Revisit Photo of Caylee Crying in Red Shirt - was it the last ever taken?

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Evidence was seized from home on Saturday, December 20,2008..The pics were released Feb.18.

In between this time frame KC was at home under house arrest and this shirt was hung up. KC appears to like to have visual reminders of things and for some reason this particular shirt held a meaning to her. From seeing the picture of Caylee completely distraught and upset in this particular shirt makes you wonder what was so significant about it. Just taking the picture is disturbing enough but keeping the shirt hung on the wall near a missing Caylee sign?!
Similar discussion here at WS from poster QuietStorm, here:


SNIPPED: "... might also mention that if the call or text message is incoming rather than outgoing and no outgoing activity is seen, it may mean (but not prove) that the phone was in one place and she was in another. Also, the tower which is pinged during a certain activity might change due to how many calls are flooding the area at that time as well as distance from phone to tower. Lots of variables to consider.)"

So it appears that this poster didn't/doesn't (they could've changed their mind since that post, I know) think that the pings alone conclusively establish where Casey was.

I hope this info below is helpful and I've posted it before, but here goes.

Pings Near the Anthony Home
From just past midnight (so it's now 6/16), KC is sending and receiving text messages pretty much nonstop unitl 2 am. There's about an hour pause, then she's sending and receiving texts and one call until 3:22 am. There is no further activity until 7:45 am and 8:46 am. Then no activity until 11:47 am. She is either texting or calling off and on until 4:14 pm (including the infamous 'flurry of calls').

Pings En Route
From 4:18 pm until 4:21 pm the pings hit towers that are normally hit when she's traveling.

Pings Near TL's
From 4:53 pm until 2:29 pm the next day, all pings are located near TL's. There's a one hour break in activity around 5pm and another one at 8pm. There's a 45 minute break around 9pm. After an incoming text message at 11:17 pm, there are no pings until 10:52 AM on the 17th; still near TL's.

So, if she was at a hotel around midnight, it's not going to show up on the cellular report as it was released.
I hope this info below is helpful and I've posted it before, but here goes.

Pings Near the Anthony Home
From just past midnight (so it's now 6/16), KC is sending and receiving text messages pretty much nonstop unitl 2 am. There's about an hour pause, then she's sending and receiving texts and one call until 3:22 am. There is no further activity until 7:45 am and 8:46 am. Then no activity until 11:47 am. She is either texting or calling off and on until 4:14 pm (including the infamous 'flurry of calls').

Pings En Route
From 4:18 pm until 4:21 pm the pings hit towers that are normally hit when she's traveling.

Pings Near TL's
From 4:53 pm until 2:29 pm the next day, all pings are located near TL's. There's a one hour break in activity around 5pm and another one at 8pm. There's a 45 minute break around 9pm. After an incoming text message at 11:17 pm, there are no pings until 10:52 AM on the 17th; still near TL's.

So, if she was at a hotel around midnight, it's not going to show up on the cellular report as it was released.
Bolded emphasised by me.

Appreciate your input - I knew I hadn't dreamed reading a differing opinion re: pings the evenings of June 15/16, but wanted to make sure you hadn't changed your opinion.
I have been looking for the previous thread about this and cannot for the life of me locate it. JBean is right that the margins were blown...we looked and talked and argued and bickered this picture at great length. Some of us thought she might be inside the trunk of a car and others could make out tables in the back-ground. Some of us thought she was abused and some thought she was just the luckiest little girl alive. I cannot recall what the thread was called, but it may have gotten locked or moved? I cannot recall as I am half brain dead from listening to these depositions all day today. OH MY GOD! What a mess!
I have been looking for the previous thread about this and cannot for the life of me locate it. JBean is right that the margins were blown...we looked and talked and argued and bickered this picture at great length. Some of us thought she might be inside the trunk of a car and others could make out tables in the back-ground. Some of us thought she was abused and some thought she was just the luckiest little girl alive. I cannot recall what the thread was called, but it may have gotten locked or moved? I cannot recall as I am half brain dead from listening to these depositions all day today. OH MY GOD! What a mess!

Yep - what a mess indeed. Every time I think I can't feel worse for Caylee, I do.
Ever since I first saw this picture,I have had this horrible nagging feeling that KC MAY have taken pics of Caylee's last moments,and after death as well,as a means to furthur torment her mother.Yes I believe that she is that cold.In this picture,and it has been awhile since I first saw it,I believe Caylee has been crying for awhile,her face looks puffy enough,that it doesn't seem like a sudden outburst.The thought of all of this hurts my heart,after what I have seen today,with the depo's,I believe that this pic will haunt me forever.
There's another picture of Caylee crying and reaching out like this while Lee is holding her. He is laughing as if it is funny. After hearing Annie D's interview about no one being able to hold Caylee as an infant and littler toddler, I think Caylee was taught to be overly dependent on KC and CA, to feed their egos. Pictures that show how terrified she was without them were probably taken to keep those egos satisfied. IMHO, this is emotional abuse. :furious:

Do you mean this one?


