Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #2

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Angel Who Cares

If you seek an angel with an open heart, you shall
Sep 15, 2008
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VA-Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville #2

Va. Tech student missing

October 19, 2009 0
University Police last night issued an alert and sent an e-mail to University community members seeking information about a missing Virginia Tech student.
The student, 20-year-old Morgan Dana Harrington, was last seen Saturday night at the John Paul Jones Arena, according to the e-mail. The e-mail also stated that Harrington was last seen wearing a black t-shirt with “Pantera” on the front, a black mini-skirt, black tights and boots.
University Police are asking that anyone with information about Harrington or her whereabouts contact the University Police Department at 434-924-7166.

UVA Police Searching for Missing Woman


Thanks so much for the new thread Angel. :)

:rose: Praying for Morgan.
Missing Person – Morgan Dana Harrington
The University of Virginia Police Department Is Seeking
Assistance from the Public in Locating a Missing Person

October 18, 2009
The University of Virginia Police Department is seeking information that would help locate a missing person. Morgan Dana Harrington, a 20 year old student from Virginia Tech, was last seen on October 17, 2009 near the John Paul Jones Arena.

Morgan was last seen wearing a black t-shirt with the tan letters that spelled &#8220;Pantera&#8221; across the front, a black mini skirt with black tights and knee high black boots. She has long blond hair and blue eyes. Morgan is 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs approximately 120 lbs.


UVa police searching for missing Tech student
Monday, October 19, 2009; 12:44 PM
Morgan Dana Harrington was last seen Saturday, Oct. 17, 2009, near the university's John Paul Jones Arena.

Amy Melvin traveled to Charlottesville to see the Metallica concert with Harrington, along with two others. Melvin said the group was separated from Harrington before the concert and they did not see her during the concert.

She said Harrington did not have access to an automobile in Charlottesville.

Melvin and the two other group members reported Harrington missing.

Harrington attended Northside High School in Roanoke before enrolling at Tech.

Va. Tech student missing for 2 days
October 19, 2009 - 1:36pm
Police say Harrington was wearing a black T-shirt with "Pantera" across the front in tan letters, a black mini skirt, black tights and black knee-high boots.

She has long blonde hair, blue eyes, is 5-foot-6 and weighs about 120 pounds.

UVA Police Search for Missing Student
Police at the University of Virginia are asking for help to find a missing Virginia Tech woman.
10:57 AM Oct 19, 2009
Morgan Dana Harrington is a student at Virginia Tech. Investigators say she went missing Saturday night near the John Paul Jones arena after the Metallica concert, which officials believe she attended.

University Police began questioning people Monday morning. Virginia State Police also joined the investigation.

Video: UVa Police Search for Missing Student

Morgan's MySpace:
20 years old
United States

Last Login: 10/16/2009

UPDATED: State police say missing VT student has no I.D. or cell phone; Parents make appeal to public
UPDATED: 3:45 p.m. Monday
State police say Morgan went to James Madison University to meet her friends Saturday and they went to the concert at UVA together. She was seperated from her friends around 8:40 p.m.

State police appealed the the online social networking community to watch for any contact with Morgan. Joe Rader urged friends to notify the state police of any activity about Morgan on social networking sites.

Police say they are treating this as a missing persons case at this time. They used a helicopter and search dogs in the area around the John Paul Jones Arena. A ground search is continuing as well.

Read The Complete News Release From UVa Police:

State police involved in search for missing VT student
October 19th 04:22pm
Morgan Dana Harrington, a 20-year-old student from Virginia Tech was reported missing by her father yesterday at 12:30pm. She was last seen on Saturday October 17 near the John Paul Jones Arena. That night, the arena hosted Metallica.

Video: Web Extra - Press Conference: Missing Virginia Tech Student 10/19/09

Video: Search Continues For Missing Virgina Tech Student 2:12 Continues for Missing Virginia Tech Student&flvUri=&thirdpartymrssurl=

Video: State Police Say Missing VT Student Has No ID Or Cell Phone: Parents Make Public Appeal 2:17

Raw Video: WBDJ7.COM EXTRA: Full News Conference Regarding Missing Tech Student 10/19/09 15:42
Parents, pastor speak out in search for missing VT student
October 19, 2009
WSLS sat down with Harrington&#8217;s pastor, Rev. Diane Scribner Clevenger, who lives with the Harrington family in their Roanoke County home.

