Theories on what happened to Haleigh

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My theory.....Misty puts the kids to bed around 8pm. Waits to make sure the are sleeping, till 9pm or so. Leaves to go hang out, probably partying and all that that entails at friends, family, or maybe a b/f's house. I feel this has become a habit. There are several people from the park there as well. One of them, probably someone she knows well, has noticed that she makes this a habit. He decides "tonights the night". He leaves the party and goes to Ron and Mistys trailer,coming up from the back so hes not seen and goes in the back door (which Misty has left unlocked as she leaves this way), takes HC and leaves out the back door.

With this theory it wouldnt matter that he turned on the light if indeed he did do it because hes confident of Mistys where-a-bouts. Also wouldnt matter if he decided he needed the extra help of using the cinder block to prop the door open for the same reason.

Misty comes home an hour or more later. Discovers HC is gone and is frantic. She looks everywhere for her knowing she cant call Ron, 911 or anyone in the neighborhood because the first question will be "Where were you????" She comes up with her story and watchs for Ron to come home where she meets him at the door with her story as if it just happened seconds before he got home.
Sounds right on to me.

Have any of you thought of the possibility that Misty had somebody over to the house, they drank or smoked together ... and HE made sure she was drunk/high enough to pass out or at least enough for him to take Haleigh?

Just a thought ...
Something tells me she wouldn't have any "boyfriends" over while Ron was gone-- too risky. The kids might get up and catch her, and they're old enough to talk/tell.

She seems to seriously fear Ron (imo) and his wrath. Don't think she'd take that chance.

I can see her sneaking in and out though.
Woooohooooooo!! Haleigh got her own forum

David Lohr is blogging about a theory Haleigh's dad is allegedly speculating about:

Meanwhile, Haleigh's father, 24-year-old Ronald Cummings, reportedly told an ID source that he has a new theory on what might have happened to Haleigh.

Cummings allegedly said that it is possible that Haleigh's abduction was in retaliation for something he did in the past, but he did not clarify what that "something" could be. Cummings also allegedly said that he believes someone gained entry to his home using a "lock bumping" technique. It remains unclear if law enforcement is following up on that theory.

The story links to a youtube video on "lock bumping", which apparently is accomplished by putting a key into a lock and hitting it with a hammer. No word on how this could have occurred without waking Miss Misti...
Have any of you thought of the possibility that Misty had somebody over to the house, they drank or smoked together ... and HE made sure she was drunk/high enough to pass out or at least enough for him to take Haleigh?

Just a thought ...

A theory with possibilities. Maybe drinking & doing drugs in the guys van outside the trailer house, so if kids woke up they wouldn't "see" anything....
I've had several but the key to developing my current theories are the KEYS:

1) Was gf ever given a key to front door?? Dad was only working a late shift it turns out for a little over a month. Had a key maybe never really been necessary prior to that, and dad hadn't gotten around to making her a copy? Or perhaps dad expected gf to be home during his late shift anyway so never bothered to provide a key for her??? Was there a previous incidence of her even locking up but leaving children unattended after they went to bed, after which he took the key figuring w/out key she'd no longer have option to leave children at night? Had the two together ever left children at home asleep for short periods after locking up??

2) Had gf's key perhaps been lost, misplaced or stolen? Could perp have acquired gf's key to front door by gaining access to either a) trailer at some point, b) van, or c) inside her purse while gf was not paying attention. This could have occurred sometime during the day and goes undetected by gf (or even earlier but she's reluctant to admit to dad while trying to find?) until ready to pop over to her bro's eg that evening after kids went to sleep?

3) Who if anyone had key/s to rear door... or was there only deadbolt for rear door, ie could it only be locked from inside?

4) Were the locks ALL CHANGED upon moving in four months prior?

Scenario 1.

Gf bathes and puts both children to bed as stated at approx. 8 pm. Around 10 pm she decides the kids are fast asleep, what is the harm of running over to bro's and hanging out for a while as he has beer and afterall it's not that far... She and dad have left the kids before, it's no big deal. She decides a short jaunt by herself won't take long and w any luck maybe her bro scored some weed. She heads out the front door--the only one that can be locked from the outside--and starts digging in her purse for her key but she realizes she really doesn't have it, looks inside and still can't find it anywhere. She figures she's just misplaced it, that kids will be ok for an hour or so, and dad won't find out since his shift doesn't end until 3am. She'll be back way before that, she says to herself, he won't call after 10 anyway and besides even if he does and she misses his call, she can just say she fell asleep. She lets herself out via the back door, pulling it hard yet quietly closed to not disturb kids, but w/ no way of actually locking it from the outside. No one would ever guess tho, she tells herself, and heads thru the woods for her bro's, a block or two away, for a little nightcap and some "grown-up" fun.

