Casey's Photobucket

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These look like the pics taken by cntslp. Not sure if I spelled that right. She was at the A's all day everyday early on, not sure what her capacity was but great pix!!
Thanks for posting the pix. Does anyone else think that the soil looks like there was a fire in one spot there? Not trying to start a rumor but it sure looks ashy to me.
Wow, I hadnt seen any of those. Thank you for sharing.
I believe the pics were taken by someone who attended the searches.
Those are good pictures. The memorial at the crime scene is bigger now though. I was just there the other night and there are alot more stuffed animals and toys now.:( Too bad she couldn't have seen all of them.
These are the broad type of pics that a person takes of all areas unlike the PI's that only take pics of the area where the body was found. This confims my suspiscion that something is just not right with the PI's. Great find, thanks!
Wow! Great find, thank you for sharing, Marenaberryjo!
The area looks so stark and so sad. Though I want to look at the pics, they're disturbing aren't they? Poor sweet Caylee. This should have never ever happened to her. So senseless and cruel!
Thanks for sharing this, Marenaberryjo. Finally, I got to see the Amscott and parking lot. Not at all what I had pictured.
I'm so glad to get a visual of these places that are discussed so often. Thanks for posting the link!!
Yes, this is Murt's Photobucket. I thought I recognized it. :crazy:

If I am recognizing things properly, on page six at the top, the search site "DSNTSLP SEARCH AREA" is about 100 to 300 yards due east of the location where Caylee was Suburban drive.
Wow, thanks. I sure hadn't seen the one of Casey and Cindy at Cindy's brother's wedding before... I had seen the one where they were sitting down at the wedding, with Casey hiding her pg belly behind Cindy, but this photo where they are both standing up... sheesh... Casey did a good job disguising it, but there is no mistaking her for a non-pregnant girl.
If I am recognizing things properly, on page six at the top, the search site "DSNTSLP SEARCH AREA" is about 100 to 300 yards due east of the location where Caylee was Suburban drive.

Photo HPIM0777.jpg and HPIM0775.jpg are on the far east end of Suburban by the school.

HPIM0777 faces east and shows the gate leading to the "Zone" ala KM
HPIM0775 faces south and show some kind of fenced off utilities area.

In the two pictures preceeding these, notice the date is after Faye, and there is plenty of standing water there.
Thanks for the link, I hadn't seen these pics before
No This is not the pictures i am talking about. It was about 3 am this morning when i seen them. They showed everything from the woods, and even had [pictures of the search team and all their equipment
No This is not the pictures i am talking about. It was about 3 am this morning when i seen them. They showed everything from the woods, and even had [pictures of the search team and all their equipment

Yesterday I found a posting that showed 234 pictures of the wooded area, the canal, the rr trackis, the bridges and parks around the area where caley was found. I have been trying to find it again today but i can not locate it:confused: if anyone knows where i might find this again please post where i can find it, thank you

there you are!
dispatch i've been trying to find a way to reply to you b/c you're too new to have private messaging.
if you posted these pics yourself or posted a reply on the thread where you saw them then click your name in top right hand corner of the screen where you see it in bold, you'll be taken to a different page, then click 'Show All Statistics' (again top right hand corner)
you'll be given the option to 'Find All Posts By DISPATCHER3062', and just look back until you find it.

good luck :)
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