JMO but I wonder about all kinds of abuse in that house....
Bolded emphasised by me.

Appreciate your input - I knew I hadn't dreamed reading a differing opinion re: pings the evenings of June 15/16, but wanted to make sure you hadn't changed your opinion.

Nope, and thanks for the nudge.

By the way, here's some of the cellular activity after she left home on the 16th. There are a few numbers I can't pin down, but I think one of them was a shot girl at Fusion. I'll just put the last four numbers on the ones I don't recognize.

4:18:51 pm texted Kristina C.
4:19:18 pm received a text from TL
4:19:47 pm received a call from TL; used 58 seconds
4:21:32 pm called JG; used 0 seconds
4:21:58 pm called JG; used 75 seconds
4:25:24 pm called AH; used 3 seconds
4:53:33 pm received a text from some type of service; used 0 seconds
5:57:57 pm received a test from some type of service; used 0 seconds
6:31:47 pm called CA; used 0 seconds
6:32:10 pm called CA; used 0 seconds
6:32:54 pm called Anthony home; used 17 seconds
6:33:41 pm called self (probably voice mail)
6:34:29 pm received two texts from some type of service; used 0 seconds
7:06:24 pm called the Anthony home; used 83 seconds
7:20:28 pm called AH; used 0 seconds
7:21:03 pm called AH; used 42 seconds
8:03:10 pm called ? 7686; used 8 seconds
8:03:10 pm received call from ? 4511; used 6 seconds
9:04:01 pm received a text from some type of service; used 0 seconds
10:45:06 pm received a text from AH
11:17:43 pm received a text from AH

From what I remember when the text messages were released, AH texts were benign "see ya later" kind of texts. I'll recheck, but that's how I remember it.
Posters here at WS who have been posting since day #1 have speculated based upon a whole lot less, I can tell you that.

Speculating is fine as long as it is clear that it is speculation. We get into trouble when things get repeated as fact and then carried forward as such.

In this case, i think we all agree that it is a fact that someone told a story about someone seeing someone that looked like Casey texting at a hotel parking lot.

That was on a number of times, and I believe there was even some discussion of the FBI having the tape now.
Please point me to the discussion about the FBI having a tape. That sounds interesting.
That's so true Chezhire. Who would do that to a crying child who is reaching out and just wants to be comforted and held? My heart is breaking over this picture. How could anyone just stand there and snap a picture? That seems so cold and heartless to me.

I'll say this. IMO in a lot of photos, little Caylee just doesn't seem happy. Sometimes her smiles seemed "forced" or "hesitant" - like she was told to smile but she's not really sure it's really a "happy" moment or not. Maybe I'm just seeing things, but I don't see geniune happiness across that poor baby's face. I'm sure there were happy moments, but she seems unsure or scared in a lot of those photos. I'm sure her short little life was filled with a lot of contention and there's no doubt in my mind that she was confused and frightened. Who wouldn't be living in a household like that?

I posted once that my mom, who has been reluctantly exposed to the case through me, commented "That little girl never really looks happy in any picture I have seen" I looked back at pictures when she said that and I agree. Sure, lots of kids do the fake "cheese" smile but they also usually have pictures where they look truly happy as well. I've never seen any of those of Caylee. I'm sure if there were some with a gleeful Caylee, we would have seen them.
My mom thinks it's because she could sense her mother never really loved her. I'll add that I agree the contention in the house might have added to it. After seeing the depos, I can only imagine what life was like in that house during times of stress. Ick.
But, as for the crying picture, she doesn't look anymore scared or upset than any kid I've seen crying. It's mostly upsetting, I think, because we know the truth about how she died and that her mom is a beast.
Ya' know, it's a picture I can imagine LA taking. Sometimes guys his age who don't have their own kids think it's funny when kids cry, if they're crying due to a tantrum, rather than from actually being hurt or scared. They kind of laugh at the kid for being over the top. LA's the type who would think it would be funny to snap a photo of her like that.
Nevertheless, I have seen a few videotapes of Caylee where there is zero interaction on the part of the videographer with little Caylee, despite her obvious, confused please for a response, or reaction. In one they keep showing on NG these days, it begins, IIRC, with Caylee laughing at the camera and jumping up and down. But there is no response. At the end, she appears to be so confused that she begins to cry. It reminds me of an experiment I saw once testing infants' responses to the mothers and it showed a mom just staring at her 6 month old babies face with no other interaction. The kid stares back, tries to engage with smiles, etc., then tries to look away and finally begins to cry. It's sad.
IMO, casey was the one doing these videotapes and taking most of the pictures. Her kid was a subject to her, rather than a beloved child. She viewed Caylee as a prop, not her baby. She's a cruel, horrid beast to me, and I think her brother may have a bit of a cruel streak as well. Either one could have taken that photo, IMO. To me, the photo is, at the least, evidence of the strangeness of Caylee's family.
That's why I wanted to put it up with its own thread now. It's good to look at it by itself, now that we've seen and read so very much about this case.
I've been wondering about potential witnesses who might say that they saw Casey, without Caylee, around midnight at the end of that Sunday Father's Day at a hotel/motel - I can't remember who has said this or where, but I know I've heard it - anyone have more information on who might be a witness for the SA who can place Casey at some hotel/motel late Father's Day, around midnight???