When she arrives, her bro and his friends are drinking beers, bro rolls and passes a few joints around for everyone to share. (Does she mention to bro she couldn't find key..? Does someone else there perhaps overhear and leave ahead of her?) Before you know it she's been there two hours, and the beers and weed are making her wish she could just pass out right there. She tells her bro she's gotta get goin and he says, If you can just hang on for a few, my friend's leavin and I'll give you a ride. They talk her into staying and smokin just one more "for the road." By the time he drops her in front of the trailer it's after 2am and she mumbles to go ahead and waves him on. As she approaches the rear of the trailer to let herself in she notices a light on in the window.

She figures Haleigh must've woken up and turned it on to go potty, but as she reaches for the doorknob she notices the door swung slightly ajar, and a jolt of adrenaline races thru her. Something isn't right. She feels an apprehension as she enters, and makes her way slowly toward the master br where both children had been sleeping. Her anxiety is heightened as she makes out what looks like only one form on the bed where she finds Jr. sleeping undisturbed. She goes from one end of the trailer to the other but can not find Haleigh. She has to find her, she knows it will push dad into a rage if he ever finds out that she left w/out locking up--and that if Haleigh is not found, he will kill her.

She looks everywhere inside, and out. She can not call out for fear of neighbors waking and dad is due to arrive soon. But after searching yard and outbuilding, no Haleigh. She knows dad didn't come home early and take her because Jr.s still there. She runs back inside and checks again, in disbelief. Then decides there is only one thing to do. She must lie and say Haleigh was taken as she was right there, sleeping. The only problem--there is no sign of forced entry. It has to look like someone else entered--thus Cinderblock Plan is hatched as proof of something amiss.

(Flaw w Scenario 1: entails gf's bro and/or others covering for her not being at home. Wasn't really necessary for perp to even have a key if he could enter thru rear door gf left unlocked.)

Scenario 2: Gf is home, and evening begins as above. But sometime between her 10pm bedtime and 3am kidnapper has been casing, sees dad's car is gone and either a) has a key from either gf, or landlord; OR b) scouts out behind trailer and spies open window, and it's strictly a crime of opportunity. He can enter either thru front door, or thru an open window; but he knows in advance he can not exit that way w a heavy child in tow. He also may have first tried the back door discovering it squeaked noisily, thus began planning his escape. He decides to get his ducks in a row before entering, or snatching his victim: scouting the back yard for a large rock, he spies only a pile of cinderblocks and returns w one to prop rear door to ease his exit. This enables him to minimize the noise made, the time spent, and the effort required after he invades the trailer, to get in and out in under a minute. This way he can boldly enter, locate nearest lightswitch and be gone w his victim...all before anyone awakens, including maybe his victim even.

(Flaw w Scenario 2: No report of window open, nor of anything to climb upon, so I am leaning toward an intruder who may be acquaintance gaining access by obtaining key.)


Have any of you thought of the possibility that Misty had somebody over to the house, they drank or smoked together ... and HE made sure she was drunk/high enough to pass out or at least enough for him to take Haleigh?

Just a thought ...

LE would have noticied if MC was that wasted, if you were that bad off you wouldn't be able to fool the cops just a couple hours later. IMO
I've had several but the key to developing my current theories are the KEYS:

snipped and bolded for room

"KEY" info.. Bump keys can be purchased on the internet to open any kind of lock.. .see link...

I think the SO watching the place.. noticing that she leaves kids alone scenario and goes in and gets Haleigh works for me. He uses a bump key.

What are bump keys?

I also think a SO being in prison you can learn the things above. Seems lock picking might be a good skill to have as an SO. So.. my theory.. SO puts a cinder block in back SCREEN DOOR, picks lock either on front or back door, grabs Haleigh, exits house through back door. Would take less than 1 minute.
Ok - my theory. This can be easily disproved if only LE would release whether dad was at work and at what times the night in question. Since LE has not done this - I'm still going with this.

Keep in mind the verbal abuse dad projected toward MC on the 911 call and police report. Also, I take RC's actions that night - just a tad over the top - he is ANGRY, very angry - not upset, not confused, nope just very very angry. And I also don't think that anger is because she (HC) is missing.

Ok - here goes.

Dad has had suspcions that MC is leaving the kids alone at night. He's new to this shift so there has been no "routine" of MC staying home alone at night with the kids. Either friends or "associates" have told RC that they heard or seen her out when she is supposed to be home.

