey has withdrawn into her shell...She may be in her coccoon, but what is about to come out is NOT a butterfly...

"My understanding of the fight was after CA and Caylee got home in the afternoon, but before GA returned home from work around 10:00 p.m.ish I could be wrong and will need to verify this info." Do you mean on the 15th? Let me know if you find out anything because Casey couldn't have been home much before George that day and she was on the phone nonstop. She couldn't have had more than a few minutes anytime that night to fight. Look at the cell records for that day. Casey didn't get home till late evening according to the pings. Casey could have been IN the neighborhood without being IN the home. And MOST of Casey's phone communications were text messages, the VAST majority and if you know these "texters" they can do it and do something else at the same time...the true dedicated texter can drive and smoke and text all at once...Her pings in the neighborhood of her home do not indicate she was inside of the home, and coincidentally it has been determined that if she were at Lee's home, she would ping the very same she very well COULD have been there, and could even have had Caylee there. Lee travels a LOT and we do not know that Casey did not make use of his home when he was away, either with or without his permission...

At first when I saw this empty spot in the house of the grandaughter, I thought maybe her spirit, God light had left showing she was about to die. But I don't see that lack of light in her picture. I wrote a couple of people with good eyes to see and they both agree, her God light was still present in the aura. One said that the Holy spirit may have been preparing little Caylee for what was to come. I'm not sure there.

As for the servant/employee, Mercury, expecially in Gemini usually indicates more than one. Now, in the early news reports I heard that there are many, many ZFG, just in Florida but only one was focused on even though Casey looked at her picture and said this wasn't her. Why have we not hear of checks into any other AFG? Another possibility, what if, (just bear with me) this person was working with a human trafficking ring? If I were to pick 3 states to center this kind of activity in, I would choose California, Texas and Florida. I am seeing a connection to New York and perhaps Puerto Rico. Pluto has made his final return to the sign of international connections and is moving forward again now. Pluto is my number one choice for human trafficking. Perhaps this lack of follow up on who this person is that Casey said called herself ZFG is why I can't yet believe she is completely lying. They also haven't showed any way Casey would have had access to those guest cards at Sawgrass. They wouldn't just leave that information laying around. If she is close by, I've already stated the direction elsewhere, NNW or SSE within a few miles but I don't see her in water.The police have Casey's telephone records for months. There were no calls nor text messages to anyone that COULD be Zenaida. There was no sitter, there was no nanny. Not one soul on earth ever met the nanny, and the places that Casey told her mother were the nanny's apartment were actually of a boyfriend's apartment, Ricardo. There were no payments to ANY babysitter. There is no trail ANYWHERE leading to any babysitter. She did not even NEED a babysitter, as she did not appear to have a job...Her job was stealing and conning and mooching and she did THAT well. As for the guest cards, I can assure you having worked as a front desk clerk for a major hotel for years, that there are plenty of times when sensitive information is left lying about. There are distractions and busy times and things get done sometimes later rather than sooner. It is HIGHLY possible and VERY probable that the guest card was left laying in plain view, or that Casey has a friend in Sawgrass who may have even allowed her access. I know there is one friend that declined to be interviewed after failing to appear for a set appointment for an interview, so maybe she knows something that she does not want to tell? Point being, sensitive info like a guest card would not be hard to come by if one had the right connection or foot in the door, or happened to be in the right place at the right time...

I hope I addressed your questions. I'm off to work now but I'll check back after my reading is complete.

Love & Light

Casey, we do not care what you eat or how well YOU are doing in prison...The only information that we want to hear from YOU is where is CAYLEE???
Hi. I only use my yahoo mail account for my clients and business. Many do. I use my server mail for my personal mail. I just asked the guys at if someone was carrying out an illicit operation, could they potentially set up a mail sub account at that the server wouldn't be aware of by hacking in. The answer was yes, if the person knew what he was doing. Now, unless we have reason to believe that LE ha withheld further investigation there from the document release, and can ignore the detectives summary that she is lying about working for this company, he didn't even open up and look at the full header which is how he would have to begin to track down the real sender. Whether Casey is guilty or not, this should have been done before they judge her a complete liar. The same with the nanny's name. If there are over 100 with that name they surely should have checked into more than one.

quote from BHowett: "Well… I wouldn’t say easily, and in most cases all emails are log/saved on the server. With out saying too much there are several other ways I have seen criminals use to mask email address, and I am inclined to believe that if someone had the knowledge to hack into Universal, bypass security, and add a email sub-account, they would know the other much easier ways to mask email addresses."

FYI does not even BELONG to Universal Studios...look it up...
AquarianEssence: Mass Fail

Let's get back to what this thread is: honest, informed, knowledgeable people.
So, in a way, if he was attracted, he would have. And then, even if he wasn't he would have. I understand the situation which you are describing, but it kind of takes away any signifcance that the astro reported. The astros here are serious people. Their conclusions are well weighed.

Dear Mrs Peel I am a serious astrologer myself I have been studying for 18 years just not skilled in Forensic is why I do not post more..I am not in disagreement with our beautiful Soulscape I was just adding that KC's Natal venus is in ARIES and she would take advantage of JP and his dislike of her to add to her overblown sociopathic ego as a one night stand to make herself feel Powerful..Like she had conquered and the result could have been Caylee
it is just not easy to post on this thread How do you know how experienced i am? I have to take offense...I would post more but non Forensic astro opinions aren't noticed..Or I am called inexperienced........WTH
MeenaMom, several of us are astrologers from way back, but just haven't learned the intricacies of forensic astrology, so therefore, we don't contribute as much as our forensic/horary experts do. There is always place for us here. I've thrown in my 2 cents astrologically. Mostly I try to sleuth, looking for birthdates and such. It's really our forensic/horary ladies who are doing the majority of the work.....and they have us captivated.

Your input is welcome. We appreciate your insight. Please keep posting.
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