Marc Klaas Wants To Know What You Think. Please Participate

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My thoughts:

I think Casey was angry about losing her freedom, angry at Cindy, and wanted
no responsibilities .
I never really held in to any hope of Caylee being found alive.
Once I heard Casey's stories I pretty much knew she was gone.
I kept trying to the cut the Anthony's a break, at what was supposed to be Caylee's memorial, but after seeing Cindy's tribute to CASEYand Lee's
telling Casey how much he admired her strength and that he will never break his promise, I realize that they are never going to change. It will always be Jesse, Amy, or Zanny who took Caylee away. Yes it was their memorial, their Granddaughter and they can say & feel what they want, but I honestly feel it was very disrespectful and in very bad taste. (jmo)

I also want to say (If Mr. Klaas reads here) that I am very sorry for his loss.
You have been someone I truly admire. You never sugar coat things, yet are still a gentleman. Thank you for not being afraid to give your HONEST opinion and thank you for all you do.
I wish we had some guidelines about what Mr. Klaas was looking for, because we could all go on and on about our opinions. I'll bet he wants simple and succinct, so here goes:

1. I believe KC purposely killed Caylee. Chloroform was used.
2. Motive was twofold: one, to permanently take Caylee away from her parents, who loved Caylee too much. Two, because Caylee cramped KC's lifestyle.
3. Deep down inside, KC's parents and brother know she did it.
4. Because they love KC, George, Cindy and Lee will support her until the bitter end. As they waited for proof of Caylee's demise, they will wait for irrefutable proof of KC's guilt before they accept.
5. KC doesn't want to see her parents. She's ashamed that they know, due to some of the evidence found with the remains (i.e. heart sticker, iron on letters).
6. If any of the A's obstructed justice (i.e. Cindy washing pants) it was done out of fear and an instinct to protect, not out of malice or disregard for Caylee.
7. KC began to take a sharp turn downhill several years ago. We see evidence that she was capable of murder back in March, when she searched for how to make household weapons, self-defense, etc. I believe she was entertaining the thought of knocking off one of her parents, but didn't quite have the guts then to go through with it.
I have no doubt Casey murdered her daughter.

I have no doubt her brother Lee knew what happened and has tried to cover it up. There is something about their relationship that is a little nauseating to me- and I'm not claiming anything beyond strangeness, but I am suspicious. It goes beyond a typical brother and sister relationship- something is hinky. It could be complicity, it could be something else.

Like others have said, I believe also that Casey inherited her sociopathic tendencies from her mother Cindy. And I believe at all costs Cindy will defend and lie for Casey. And had she not been under such a microscope from the media over the last several months, that she would have taken further action to deflect blame from Casey and onto some innocent party.

And I don't think we know half of what that family is capable of- but that they will continue to demonstrate how dysfunctional and sick they are as this unfolds.
KC is guilty of premeditated murder of Caylee. (She is a narcassistic- pathological liar). And all the evidence points to KC and ONLY KC. I believe Caylee died in the trunk of KC's car by cholorform while KC partied after the argument with her parents over the theft of money. Then KC made up the whole Nanny story by somehow getting the real ZG's information.

The A's have to know she did it but wont admit it in public, because they choose to stick by their daughter because they already lost one family member ie Caylee, and do not want to lose their daughter too.

LA knows more than hes saying but was not involved in harming Caylee.

LE's doing a good job, but IMO their original big mistake was arresting KC too soon and not following her every move before she lawyered up. Because then they would have had even more proof.

KC's lawyer is way in over his head, he was better off going with a mental or accidental death theory. (just an observation).

I sometimes get mad at all the media attenteon, because I am convinced if the story wasnt so public, KC would not have her so called new dream team which could present big problems for the prosecution. But on the other hand, if not for the media attenteon Caylee would not have been found and I am glad she was found.

KC will be found guilty, but I am unsure that they will prove 1st degree murder, nor will she get the death penalty (if proposed) because the jury will pity the family as victims and wont let them lose their daughter too.

Except for the statement about LE's mistake in arresting KC too soon, that's a great assessment, short stuff.
Lee creeps me out too. I think he had a hand in the cover-up. Every time he said "CMA"....I couldn't help but hear "cover my azz"...
1. I believe Casey is responsible for Caylee’s death, but I’m not certain she is solely responsible.