She says police first contacted the family Sunday morning after finding Morgan Harrington&#8217;s purse in the parking lot of John Paul Jones Arena.

&#8220;Her phone was in there,&#8220; she said. &#8220;It was odd the battery had been removed.&#8220;

Rev. Scribner Clevenger says Harrington&#8217;s parents left Monday morning from their Roanoke County home to travel to Charlottesville. They took some of her belongings along with them to help with the search.


Mother Pleas for Daughter&#8217;s Return
posted 10/19/09 7:13 pm
Morgan&#8217;s mother Jill said, "We talk to her almost daily and we need to know where she is and get her home as safe as possible, so any information would be appreciated."

Police say Harrington will not have any ID on her or a cell phone. A pastor with the family says that's because Harrington's purse was found in the parking lot of the arena.

Video: Police are still searching for a Virginia Tech student from Roanoke

Police still searching for missing Virginia Tech student
October 19, 2009
Virginia State Police and University of Virginia Police are following up on numerous leads regarding the joint investigation into the disappearance and whereabouts of a Virginia Tech student.

Local and state police have been searching for Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, of Roanoke County, since she was reported missing by her parents Sunday, Oct. 18, 2009.

Parents plead for Tech student&#8217;s return
October 19, 2009
At Monday&#8217;s press conference, held in front of the UVa Police Department&#8217;s headquarters, Virginia State Police Lt. Joe Rader said investigators are treating the situation as a missing person case.
&#8220;We have no evidence that a crime has been committed,&#8221; Rader said.

According to police, Harrington and a friend traveled from Virginia Tech to meet a friend at James Madison University to meet a third friend. They then drove to Charlottesville to see the Metallica show at JPJ.

Video: Virginia Tech Student Missing

Police Still Searching for Missing VT Student
Posted: Oct 20, 2009 11:46 AM EDT
Updated: Oct 20, 2009 11:57 AM EDT
Those living and working near the John Paul Arena may see various police activity in the immediate area today. State and university police have been canvassing the area since Monday to make sure nothing is out of the ordinary and no additional evidence may have been overlooked. Such activity may resume at various times Tuesday. A state police spokesperson says they will use a helicopter again.

Anyone who may have been videoing or taking pictures (on a cell phone) of the Metallica concert or audience/crowds that evening are asked to review such video for anyone who might resemble Miss Harrington and contact state police or UVA police.

Former teacher calls Morgan Harrington "a genuinely nice person"
She served as Tater Benson's student aide in his Special Education Class.

Benson had this to say about Harrington:

"Morgan is an outstanding person. She was an aide in my class. She had a positive effect on my class and is a genuinely nice person and she made our class a lot of fun. We are all praying for her safe return."

YouTube - Police: Student Disappeared From Weekend Concert
Police Working Leads in Search for Missing VT Student
Posted: 1:12 PM Oct 20, 2009
Investigators say they are following up on a couple dozen new leads that have come in since Monday's press conference with Morgan Dana Harrington's parents.

Police activity and searches will continue Tuesday near the JPJ. State and UVA police have been canvassing the area since Monday to make sure nothing is out of the ordinary, and that no additional evidence was overlooked.

Police investigators say they've received calls regarding Harrington's disappearance, and are following up on them Tuesday. Each tip is prioritized based on the information provided.

Video: Missing VT Student 2:01

Video: Missing Virginia Tech Student 1:02

Video: Web Extra: Full News Conference - Parents Plea for Safe Return

Video: UPDATE: Parents Stay Hopeful in Search for Missing Daughter and VT Student

Video: Parents and Police Search For Missing VT Student

Missing VT student Press Release:

Police ask Metallica fans to check video, photos for missing Tech student
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Virginia State Police are asking anyone with video or photos from Saturday's Metallica concert in Charlottesville to check the images and see if they show missing Virginia Tech junior Morgan Dana Harrington.

