2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

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Don't take this the wrong way, but i now hate you......
I am seriously a blubbering mess right now...
That song already makes me cry...
that was simply beautiful, really.

I attempted to click on that link a few times but just can't do it for the reasons you are stating above. Maybe tomorrow, but I just can't do it today.
If you can watch the whole video (with the sound) of Casey playing on the floor with Caylee, pay close attention. From the very first time I saw that video (long time ago) I felt Casey was planning for SOMETHING to happen to Caylee. I remember Cindy saying at one time that Casey and Caylee were home alone and she and George came home in the midst of the video being shot. Listen to what Casey says to them about interrupting the video. Look at the way Casey is NOT really involved with Caylee. It gave me chills because I felt then and I feel now that she was making videos and taking lots of pictures to make herself look like a loving mother for when the time came that SOMETHING happened to Caylee. (I probably haven't explained this very well.)


Anyone have a link? Thanks
Good heavens, darnudes, have you been to bed yet? And how the heck is your new pet possum? ;)

LOL, NOPE! I tried to go to sleep when court was done for the day but my sleeping patterns are so disturbed now I couldn't manage it. With no trial on today I'm hoping to fall into a coma soon! A wee bit of red wine is helping me along nicely. :)

Ha! My furry little friend, that scared me absolutely witless last night has not been seen nor heard from after he climbed down my screen door at about 4/5 am this morning. It's weird, the police told me to go back inside (after they finished laughing at moi in jammies and taking photos of said possum) and the little fellow would climb back down and go on his merry way eventually, but when he did, even though I knew what it was this time I was still freaked out. It sounds like someone is holding on to the bars on your screen and just shaking them *shudder*. I don't really know how your possums "get around" over there but here they get from one side of the road to the other or house to house by using the electric wires that run from pole to pole - guess he got lost.

Egads, my last (I made 2) call to 000 (911) was one for the books, I told the dispatcher that the intruder was back and please don't leave me until the police get back and I wouldn't let her get off the phone, also when the police did arrive my hands wouldn't work and I couldn't get the sliding door open and I'm still screaming into the phone "don't go, don't go, please stay with me until I can talk to them!"

If it happens again I'll know what it is and I won't be wasting the time of 4 very lovely policemen and 1 lovely policewoman. Although I think they loved coming out to a call that ended so funnily rather than some mess. I called my brother about it today and he said to me "do you mind if I tell all my friends?" LOL , at least he asked!

Sorry, such a long off topic post, I'll go to bed soon I promise.
Was it said that they never did find any searches for chlorophyll on the computer?

Here ya go about chlorophyll and your question about why Andrea Lyon left the DT

Casey Anthony attorney Andrea Lyon leaves the team
Former Casey Anthony attorney Andrea Lyon is a death-penalty expert.
July 01, 2010|By Anthony Colarossi, Orlando Sentinel
Lead Anthony attorney Jose Baez confirmed that Lyon has left the defense because of financial issues

Death Penalty Expert Leaves Casey's Defense Team
Posted: 7:58 pm EDT June 30, 2010
Updated: 2:35 pm EDT July 2, 2010
WFTV broke the story last year when controversial recordings surfaced that Lyon made before she joined Anthony’s defense team. At one point, Lyon said she often presents a theory of a crime to jurors even if it isn't real. She also called judges "ugly." She also bashed female prosecutors and victim's advocates. She even called jurors "killers."

Judgment Nears For Casey Anthony, As Testimony Wraps In Murder Trial
By the CNN Wire Staff
Posted: 1:53 am EDT July 1, 2011
Updated: 6:06 pm EDT July 1, 2011
Orange County Sheriff's Department Sgt. Kevin Stenger claimed there did not appear to be any searches for chlorophyll or for bamboo, as Cindy Anthony had claimed, though he did say there was a specific Google search for neck breaking. And Detective Sandra Osborne testified there were no evidence of a chlorophyll-specific search on the computer's hard drive, though there was evidence of searches for things such bamboo furniture.
When I studied psychology about a hundred years ago I was taught that sociopaths tend to become politicians, lawyers, entertainers, and members of law enforcement. Don't know if that still holds true today.

I do know that a friend of mine used to say, "Everyone loves a sociopath except those who have to live with him." She was married to a sociopath.

There is a huge amount of them in the stock market as day traders etc, who have made millions off the backs of the vulnerable, including my nephew. Where you see a sociopath. you also see a con man. A good one.
I don't read lips but, I do read minds however, I can't share for fear of getting my hands spanked...:innocent:

Now if one watches this morning as ICA enters the court room and sits at the gloom & doom side of the DT with JB...I think the tension displayed by JB towards ICA was palpable!


Perhaps he had just realized the reason he's been made out to be "crazy" (as Bill Shaeffer so eloquently put it today...) is because Casey's drowning/molesting story was just another lie...:floorlaugh:

Oh, we do have a lip reader, her name starts with an "S" so sorry I can't remember her full name. She posted a little while back what she read of this section and it makes perfect sense but I can't remember which page....anyone?
It was kind of interesting listening to Bill S today. He and Kathi were suddenly hit today as the trial is wrapping up and the defense has presented no real evidence to justify or prove the OS statements, that Jose is wily like a fox.