Speculating is fine as long as it is clear that it is speculation. We get into trouble when things get repeated as fact and then carried forward as such.

In this case, i think we all agree that it is a fact that someone told a story about someone seeing someone that looked like Casey texting at a hotel parking lot.

Of course - which is exactly why I asked what I asked above, bolded.
I wanted to post this out there. But in Tony L's audio interview that was released on April 6th he states that they were talking "lovey-dovey" that night on the phone.
He also stated he had not that night made plans for her to be with him the next day or evening, those plans were formed the next day or they just happened.
There's another picture of Caylee crying and reaching out like this while Lee is holding her. He is laughing as if it is funny. After hearing Annie D's interview about no one being able to hold Caylee as an infant and littler toddler, I think Caylee was taught to be overly dependent on KC and CA, to feed their egos. Pictures that show how terrified she was without them were probably taken to keep those egos satisfied. IMHO, this is emotional abuse. :furious:

You know that's a great insight. Makes a lot of sense.
Well, so far most of the things he has told like that has turned out later to be true. Something like that would be easily disproved and I have heard none of the Anthony apologists saying it was incorrect, so it most likely is valid.

That was on a number of times, and I believe there was even some discussion of the FBI having the tape now.
[Bolded by me].

I'm not trying to be snarky or anything but can you give an example? Certainly not like: "Oh, Caylee's alive. Her mother left her with some drug dealer or something but we'll get her back in two weeks." Or, "Caylee's body is here in the Little Econ. You can see a memorial was left with these beads in this tree to commemorate her burial site." How about "Kronk is part of a daisy chain."? Granted, that latter one has not been absolutely refuted but it seems there is no reason for anyone to take the time to do so because LE certainly don't seem to be taking that seriously.
LP says ALOT. He's probably spoken more about this case, always with statements of "fact" that he seems completely sure of, than anyone. When you speak that much you're bound to get a couple things right just from luck but I can't think of anything he's said that has been true except things others already knew.
Hmmm... and I could never figure out why that cross was hung in such an "odd" space on the wall in KC's room - midway up, under the hat rack - it just always stood out to me.

But looking at the evidence photos, you can see that it is hung DIRECTLY across from the center of Caylee's little shirt.

The shirt is obviously part of the shrine. I have never hung a shirt from a hanger tacked to the wall, so it does make me wonder the thought process involved in making that choice. I know they are from Ohio, but unless that was Caylee's favorite shirt, it just makes no sense - unless the shirt is significant in some way.

Did the cadaver dogs search the house? And if the shirt was not on the wall during the Greta interview, then it may have been hidden away (?) at that point and brought out during the room makeover?

It does make you wonder...
[Bolded by me].

I'm not trying to be snarky or anything but can you give an example? Certainly not like: "Oh, Caylee's alive. Her mother left her with some drug dealer or something but we'll get her back in two weeks." Or, "Caylee's body is here in the Little Econ. You can see a memorial was left with these beads in this tree to commemorate her burial site." How about "Kronk is part of a daisy chain."? Granted, that latter one has not been absolutely refuted but it seems there is no reason for anyone to take the time to do so because LE certainly don't seem to be taking that seriously.
LP says ALOT. He's probably spoken more about this case, always with statements of "fact" that he seems completely sure of, than anyone. When you speak that much you're bound to get a couple things right just from luck but I can't think of anything he's said that has been true except things others already knew.

How about
she fell off a balcony at the apartment (Caylee was only there for less than a total of 4 hours in her whole life)

She is in the dumpster

Lee is the father
Let's discuss this particular photo - which is the only one I'm aware of that depicts an extremely upset Caylee.
Do you believe, as I do, that it was the last ever taken, perhaps on the evening of Father's Day, June of 2008, after Casey left with Caylee?

ETA: If you double click on it, you can enlarge it to look more closely at it. There are table legs in the background, and the floor appears carpeted.

Chezhire, when I se this pic of little Caylee I just get so mad I can hardly stand it! You are probably correct that it may be the last pic of her.

I wish Casey had to have this pic on the wall in her cell and blown up to the exact size little Caylee was at that time.
There's been speculation about why Casey would've been at a hotel/motel that evening around midnight, after leaving in such a storm...with no Caylee in VISIBLE SIGHT... :(
LP said it on a NG show. IIRC he said KC was observed about midnight at a nearby hotel/motel pacing around the parking lot talking on her cell phone. She was observed by hotel employees. There was no baby in sight. Yes, LP says a lot and some was pure speculation or conjecture like about LA being the father, but KC also says a lot as do others in the family so we need to figure out what fits and what does not.
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