Canada - Marie-France Comeau, 37, & Jessica Lloyd, 27, slain, Ont, 2009 & 2010 - #1

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"On Tuesday, Ontario Provincial Police entered the couple's home on Edison Avenue in Ottawa's Westboro neighbourhood shortly before 2 p.m. They came out 15 minutes later carrying two bags, threw them into a police car and drove away.

White described Williams as extremely ambitious. He was guarded about personal affairs, but not reclusive. He was often seen jogging through the neighbourhood."

Although this referred to the Ottawa house; food for thought.

That's a frightening thought. I live in Ottawa. Thank goodness they caught him.
For reference, a list of unsolved murders...Pamela's is interesting, wonder if Williams used reading glasses and what they looked like...

I think Williams just moved to Westboro, but here's a map of where Pamela was found and Westboro, where the Williams now live...
PJ, I'm sorry to hear that you may have had a similar experience. If you'd like to share some of that, this is the place where you'll have a sympathetic audience and you wouldn't be the first to do so.

Also, I don't think I'm the only one here who wouldn't be interested in knowing at least a bit about what upsetting info about this case you heard today. How well do you know the family?

Sorry if this sounds nosy, but you can't expect to drop tidbits like these without arousing curiosity.


I apologize, it's just all killing me. I am assuming more information will come out, and right now I am just so depressed I cannot function. I appreciate your empathy for my situation, but was just explaining that the circumstances are horrible for everyone in this area right now. For the family's respect, I will not divulge said information, and I am sorry for making you all curious.
I just had a chat with a friend who worked with him, EVERYDAY.

"_______ says:
*yes I talked to him all the time

me says:
*anything off about him?

_______ says:
* nope notthing thats why it is hard to wrap my head around this whole thing

me says:
*when he talked to you, like was he lacking emotion or? i mean, for such a busy job title, when did he have the time

________ says:
*i do not hink so but he was no diffrent then you and me talking

me says:
*that is so ****ed up
*a man who had the ultimate power and abused it

_______ says:
*thats why it is so hard to wrap my mind around this
More text from the chat:

me says:
*do you guys not have to do psych tests?

*yes we do
me says:
*and what do the questions entail?

______ says:
* not sure it has been so long since i have done mine

me says:
*how often do you need to do them?
_________ says:

* i have not done one since i joined

me says:
*wow, really?

ETA: That was at least 15 years ago

So here are my thoughts, and my opinions, only. From the chats with my friend, he explained that he would be there from the morning to the late evening a lot of the time. This never gave him a lot of time to stalk his prey, he did however have access to one of the most powerful databases being the base commander. My thoughts are that he was lazy, as he never strayed out of his comfort zone, and he definitely did not attempt to dispose of the bodies (minus Jessica's, but he literally just left her open on the golf course). He was also lazy in the fact that he assaulted the two women basically on his own street, so this man did not have time to be a typical predator. He was opportunistic in nature, and maybe his assaults and murder provided him with filler entertainment. He seems to me like a man who who have extra-marital flings as they lived separate, and was very much a man who kept to himself. I don't believe he fits the typical profiles of all rapists, but seems like he fits into bit and pieces of each.
I am guessing he has gotten lucky thus far, being so lazy in his methods, either that or things were known and covered up.
I am so confused. If she was left in the open on the golf course & everyone was searching, how could she not been found earlier? I can't wrap my head around that. Anyone hear anything?
Holy sh...! a base commander suspected of being a serial killer, not something you hear about everyday. IMHO a thread about this with a title like "base commander suspected of being a serial killer" would attract a lot more attention.
I'm curious where you're seeing the "gentleman" here. All I see is the anger and sadist profile. From what we've been told about the victims and the circumstances of the attacks, it seems that he stalked them first, determined that they would be alone, and then pounced. Even people who work long hours get time off. I suspect he may have followed them in his car at night and waited for his opportunity. I believe that it will be determined that RW fits the profile of a sadistic sociopath and that more crimes will be revealed in the near future. I'll be very surprised if Kathleen MacVicar isn't one of them.