State police spokeswoman Corinne Geller said in an e-mailed statement today that investigators are following up on dozens of tips, and also continuing to canvas the area around the arena.

Virginia Tech Student Morgan Dana Harrington Disappears From Concert
Police Say 20-Year-Old Vanished, Leaving Behind ID and Cell Phone
Oct. 20, 2009
Her father, Dr. Dan Harrington, said Morgan was a "homebody" who regularly visited her parents in Roanoke, 35 miles from the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg. He said she dropped in "midweek and most weekends."

Harrington called her parents to say she arrived safely at the concert Saturday afternoon. She planned to come home again Sunday to study for an upcoming exam with her father, a physician and medical school dean.

Video: Student Missing After Night of Fun 1:15

PHOTO: Missing VA Tech Student

In this undated photo released by the Virginia State Police, missing Virginia Tech student Morgan


Thanks KaylynnCouture for the photo! I bumped it her for you!! :wink:

Metallica has a blurb on their website about morgan!
Parents of missing Virginia Tech student talk to WSLS
Published: October 20, 2009
Updated: October 20, 2009
&#8220;There is a very empty place, a Morgan-shaped place in our hearts as well as our home right now,&#8220; Morgan&#8217;s mother Gil Harington said.

&#8220;She came here to get ready for this concert that she was excited about,&#8221; Gil Harrington said. &#8220;She tried on the three outfits she had whittled it down to, and we made a selection [of which] one was the best.&#8220;

The Harrington&#8217;s say they have spoken with Morgan&#8217;s friends who went with her to see Metallica Saturday night. Her parents still aren&#8217;t sure why she left the concert. They say Morgan&#8217;s friends waited around for her for several hours after the concert before they drove back to Harrisonburg where they were staying.

Hear What A Friend Of Morgan Harrington Has To Say About The Search:

Video: Parents of missing Virginia Tech student talk to WSLS October 20, 2009 1:59

Virginia Tech students use Facebook to try to find Morgan Harrington
Published: October 20, 2009
Updated: October 20, 2009
Thousands have seen she&#8217;s missing through the Facebook site.

&#8220;Last I saw, there was over 8,000 people just really getting a lot of back and forth, saying they&#8217;ll keep an eye open, saying &#8216;Here are some places that definitely might be helpful to check out,&#8217;&#8221; Booker said.

He explains Morgan is an independent woman, but he&#8217;s still upset.
&#8220;I know she can take care of herself, but at the same time, I&#8217;m just really worried about what other influences there might be that could be keeping her from doing that,&#8221; he said.

Booker ends his Facebook status with these words.

&#8220;We just want her found safe.&#8220;

Video: Virginia Tech students use Facebook to try to find Morgan Harrington October 20, 2009 01:40

]*Much more info included at link!

Police search for missing Va. Tech student, ask for help
October 20, 2009
She had gone to the concert with Amy Melvin, her roommate in Blacksburg, and another friend from James Madison University. Harrington drove.

Melvin said Harrington went outside before Metallica took the stage. She said she wasn't sure why.

"Everyone assumed she'd be coming back," said Amanda Melvin, Amy Melvin's older sister and a friend of Harrington's. Friends and family still haven't heard from Harrington, she said.

Amanda Melvin said Harrington's purse and cell phone were found outside the stadium and her car was still in the parking lot. She said Harrington wouldn't abandon her friends there.

Facebook: "Help find Morgan Dana Harrington"

Video: Virginia Tech student missing

Thanks secret agent mom!

Have You Seen Morgan?
"Morgan is a pretty transparent kid, who's had a really close relationship with us," her father, Dan Harrington, said in a phone interview Tuesday with the Associated Press. "I don't think there are lots of secrets, so this kind of behavior of (her) missing is not something I think we would expect."

Amy Melvin, her roommate in Blacksburg, Va. told The Roanoke Times Harrington went outside the stadium before Metallica went on stage, but she wasn't sure why.