2. I believe C & G lied and obfuscated. They should be thoroughly investigated and charged if warranted.

3. I believe abuse of some sort did occur in this family.

4. I believe Lee knows more than he is telling. He needs to be thoroughly investigated and charged if warranted.

5. The level of disfunction in this family is mind boggling, beyond the pale.

6. I do not see George as an innocent victim being controlled by anyone. I believe George has deep-seated problems of his own that contributed significantly to the family’s disfunction.

7. I believe the A family should be kept as far away from families of missing children as possible. I believe if they are allowed to insert themselves into missing-child cases, a new paradigm may be set that will hinder LE and have negative repercussions for years to come.

8. I lost some respect for TM.

9. I gained some respect for LP.

10. I believe this case has shown the true face of evil - it is mundane, selfish, untruthful, and lives in a tract house right down the street from each and every one of us - there but for the Grace of God go we all, one way or another.

All of the above is MY OPINION ONLY
Marc Klaas is very interested in your thoughts on Caylee's case. What do you think?

  • Casey-Guilty/fit of rage
  • Motive-Resentment/Jealously
  • Anthony family-Extremely dysfunctional​
  • The A's will forever claim Casey was framed.​
  • George-Would have excelled as an actor​
  • The Anthony family are focused on Casey's defense.​
  • The family is on a crusade to gain sympathy/public support for Casey​
  • I truly hope this family is not successful in their attempt to form a fan club for their daughter.​

Wow. So many of you have hit the points that I believe that I will not re-say what you already have. I have one thing to add.

I think that if Casey could take it all back, she would. I do not think that she would do it for Caylee's sake but for her own. It has begun to sink in that there will be no more Fusion, parties, McDonalds, Target, men, etc. For these reasons I think she is sorry and would do anything to change it. I think if she had to do it all over again she would have gone to California to see the marine and set up a new life there. I also think she would have given Caylee up for adoption in California just to spite her parents. I am not even sure that she would have told CA and GA about the adoption.

The only positive thing I have to say about her is that she is the only family member that had the guts to break ranks and go against the iron fist of CA. It is just a shame that Caylee was caught in the middle.

I agree with those of you who want all of the A's to be charged for any crimes that they commited, both white and blue collar. This does not mean charges to harrass them. Just for the crimes they committed. If they are guilty of nothing then let them walk.

I never want to hear GA use the word donations again. He needs to go get a job.
Since it is the computer searches revealed ways to kill people, it is pre-meditated.
Cindy is in the fight or flight mode, she chose to fight, not uncommon.
George is the weaker of the couple, always has been. I wasn't surprised by the suicide attempt. He knows the truth, but wouldn't dare to tell it.
Lee is angry and is in complete denial and is desperate to find the "real killer". I think he is bordering on mental illness. This may really push him over the edge.
Casey murdered Caylee. She is an unnatural mother. Never thought of Caylee as a real person but a hinderance. She loved her one minute, despised her the next. Also a sociopath, whose only care in the world is her own pleasure.
She also has an explosive temper. The family is afraid of her.
Padilla is making it up as he goes along.
Tim Miller gave up to soon.
You have it right on, a voice of reason. They never took you advise, which is strange, but given the level of weirdness in this family is not surprising.
If it were me, and God forbid, I would hang on to you like a life raft.
No matter how poor Caylee died whether blatantly murdered or by some freak accident we will NEVER see KC take one ounce of responsibility for what happened to her.
KC will take this whole situation to the utmost extreme......a murder trial and take her chances with that and be convicted of murder and claim she was falsely accused rather than ever admit to any involvement or responsibility in her child's death to anyone. She will never give her mother the upper hand in actually being seen as an "unfit" mother.
Casey killed her daughter, because she was jealous of the attention Caylee was getting from friends and family.

The CMA reference by Lee creeps me out as well.

I don't believe Casey ever bonded with Caylee. There is a definite lack of emotional attachment on her part. On that note, I'm not sure Casey has bonded with anyone in her life.

