Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #3

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Casey did not sleep at Tony's the 10th thru 13th. His statement is very specific that they were together during that time but even though he wanted her to stay she would get calls from Cindy and have to go home to take care of Caylee. He is specific that she does not spend the night with him until the 14th.
From June 10th to June 14th it is possible that the two were not at the Anthony's over night but at Lee's instead. KC's cell phone does ping from the set of towers surrounding both Lee's and parents on those nights - and she is on the phone / texting with Tony during that time.

Bond ran a statistical analysis of the ping patterns pre- and post- June 10 (evenings only) and there was a statistically significant shift in the patterns in which the three towers pinged. While not proof she stayed at Lee's, it does support the theory.

Cell phone and forensics done on the home computer at the Anthony's support them spending the evening of June 15 there.

I have considered the idea that KC may have purposefully drowned Caylee in the pool. But I still cannot close on that based on the interviews with her friends. Not one person mentioned a single instance in which KC behaved as anything other than a loving mother when her daughter was around. But many did say she was a pathological liar - so they were more than willing to point out any negative traits they noticed. If anyone interviewed had seen anything that would point to KC ever harming Caylee, they would have brought it up - it was pretty clear they were ready to tar and feather her.

That is not proof KC did not do it on purpose, but I think it is supportive that she probably did not.

Furthermore, I would submit her cell phone and computer activity that day were normal for KC. No indication that she was still stewing after a big fight.

IMO, the two left with backpacks to go to the playground up at the elementary school, stayed not quite an hour because it was over 90F and humid, and came home to go swimming. They got home and put on swim suits, KC put the ladder up, and then went back inside to get something - maybe Caylee was not yet ready to go back outside...who knows.

KC calls Amy and speaks to her for 36 minutes and gets on the computer. Caylee wanders out to the back while mom is distracted, climbs up the ladder to splash her hands in the water, and falls in.

If it happened that way,(I'm not saying it didn't) why did she not just call 911? Children are quick and can get away from adults. Many children drown each year because of this.
If it happened that way,(I'm not saying it didn't) why did she not just call 911? Children are quick and can get away from adults. Many children drown each year because of this.

We should not assume everyone would react as we would and do the right thing.

Remember something Amy said in her interview with LE: when KC was confronted by her mother that Caylee was missing, she acted like a 16-year old that got caught doing something.

KC did not want to get caught by Cindy. Doing so would reinforce many comments made to KC about her not being the best mom for Caylee.

So, if KC goes out to the pool and finds Caylee already dead, in KC's mind there is no sense in calling 911 - it won't bring Caylee back, but it certainly will make it known to Cindy that Casey was being negligent.
We should not assume everyone would react as we would and do the right thing.

Remember something Amy said in her interview with LE: when KC was confronted by her mother that Caylee was missing, she acted like a 16-year old that got caught doing something.

KC did not want to get caught by Cindy. Doing so would reinforce many comments made to KC about her not being the best mom for Caylee.

So, if KC goes out to the pool and finds Caylee already dead, in KC's mind there is no sense in calling 911 - it won't bring Caylee back, but it certainly will make it known to Cindy that Casey was being negligent.

Hi JWG...your theories are so well thought out and detailed and I envy your ability to analyze the facts in this case, however, I CANNOT get past the computer forensics in this case. The conversations that Casey had with her boyfriends leading up to Caylee's murder should not be over-looked. I have read all the instant messages where Casey goes to incredible measures to make excuses as to why she cannot see Tony. The lengths Casey goes to, to make excuses to him are endless. Couple that with the computer forensics turning up searches for neck-breaking and household weapons, how to make chloroform and it goes on and on. I find it impossible to believe that Casey is doing these searches, complaining about being a mom, making excuses to Tony and then it just so happens that there is an accident and Caylee ends up drowning, or dead. No, I do not believe it. Casey is a young mother who wanted to give her child up for adoption. She is a woman that went dirty dancing with friends after Caylee disappeared. She is a woman that stole money from friends and family for her own personal gain and felt no remorse. She lies about where Caylee is, the last time she saw her and who she was I just don't believe the accidental death and panic afterwards.