"Everyone assumed she'd be coming back, " Amanda Melvin, Amy Melvin's older sister told the newspaper. "Sitting here while Morgan is out there missing isn't a very good feeling,"

Harrington drove to the concert and her car was still in parking lot after, the newspaper reported.

Video: 'Still Hopeful'
Police on search for missing Virginia Tech student last seen at concert

Video: Father Pleads for Daughter's Safe Return

VA woman vanishes from concert 10:52
Va. College Student Vanished, Cops Say
Virginia Tech Junior Missing for 3 Days, Last Seen at Metallica Concert
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., Oct. 21, 2009
The opening act of the concert took the stage at 7 p.m. Saturday. Police say just before 8:40 p.m. Harrington left the concert to have a cigarette outside but left her ticket inside. Friends in the arena phoned her and she said not to wait up for her and that she'd find her own ride home. That was the last time anyone spoke with Harrington.

Dan Harrington, who lives in Roanoke, Va., said his daughter had asked him to help her study for a math test and go through the class schedule for next semester on Sunday. He called her friends around 12:30 p.m. when he realized he had not heard from her.

YouTube - Missing After Metallica Concert

Police Searching Fields and Stadium Areas for Harrington
Posted: 1:35 PM Oct 21, 2009
The University of Virginia Police Department, Virginia State Police and the FBI are working together on the search and are actively looking around Davenport Field where the UVA baseball team plays its home games.

On Wednesday morning, police were seen searching the woods around Davenport Field and the track near Klockner Stadium. The track, Klockner Stadium, and Davenport Field are all part of a sports complex that is one block away from the John Paul Jones Arena, where Morgan was last seen.

Morgan's parents, Dan and Gil Harrington, told reporters she was last seen going to the bathroom inside JPJ around 8:40 p.m. Saturday. They say she then went outside before Metallica took the stage and security would not let her back inside.

Video: Police Continue Their Search Around JPJ, Charlottesville

Video: Web Extra: Full News Conference - Parents Plea for Safe Return

Video: UPDATE: Parents Stay Hopeful in Search for Missing Daughter and VT Student

]Metallica seeks help finding co-ed who vanished during concert
Posted on Wed, Oct. 21, 2009 01:04 PM
Metallica has issued a statement on its Web site regarding the disappearance of Morgan Harrington, a 20-year-old education major at Virginia Tech who disappeared during the band's concert Saturday night.

Here's the plea that Metallica posted under the heading:

"One of our fans is missing."

"We are deeply concerned about the disappearance of 20 year old Virginia Tech student Morgan Dana Harrington, who was last seen while attending our concert at the John Paul Jones Arena in Charlottesville, VA, on Saturday night.

"Morgan has blonde hair and blue eyes, is 5'6", 120 lbs., and was wearing a black PANTERA T-shirt, black skirt, and black boots. She was not carrying I.D. or a cell phone. Morgan was separated from her friends shortly before 9pm at the venue. Police have been searching the area since Monday.

"We encourage anyone who has any information regarding Morgan's disappearance to please come forward. Additionally, if you or anyone you know shot video footage or took photos of the concert or audience, please check to see if there is anyone in your photos who might resemble Morgan.

"Our thoughts are with Morgan and her family for her safe return."


You do fantastic work on here, Angel. Just wanted you to know :)
B]New Information Out in Harrington Search[/B]
Posted: Oct 21, 2009 3:19 PM EDT
Updated: Oct 21, 2009 6:18 PM EDT
Harrington went missing Saturday night while attending a concert at John Paul Jones Arena. Investigators also confirmed Wednesday that they have Harrington's cell phone and purse.

A ground search of UVA, JPJ and surrounding athletic fields wrapped up at 4pm Wednesday. Police say a three day search of those areas has not turned up any clues. Video surveillance footage has also been reviewed.

Video: New Information Out in Harrington Search

Morgan&#8217;s mystery: What happened outside arena?
6:15pm Wednesday Oct 21, 2009
&#8220;Witnesses and conversations&#8221; indicate that missing Virginia Tech student Morgan Dana Harrington&#8211; who left a concert in search of a bathroom&#8211; spent the hour between 8:30pm and 9:30pm Saturday outdoors near the John Paul Jones Arena, a time when the performance by Metallica, according to the venue manager, was underway.