Cindy saying she had three children was very telling in my book. She thought of Caylee as her own child and from what we know, she was the one who raised her.
My kindest thoughts and regards to Mark. I saw him on NG one night where he described the feelings he felt when Polly was abducted and how he would go to any lengths to remove himself as a suspect so they could focus on who did it. That is where all the emotion comes in (sometimes too emotional... right Mods?!). Evidence or no evidence, there is no reasonable explanation for this killer and families behavior. Very few people are in the situation the A's are in, but parents and families of other missing children like Mark, Tim and even little Hayleigh have not acted and done the things this killer and family have done. I believe Mark took a lie detector test and now both Hayleigh's parents have already.

That being said...

KC killed Caylee either accidentally and then covered it up or in a fit of rage. I realize there is a distinction in the law between accidental death and murder but in my book they should be punished the same. A defenseless child is all I need to say on that.

George knows in his heart. I think he does not know what is up or down. He is so confused. I see moments of clarity with him and then I see where he drinks the Kool-Aid and goes back to denial. His confusion is understandable especially with CA's strong influence and his delicate mental state. God bless you George. I believe you loved Caylee and I pray you do what is right.

Cindy is using belligerant denial. I call it "Lipstick on a Pig". Trying to get everyone to believe what she thinks they should. We are a great family, KC was mother of the year. It is hard to believe that you raised a murderer but in my eyes it would be harder to not to stand up for Caylee.

Lee is an enigma. He knows way more than he is saying. All these talking head lawyers disagree on everything but they all agree his lawyers massive publicity jaunt to say "Lee could be charged" was bizarre and is a harbinger of things to come. BC says Lee was addressing both Caylee and KC with the CMA reference. Sometimes I think he knows KC did it and is going to do the right thing and then I think he is drinking the Kool-Aid again. I think we will see more here.

That being said, I don't think the A's knew what happened until later and did not purposely try to destroy evidence. Had they stopped and thought about their actions (CA washing clothes, LA cleaning computer) they may have realized that doing those things would hinder finding out the truth but at the time I believe they were caught up in the emotions and did not think it through. Should they have? You bet. But I don't think they said KC did it and we are going to make sure she gets off.

This dysfunctional family idea as an excuse blows my mind. In my opinion there are very few functional families. My mother is Cindy. Totally. She controlled, dominated, played mind games and lets just say she did not foster any self-esteem in any of us. My Dad is George. Still IS as a matter of fact. There are times I was so angry that he did not stop the things she said and did. I would start to think once in a while he would stand up to her and then he drank my Mom's Kool-Aid as well. THAT IS NO EXCUSE FOR MURDER. The things I have done wrong I am accountable for. Overall, my siblings and I have adjusted and now live happy and productive lives. Many of us could have used it as excuses for bad behavior and I don't think anyone would have blamed us. It seems that this country is very big on blaming others for our problems. It is time for personal responsibility. I think that is why this case gets so emotional. I bet there are people on these boards that have been dealt crummy hands in life and they don't do these things.

IMO no matter where you go or what evidence they have, there is no way an jury anywere is going to get over the fact that KC did not report her daughter missing for 31 days and only then when her hand was forced. That is an indisputable fact and the single piece that will do her in.
Here is my take on everything

I believe KC killed Caylee - whether it was intentional, or an accident - that I am not sure of.

I believe others knew what happened, yet they have never come forward for fear of LE and what would happen to them. This includes friends and possible some family members.

I believe the Anthony family was in such denial due to their love for their granddaughter that they were living with blinders when KC first started to tell her lies to her Mom.

I believe Cindy really thought KC did something to Caylee (her phone calls to 911) but when she realized something really did happen to Caylee she went into "mother mode" - meaning became very protective of KC.

I have no feelings either way about LA. He was thrust into the limelight by what his sister did and didnt ask for any of this.

My heart goes out to GA as I think he has been through the ringer. He truly
just wanted to find his granddaughter alive period.

I have always thought it was a horror what people in my city have done to the Anthony family. The protestors, the people trying to physical attack the family, the whole scene - not a good indication of the nice people that live here in Orlando.

I think JB is a complete idiot and should never be representing KC. For some reason she thought he would be the one to help her. I think he has hurt her more than he has helped her.

I dont think KC lived a slutty life or anything that has been posted about her. She wanted to live the party life as any other 22 year old would want to live - whether she had a child or not.

I think there should be more TM's in the world. That man is a saint.