This could be rumor or truth - so I'll throw it in here. If RC had just "found" MC after a 3 day binge he could be even more worried about her NOT being there and possibly even being with "another man". More fuel for the fire.

Dad leaves work early - maybe not too early - let's say 1 - 1:30. Sure 'nuff he gets there and no MC. Haleigh wakes up. Dad is seeing red - he has anger issues and control issues. Haleigh begins to defend MC - saying "she's never gone long or she always comes right back - I'm a big girl - I can watch out for Jr." Dad is really loosing it now. He "throws something" or turns to "punch the wall" (as we all know some controling men like to do) - either way he "strikes out" - accidentally hits Haleigh or she gets in the way or whatever. Hits her head or whatever and is gone.

Dad is over the top now - running on pure adrenline. He loads up HC (now this could be in car or this "john boat" that LE impounded on day 1). I'm thinking he put her in the car and drove to the end of the road - where the pond is - probably where the boat was as well. And he "disposes". He also "stages" the door - just in case MC does come back home before him.

Time now - around 2 - 2:15. He gets back in car. Drives around - tries to calm down a little. He drives home at the regular time - or maybe when MC calls him telling him HC is missing - we still don't know the phone situation.

Now - he's home. He's angry. He's over the top - and (he thinks) rightfully so because his daughter is missing. I thought it was just too much - threatening to kill whoever took her - why was he SO SURE she was taken? Unless he knew.

MC doesn't know squat. She wasn't there - or maybe she did come home while RC was out and found "a bloody blanket" and washed it? Scared out of her mind - she doesn't know what to do.

RC can't fess up to knowing MC wasn't there - cause that would blow his cover. MC can't fess up about not being there cause that would blow her cover.

Now with all these conflicting stories coming out about MC - why is RC still so "lovey dovey" with her? Walking arm in arm - having mom (TN) come on TV defending her. Its because he believes the focus is on MC and he'll be off the hook.

Meanwhile, LE is slowly piecing the puzzle together. Dad's work time - talks with co workers that night - maybe that "nosy" landlady that surfaced yesterday "saw" some things - either in the past or that night. Anonymous tips maybe being called in that MC was at such and such's drinkin' and partyin'.

I think LE is feverishly searching for lil HC's body. And I think they're getting close. They have to remain quiet because once they arrest or even announce a POI or suspect all he77 is going to break loose in that town.

Until I hear from LE about when RC was at work that night and what time he left, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
I think someone watched this family knew dad would be gone until 3-330a new little GF went out to get high or laid or both and took the opportunity to snatch the little girl. GF knows if dad finds out she left the kids alone it won't be good for her, and whoever she was with isn't telling on him self either.Or a SO groomed the GF for awhile to get the child she is not the brightest crayon in the box and would be easily groomed and the children are not her flesh and blood so no motherly instinct to kick in either.IMO she is just a dumb kid that is scared to death of the cops, media and Ron
"KEY" info.. Bump keys can be purchased on the internet to open any kind of lock.. .see link...

I think the SO watching the place.. noticing that she leaves kids alone scenario and goes in and gets Haleigh works for me. He uses a bump key.

What are bump keys?

Guess I really didn't think like a hardened criminal... or get into the head of a home invader as hard as I tried lol. So then do you believe gf's bro, and/or others, are covering for her? No one has come forward--to our knowlege--to indicate gf was w them instead of at home w children. Even paternal gm still convinced in tonite's interview that gf never left. I would still be very curious to know for certain whether gf was ever provided a key. Bump keys aren't necessary when a door's left unlocked... works for me, but it didn't work for Haleigh. JMO

Please Lord keep Haleigh safe in your arms.

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! to whichever Mod gave us this forum! :clap::clap::blowkiss:! I haven't posted a lot because of work stuff going on, but I log on every chance I get at work! Anyway, I believe the father is clueless as to what happened. He is sincere in his shock and anger over this situation. MC is involved WAY more than she has admitted to, but I have never felt she was smart enough to harm a child with another child in her presence and successfully get rid of the body - still with the other child in her presence. M's being missing from the trailer for a period of time makes perfect sense. This case really does have a surreal feel to it, sort of like Elizabeth Smart, and Jessica Lunsford to name a few. I live in Augusta, Georgia (where James Couey was found), and I wasn't even thinking about Haleigh as I drove down Washington Road at lunch time (the busiest road in Augusta - traffic jam right now with construction). I saw a man (who looked like the missing SO) walking along the side of the road with a little girl who looked a bit like Haleigh. He was accompanied by another man who looked like Robert Plant (from Led Zepplin) after a bad night of drugs....this dude had a backpack on and was holding the hand of a little boy who was probably 4 years old. The whole thing set off alarm bells for me!!! I instantly thought - OMG - could it be Haleigh with the missing SO and another SO who picked him up after he ditched his car, and they are in Augusta filiming horrible movies? I found the nearest place to turn around and went back, and spent an hour driving and parking in motel parking lots looking for them. Nothing - nada -zip. I can't call LE with a statement that I saw "two strange guys with young children walking down the road". LE would NEVER believe me, but honestly - it just didn't look right. Thanks for letting me vent. I will probably be back looking in the area tomorrow. :bang: I should have learned how to knit instead of become addicted to True Crime!
Wow Reannan - that is weird - I hope you can find them tomorrow.