Rader attemped to dispel concerns that the missing 20-year-old was under the influence of any substances but did confirm that Harrington merely intended to go to the bathroom when she found herself outside the Arena and, consequently, barred from reentry by Arena policy.

Rader also confirmed&#8211; in a stunning parallel to the 1985 disappearance of never-found UVA student Pat Collins&#8211; that the Sunday morning discovery of Harrington&#8217;s purse by a bystander in a small parking area didn&#8217;t immediately launch a criminal investigation.

Likely $50,000 or more reward in still-missing VT student
October 21st 04:46pm
The purse was found in a small parking lot between JPJ and the athletic fields. Rader said State Police are not yet ready to disclose or talk about phone records at this time.

There will likely be a $50,000 or more reward for any information about the current missing person investigation. Details will be available tomorrow.

Ground and air search called off for missing Virginia Tech student
Published: October 21, 2009
Updated: October 21, 2009
At a news conference in Charlottesville Wednesday afternoon, investigators said they believe that Harrington was on the grounds of the John Paul Jones Arena (JPJA) until at least 9:30 p.m. this past Saturday.

Investigators said a passer-by found Harrington&#8217;s purse between the arena, and the UVA athletic fields in a small parking lot. Investigators said they not find signs of a struggle, but are treating the case as a criminal investigation.

Police also said they checked surveillance video from JPJA and the surrounding area, but it has not helped their investigation.

I figured, given the reported location of the found purse, you guys would like something to help you get your bearings straight.....I know how it sucks for me when I can't "be" where one of these cases evolves.....

This is the JPJ Arena, the brick structure, and you can see the athletic field as well. I gave you two vantage points cuz I knew you'd want to see both sides.





Investigators say Harrington&#8217;s trip to UVA&#8217;s John Paul Jones Arena this past Saturday began with her and her friends driving to Harrisonburg, where they picked up more friends.

The group then drove Morgan&#8217;s car to the arena in Charlottesville for the Metallica concert.

After the concert started, but before Metallica took the stage, Police say Harrington went to the bathroom. Somehow Morgan ended up outside the arena, and she was not allowed back inside due to a &#8220;no re-entry&#8221; policy for the concert.

Police say 8:30 p.m. Saturday is the last contact that Harrington had with her friends. Investigators say Morgan told her friends that she would either wait for them, or get home safely. Police say Morgan&#8217;s friends had no reason to believe that wasn&#8217;t the case.

According to police, Morgan&#8217;s friends drove Harrington&#8217;s car back to Harrisonburg, and spent the night there.
Police back at UVA, following up on leads in missing VT student case
Published: October 22, 2009
Updated: October 22, 2009
Officers and deputies are searching the ground near University Hall, where Morgan Harrington was last seen. Investigators say the search is a follow up on leads, and to double check that they did not miss anything previously.

Article: Friends of Harrington plan to hold a vigil at Northside High School in Roanoke County tonight at 7:00 p.m.

Search for Morgan Harrington Continues
Posted: Oct 22, 2009 3:24 PM EDT
Updated: Oct 22, 2009 4:13 PM EDT
More law enforcement officials are joining forces with Virginia State Police to track down Morgan Harrington. Thursday a group from the Greene County Sheriff's Office joined in the search for Harrington. The group, along with Albemarle county search teams, set up a command post near University Hall. Teams with canines searched wooded areas along Ivy Road.

A vigil will be held Thursday evening in Roanoke for Morgan Harrington. Her friends plan to gather at 7:00 p.m. at the Northside High School in Roanoke County. Harrington attended Northside before transferring and graduating from Lord Botetourt High School.

Video Web Extra: Morgan Harrington News Conference 30:41

Video: Internet Involved In Search For Morgan 2:02 Now Involved In search For Missing Girl&flvUri=&thirdpartymrssurl=

Video: New Information Out In Harrington Search 3:35 Information Out In Harrington Search&flvUri=&thirdpartymrssurl=

Video: New Information Out In Harrington Search 2:37 Information Out in Harrington Search&flvUri=&thirdpartymrssurl=

Video: Police Still Searching For Missing VT Student 3:12 Still Searching For Missing VT Student&flvUri=&thirdpartymrssurl=

UPDATED: Police follow up on leads; $100,000 reward in missing VT student case
Published: October 22, 2009
Updated: October 22, 2009 6:10 p.m.
We also have a better picture of the timeline that lead up to Morgan Harrington&#8217;s disappearance.