I think many people are trying to make a dollar on this story and that sickens me to no end. I also think many of the "bit" players are stretching out their 15 minutes of fame under the guise of "loving Caylee". Please....

I think the second memorial was in very bad taste.

And most importantly to me - KC is INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. That premise is what makes our country so unique and special. Yes we can all have opinions and post what our thoughts are - but bottom line is that 12 jurors will decide if KC is innocent or guilty - not anyone on a website.

Mr. Klaas..... I am truly sorry for your loss. You sir have made missing and abducted children your life now - looking to help others go through what your family has gone through. You sir are a hero whether you know it or not.
KC killed Caylee. I dont know why - I havent found one single likely reason aside from a sociopathic eraser murder.

LA - that CMA stuff was creepy, I dont know what I think of him right now.

CA and GA. Innocent bystanders, completely dysfunctional.
1. This was no accident. Casey killed Caylee after the fight with her mother, because as she said, she is a "spiteful ".
2. This happened on the spur of the moment, BUT, Casey had the thought in the back of her mind for some time. Hence the computer searches.
3. I don't believe the family fully believed/accepted that Casey did this for some time, but I do believe they know she did it now.
4. I took Cindy's speech at the memorial to be that she is in no way defending her daughter, but has accepted that her daughter is a very disturbed person, and still has unconditional love for her.
5. I think Cindy has accepted the person that Casey is much better than George has. I think Cindy seems as though she has started to forgive Casey, but George is definitely not there yet.
6. I too believe that many things will come out at trial that will shock us.
7. I do not know what to think about Lee Anthony. I do think that he either leans 100% on Casey's side and doesn't care about Caylee, or he will be the one to talk. There's no middle ground there with Lee IMO, as there is with George and Cindy. Lee appears angry, but what is he angry about?
I do not believe the Anthony family is any more dysfunctional than most. I see them as very average, struggling financially, trying to cope with their daughter's teenage pregnancy but fully accepting and supportive of her. They fell in love with their grandchild as most do when faced with the offspring of ther own, whether planned or not, and did everything they could to make her life beautiful.

I think they worried a lot about Casey for a long time, but never fully appreciated the depth of her pecularities. They never recognized that her lies and petty thievery were indicative of something much darker than a spoiled little girl's "acting out".

I do not believe that they purposely destroyed evidence that could have led to Caylee's recovery or to Casey's guilt in her death. Nor do I believe Lee is capable of anything like that.

I do believe that they all had suspicions early on that "something" had happened to Caylee. I think they thought by catering once again to Casey, they would find out the whole truth.

I see Cindy as a mother who is desperately trying to find an alternative to her own daughter's ultimate guilt. What mother will easily accept the fact that she raised a murderer? No..there has to be another explanation for this horror. That's what I would think and feel. No way could I have contributed to this malformation of character...and yet the guilt would be the pit of my stomach in the dark solitude of my mind that won't shut off.

MAny years ago, a friend's son was murdered on the streets of Philadelphia. I witnessed his mother's absolute despair and descent into mental anguish that never ever left her even for a minute. She was always after, in pain. So too, was the mother of the murderer. I always felt so deeply sad for her...there is no solace for her. There will never be for Cindy.
Casey killed Caylee-premeditated. I have no doubts and haven't from the moment I saw her strut into the courtroom and I heard "31 days."
I also so agree with Shadow. I've had a bad feeling since I heard about Hayleigh.
I worry about our legal system. Too many lawyers and experts out to make a name instead of trying to find justice.
I would also like to add that I think the Anthonys should be the poster children for how not to act when LE is trying to investigate a disappearance.
LE has had a difficult job and has done well with what they were handed 31 days out. The defense team is in this for glory and fame and to me that should also be considered a crime. Leonard P. is a man I wouldn’t want hunting me down. He is smart, relentless and is not afraid of swatting that hive despite the fact that he may get stung a few times.
TES is wonderful and this country needs a branch in every state for fast response to search for the missing. I have nothing nice to say about KidFinders.

My fear since the Anthony case is that others may view the sudden ‘fame’ due to all of the media attention and the idea of collecting direct donations as a reason to harm other children.

After this case it is apparent to me that each and every person, child or adult who goes missing needs to have an advocate who speaks for them and them only.
I don't for one second believe Caylee's death was an accident.