Since you brought up Couey - do you remember how long it was before LE got him and he confessed as to where she was?
"KEY" info.. Bump keys can be purchased on the internet to open any kind of lock.. .see link...

I think the SO watching the place.. noticing that she leaves kids alone scenario and goes in and gets Haleigh works for me. He uses a bump key.

What are bump keys?

I also think a SO being in prison you can learn the things above. Seems lock picking might be a good skill to have as an SO. So.. my theory.. SO puts a cinder block in back SCREEN DOOR, picks lock either on front or back door, grabs Kayleigh, exits house through back door. Would take less than 1 minute.

Rear door could be neither "bumped," nor "picked." It has a deadbolt. LE confirmed no sign of any forced entry. BTW, H a l e i g h... (w an H and no "Y") easy to confuse... two angels... their names, locations, and cases so close. JMO
:parrot: theory at the moment with the little we know is this possibility:
knowing Ronald's anger issues and how he treats his little girlfriend I'm sure she did NOT have a key.I do believe she left the trailor to drink or smoke or spend time with her bro or someone else and propped the back door open.Being only 17 she did not see any harm in that.
I do believe it is possible Hayleigh woke up and looked for Misty ,scared because noone was home.I can imagine her walking out of the back door ,even though it was dark following the path Misty would take her to see her grandma many times before.
I am going by the path the dog followed now and it seems to me she got lost.The path stops at the railroad track.I keep wondering if one of those slow moving trains passed by that night ,many runaways and drifters ride on those,possible chad reynolds and they saw the little girl and snatched her.
In any case I am praying sooo hard,for once I wished we would have a happy ending.
Hayleigh is so sweet,she seems so happy ...I love her smile
Guess I really didn't think like a hardened criminal... or get into the head of a home invader as hard as I tried lol. So then do you believe gf's bro, and/or others, are covering for her? No one has come forward--to our knowlege--to indicate gf was w them instead of at home w children. Even paternal gm still convinced in tonite's interview that gf never left. I would still be very curious to know for certain whether gf was ever provided a key. Bump keys aren't necessary when a door's left unlocked... works for me, but it didn't work for Haleigh. JMO

Please Lord keep Haleigh safe in your arms.


I do not really 100% believe she left because I think family would have spoke anon to the police by now. I do believe a person may not wake up in less than 30 secs from a dead sleep. LOL my three year old came in my room in the middle of the night, had her eyeball 1 inch from my face and I did not wake up. I wonder how long she watched me... I only woke up because she said.. mommy. Yeah, someone could come in my house take my child.. be in and out in less than 30 seconds and I might not wake up. Would she wake up.. heck no.. you could take her to disneyland and back in the middle of the night and she not wake up!!!

I think we need to do a test to see how many SECONDS long it takes to open your front door, walk to the nearest room swiftly pick up something.. walk to the back door and walk out.
I was thinking maybe the pink shirt was on her when she went to bed but whoever took her removed it and put maybe boys clothes on her and probably cut her hair to disguise her. LE could have found the shirt in the woods or by the river just a thought
Rear door could be neither "bumped," nor "picked." It has a deadbolt. LE confirmed no sign of any forced entry. BTW, H a l e i g h... (w an H and no "Y") easy to confuse... two angels... their names, locations, and cases so close. JMO

Weird... I typed it correctly the first time and then totally messed it up the last time.... Time for me to call it a night.

I am thinking that he bumped the FRONT DOOR and then unlocked the back door and walked out... leaving it wide open as reported by MC.

Ok... LOL.. I am going to shut out my lights and go outside. Come in and go straight to the bedroom, pick up a large stuffed animal, walk out the back door and then check my stop watch.

( hope I do not wake up the hubby.. I might look a little weird bumbling through the house with a large stuffed animal and going out the back door.)
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