They both suspect Baez said those things in the opening statements because he knew, even if they were never proven or had anyone testify that supported them, those statements would always be ringing in the minds of the jurors as each person testified.

They would think, but what if it is true. Then in closing statements, he can again hit at it - he's not allowed to but he has nothing to lose. The judge can shut him down and the SA can object, but he's gotten it out there and it will still be in their minds. And when he does his closing statements, he will remind the jury that they did not need to put on a defense at all, it is the SA who must prove their case.

You know, that's an interesting twist to this mess of a defense...

I'd figure he'd play it like
"the ugly secret no one likes to talk about, I didn't want to make anyone uncofortable, so I chose not to talk about it too much either."

"This trial is about Caylee and as I said it will be discussed later in another courtroom."
doubt he can do that! jus sayin...
The As are gonna have to live with every bad decision they made along the way.
I really wish we could hear Casey's story. I want to know why she murdered precious Caylee. There are some things we'll never know.

But we do know why. Wr also know that this is not really the right question as it implies reason and a moral code similar to our own. ICA does not have that.

We know that this was not an accident, nor was it abuse that went too far. ICA planned this over a period of weeks or months. Remember, she thought about it, she did research, perhaps working as hard at killing her kid as she has ever worked at anything in her life.

Imagine it! She gave her baths and played and told her stories and kissed her at bedtime and fed her dinner and pretended to love her when other people were looking. She did all the normal mommy stuff, and all the while she was looking into these little trusting eyes and thinking, "Should mommy snap your neck? Should I drown you in your bubblebath baby? Maybe tonight, while you sleep, I should smother you with your teddybear? Or should I make the poison? What the easiest way for mommy to kill her little angel? What can I get away with?"

And WHY? Her behavior tells us the answer. She wanted to play. She took from everyone she met, her parents, her friends, she robbed them all. And where a normal parent, a sane parent, thinks of what they can give their kids, this monster schemed and planned to take from Caylee the only thing she had: her life.

So yeah, we know WHY she did it. But that doesn't mean we can understand it, nor is it necessary or even important. What matters now is removing her from society forever.

CA WAS probably honestly horrified because she knew that there was NO nanny, just like she knew there was NO job, which she basically said in the Myspace posting.

I think you said upthread that this family has known for a very long time what ICA is. (At least I think it was you...sorry if it wasn't!) I agree with this. I think that the whole family had been covering for ICA for probably most of her life. This is just what they had to do, in their minds...

I think that in some weird way CA thought that having Caylee would somehow change Casey...that she would FINALLY be able to take responsibility for once in her life. What a tall order for an innocent baby. As this trial has unfolded (particularly in just the last few days) the picture of this family is coming into focus, IMO. I have come to believe that the 'Anthony Family Secret' IS Casey, and what they knew, in their collective hearts that she was.

THEY KNEW...before the car was even found. But felt compelled to continue to do what they have done for years, and that's clean up Casey's mess. LITERALLY. I am not excusing them in any way, and I honestly feel that CA needs to be held accountable for all that I believe that she has done to obstruct justice for Caylee, but on some level I do feel some sympathy for them, having lived with a monster in their midst for so long. But I wonder if the 'coverup' was something that was almost AUTOMATIC for CA, and once it was started, well...the die had been cast, KWIM?

Another thing that I would really love to know is...what exactly was LA referring to in the jailhouse vid when he asks, 'is this like the LAST TIME'? :eek:

I know, right?

If nature brought this monster to fruition who nurtured the monster?

Who enabled? Who covered and covered... check after check? time after time?

Who, even IN THE FIELD OF NURSING, did not persist, or even try that I know of, to get the monster some legitimate HELP?

The following illustrates my feelings.



One winter’s evening while gathered around a blazing camp fire, an old Sioux Indian chief told his grandson about the inner struggle that goes on inside people.

“You see” said the old man, “this inner struggle is like two wolves fighting each other.

One is evil, full of anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, deceit, false pride, superiority, and ego”.

“The other one, .....is good, full of joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith”.

For a few minutes his grandson pondered his grandfather’s words and then asked,

“So which wolf wins, grandfather?”

“Well”, said the wise old chief, "...the one you feed....”