IMHO, I do believe you are spot on antiquegirl. I found this article profiling an individual who attacked a girl on campus. IMO this case could be investigated by LE to rule out the possibility that it might have been RW. AFAIK this attack, which happened on Aug. 31, 2007, has not been solved.

Carleton attacker 'thought this thing through'
The man who beat and tied up a Carleton University student before sexually assaulting her early Saturday is likely an "anger" rapist who uses sex to "degrade and punish" his victim, says a Canadian criminal psychologist and profiler now based in California.

"He is into a lot of pain and suffering for the victim," Eric Hickey, director of Alliant International University in Fresno, said yesterday.

"They don't attack as often, but they are much more brutal," Mr. Hickey said. "He uses excessive force to dominate his victim."

Saturday's assault of a 23-year-old female student in a Steacie Building lab was also not likely his first -- or last -- sexual assault, Mr. Hickey believes.

"He has struck before, he will strike again. He's not the kind of guy who just says 'OK, I'm done'," Mr. Hickey said. "He thought this thing through. He wanted to make sure he didn't get caught."

The student -- who suffered a broken jaw and dislocated shoulder in the 12:15 a.m. attack -- had her hands tied behind her back and was knocked unconscious.

Following the sexual assault, the suspect used a wet cloth to wipe off READ MORE :
respectfully snipped by me. There's lot more in that article; please read.

Police release sketch of Carleton U sex assault suspect
:waitasec: jawline doesn't match
I am so confused. If she was left in the open on the golf course & everyone was searching, how could she not been found earlier? I can't wrap my head around that. Anyone hear anything?

Several reasons
A) Tweed is a good 35-40 mins away from Belleville, yes it is on the same highway, but nonetheless away from her residence. No one ventures on the golf courses in the winter here, no one walks on them, and not many sleds go on them because they are not allowed and there is really not enough snow in this area.

B) All the "searchers" were purposely led in the wrong direction, and again, the search was not conducted in Tweed, moreso closer to Belleville where Jessica resided, which is 35-40 minutes away. There is a lot of area between where she lived and Tweed, so they didn't even search that far yet.

My guess is he confessed still.
Still everyone, I see the profiling of what they call a "gentleman" rapist, bits and pieces from the profiles suggest that. "I am not going to hurt you" amongst other things. I am not saying what he did was gentleman-like at all, but he seemed fairly calm and collected about it. He didn't knock her unconscious which would put him as an angry/sadist.

Can you see where I am coming from here?
IMHO, I do believe you are spot on antiquegirl. I found this article profiling an individual who attacked a girl on campus. IMO this case could be investigated by LE to rule out the possibility that it might have been RW. AFAIK this attack, which happened on Aug. 31, 2007, has not been solved.

respectfully snipped by me. There's lot more in that article; please read.

Police release sketch of Carleton U sex assault suspect
:waitasec: jawline doesn't match

I looked at that same one earlier today & I thought it looks like a bingo. It is very close the the westboro area. I am also confused if they did recently move or was she renovating, I have read both? I haven't heard what area of Ottawa they lived before if they have moved.
behaviour : gentleman rapist


· Often socially awkward

· Reassures victim’s safety

· Will often attempt to instigate the victim to talk dirty to him, but he will rarely speak obscenely

· Complimentary "you seem like a really nice lady"

· Apologetic/expression of guilt

o “I won’t hurt you, I just want sex”

o “I want you to enjoy this, I’m sorry, I want anal sex, grab the lubricant because I don’t want to hurt you too much”

o “I’m sorry I don’t know why but I had to do this, tell me if I hurt you but do as I say because if you don’t it might hurt”
Several reasons
A) Tweed is a good 35-40 mins away from Belleville, yes it is on the same highway, but nonetheless away from her residence. No one ventures on the golf courses in the winter here, no one walks on them, and not many sleds go on them because they are not allowed and there is really not enough snow in this area.

