NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #10

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maybe he mails/faxes letters to feign a lack of technical prowess...in order to look lke a bumbly acedemic with a pencil, a kindly family doctor....

I know...I'm twisted!
For those wanting to see Mrs. Hackett's interview, you can go to thread #7 and look for post #119 (By Shadowraiths).

Dr. Hackett didn't speak much in this interview...he went inside and let the wife handle things. ;)
Well that's convenient; Does such a health condition in fact exist? Other than the obvious "I'm lying about something and afraid to take the test" disorder.

The court docs say medical condition and 3 years of rehab, 1988, 1989, 1990.
My best guess is accident was 1987ish. As for the condition......?
Take ur pic, I don't know where to start.
For those wanting to see Mrs. Hackett's interview, you can go to thread #7 and look for post #119 (By Shadowraiths).

Dr. Hackett didn't speak much in this interview...he went inside and let the wife handle things. ;)

reporter to Mrs CPH:
"Mam why do you think this woman had your husband's name? the mother of this potential victim?"

Mrs CPH response:

"They went door to door here, they talked to everybody here, and my ... that's all"

That is NOT the alibi CPH is using now, he said in his letter that he got the Gilberts number from Diaz and Pak on Wed May 5th. The Gilbert's never went to Oak Beach until Sunday May 9th. (Mothers Day). Yet, CPH called the mother on Thursday May 6th!

So, Mrs Hackett, Mrs Gilbert definetely did not know your husband's name because of her door to door walk, she knew his name from the May 6th phone call, when they spoke, which was 3 full days before the door to door walk!

The Hackett's stories don't line up and they contradict each other, even though they had plenty of months to get their bogus story straight. That tells me these two are not open and truthful with each other. They will be easy pickings for the prosecutor.

The prosecutors will unravel them like a loose ball of yarn when they are cross examined and I can't wait for it. If this guy has a lawyer, he doesn't listen to the lawyer at all Or the lawyer has seaweed for brains. Their involvement in the investigation, via letters and talking on camera has revealed a tangled ball of lies and implicated their guilt.

I remember hearing the alibi that he knew them/she knew him from their "door to door" walk before, that was his first alibi, maybe another sleuther can find more records of him or her saying that, I know I have heard it in the past besides this video. So at some point it dawned on CPH that this alibi was no good and he changed it to Pak/Diaz gave him the number. I'm going hunting for more records of alibi #1 to make my argument iron clad that he changed his alibi. In my book changing your alibi is as good as an admission of guilt.
please read 025904-97a rehab.pdf attached for evidence of how the doc has been "trying to help" since 1989.

Notice how he claims to be an MD in court on of the docs and a DO during one of the other cases:

Which one is it? Peter Hackett M.D. or Charles Peter Hackett D.O.
trying to hide behind an alias? I wonder which one the SCPD hired? I wonder which one the SCPD fired?

I believe the hearsay that he lost the job for lying on his resume, and NO it is not ok to claim to be an MD when you are a DO, not even a little bit, its fraud.

And which school did he get his degree from? New York Medical College, New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine, or Mcmaster University Hamilton, Canada (Graduated: 1979)???
Because I'm finding records for each of these 3, so which one is it?
I can tell you this, if it was a DO degree from Canada, then it is illegal for him to practice medicine in the US.

"Foreign osteopathic degrees are not recognized by any state in the U.S. as being equivalent to American D.O. degrees."

I've checked the AMA database: http://www.ama-assn.org/
tried every variation of his name I could think of, no records, WTF.


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truth, why hasn't the media picked up on this and investigated? Seems alot of peeps could be in trouble for allowing this man to practice medicine?

This is really eerie!!
He has already lied in court.


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DANG Truthie Baby! you are a dang terrier-shark mix breed!!!! dang a rama ding dong!

can't beleive the whole thing...still checking on something 4 u.
truth, why hasn't the media picked up on this and investigated? Seems alot of peeps could be in trouble for allowing this man to practice medicine?

This is really eerie!!

Well it is looking like he is a DO. Still, claiming in court (check the documents) that you are an MD is fraudulent.

So did he claim that he was an MD on his resume when he got hired as Director of Emergency Medical Services and SCPD police surgeon?

As far as I know the media hasn't caught on to the gross negligence cases against minors as of yet.

Pretending pretending pretending, pretending to be a fireman, pretending to be a cop, pretending to be an MD, pretending to be an official security guard at oak beach gate... pretending to run a rehab facility for troubled teens are we? Nice fantasy world doc, whats the matter, when the girls don't play along to your fantasy you get angry and strangle them to death?


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From my understanding, both DO's and MD's are full physicians. They can both prescribe medicine, they can both perform surgery. In other words, they are on par. The only difference between the two lies in the philosophical approach to medicine.

