MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #4

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do u think the ash pile at DR farm came from the Abbey incinerator or from their own burning barrels or fire pits (if they have any).

Not concentric, but I recall DR saying the ash was from years of use on their own farm and that they burned old clothes, animals they found dead, etc. - when he was trying to explain why they might find clothes and bones in their farm ash. I can look for the link if you want me to.

I went searching for info on recycled ash and crematoriums at St. John's and found these links. This article from 2002 came up while digging for info on how St. John's abbey disposes of their ash from their crematorium and their incinerator. (I'm guessing the ash is used in gardens out there, but not sure.) I found it interesting that the main 2 monks in charge of the gardens since 200 are both monks that are on restriction. Bruce Wollmering, OSB, was the abbey’s gardening coordinator before he died. And currently Dunstan Moorse, OSB, is coordinator of the abbey gardens. (I found this garden info in an online magazine called Banners which is published by and about St. John's.)

The article from 2002 has nothing on ash disposal, but does mention that the sheriff looked into and talked with some of these restricted monks about local cases. It doesn't say what the results were.

Photo gallery of St. John's cemetery with info:

They also have enormous kilns at St. John's for potter-in-residence Richard Bresnahan.

Also from their online magazine...
Contains an article on the kiln and how hot it gets.
shergal, I can't find the article in the banner about them using the incinerator ash disposal and who is in charge of it. Can u pls help me and indicate what year and season the article appeared? I find that statement very interesting. Great research!
NOC girl-
Most of your questions' answers are that we don't know and we are trying to figure out if the man is the same man that helped the lady who ran out of gas. I wonder if she had already contacted police and if they would take her claim seriously.
The umbrella stand among other items were taken from DR's home to look for any DNA.

I emailed Patricia at her AOL email address listed in her post. So far no response. The post was from last summer, so it is possible that the email isn't valid anymore. I would really like to talk to her so I hope she responds.
Has anyone else tried?
Glad to help. ;-) I'm trying to figure out.. "This man told me he lives on a farm about 7 mile OR SO back, which was just BEYOND the St. Joseph area, about 10 miles or so, and I though I would get gas in Alexander," (I'm sure she meant Alexandria here.)

Depending on which way you're heading - but Freeport and Melrose are small towns between St. Joe and Alexandria. Alexandria is west of us. It could be any farm really, there are tons of farms between St. Joe and Alexandria. I'll see if I can grab a map.

OK, not sure if this google maps link will work, but I typed in driving directions from St. Joseph, Mn to Alexandria, Mn. It's a little over an hour drive on I-94. If this map doesn't work, you can just go to google maps and type in those directions.
Google Maps
She would have likely been on I-94 unless she was driving on back roads herself. She doesn't really state where she started from. Towns between the two cities are in order; Avon (where the Quik Mart was that a clerk saw the old creepy guy staring at people like in St. Joe), Albany, Freeport, Melrose, Sauk centre, are the main towns along I-94. This is all really rural, Sauk Centre is a little larger - they have a museum with the runestone from the vikings. ;-)

If you look on the map, Paynesville is quite a ways from all these towns, it's about 27 miles from St. Joe - according to my hubby. Paynesville is further south from Cold Spring on Hwy. 23.

It will be interesting if that's still a working email and you get some info.

I think that more of us should email her, to see if she responds to anyone. I sent an email, and still nothing.
I have what I believe is the correct phone number for the "eyewitness" in the tapes. I have called about 7 times, and no one picks up. I don't feel comfortable leaving a message at this point. Any ideas?
Is it possible to use a people searcher (online not a Private Investigator), to locate an email address if you have someone's phone number?
In reading online tonight, I discovered that LE have Jacob's dental records on hand (should these be needed), as well as DNA (I assume they mean HIS). I discovered this at the following site:
It's weird to think that this 11 year old kid, would be or is a 33 year old man today. Happy Birthday Jacob! I hope this is the year we get some answers.
I have what I believe is the correct phone number for the "eyewitness" in the tapes. I have called about 7 times, and no one picks up. I don't feel comfortable leaving a message at this point. Any ideas?

Do you have a matching address? Maybe someone could drive by and see if it looks as if anyone lives there anymore? Or maybe you could use the reverse phone directory (thru google) to find more info on them?
shergal, I can't find the article in the banner about them using the incinerator ash disposal and who is in charge of it. Can u pls help me and indicate what year and season the article appeared? I find that statement very interesting. Great research!

JBrown: Sorry if that was a confusing post. I didn't really find anything on ash disposal in an article there - my search term on google was "ash disposal at St. John's Abbey" and this magazine just came up. I went to the main site
and put Wollmering in the search box there. Then these pages came up that mentioned him being in charge of the gardens (along with Dunstan Moorse).
Here's the link that brings up all articles relating to Bruce Wollmering.
Most articles relate to cooking and the St. John's gardens like this one on pg. 19

It was just my own speculation that ash could be used to enrich gardens (not to mention gardens could be used to bury things) and Moorse and Wollmering were both restricted priests and were in charge of the gardens. Sorry for any confusion.