B) All the "searchers" were purposely led in the wrong direction, and again, the search was not conducted in Tweed, moreso closer to Belleville where Jessica resided, which is 35-40 minutes away. There is a lot of area between where she lived and Tweed, so they didn't even search that far yet.

My guess is he confessed still.

Okay, got it...understandable, that is a lot of territory! When they said early Monday morning, wasn't it in the very early hours? I think he told them where the body was as well & if he did will he tell more? I can't see where he could get anymore or any less jail time, not including the other charges; 2 lst degree murder charges would get him 50 years, I believe. :dance:
Okay, got it...understandable, that is a lot of territory! When they said early Monday morning, wasn't it in the very early hours? I think he told them where the body was as well & if he did will he tell more? I can't see where he could get anymore or any less jail time, not including the other charges; 2 lst degree murder charges would get him 50 years, I believe. :dance:

Sounds good to me.. However I am not keen on hearing all the other potential victims out there... Some people just deserve to rot. JMO and I stand by that.
Holy sh...! a base commander suspected of being a serial killer, not something you hear about everyday. IMHO a thread about this with a title like "base commander suspected of being a serial killer" would attract a lot more attention.

This is Jessica's thread. She was missing and now someone has been arrested for her murder. Maybe we should make another thread about the suspect in custody? I don't really know ... the whole business of when to make threads and where they belong is still confusing to me so I'm not doing it - lol.
This seems odd to me :

In a search warrant previously executed on another suspect last year, OPP were looking for computer digital storage devices, two bras, thong underwear, baby blankets and zip ties, among other items.

And this:

"27-year-old pregnant mother of three"

Coincidence, maybe? But maybe he gathered those from his victims, much like he did the bras and photographs he took as souvenirs.
I am so confused. If she was left in the open on the golf course & everyone was searching, how could she not been found earlier? I can't wrap my head around that. Anyone hear anything?

I haven't been able to find any media reports that Jessica was actually found on a golf course - just "off Cary Road". According to my research, the Poplars Golf Club's address is listed as 189 East Hungerford Road. This is quite a bit west of Cary Road, which looks heavily wooded on both sides in the satellite view. It makes no sense to me that the killer would dump a body in an open area when there are so many wooded ones nearby. PJ, do you have a link confirming that she was indeed discovered on the course?
I don't think it's quite correct to say that they had recently moved to Ottawa. They had recently bought that particular house in Ottawa.

From what I recall, they had been based in Ottawa back in the 1990s. We don't know that Mary Elizabeth Harriman followed her husband on all of their moves. She had a career in Ottawa. I am under the impression that they were leading separate lives during the week, and meeting up in Ottawa or Tweed on weekends.

I think it will be relevant for police to visit all of their previous residences. Remember Bernardo, and what he had hidden in his house?

I'm still catching up, so I apologize if this has already been answered. According to his BIO, he lived in Ottawa in the 90s, and more recently in Gatineau, which is just on the other side of the river.
According to this article, he and his wife were living in ORLEANS (Ottawa east area)

George White, a former high-ranking air force officer himself, said he and his wife Shirley are hoping a mistake has been made.

"You won't find a person in Orleans or in the military community who would say about the charges (rs&bbm)
and just recently moved (apparently around Christmas 2009) to the WESTBORO house, which is definitely a brand new home. There was another old house with a 'for sale' sign when the Google Street View car was in that area last spring/summer.,+ottawa&sll=45.388785,-75.75288&sspn=0.001925,0.003444&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=471+Edison+Ave,+Ottawa,+Ottawa+Division,+Ontario&ll=45.388821,-75.7529&spn=0.00764,0.013776&t=h&z=16&layer=c&cbll=45.38914,-75.753092&panoid=55VcLb2cgIryiL6klr2jGg&cbp=12,40.31,,0,-5.65

the small pine tree on the right and the pine tree on the left are still there, when compared to the image in the news article:

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