It's also quite possible that CPH is both a DO and an MD. DO's who wish to also hang an MD title on their shingle simply have to attend a seminar and pay a fee, since they have already completed full medical training. At least, that's what my research on the subject shows.

oh Spidey...I think if he is our guy...it's alot darker than just getting mad...I know and have known some emergency room doctors, and they are young...as Hackett once was...

they do alot of drinking and drugging because their lives are very stressful in big city hospitals.

they have their own dark doctor games...one of my friends is a female doctor...she was super drunk at a party I was at...she was very into telling me where she would trach(otomy) me...checking all my veins..showing me where she would cut and stick this that in the other...how super easy I would be ....etc...

some of this stuff is what leads them into medicine to begin with...some people have a natural afinity for things that are repellent and hard to do...like dissection of corpses...and giving shots...doing things that are icky and cause pain...or blood....

It's so easy for me to make the step and say okay, I am not satified that he is not involved.
From my understanding, both DO's and MD's are full physicians. They can both prescribe medicine, they can both perform surgery. In other words, they are on par. The only difference between the two lies in the philosophical approach to medicine.

It's also quite possible that CPH is both a DO and an MD. DO's who wish to also hang an MD title on their shingle simply have to attend a seminar and pay a fee, since they have already completed full medical training. At least, that's what my research on the subject shows.


They are designations given by different associations, they can both practice equally, but most MD's will tell you they aren't on par, as most doctors first choice is a medical school that awards the MD. Regardless of opinion on the rigor of the education, the MD title is awarded by the AMA.

Hackett is not both, as he is not listed in the AMA database. He has never been awarded a license from the AMA and therefore can't claim he is an MD. The AMA certainly doesn't want people who haven't been awarded the title MD using it as if they have.

I'm not interested in arguing if there is a qualification difference between MD and DO, I am merely interested in the truth. The truth is Hackett isn't and has never been an MD and lied in court when he claimed he was.

I can't help but feel society inherently gives the benefit of doubt to someone who is white, a 'doctor", and lives in a gated community. We need to stop giving him the benefit of the doubt and flush out the truth. "He could be an MD and a DO" sure he could be, but he isn't and never has been. He could also be a pathological liar / sociopath serial killer. I will no longer assume anything CPH does or says is truthful.
new thread on a case in MD

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=145212"]MD Skull found on Tolchester Beach, Kent County - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
:crystalball:there are alot of people mising from Maryland.
One thing I have not seen or read and I was wondering if anyone has any info...we originally heard profilers on the news and in MSM discuss their profile of personality characteristics, physical appearance etc.. but I was wondering if any profiler had discussed the timeline of the victims. To me, the apparent break in 2008 (whether it be haven't found victims yet, not reported, SK injured, jailed etc) seems to be important to me. Did he travel to somewhere else? Or did something get in the way that prevented him from more victims? Also, if we connect SG to the GB4 (and may or may not include the DR) something after SG accelerated his schedule of grabbing victims...not satisfied with what happened to with SG and needed to fulfill his need quickly? Prior to SG, there had been long gaps in between victims missing, now after SG an accelerated time. Did he find victims in other geographical locations during the time periods of LI victims...just questions that seem to be sticking with me
One thing I have not seen or read and I was wondering if anyone has any info...we originally heard profilers on the news and in MSM discuss their profile of personality characteristics, physical appearance etc.. but I was wondering if any profiler had discussed the timeline of the victims. To me, the apparent break in 2008 (whether it be haven't found victims yet, not reported, SK injured, jailed etc) seems to be important to me. Did he travel to somewhere else? Or did something get in the way that prevented him from more victims? Also, if we connect SG to the GB4 (and may or may not include the DR) something after SG accelerated his schedule of grabbing victims...not satisfied with what happened to with SG and needed to fulfill his need quickly? Prior to SG, there had been long gaps in between victims missing, now after SG an accelerated time. Did he find victims in other geographical locations during the time periods of LI victims...just questions that seem to be sticking with me

Dude, it's totally not unusual for Killers to kill over State Lines...go up and down the coast etc...they are still trying to find Rifkin, Bundy, Greenriver victims..

I even find it hard to believe there weren't more BTK victims...

so yeah...
There is one girl missing named Zulma Molina , she and her infant daughter, along with her husband and a male friend.

NJ Guy you read my mind! The 2008 break in victims bothers me too. I wonder if the person was incarcerated during this time. I checked on the AC 4 and they were found in 2006 so it was before that when they went missing.


I find these FB pages set up by someone for the victims creepy.

I had a suspect in mind early on. This man is a multimillionaire and served a sentence in FL for employing underage girls for 'massages'. I will check to see exactly when he served his sentence. He has a home in FL (W. Palm Beach, IIRC), and there are the deceased working girls found north of there in Daytona Beach, he also has a home in NM (the largest private home in the state) and bodies of working girls have been found in the NM desert, he has a home in Manhatten and working girls have been found on LI, and he also owns a private island somewhere.

The thing is, he is rich enough to hire others to procure women for him. One of the young girls in FL stated that she was like a teenaged Heidi Fleiss because she was his recruiter and paaid for her services. I discussed him on one of the earlier threads and he was my # one suspect til we learned all this info about the Dr. or whatever he is.

Thanks truthspider for all the info on the Dr. Great sleuthing!


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