At this point, I'm not sure about the computer searches and the weird pictures KC had posted.

I think KC killed her in a fit of rage, after the fight with her mother. She was at a high stress level and Caylee must have aggravated KC and she killed her. The only other theory to me, is that, she had been drugging her and putting her in the trunk and she died. Either way, I think it was a premeditated act, due to the knowing there was an inherent risk of death, by KC drugging her daughter.

After the death, I don't think KC had thought through what she would do with Caylee. I think she had all kinds of different ideas of how to get rid of the body. She then got tired of worrying and thinking about it and wanted to get on with her social life. So, she just dumped her on the side of the road like trash. She thought she would never be found and would be seen as a victim because her daughter was kidnapped.
I mean, look, her family has made excuses for her, her entire life. KC had no doubt her family would stick up for her.

She was able to pretend in front of all her friends she was a loving mother, because she was never with Caylee in front of each friend for long stretches at a time. However, there is NO way, KC was able to pretend in front of her family every day, all the time. I'm sure Caylee was pushed off, as in; just a minute Caylee, hold on Caylee, etc. And then someone else in her family would do whatever it was Caylee wanted. Her family knew KC didn't care properly for her daughter. They were just happy KC never left with her and stayed at home. Because had KC moved out with Caylee, GA and CA, knew Caylee would be neglected. So, they didn't push KC, for fear of her taking Caylee and moving out. Then they would have to worry if caylee was being cared for, was she eating ok, going to bed at a reasonable hour or being run to all these men's houses at all hours. CA had called KC many times to get Caylee home. So, we know CA was worried about Caylee being with KC.
After finding KC without Caylee, I think all the A's knew KC did something. They just handled her with kid gloves, not to pi$$ her off and or she'd shut them out completely. They still hoped KC would tell them something, anything. You'll soon see a huge change in their support for KC.

I think the A's having an in person meeting is a good thing. I don't care if, WE, the public, ever see it. I just hope someone is watching them, maybe even, without their knowledge to maybe get some more info. (Yes, i know this wouldn't be able to be used in court. But if LE could even get a clue as to what is happening in this monster's head and the rest of this creepy family, it would be helpful. This meeting would be very telling, I'm sure.
I believe that Cindy has serious control issues which have led to the dysfunction of this family and will ultimately lead to the breakdown of her marraige. I believe KC killed her daughter in a fit of rage aimed at hurting her mother with the only weapon KC knew would hurt her mother - Caylee. I believe George is the only family member with integrity and morality and has issues as a result of years of dominance and control by his wife and daughter. KC is a sociopath who has no regard for normal boundaries which led to a progression of crimes beginning with theft, forgery, etc. leading all the way to murder. Because she was always able to get away with these things in the past and faced no consequences from her family and friends she thought she could simply lie, be believed by her parents and get away with it. Lee seems to have control issues of his own and he creeps me out on a whole other level with his cryptic messages to his sister, I'm sure more will come out about him eventually.
Mr. Klaas, thank you for all the good work you do for families confronted with the most horrific of horrors. I admire how you've drawn on your personal tragedy--and am so, so sorry you first endured that. I can only imagine your deep pain, and wish it were not so.

The Anthony family was composed of dyads and triads that were played against one another--largely by Casey. This pairing/grouping means that no one member (other than, perhaps, Casey) was privy to all of the secrets. This served Casey very, very well over the years.

Caylee was unanticipated,but welcomed by her grandparents and adored. Despite their unadulterated love for her, there were frustrations. They'd anticipated an empty nest, and looked forward to a life without the chaos Casey created.

But the tumult only grew. Casey would not work. She would not accept full responsibility for her child. They couldn't rely on her to consistently parent the little girl they adored.

They were stuck, and of course there was some resentment about that. Not of Caylee, but of the situation.

Casey's problems began far earlier in life than anyone will admit at this point; early photographs of her show the same sort of disconnect with humans that she now has. She smiles for the camera with unfeeling eyes, she is uncomfortable in their embrace (see the pic with Shirley and Cindy).

