MO - Matthew Klopfenstine for sex abuse, child *advertiser censored*, Boonville, 2010

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"JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Beth Phillips, United States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri, announced today that a Boonville, Mo., man has been charged in federal court with producing child *advertiser censored*. Law enforcement officers discovered sexually explicit photographs of several men and a 9-year-old child taken at a motel room in Boonville, Mo.

Matthew L. Klopfenstine, 32, of Boonville, was charged in a federal criminal complaint filed in the U.S. District Court in Jefferson City, Mo., on Thursday, Aug. 5, 2010....."

more at link censored*-case-worked-at-Boonville-school

Suspect in child-*advertiser censored* case worked at Boonville school

"A Boonville resident suspected of producing child *advertiser censored* worked at David Barton Elementary School for several years.

Records from the Boonville R-1 School District show that 32-year-old Matthew L. Klopfenstine was a teacher’s assistant at the school from October 2001 until June 2003......


"The Missouri Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force received a tip in December 2003, claiming that an e-mail address associated with Klopfenstine had been used to upload child *advertiser censored* to a Yahoo group site, a criminal complaint states....."

more at link

This is Mr. Klopfenstine's MS page. To some degree, he seems realistic. He calls himself "deceased and six feet under". He also says he's "dazed and confused and numb". Good. many of his friends state that they are "anxious". I wonder why?

Note, though that he says that he loves children but "not for me". I guess he made an exception. Where this gets really creepy is in his photos. He seems to be some sort of musician and had quite a number of local friends who seem very supportive of his music and his "new look"--bloody tears, bloody hands, etc. in some photos.

I'd just like to know why a report was made in 2003 and he exited his position at the school at that time. Were charges brought against him? Now, the DOJ says that he was arrested for being filmed having sex with a child in June 2009.

I also found him here commenting on webcams:

And here's his FB, promoting his band:

What exactly was Klopfenstine doing between 2003-2009? Very very scary.
Clearly someone dropped the ball in 2003. Undoubtedly, that is going to come back and bite them in the butt now. Why do these guys keep getting away?
Six years is a LONG time to be out there molesting children. That really sickens me. I'm also taken by how out there he seems with his "weirdness" and how many of his friends seem to kind of egg him on.

Calling a guy with seemingly bloody hands "hot" and "so sexy" is OK?

I keep wondering what caused him to leave his job. Was he asked to? If he wasn't charged, where's he been working for the past 9 years? With kids? And how did he procure the 9 year old?
very scary stuff indeed, especially since both my girls are in school now..makes you wonder about the teachers aides, and pray the ones that are in mine/your childrens classes are good decent people.
Hi Charok--I agree. So often, there's no warning that someone will do something like this. I know that schools do background checks but that only works if someone has been convicted. It doesn't sound like this guy was in 2003.

The best thing to do is to have really open communication with your children. Help them to understand that they can tell you anything. Parents need to pay attention. We shouldn't frighten our kids but we certainly should teach them about staying safe and asking for help if they need it.

I can certainly say that I've known many many aides who were absolutely wonderful and changed my children's lives in a positive way. One of my daughter's K-garten aides still helps her on outings as she has lots of special needs. And my daughter is 22!!

We can't forget that there's great people out there working with kids.
Six years is a LONG time to be out there molesting children. That really sickens me. I'm also taken by how out there he seems with his "weirdness" and how many of his friends seem to kind of egg him on.

Calling a guy with seemingly bloody hands "hot" and "so sexy" is OK?

I keep wondering what caused him to leave his job. Was he asked to? If he wasn't charged, where's he been working for the past 9 years? With kids? And how did he procure the 9 year old?

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The one person commenting him the risque stuff including severe language and wanting something from him is only 18. My guess is the kid is even younger.

Also, why is there a child? A child I say with an adorable face on his very top friends?

Please Dear Lord let that poor little girl get help. Well, obviously now she is not a little girl, but without the best therapy this poor kid is going to have a life of hell. I can't even imagine this poor child has to have lived with such a horrendous thing daily while the behind it walked free.
I'm confused Filly, I think you might have misread the article. The little girl was 9 years old LAST YEAR. They caught him making the *advertiser censored* and sexually assaulting the child June 2009. So, she's definitely still "little". Surely, she's getting treatment. Concerning whatever caused him to be looked at in 2003, who knows.

ITA about the sweet young guy on his MS friend list. His profile says he's "angry". I hope it's for the right reasons and he hasn't been confused. Did you notice he seems to be the child of another friend, one with the initials, JE? What's up with that?
SEVERAL men and a nine year old?!?!?!
That's the worst part for me.I want to cry. :(
Thank you for reminding me, VespaElf, I'll see what I can find. It's disgusting, is what it is.

I had a talk with a friend who's a DA yesterday and she said that she'd recently asked the High Tech Crimes Unit about identifying victims seen in child *advertiser censored*. They told her it was often easy as the parents made the *advertiser censored* of their own children. We both just about cried. We're both mothers.
It truly is very scary what is in our schools all over this country. I have volumes concerning teachers here in my district - some are STILL in their classrooms!!! :eek:

What I believe we need to do - all over the country - is put another adult in every classroom. Not necessarily a paid one - volunteers - stay at home moms - the elderly, whatever. We can find them, after all it is all about our children.