Investigators say Harrington&#8217;s trip to UVA&#8217;s John Paul Jones Arena this past Saturday began with her and her friends driving to Harrisonburg, where they picked up more friends.

The group then drove Morgan&#8217;s car to the arena in Charlottesville for the Metallica concert.

Video: Police follow up on leads; $100,000 reward in missing VT student case 2:37

Friends, family gather to pray for Morgan Harrington's safe return
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Harrington's mother, Gil Harrington, explained to the crowd that her daughter used a message special to their family when she said goodbye to them. She'd used it Saturday afternoon before Morgan, who had been a student at Northside during her high school years, disappeared during a Metallica concert in Charlottesville.

The message -- "I love you too much ... forever ... and once more" -- was symbolized on purple T-shirts that close friends and family members wore to Thursday night's vigil.

Gil Harrington explained. Two dots mean: "I love you too much." Four dots mean: "Forever." One dot means: "And once more."

News7 talked with concert-goer who talked to Morgan Harrington before she disappeared
October 22, 2009
One U.Va graduate who was the concert tells News 7 he remembers seeing Morgan before the concert in the parking lot.

"It was definitely her, I'm 100 percent certain of that," says Dave Gardner.

Gardner is a 2005 U.Va grad who now works in New Jersey and came back to Charlottesville to see Metallica.

"She pulled up with her party and got out of her parties car and kind of immediately engaged me and my brother and my cousin and my friend who were at the concert," says Gardner.

Video: UVA graduate remembers seeing Harrington before Metallica concert (10/22)

Video: Vigil To Be Held At Nothside High School 1:21

*NOTE: Much more info in article link!

Vigil unites supporters of missing Tech student
Thursday, October 22, 2009; 10:14 PM
Family pastor Diane Scribner Clevenger opened the ceremony in prayer for Harrington&#8217;s safe return. &#8220;This may not be a time we can wrap our minds around,&#8221; she said, &#8220;but this is a time we can wrap our hearts around.&#8221;

While all in attendance had unique stories to tell, one theme was clear: Harrington&#8217;s closest circle of friends firmly believes she is alive and will be safely returned.

Dan Harrington, Morgan&#8217;s father, said that his daughter was &#8220;not a person who was trying to run away from her family, friends, and life at Virginia Tech.&#8221;

&#8220;I think Morgan was taken,&#8221; he said, &#8220;and if someone out there has her, please, let her go.&#8221;

Morgan Harrington vigil fills stands at Northside High School
Published: October 22, 2009
Updated: October 22, 2009
Everyone was wearing t-shirts with the Harrington family motto.
&#8220;The two dots, the four dots and then there&#8217;s one dot. They stand for I love you too much, forever and once more,&#8221; explained Whitney Crawford, a family friend.

&#8220;Saturday as she left, Morgan&#8217;s last words to me were 241 momma,&#8221; Gil Harrington said, Morgan&#8217;s mom.

A New Website Was Created Thursday "Help Find Morgan":

Useful info about where the jacket was found "The purse was at the parking lot, the jacket (to be confirmed by law enforcement) was at the railroad tracks about two blocks. Under Emmet Street (Rt. 29) the tracks are above the street, which on a cold wet day would be hard to climb up, but at the parking lot near Davenport fields and lots, it's just a walk on the tracks.,-78.507121&spn=0.007266,0.018926&t=h&z=16 "

Lets just assume for a minute that she was totally sober. If she were then I would definitely have to say that she was abducted because no woman that I know would ever leave their purse. I know this sounds like I'm trying to be sarcastic but I'm not I'm just being honest as I see it.
Edited to ask did we ever find out if the jacket story is true or not yet?
Lets just assume for a minute that she was totally sober. If she were then I would definitely have to say that she was abducted because no woman that I know would ever leave their purse. I know this sounds like I'm trying to be sarcastic but I'm not I'm just being honest as I see it.
Edited to ask did we ever find out if the jacket story is true or not yet?