Casey is a sociopath. The Anthony family M.O. has shifted between placating her ("Hello, beautiful"), controlling her, and benign neglect. The latter was demonstrated during Casey's absence from the home in June. In all likelihood, sheer exhaustion prevented them for pushing for answers from her--they were likely grateful for the respite from her games even as they missed Caylee. Their controlling, combative adult "child" was gone, and it was a relief. Despite the fact that they disapproved of Casey's parenting at times, they had been given no reason to believe she would harm Caylee, so they used the time as an opportunity to recuperate from the stress of living with a demanding, ungrateful parasite---even though it meant time away from their beloved Caylee.

Nothing the Anthonys did or did not do caused Casey to become what she did. Nothing they did or did not do caused Caylee's death. Their inaction in June and July had no meaningful effect on the situation--Caylee was dead long before any concern arose.

Nevertheless, the Anthonys blame themselves for Caylee's death. It came on the heels of a family argument. It came at a time when they were happy to have Casey gone from their home. They blame themselves---and the pain causes them to lash out at others. They are at an emotional breaking point, and the guilt they feel for this is likely more than most humans could bear. George, thankfully, has gotten help.

That said, the family is very, very sick. Living with a sociopath is crazy-making, and it's done the job for the Anthonys. I can't even begin to speculate about personality or other mental disorders among them until I see how they evolve with Casey out of their midst. That alone will promote their health (even if they support her in her legal battle). They will likely need more help, but I would not be at all surprised to see their lives normalizing in ways they never anticipated now that Casey is removed. She has been a long-term toxic influence.

Their denial of the horrific protects them from imploding emotionally. They will accept what they are able, as they are able---we've watched as each has had a glimpse of the true horror, and accepted it. Now they have drawn the curtains of self-protection. In time, I think George, at least--and probably Cindy--will accept the truth of the matter and go on to be productive. I think George, in particular, will find meaning. He's been marginalized by the family--perhaps with good cause (we don't really know the whole story)--and his self-esteem had taken a walloping.

Still, we do see genuine warmth and love between him and Cindy, I think. She is an angry woman (see above: living with a sociopath makes you crazy!), but much of her anger has been displaced. I suspect George bore the brunt of the angst that should have been directed to Casey.

I am not sure about Lee. There seems to be some sort of unusual sibling enmeshment, complete with...well, their own dialect, almost. I think Lee's initial eagerness to carry out his own "investigation" was rooted in little-boy-style fantasy, and he was imagining Big Bad Guys and being the hero.

I am sure they'd all prefer that there be Big Bad Guys. I think Lee is FURIOUS that there are not.

I suspect--and this is based on being the daughter of a sociopath--that Caylee was not continually subjected to abuse from Casey. Rather, she probably had periodic moments of confusion when she expected a certain response from Casey that was not forthcoming. I think it is likely that, most of the time, Casey played the mommy role at least superficially appropriately. Caylee may have spent more time watching Nick Jr. than many children, as her mother worked on her important career of Facebooking, MySpacing, texting, and talking on the phone. But in general, she was probably competently, if unfeelingly, cared for by Casey.

George and Cindy filled the emotional void for her. Caylee was loved. Casey was more of a (very) disinterested big sister to Caylee--someone who tolerated her because she had to. At Caylee's young age, this probably had not yet harmed her; as she got older, it would become devastating. (As an adult, she would likely have great difficulty trusting her own evaluations of other people--if there's one thing living with a sociopath can do, it's creating self-doubt about one's own instincts.

As for Casey. It goes without saying I think she's guilty of first degree murder. I think she is devoid of humanity, missing a critical microchip. She not only robbed those around her of real relationships with her--but worse, she worked very, very hard to create the opposite impression. She is very, very, VERY skillful at playing people against one another, as well as assuming the roles that will garner her the things she wishes to have. She is a toxic chameleon.

Caylee's death was premeditated and coldly carried out. It was not an accident. It was not the result of an argument with Cindy. The timing was chosen to best play into the family dynamic in a way that would cause the family to circle the wagons.

Her behavior immediately following the murder shows, with cold, cold clarity, the lack of feeling Casey Anthony has for others. It was movie night! Hooray!

There was little thought given to post-murder actions because Caylee's erasure was the goal. Focus was solely on the murder. Casey was not a brilliant mastermind--she was a child murderer. For this we can be grateful, because it will be what convicts her.

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