I was mostly just scrolling thru the magazines looking at pictures and recognizing names from the restricted list.
thanks for clarifying that shergal. It is unusual that they are in charge of the gardens and they are/were both restricted. I wonder if anything is in their "gardens". I think the gardens are pretty big though. Now I am wondering who is in charge of the incinerator/creamatorium.
thanks for clarifying that shergal. It is unusual that they are in charge of the gardens and they are/were both restricted. I wonder if anything is in their "gardens". I think the gardens are pretty big though. Now I am wondering who is in charge of the incinerator/creamatorium.

Maybe the abbott figured those two were better off handling fruit and veggies than people? ;-)
I saw an article on an older priest who was in charge of the cemetery, but it would be interesting to find out who is n charge at the crematorium. I did see they have classes in funeral directing/embalming. It would maybe be whoever teaches that. I'll try checking any staff lists. (Not that we'd get any info if they had done something wrong - but a name would be good to know.)
OK, cancel that thought on the classes, I was wrong. The St. John's U. that offers mortuary science is in NY.
Shergal I read your link, thank you. It did give alot of info on the case but no talk of suspects. Can you tell me how much DR has been looked at and was his home ever searched? Does he by any chance have a raspy voice? Someone who lives at home with their parents their entire lives is a little off balance. My cousin lived with his parents until he passed away at 55. His parents were terrible enablers. Yes he was a little strange and kind of socially awkward. Was briefly engaged once but his mom scared her off. Anyways that is not normal. Where is DR these days?
Shergal I read your link, thank you. It did give alot of info on the case but no talk of suspects. Can you tell me how much DR has been looked at and was his home ever searched? Does he by any chance have a raspy voice? Someone who lives at home with their parents their entire lives is a little off balance. My cousin lived with his parents until he passed away at 55. His parents were terrible enablers. Yes he was a little strange and kind of socially awkward. Was briefly engaged once but his mom scared her off. Anyways that is not normal. Where is DR these days?

Hi Nocgirl. Lots of this info has been covered in previous threads if you read back some. But here are some links on Dan R. He still lives at home with his parents. His home was searched just this past summer and they took a journal he had on Jacob, a box of files he kept on the case, an old cedar chest with blood on it and an umbrella stand. (Those last 2 items were taken from a loft in a garage.) You can hear his deep voice on these interviews I have linked below. (click on video)

And here are live interviews with him - where he says quite odd things.
Part 1:
Part 2:

And this (link and transcript below) is the original interview with DR from back in 2004 - before they had named him publicly as a suspect and they were still blurring his face to hide his identity. 2004 was when they finally figured out that "Kevin" who drove to the scene in his car after hearing it on his scanner and seeing a cop car go by came forward and they realized Jacob was never taken in a car. (DR was the one who had told LE in a 911 call that there was a car in his driveway.) Kevin is also shown and interviewed on this video.