Don't read lips but she looks like she is manic to me - body language wise seems like she is just rambling about the papers and pens. And when she turns and says something to the female LE behind her, she sort of has the palms of her hands turned up like one would gesture when saying " I just don't know or I don't know why". Bet she is saying something like " I just don't know what they (the DT) would do without me. They misplace everything"
LOL, NOPE! I tried to go to sleep when court was done for the day but my sleeping patterns are so disturbed now I couldn't manage it. With no trial on today I'm hoping to fall into a coma soon! A wee bit of red wine is helping me along nicely. :)

Ha! My furry little friend, that scared me absolutely witless last night has not been seen nor heard from after he climbed down my screen door at about 4/5 am this morning. It's weird, the police told me to go back inside (after they finished laughing at moi in jammies and taking photos of said possum) and the little fellow would climb back down and go on his merry way eventually, but when he did, even though I knew what it was this time I was still freaked out. It sounds like someone is holding on to the bars on your screen and just shaking them *shudder*. I don't really know how your possums "get around" over there but here they get from one side of the road to the other or house to house by using the electric wires that run from pole to pole - guess he got lost.

Egads, my last (I made 2) call to 000 (911) was one for the books, I told the dispatcher that the intruder was back and please don't leave me until the police get back and I wouldn't let her get off the phone, also when the police did arrive my hands wouldn't work and I couldn't get the sliding door open and I'm still screaming into the phone "don't go, don't go, please stay with me until I can talk to them!"

If it happens again I'll know what it is and I won't be wasting the time of 4 very lovely policemen and 1 lovely policewoman. Although I think they loved coming out to a call that ended so funnily rather than some mess. I called my brother about it today and he said to me "do you mind if I tell all my friends?" LOL , at least he asked!

Sorry, such a long off topic post, I'll go to bed soon I promise.

Since I went to sleep around 4:30 am our time, can you tell me why there's no trial today? I'll catch up on the vids later on, but can you give me a brief run-down?
I've managed to catch up on most of yesterday's trial but I can't find video of when CA gets busted! Does anyone have a link?

: )
Oh, we do have a lip reader, her name starts with an "S" so sorry I can't remember her full name. She posted a little while back what she read of this section and it makes perfect sense but I can't remember which page....anyone?
post 357
Originally Posted by SpinalMalady [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6768694#post6768694"]
OK....I went back and re-watched, and went to the wftv site and watched both part 1 and part 2 of the WFTV live feeds. I still think I'm seeing "BOY HE'S IN TROUBLE". If you look at that phrase vs. "Boy this is incredible" one is 5 syllables and the other is 7 syllables. I'm only seeing 5 syllables....Don't mean I'm right by any stretch of the imagination. I am 100% certain I see the word "BOY". Casey has very thin lips, and tends to mumble...she is probably not a loud boistrous person, unless she's been drinking... LOL. Hope someone else comes along and can comfirm! Hope I helped some.
Becky in MS
\lm/ = I Love You in American Sign Language
LOL....I was wondering the same thing. Does darnudes EVER sleep?

I do, I promise. Wow, I must be on here too much people have noticed :)

To say I'm obsessed with this case is putting it mildly. I've taken off work to watch this trial and the only one that knows that is my brother because no one else would understand. Like everyone I feel that I have invested an enormous amount of time and energy on this case and I just want to see it through to the end. Part of the problem for me (and why I'm obsessed) is wanting to know the truth, I thought that if I stayed the course and waited for the trial to see all the evidence and how the State would present that evidence then I would know the truth and thus have the answer, why and how.

But, I keep coming back to a quote from a man called Michael Peterson, that I can't get out of my mind. Michael Peterson was a man tried and convicted for the murder of his wife Kathleen Peterson - a documentary of his trial was made by a French film maker called "Death on the Staircase", Werner Spitz and Henry Lee were hired as experts for the defense that actually ran with a ludicrous theory at one stage that an owl had entered the house and attacked Kathleen and killed her. I kid you not.

Anyway, close to the conclusion of his trial he said something close to this and I paraphrase....

"The District attorneys don't care about the truth they just want to win, but by the same token my attorney, he wants to win too - but the truth is lost in all this, the truth doesn't matter."

Please don't take this as a verbatim quote - but that line by Peterson always struck me as it had a truthful ring to it (not that I think he was innocent, who knows on that one). I've never been able to get this out of my mind although I didn't think about it much until just the other day, as this trial is winding down I am no where near to knowing the truth and I think that is going to be very hard for me to accept when this is over.

We will never know what happened to Caylee, there will always be questions.
Oh, we do have a lip reader, her name starts with an "S" so sorry I can't remember her full name. She posted a little while back what she read of this section and it makes perfect sense but I can't remember which page....anyone?
Becky in MS
\lm/ = I Love You in American Sign Language


thought it didn't go thru. guess it did
Another thing...what computer searches were deleted? I just heard that they found certain searches that were deleted on the computer on HLN.
Since I went to sleep around 4:30 am our time, can you tell me why there's no trial today? I'll catch up on the vids later on, but can you give me a brief run-down?

State finished their rebuttal and a day off for the attorneys to perfect their closing statements. So you and I need to be up and awake at 1030pm on Sunday night for closing. :)
Another thing...what computer searches were deleted? I just heard that they found certain searches that were deleted on the computer on HLN.

"How to make chloroform" webpage that was taken down. Remember? Most of us got a chance to look at it a while back.
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