I think people are over analyzing Casey and giving her way too much credit. She is a simply a woman who has emotional problems and grew up in a dysfunctional family. Caylee became inconvienent(sp) to Casey and Casey dreamed up this whole Zanny the Nanny nightmare to cover up her murder.
I am a mother to an 11 year old child with mental and emotional disorders. At the age of 4 she could tell a lie so beautifully that I would often believe her over my other children. I would punish my other children and try to make believe there was nothing wrong with my little girl. Then I woke up. My daughter needed help and I got it for her. My point is, I don't think C and G ever woke up to the instability of their beloved daughter. They constantly made excuses for this girl and lived in a make-believe world that they were the perfect little family. They believed everything she ever said and Casey knew it. She knew she could get rid of Caylee and since she was so good at conning C and G in the past she knew they would never believe their beloved daughter could commit this crime.

I believe the forensic evidence in this case is going to come back with Casey all over it. I feel this whole situation is a tragedy and could have been avoided if so much enabling in Casey's life wasn't going on.....anyway, that is just my amateur opinion. By the way my daughter is wonderful these days and holding her accountable for her actions and loving her with all my might has made all the difference.
Casey did not sleep at Tony's the 10th thru 13th. His statement is very specific that they were together during that time but even though he wanted her to stay she would get calls from Cindy and have to go home to take care of Caylee. He is specific that she does not spend the night with him until the 14th.
In one of CA's LE videos, (latest ones I think) CA said that KC told her that she (KC) and Caylee or at least Caylee was spending the night at Zanys on June 14. So where was CAYLEE?
Guess by now I sound like a broken record (or a parrot lol) but the discovery of Caylee's bathing suit only confirms my theory all along of a drowning w poorly planned cover-up. The only thing which recent evidence has made clearer for me is that it appears this cover-up involved the staging of a kidnapping--albeit one which did not factor in Faye nor the three feet of water under which her daughter's remains were submerged within weeks of Caylee's reported disappearance. Evidently though, the A's are not the only ones who, in the face of overwhelming evidence, will insist on sticking to their other theories. But I believe the evidence is being greatly misconstrued or misinterpreted--and KC is her own worst enemy. As I've acknowledged all along, there is nothing re Casey's reaction in the aftermath of a negligence scenario that is remotely how any rational, reasonable, responsible adult would respond. At the same time, if you take an already immature, insecure, narcissistic mother who's been told for three years what an unfit mother she is (and who's btw basically been begging all her life for some limits on her outrageously bad behavior) PRIOR to June 16; then imagine (it's not hard) like a self-fulfilling prophecy her negligence precipitates her child's death (resulting from poor supervision), compounded by an inability to reach the only ones she trusted in those critical minutes, coupled w increasing paranoia at being caught, I mean this might push someone even w/out a fullblown personality disorder over the edge to something more pathological. In the case of a two year-old in a home w an inadequately childproofed pool, neglect, inattentiveness and poor supervision alone are easily capable of causing a toddler's death. And throughout interviews w LE, and LA, KC continued to say repeatedly how maybe her mother was right, maybe she was an unfit mother afterall, how she knew her mother could never forgive her etc. The question is also whether any neglect rose to the level of culpable negligence--"gross and flagrant" failure to use "ordinary care." And if KC isn't talking or admitting to any knowledge of Caylee's death, this will be a difficult burden for the State. Any admission of neglect would go over infinitely better w LE, but her current fabrication is the only position in which she can maintain a total 'innocent victim' status w her mother: Otherwise, it's obvious to me that anyone facing possible death, attempting to hide anything more than a negligence circumstance, would no doubt have feigned one.

But who could have known that, w/in 24 hours, all your mother's relentless berading and prophecies about your unfit mothering would come true? Were you checking your myspace when you suddenly realized it had been too quiet for too long. Did you wonder where the time had gone as you tore yourself away from the computer to go in search of your normally babbling daughter? Was there a growing sense of unease as you checked every room, calling her name as you saw she wasn't playing in the backyard either? Were you sick w the realization she wasn't in her sandbox... nor the garage... nor playing a game of hide-and-seek, as you approached the pool w dread and terror... Is it here your mind recoiled to see first her backpack, floating on the surface... and then grapples in horror to take in the sight of Caylee's tiny, lifeless body in the bottom of the pool? Were your mother's words deafening in your ears as you asked, how could it have happened?? As you enter the cold water, fully clothed w boots, before you can reach her, was your mind already reeling w horror... was it protesting, but it has only been ten minutes... Or was it flashing back to what was more important than watching your child? Were you wracking your brain w a million questions, like who forgot to close the gate? Hadn't your mother just told you about that? Or something about Caylee soon mastering this task herself? Did you bear the guilt of having attached the ladder yourself--intending to take Caylee in, but becoming distracted; or had she been left unattended long enough that, after wandering back there, she somehow managed to pull the lawnchair over and climb up w/out help, toppling in head first while trying to retrieve a toy...