In my classroom - its open door. Period. Whenever, who ever, is more than welcome and I've never had a problem. I've had moms, dads, grandpas, etc. come sit in and I welcomed them. Let them see what I do and what the kids do all day.

I think its the only way around what we are seeing and it will keep our kids safer.
I'm confused Filly, I think you might have misread the article. The little girl was 9 years old LAST YEAR. They caught him making the *advertiser censored* and sexually assaulting the child June 2009. So, she's definitely still "little". Surely, she's getting treatment. Concerning whatever caused him to be looked at in 2003, who knows.

ITA about the sweet young guy on his MS friend list. His profile says he's "angry". I hope it's for the right reasons and he hasn't been confused. Did you notice he seems to be the child of another friend, one with the initials, JE? What's up with that?

Miss Izzy Gal it is me that was confused. I was seeing 2009 and read it as in 9 years ago. That coupled with the poor, sweet child's age of 9 I guess I was reading it incorrectly.

My bad. I'm sorry.

Torture. He needs to be tortured. O.K. I said it. Not condoning violence, but ummmmmmm maybe yeah I am. Several *advertiser censored* men? Sweet Jesus this poor kid.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh definately something up about the young kids he has as friends. Definately. Yep, I noticed that Izzy. Pardon me while I cry and puke and wish this guy right now is getting his come up ins in county.
According to the comments here:*advertiser censored*

...the 9 year old child is a little boy. Sounds like Klopfenstine was known to have young boys around him. It doesn't sound like the community is surprised at all. It also sounds as if it is almost a given that this child is not a lone victim.

"....I have also had concerns about Mr. K and him loving to be surrounded by children. I have even told him of my concerns and that was the last time I saw him. I also thought it odd how he kept changing schools, to Break Time to the Lion's Den...."
This is NOT what I wanted to find. There is a comment here, posted by "Parent" on Aug. 6th:

"Disgusting. If memory serves, I believe he used to teach at David Barton Elementary. His contract was not renewed, but he started a youth summer program several years ago."

One of those comment radicals needs to go. Where the heck does the gay community come into this? Uneducated hate monger.

Filly poses a question. It says the other two sick, twisted individuals have been prosecuted in other jurisdictions. Does this mean they live elsewhere? Flew in from other States? Wouldn't they prosecute where the crime took place?

Dear Lord my heart broke for this child. A lousey motel. Perhaps some day this child wants to go on a vacation? He needs to stay at a motel. I can't even imagine the triggers. That kills me.

Can this guy get life? Can the other two? Who the he*l are they?
I don't know what the heck that is, Filly, but it's freaky. I didn't click on any of the names. I did that last week and had to call the police and make a report to the High Tech Crimes Unit. This could be some social site but I've never seen it before.

I have looked high and low but I can't find the other two guys. And they are identified as men:

"The two other men have been charged in the Eastern District of Missouri and the Northern District of Illinois."

The PR says that there was an unrelated search in Troy, MO and that's when the child *advertiser censored* was found. IMO, there's two possible scenarios here. Either the other two guys could be relatives of the child or they haven't been formally charged yet. I think we have to watch those other districts this week and see if there are charges brought.

As to that site...hmmmmmm
Absinthe might be the name of his band. And I see the name Absinthewolf on his MS page but the link has been closed. I also found him on several gaming sites and that could be what that other page is all about.
I don't know what the heck that is, Filly, but it's freaky. I didn't click on any of the names. I did that last week and had to call the police and make a report to the High Tech Crimes Unit. This could be some social site but I've never seen it before.

I have looked high and low but I can't find the other two guys. And they are identified as men:

"The two other men have been charged in the Eastern District of Missouri and the Northern District of Illinois."

The PR says that there was an unrelated search in Troy, MO and that's when the child *advertiser censored* was found. IMO, there's two possible scenarios here. Either the other two guys could be relatives of the child or they haven't been formally charged yet. I think we have to watch those other districts this week and see if there are charges brought.

As to that site...hmmmmmm

:doh:Of course I clicked on it. LoL I'm such a sleuth I don't know enough to not go clicking on things I know nothing about. It appears it is a site where only positive opinions are allowed. It's run out of some place in Virginia. I think it is legit.

Meanwhile he also has a Bebo account. I don't have one and anyway not everyone can just get on his profile. Know how I know? One kid asks another to ask matt if he can get on his site.

The profile picture of him has blood on his hands. How dang ironic. Surely it's fake blood as he appears to be performing in his band. Blood on his face too. Man, this guy is no GG Allin. GG may have beat himself silly and head butted other crazed lunatics at his shows, but I've never heard of him hurting a child. GG had real blood on his dang head. His own usually.

Yep, Izzy we'll have to wait and see if we find out who his co's are.

Dangerous people out there. It makes me shudder to think they had the gaul to walk that poor child into a public place. Not one, not two, but three creeps. How is that right that this can happen? How?
There's a website with that last name linked to the KC area. Art. I don't know if he's involved with this or not. It looks like that man has moved his studio. He looks to be quite well known.

What really floored me was how many people told Klopfenstine how great he looked with the "blood". I wonder if they kind of regret that now that they realize they were encouraging him. He probably thought he was just so cool and emo.

Did you notice the one younger seeming kid who seems to taunt him? Odd. I want to know where he's been working!! We've gotta keep an eye on this one.

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