Rebecca's Autopsy

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Imagine scraping your torso (and maybe your legs, too) across this surface:

And then imagine the numerous bloody scrapes, scratches,& cuts you'd get as a result.

ETA: the pic @the above link can be enlarged, so that the rough edges of the railing can be easily seen.
Yet the injuries on her torso..... none!

Here's what the AR says about injuries to the chest & torso:

Page 13
Chest: None.
Abdomen: On the lateral right lower quadrant of the abdomen there is a 1/4 inch pale red abrasion. Just inferior to that is a discontinous, faint, 1 x 1/8 inch, thin, linear abrasion. On the left lower quadrant of the abdomen along the curvature of the left iliac spine there is a 3/8 x 1/4 inch red abrasion.

The AR doesn't note whether it's the posterior iliac spine, or the anterior iliac spine, but I'm assuming the anterior, since it's in the part of the report that discusses the abdomen. The anterior iliac spine is the part of the front hip bone that juts out (for those who may not know what the iliac spine is).

According to the AR, RZ sustained 3 very minor, small skin abrasions to her abdomen/hip region.

After looking @ a close-up of the rough edges & jagged spots on the balcony railing, I find it impossible to believe that a woman of RZ's stature (5'3 1/2") could have hoisted herself over that railing with feet & hands bound without being cut to shreds on the front of her body.
Originally Posted by CDS22
It says he did it from when he found her til they arrived and continued to administer CPR til they told him to stop. More than what little Max got.

I meant to address this earlier. Rebecca gave Max cpr as stated in the report by the Police officer who wrote the report. He also got cpr from ems personnel. How that could at all mean that he didn't receive cpr, or that Rebecca received 'more' than Max. That doesn't seem to be at all true.

If you have ever performed cpr, you know that it is hard work. At hospitals we have numerous personnel and change positions every few minutes as it is hard to keep pumping or holding and compressing the ambu bag. Rebecca was doing cpr, did not even have the help of the LE officer. I am sure that she did the best she could do under the circumstances. The fact that it took ems 25 minutes + before they got Max's heart going, tells me that the only reason he had a chance was due to early cpr intervention by Rebecca.

Excellent adresses the fact that Rebecca did rescue breaths, then CPR. There was no way correct CPR could have been done to her with her hands tied behind her back!
"After looking @ a close-up of the rough edges & jagged spots on the balcony railing, I find it impossible to believe that a woman of RZ's stature (5'3 1/2") could have hoisted herself over that railing with feet & hands bound without being cut to shreds on the front of her body".

Since the LE video of woman tying ropes shows how RN could have tied hands loosly in front of her, then slipped hand out,... do you think she waited until on balcony to place hands in the behind back position.....? That way, she had a free hand up till the end.
Since the LE video of woman tying ropes shows how RN could have tied hands loosly in front of her, then slipped hand out,... do you think she waited until on balcony to place hands in the behind back position.....? That way, she had a free hand up till the end.

As rope expert on Dr. Drew stated, it's not that easy to put a hand behind back into the binding. You have to know which way the rope goes. If RN was standing there trying to place her hand into the binding, why are there a perfect set of non-smudged footprints? Those footprints suggest a person hopped onto the balcony, made one hope and went over. Not that a person was standing there adjusting ropes and trying to get her hand into the binding behind her back.
Okay, so what if she put her hands behind her back just before stood on balcony? In the end, I do agree that this would be quite a feat. Very suspect....
Okay, so what if she put her hands behind her back just before stood on balcony? In the end, I do agree that this would be quite a feat. Very suspect....

One can argue that the rope might be there but the image is too fuzzy. But the doors are clearly closed in the helicopter shot. I don't see how she could have closed the door behind her with both hands bound behind her back and feet bound. The doors actually swing inside, so it's not like she could have used her body to close it.
I noticed on the toxicology results that they were dated July 26th, we assumed all that time we were waiting and writing on this forum that they were waiting for those results, what took 5 weeks after the results were in to come to the suicide conclusion?
But, we do know why the balcony pictures are in the dark. I just wonder when 'one foot' left the boot print, as it had to be prior to the crime scene being documented.

*sigh* To be honest, I cannot really make out any prints. I wonder if it's possible for someone to outline them, like has been done on other pictures of the balcony.
I just rewatched the PC. Several things jumped out at me. LE said that they "painstakingly" studied the bindings while they were still on Rebecca's wrists in order to reinact it for the video. The ME said that he is the one that took the rope off of her wrists and verified that was the way it was applied.