She is blue, cold and nonresponsive--beyond hope, you despair, of revival or of ever being the same vibrant, alert, active girl. You can already hear your mother's hysterical voice condemning you KC, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE... the guilt and shame so profound it is easier to feel nothing from now on. Did you freeze in your panic, frantically trying to dial while staring in shock and disbelief at your daughter who just minutes ago was so full of life... trying desperately to reach someone, ANYONE, but knowing she will never be the same. You have done the very thing of which your mother has always accused you. Maybe she IS right... You KNOW your mother can NEVER forgive you. She has forgiven so much, but there is no way you can ever make up for this. SHE CAN NEVER LEARN THE TRUTH. This time there is no one who can be trusted, and no one, not even her, who can fix it.

You must hide her then, quickly... in the sandbox... no, the tarp, or wait this smaller storage container, could be dragged behind shrubs toward the rear of the yard... at least until you can figure out some other place, and come back for her. Your clothes are soaked and there is no time to waste, you have to change. You will leave then just like she told you, and stay gone. She will think you have changed, and are no longer depending on them. You just need time... you'll figure everything out later, right now you must hurry to pack a bag of your clothes, which you throw on the front seat, tossing your dripping clothes and boots behind the front seat onto the floor of the car. It is too late--nothing can ever change it, nothing will ever bring her back so you must cut her out of your heart--afterall, everyone lies, everyone dies..." (kiki the parrot)

*Of all preschoolers who drown, 75 percent are missing from sight for five minutes or less.

*Among children ages 1 to 4 years, most drownings occur in residential swimming pools. More than 85 percent of drowning among children ages 1 to 4 are pool related. Most young children who drowned in pools were in the care of one or both parents at the time.

*Barriers such as pool fencing, can help prevent children from gaining access to the pool area w/out caregivers’ awareness. Install a four-sided isolation fence that completely separates house and play area of the yard from the pool area. The fence should be at least 4 feet high. Use self-closing and self-latching gates that open outward w latches that are out of reach of children. Also, consider additional barriers such as automatic door locks or alarms to prevent access or notify you if someone enters the pool area.

*The Association of Pool and Spa Professions (ASSP) recommends being aware of objects (ETA like tables, chairs, or containers) which could allow children to climb over barriers and reach the pool.

*Drowning is a "silent killer," swimming and child medical experts said. It's not at all like Hollywood dramatizations depicting floundering swimmers bobbing to the surface yelping for help for several minutes.

*"Kids slip in the water like a pebble going under," said Dr. Marty Eichelberger CEO of the National SAFE KIDS Campaign. "As they try to get themselves out of the water, they sorta streamline their bodies making this linear form, and it takes them straight to the bottom. They only have a minute or two before they loose consciousness. ... It is a silent thing because they are under the water. They are trying to get themselves to the point where they can breathe, and as they breathe, they just suck in more water."

*The majority of children who survive (92%) are discovered w/in two minutes following submersion, and most children who die (86%) are found after 10 minutes. Nearly all who require CPR die or are left w severe brain injury. Nonfatal drownings can cause brain damage that may result in long-term disabilities including learning disabilities and permanent loss of basic functioning (permanent vegetative state).

*In 2005, of all children 1 to 4 years old who died, almost 30% died from drowning. Although drowning rates have slowly declined fatal drowning remains the second-leading cause of unintentional injury-related death for children.

There is nothing to date which connects chloroform to Caylee herself. I enrolled my five year-old daughter in swim lessons this fall after hearing of this case. This is the recommended age for formal instruction, but even swimming classes can not "drown proof" your child. In all honesty, I think CA and GA bear tremendous guilt too, knowing as both homeowners and grandparents, they did not childproof or safeguard their pool w the recommended barriers, safety alarms, and pool fencing to specification. A gate simply isn't enough, and in FL, where many have these backyard killers and these precautions are well known, ALL of the above should be standard procedure--in the event ANY child should wander into a pool owner's yard but particularly in a home w a toddler--which IMO would itself constitute "ordinary care." This, in my estimation, is the reason why A's keep up efforts to collude, protect and deny their daughter's responsibility. Because in a tragic but very real sense, they may realize they share culpability. JMO
Friday - A while back, I believed that Caylee (and Casey) stopped sleeping over at the A's as of June 9th as well but I was informed that the pings did not support this theory. Do we now know this to be true??? If so, can you please elaborate as to how this was confirmed???