Transcript of above video:
It’s been nearly 15 years since Jacob Wetterling vanished near his St. Joseph home.
And he’s the man who says he has recently become a “suspect” in the Wetterling Investigation.
Stearns County authorities don’t use the word. That’s because of gaps early in the investigation. They haven’t been able to link him to the crime or rule the man out.
Trish Van Pilsum: “Did you have anything to do with Jacob’s disappearance?”
The Man: “I didn’t have anything to do with it.”
FOX 9 won’t identify this man because he hasn’t been arrested or charged. He lives near the abduction site. He was home alone on October 22, 1989. There is no one to confirm his whereabouts. Police questioned him the day after the abduction, more as a witness than a possible suspect.
The Man: “They needed to check me out. They said they had to check me out.”
They searched his car at work but not until later in the day.
The Man: “That morning when I left, I had a car full of …”
Trish Van Pilsum: “Boxes. Big boxes.”
The Man: “… and they never looked in my car. I mean it was that bad.”
They searched his property, too. But not until five days later.
The Man: “They didn’t come in the house that night. It could have been over with.”
Investigators, new to the case, agree important things were overlooked in the early days of the search. That there were just too many people and too many agencies involved.
More than 14 years passed. Why the renewed interest in this man now? The FOX 9 Investigators have learned that investigators now doubt one of the main theories of Jacob Wetterling’s disappearance. That theory: While Jacob, his brother, and a friend walked their bikes and scooter home from a convenience store, somebody got out of a car, grabbed Jacob, and fled in his car.
Stearns County investigators are steering away from the car, leaving their suspect on foot, and local. That fits with what the other boys said.
This is a copy of a statement Jacob’s best friend Aaron gave police.
[Investigator:] “Was there any vehicles or anything around at this point that you observed?” [Aaron Larson:] “Uh uh. Not that we could see.”
How did the car come into play? Remember the witness turned possible suspect? It was his account that placed a car at the scene that night. He said it turned around and sped away about the time Jacob disappeared.
The FOX 9 Investigators also have learned there was a car nearby that night. We found the driver. He is not a suspect.
Kevin: “It’s sad. It chokes me up. But what can I do. What could I have done.”
He’s a man in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Kevin: “I never came forward. I figured I didn’t have to.”
Kevin was 21 at the time. He heard something on the scanner. Saw a police car speed by his house. Curious, he tried to follow the squad. He was there so fast there was no police crime scene tape around the bikes and scooter yet. He drove away and told a police officer what he’d seen.
Kevin: “He said, yeh we know all about that. I know about the bikes. And that was it. It was like I was bothering him. We backed out and left and that was it.”
Trish Van Pilsum: “He didn’t take your name or phone number.”
Kevin: “He didn’t take my name.”
Trish Van Pilsum: “He didn’t ask, did you see a man lurking around?”
Kevin: “Didn’t ask me a thing.”
Nor, it appears, did the officer pass along his conversation with Kevin to investigators. It strikes the new investigators now working on the case 14 years later as strange. It also strikes them as a huge problem. In fact, investigators didn’t know about Kevin at all until this October [2003]. This came about because he met a federal marshal at a party who urged Kevin to talk to the lead investigator of the Wetterling investigation.
Kevin: “He was really shocked. ‘Cause after I told him who I talked to, what I seen, he couldn’t believe he didn’t know about me. In reality, I could have been the kidnapper and they never would have found me.”
In fact, of the thousands and thousands of pages of leads, none places Kevin at the scene around the time of the kidnapping. A source close to the case said they wasted 14 years looking for him.
Trish Van Pilsum: “Kevin, do you think, ‘Boy if my information didn’t get passed along, what else was missed?’”
Kevin: “Yes. Who else knows something about the case they might not think was crucial.”
Kevin even heard the police were trying to track down the car using tire tracks.
Kevin: “I was scared. I got really scared.”
Kevin expected police to come to him. They never did.
Trish Van Pilsum: “So if they couldn’t find you, what were the odds that they could find the kidnapper.”
Kevin: “Exactly. I think about that all the time. It’s sad. A young kid like that you know, 14 years.”
Why didn’t he go to the police? He figured he’d gotten to the scene after everything was over. He doubted he had anything to add. And he didn’t want to get caught up in the widening net of the Wetterling search.
Kevin: “I knew they were looking for someone and I didn’t want to be put in the position of being a suspect.”
Now investigators believe the car is accounted for. The investigation narrows to a small area surrounding the abduction scene. And, specifically on one man. One of Jacob Wetterling’s neighbors.
The Man: “I’m not worried. I’m thinking they’re going to figure out I couldn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to do something like that.”
Investigators questioned him as recently as two weeks ago, February 7th [2004]. They took a sample of his DNA. Five days later they questioned his family and searched his computer files at home.
The Man: “I just have to hope they make sense out of it and not wreck my life.”
Remember he is the witness who placed a car at the scene. Later that night he heard a commotion. It was the search and it was in his yard. He went back to bed.
Trish Van Pilsum: “Why would you go to bed when a kid had just disappeared?”
The Man: “I wanted to get some sleep. I wasn’t going to waste my time.”
thanks for the transcript shergal. I still can't believe the mistakes made in this case.
thanks for the transcript shergal. I still can't believe the mistakes made in this case.

It kills me that DR called 911 and reported a car had turned around in his driveway and sped off - BEFORE he knew about Jacob being missing, and then later said he was sleeping. Who would call 911 because a car drove into your driveway out in the country, and backed out or turned around and sped off? That's not exactly an emergency. And how do you see that car when you're sleeping? Something definitely not right there.

I find it odd that they have never figured out which cop Kevin supposedly talked to - at least, I've never heard that they have. It said Kevin followed the police car there tho, after it sped by his house, so it had to be a real cop and not the perp trying to get rid of him.
Wow. Thanks for all the links. I'm not sure what to think. I cannot believe the police did not do a much more thorough search of the Rassier property right after the abduction. I wonder if police intend on releasing the lie detector results. I assume DR's computers have been seized? If there is no child *advertiser censored* on them at all, maybe he didn't do it. Any person though that lives at home with his/her parents their whole life is a weirdo (unless they are disabled.) He is just a little strange in general.

I did find an article from back around 1989 that quotes, mentions some names of the police who were involved in the investigation when the abduction happened. If you want I can post a link. This regarding a recent query.
Wow. Thanks for all the links. I'm not sure what to think. I cannot believe the police did not do a much more thorough search of the Rassier property right after the abduction. I wonder if police intend on releasing the lie detector results. I assume DR's computers have been seized? If there is no child *advertiser censored* on them at all, maybe he didn't do it. Any person though that lives at home with his/her parents their whole life is a weirdo (unless they are disabled.) He is just a little strange in general.

Hi. I mentioned early on in the threads that I thought perhaps authorities had traced some computer child *advertiser censored* back through various channels, and who knows how many people, back to a computer on the Rassier property. That was just a guess, however.
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