They said that paint was found on her hands , torso and the rope piece around her neck. That means that she had to have tied her hands and feet prior to painting the message. Even if she had slipped her hand out to paint the message, wouldn't it make sense that at least a small amount may have transferred to the wrist bindings?

Then she hops or shuffles back over to the foot of the bed to drop her paint brush (why there? why not drop it by the door?) and puts the noose portion over her head --getting paint only on the part of the rope she puts it around her neck. What about the shirt that went over the rope?? No paint at all on it? Then hops to the balcony? And of course, the one hop to the edge on her tippy toes.

LE said that when they first arrived on the scene, both balcony doors were open. I believe they were referring to CPD and not SDSO.
One can argue that the rope might be there but the image is too fuzzy. But the doors are clearly closed in the helicopter shot. I don't see how she could have closed the door behind her with both hands bound behind her back and feet bound. The doors actually swing inside, so it's not like she could have used her body to close it.

I don't know but maybe I think backwards or something but the rope being on the inside could at least shut one of the balcony doors. The movement and force passing the doorway if the rope being pulled taught would be going outward and catching the door or doors with it closing shut. I feel at least one could have been closed, don't know if they were gravity type doors or not . Or they closed due to sagging of a house or just nice expensive doors. It's all hinky and hope there is further explanation for her family, the autopsy report is bothering me. imo

I'm left handed, tell me the truth, lol!
Here are a few visual aids. I hope to have some more soon.
I think it should be abundantly clear that I am not an artist, LOL, but this should give a reasonable approximation of what is being described in the autopsy report.






LOL cynic, you're not an artist you just play one on the internet, right?

Seriously though, awesome job, thanks so much for doing this!
LOL cynic, you're not an artist you just play one on the internet, right?

Seriously though, awesome job, thanks so much for doing this!
I think I’d be a starving artist both in the “real world” and on the internet. :D
I just rewatched the PC. Several things jumped out at me. LE said that they "painstakingly" studied the bindings while they were still on Rebecca's wrists in order to reinact it for the video. The ME said that he is the one that took the rope off of her wrists and verified that was the way it was applied.

They said that paint was found on her hands , torso and the rope piece around her neck. That means that she had to have tied her hands and feet prior to painting the message. Even if she had slipped her hand out to paint the message, wouldn't it make sense that at least a small amount may have transferred to the wrist bindings?

Then she hops or shuffles back over to the foot of the bed to drop her paint brush (why there? why not drop it by the door?) and puts the noose portion over her head --getting paint only on the part of the rope she puts it around her neck. What about the shirt that went over the rope?? No paint at all on it? Then hops to the balcony? And of course, the one hop to the edge on her tippy toes.

LE said that when they first arrived on the scene, both balcony doors were open. I believe they were referring to CPD and not SDSO.

You are sure that LE said both balcony doors were open? Because in the photo by Coronado police officer, only one door is open. Furthermore Lt. N. claims the other door was secured with bolt-type lock into the floor.

""Photo two – showing both doors closed – we believe the door on the left was blown closed by a breeze; the door on the right was secured with a bolt-type lock into the floor," Nesbit continued."
Here are a few visual aids. I hope to have some more soon.
I think it should be abundantly clear that I am not an artist, LOL, but this should give a reasonable approximation of what is being described in the autopsy report.






Cynic, this is truly brilliant and brings me back to comments concerning the fact that Rebecca actually has a LOT of injuries, many of which have not been explained.

I would like to ask if I can have your permission to pass this on to some other people? It is a fantastic visual and makes some VERY good points!!
Here are a few visual aids. I hope to have some more soon.
I think it should be abundantly clear that I am not an artist, LOL, but this should give a reasonable approximation of what is being described in the autopsy report.






cynic - This is fantastic!! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. To tell you the truth, I expected this to be attached to the AR. I thought they always did a drawing of marks, scars, etc.

So what do you make of your work? How could she have that posterior horizontal component without previous manual strangulation? She would have had to hang herself twice to accomplish that, the first time unsuccessfully and with the knot entirely anterior and no upward And the other, finer marks noted, separated by areas of pallor. What is your take on all this? Do you think the marks on her forehead could be from contact with the railing, especially given the lack of bruising associated with them? Unlike the subgaleal hemorrhages.....
Cynic, this is truly brilliant and brings me back to comments concerning the fact that Rebecca actually has a LOT of injuries, many of which have not been explained.

I would like to ask if I can have your permission to pass this on to some other people? It is a fantastic visual and makes some VERY good points!!

It is brilliant, isn't it? It sure helps get all these injuries straight in my mind.
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