I'm mortified :bang: I'd swear that in Doc Dump 1, Tony or Tony's roommate said Casey started staying over beginning June 10th! It's in my notes. However, you're right, it's not supported by the pings nor the Caylee Timeline Calendar now!

I'll try to edit my post. Meantime, thanks for the head's up! :blowkiss:
Kiki, I could not have articulated that any better.

I in no way condone what KC did to her daughter's body after death. The level of disrespect and lack of compassion is not forgivable by me. A horrible accident did not need to be made infinitely worse. Now her parent's and brother's lives are shattered and she will (deservedly) spend a very long time behind bars.

It is a tragedy, truly, for all five of them.
What if Casey gave Caylee up for adoption ? or just actually gave her away ?

What if the person that had Caylee did something to her ?

Just flinging it out there - i know its wild - but I keep thinking of the lawyer that said "Casey has a good reason for saying and doing what she does"

cuz she killed her child and was lying every time she opened her mouth.I doubt that someone would adopt Caylee,immediately kill her then hide the body in the woods behind the A's house.Common sense.
Not being snarky,cuz I get the what if's ,too.But I always come back to KC's computer searches and car decomp.
Sorry, no one finds their child accidentally drowned in the family pool in the afternoon and goes to Blockbuster and the boyfriend that night, acting perfectly normal because they are afraid of what their mother will think. Some emotion has to show. Sadness, fear, anxiety, shock -something. But, KC was her happy-go-lucky self.

I do not not join the "it was an accident" gang.

I agree with you. Additionally, this family was no stranger to calling 911 prior to this, so if she did accidentally die in the pool, she woulda called 911 first, then all the family during the flurry of calls. Think about it, if she planned this in March and then lo and behold Klee truly does accidentally drown KC calls 911 then family and all her probs are solved and she is off scott free and gets to be the grieving mom.
I'm working on my own personal theory, but I had a question that is making me nuts. If only because I think I'm stupid.

If GA, as he stated on GVS, found the gas cans in KC's car and confronted her, wouldn't the car have reeked at that point? Wasn't it on the 24th or so? Or is that a cover story within a cover story? If common theory has the body being dumped between the 19th and the 25th, then...I'm confused. Like I said, I'm probably forgetting something obvious. I have a newborn and am exhausted.

This has nothing to do with anything, but I met the Anthonys on Sunday, Nov. 9th. I found GA to be really open and sincere and desperate. CA picked burrs off my sweater (surreal moment as we had been looking for her deceased granddaughter) yet she seemed really closed off and exactly how she appears on TV. Odd vibe. It seems kinda nebulous, but it's really fed into my theory even a month later. She looked like a woman weighed down by secrets.
If an accident, I believe she would have confessed by now. How else to explain the neck breaking, chloroform, missing child searches done last March? And the partying soon after? Nope, no accident, IMO.
In one of CA's LE videos, (latest ones I think) CA said that KC told her that she (KC) and Caylee or at least Caylee was spending the night at Zanys on June 14. So where was CAYLEE?

I think this is one of the many areas that the Anthony grandparents have lied. I think Caylee was at home with Cindy on the 14th, I don't think Casey came home like she was suppose to and Cindy was furious. Cindy definitely had Caylee on the 15th and left to visit her dad with Caylee BEFORE Casey cell phone pings at home that day. I think the swimsuit indicates that Casey left with Caylee on the 15th after the fight while Caylee was still in her suit from swimming with Cindy. George did not see Casey and Caylee on the 16th. I use to believe he did, but I don't anymore. I think he may have seen Casey.

Cindy did not want the police to know about Casey not coming home the 14th, the fight on the 15th etc... because it would reinforce what she viewed as them not looking for the Nanny because Casey is such an F-up. So instead we get the it was a lovely family evening at home followed by a normal day where everyone got and went to work, nope, nothing odd or out of the normal. Nope there was not hostility in the air and fights over my daughter being a theif and in mom's eyes a *advertiser censored*, nope nope, mom of the year, evening swim, tucked 'em myself.
I'm working on my own personal theory, but I had a question that is making me nuts. If only because I think I'm stupid.