I still haven't found any media links or any police statements regarding the jacket. That's a good question.

As far as the purse, I agree. The fact it was thrown down in a parking lot, in what police called "in clear view" (or something along those lines..meaning it wasn't hidden) makes me think even more this was, unfortunately, an abduction.
I didn't bump every link....If you know you posted something that will be useful for reference here, could you please add it here for everyone. If I did them all I'd be working on it for quite awhile! TIA :winko:

I still haven't found any media links or any police statements regarding the jacket. That's a good question.

As far as the purse, I agree. The fact it was thrown down in a parking lot, in what police called "in clear view" (or something along those lines..meaning it wasn't hidden) makes me think even more this was, unfortunately, an abduction.

I haven't found any links regarding the jacket as well.

And I agree...with her purse being just plunked down in the parking lot does make me believe she was taken against her will.

And the battery from the cell phone. I would think that if it just became dislodged from the phone when dropping it - and the battery just fell out of her purse...wouldn't that lead one to believe that other things must have fallen out of her purse as well?

IMO her battery was removed from the phone and taken on purpose.
FBI joins search for missing Va. Tech student
October 23, 2009
Virginia State Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller said Friday the FBI will be able to investigate tips from around the country in the disappearance of 20-year-old Morgan Dana Harrington of Roanoke.

Montgomery County Sheriff Tommy Whitt says the task force investigating the killings of two Virginia Tech students in August checked for similarities with Harrington's case. He says they've found no connection between Harrington and the couple killed in the Jefferson National Forest.

Students React as Police Continue Searching for Harrington
Posted: 5:39 PM Oct 23, 2009
While police continued to search for her, the uncertainty about the fate of 20-year-old Morgan Harrington is impacting the thousands of students who live and go to class near where she disappeared.

Some students say they're changing their plans for the weekend because of this. It may be that Harrington's disappearance will warn students about going out alone.

Virginia State Police say the FBI will be following tips that have come in from around the country. Officials also spent Friday morning searching along some train tracks near campus.

State Police getting calls in Morgan Harrington case
October 23, 2009
State Police say calls come in around news time, as people see Morgan Harrington&#8217;s face on television.

After seeing the missing Virginia Tech student&#8217;s picture on the news in Richmond this week, one woman told a news station there that she called police. The woman says she told them she thinks she saw Morgan in the parking lot of the John Paul Jones Arena fighting with a man.

State Police could not confirm for us the woman actually called, because they don&#8217;t want to waste precious time in the investigation sorting through the numerous tips that have already been investigated. They did tell us they have no reason to believe Morgan was in a fight outside the arena.

Witness who spoke to Morgan Harrington prior to disappearance comes forward (video)
October 23, 4:30 PM
Dave Gardner, a University of Virginia graduate told WDBJ that he spoke to missing Morgan Harrington, 20, prior to her disappearance.

&#8220;It was definitely her, I&#8217;m 100 percent certain of that,&#8221; said Gardner.


According to police, Morgan’s friends drove Harrington’s car back to Harrisonburg, and spent the night there.

If they drove up there in Morgan's car, and she had her purse with her when she disappeared...

How'd they have her keys to drive her car home?

Has that been explained yet? Even if I was on a road trip with buddies and we shared driving duties, I'd still take get the keys back to my car once we got where we were going.
If they drove up there in Morgan's car, and she had her purse with her when she disappeared...

How'd they have her keys to drive her car home?

Has that been explained yet? Even if I was on a road trip with buddies and we shared driving duties, I'd still take get the keys back to my car once we got where we were going.

It hasn't been explained, but my guess would be that one of the other girls was the designated driver for the night and Morgan was planning to party. Maybe Morgan had the largest car and could fit the most people, maybe the other girls didn't have a car so they had to drive hers down there? Who knows, but my guess would be that someone else was the DD so that person had the keys.
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