If GA, as he stated on GVS, found the gas cans in KC's car and confronted her, wouldn't the car have reeked at that point? Wasn't it on the 24th or so? Or is that a cover story within a cover story? If common theory has the body being dumped between the 19th and the 25th, then...I'm confused. Like I said, I'm probably forgetting something obvious. I have a newborn and am exhausted.

This has nothing to do with anything, but I met the Anthonys on Sunday, Nov. 9th. I found GA to be really open and sincere and desperate. CA picked burrs off my sweater (surreal moment as we had been looking for her deceased granddaughter) yet she seemed really closed off and exactly how she appears on TV. Odd vibe. It seems kinda nebulous, but it's really fed into my theory even a month later. She looked like a woman weighed down by secrets.

I don't think these events on the 24th happened at all. We know the shed was broken into, and I think Cindy told George to report the cans stolen and have that report on file as she was making threats to go after custody. I think she was making a paperwork trail. No one called the police who had just been there hours earlier on the 24th to report the cans were back, an ex cop left a police report open that was solved hours after he filed it?

I think those cans were in the car or in the trunk when they got it back from impound, George or Cindy removed them because of that police report, and then came up with this bogus 24th story when it became a problem down the road, too many details in that story.

I do think George and Casey crossed paths on the 24th. He probably did ask about Caylee and she probably was a about something. Lee reports that he heard this story from his parents, Cindy to be exact.
From June 10th to June 14th it is possible that the two were not at the Anthony's over night but at Lee's instead. KC's cell phone does ping from the set of towers surrounding both Lee's and parents on those nights - and she is on the phone / texting with Tony during that time.

Bond ran a statistical analysis of the ping patterns pre- and post- June 10 (evenings only) and there was a statistically significant shift in the patterns in which the three towers pinged. While not proof she stayed at Lee's, it does support the theory.

Cell phone and forensics done on the home computer at the Anthony's support them spending the evening of June 15 there.

I have considered the idea that KC may have purposefully drowned Caylee in the pool. But I still cannot close on that based on the interviews with her friends. Not one person mentioned a single instance in which KC behaved as anything other than a loving mother when her daughter was around. But many did say she was a pathological liar - so they were more than willing to point out any negative traits they noticed. If anyone interviewed had seen anything that would point to KC ever harming Caylee, they would have brought it up - it was pretty clear they were ready to tar and feather her.

That is not proof KC did not do it on purpose, but I think it is supportive that she probably did not.

Furthermore, I would submit her cell phone and computer activity that day were normal for KC. No indication that she was still stewing after a big fight.

IMO, the two left with backpacks to go to the playground up at the elementary school, stayed not quite an hour because it was over 90F and humid, and came home to go swimming. They got home and put on swim suits, KC put the ladder up, and then went back inside to get something - maybe Caylee was not yet ready to go back outside...who knows.

KC calls Amy and speaks to her for 36 minutes and gets on the computer. Caylee wanders out to the back while mom is distracted, climbs up the ladder to splash her hands in the water, and falls in.

Wasn't it her friend Kristina who told the Globe that she believed KC murdered Caylee and fed her to alligators? IIRC, Ryan P. felt she could hurt her as well. They are two friends from long ago (Ryan since age 5, her "best friend," per Casey.)

Many of the friends were people Casey met recently. She'd only known Amy for less than a year, and I believe she met Ricardo and Troy through her. Tony and his roommates just met Casey in May, and only saw Caylee a few times. Young men who don't have children are not the best at discerning who is a "good" or loving mom. But the girlfriend of Clint (Tony's roommate) indicated that she recognized how negligent (at best) Casey was with Caylee. Her interview is very telling.
From June 10th to June 14th it is possible that the two were not at the Anthony's over night but at Lee's instead. KC's cell phone does ping from the set of towers surrounding both Lee's and parents on those nights - and she is on the phone / texting with Tony during that time.

Bond ran a statistical analysis of the ping patterns pre- and post- June 10 (evenings only) and there was a statistically significant shift in the patterns in which the three towers pinged. While not proof she stayed at Lee's, it does support the theory.

Cell phone and forensics done on the home computer at the Anthony's support them spending the evening of June 15 there.

I have considered the idea that KC may have purposefully drowned Caylee in the pool. But I still cannot close on that based on the interviews with her friends. Not one person mentioned a single instance in which KC behaved as anything other than a loving mother when her daughter was around. But many did say she was a pathological liar - so they were more than willing to point out any negative traits they noticed. If anyone interviewed had seen anything that would point to KC ever harming Caylee, they would have brought it up - it was pretty clear they were ready to tar and feather her.

That is not proof KC did not do it on purpose, but I think it is supportive that she probably did not.

Furthermore, I would submit her cell phone and computer activity that day were normal for KC. No indication that she was still stewing after a big fight.

IMO, the two left with backpacks to go to the playground up at the elementary school, stayed not quite an hour because it was over 90F and humid, and came home to go swimming. They got home and put on swim suits, KC put the ladder up, and then went back inside to get something - maybe Caylee was not yet ready to go back outside...who knows.

KC calls Amy and speaks to her for 36 minutes and gets on the computer. Caylee wanders out to the back while mom is distracted, climbs up the ladder to splash her hands in the water, and falls in.

There is logic in everything you say--as always. :blowkiss: However, I can only put minimal importance on the fact that none of KC's acquaintances ever saw her behave like anything other than a loving mother, because it's equally true none of them ever saw any indication that she was:

1) So completely devoid of all maternal feelings that she could shrug off her daughter's death within hours and gaily continue her social exploits;

2) that she was ghoulishly capable of driving around town with the rotting corpse of her little girl in the trunk;

3) that she regarded her dead daughter as nothing more than a piece of garbage to be taped into a bag and thrown away.

We also know from Amy H, and our own observations, that KC is easily angered and that she is a consummate actress. Her whole life is one long, carefully calculated performance.

What do you think re the above?
As much as it makes little sense to us that this is no "accident" given KC could have called 911 and so on, after reading the interviews with her friends and family - I now think it could have been an ACCIDENT based on NEGLIGENCE. When Caylee died, KC panicked, attempted to call her parents but they did not respond - had they responded this tragedy would have not dragged on the way it has been for this amount of time. Those few moments when KC attempted to reach her parents, are also perhaps the only moment/point in time that KC depicted "emotion" for the tragic loss of her child.

KC would have probably "disconnected" herself from the event and her lifeless daughter shortly after the calls failed, realising, perhaps how it would be better to "fake Caylee's death" so her MOTHER would not crucify her. KC's ABSOLUTE fear of her mother is in part the cause of her failed attempt to fake her daughter's death. At some point, given her tendency to be self-absorbed, self-indulgent and selfish, her narcissistic impulse/s, combined with her real paranoia of her mother's wrath overwhelmed her so much so that she began to lose consciousness of the real loss of her child. In haste, KC wrapped her daughter's lifeless body and placed it in the trunk of her car and drove off, not really knowing what to do at that point in time.

She had to be rid of the decomposing body - and perhaps she no longer associated herself to the lifeless child [disassociation]. The concoction of a a Kidnap plot was her last resolve once again to deflect any blame so she would not incur her mother's wrath.

This is also what I believe that has happened in this case. Great minds think alike. LOL
Because if she was in the trunk then Geroge would have saw Caylee in there and he saw the gas cans and some of the stuff that was in the trunk. So I am confused about that.

bold by me

Not necessarily. Caylee could have been in the trunk.
I'm sick just thinking about it but.....
Maybe George did get a quick glimpse of a garbage bag or two.
He would not have thought a body, Caylee's body, would be in the trunk in a garbage bag. Was the bag in the middle of the trunk or off to the side near the tire?
Caylee is not a large child.
Instead of being sprawled out she could have been bent ie:like in a fetus position in the bag. George could have briefly seen bags, but anything can be in garbage bags....garbage, clothes that are going to Goodwill, "stuff Casey needed for her, phantom, event planning job...
I'm just saying, I think it is possible Caylee was in the trunk.:mad:
If it was an accident, why would she not tell the truth now, facing a possible death sentence? Also, how do you explain the computer searches in March (three months prior to the "accident" - and the use of duct tape? Finally, if an accident, how do you explain the ability to party (she was "annoyingly giddy" per Amy H after Caylee went missing <anticipating Tony's return from NY,> get a "beautiful life" tattoo, and go on a shopping spree with her "friend's" money?:waitasec:
Cindy has said on numerous occasions that Casey "knows who has Caylee" but she couldn't say who it was because she was worried that Caylee might be harmed.

Well now that we know that Caylee is deceased and has been for sometime it doesn't make any sense for Casey to keep it all a big secret.

Why doesn't Casey just ..."Spill the Beans" and tell LE who The kidnappers are so that they can be punished.

Casey must want Justice for Caylee..............Right?

You are absolutely correct. What's the big secrect now?
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