Deceased/Not Found MI - Bianca Jones, 2, Detroit, 2 Dec 2011 - #2 - *D. Lane guilty*

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Has the girlfriend talked yet? Has anyone heard from her? I would hope she'd be able to refute the beating accusation from the night prior and verify that B got into the car alive and well (and not 1/2 dead).


Well...what do you guys all think???

He sounded really sincere to me. Seems like an intelligent, well spoken, handsome young man who truly loves his daughter. He isn't a violent criminal, that we know of, is he? I know his story sounds outrageous, he failed a LDT, etc...

I have such a hard time with these things. I see someone like DB or Dandre and I just can't see them harming their child. I don't know. Looking forward to everyone's thoughts.

Where are you precious BeBe?

He's a repeat offender that has been involved in everything from heroin dealing to stolen property. His latest arrest was because he violated a personal protection order from this ex wife. He's a very good actor, imo.
I haven't watched the local news in 2 days or read the papers or thank you all who are keeping this thread linked with all of the progress & information.

To Duchess: as far your question as to the appearance of sincerity in the father? I'm not so sure. This may seem left field...but there are people who can calm themselves down & really turn on the 'charm' (altho thats not the word Im looking for). People who have a long history of lying & covering up things, for example, are sometimes good at that. Will look you straight in the eyes with a sincere face like "who me?". Kwim?

The reports of him "disciplining/beating" Bianca is what concerns me most. One mans "spanking" can be another mans "beating", right? I wish we knew more about what the 15 yr old saw of Bianca in the car. Was she supposedly sleeping..or bright eyed and talking to him? Crying, fussy, content?

The running away from the scene with a handgun makes no sense to me under any scenario. If a staged event....why would it be brandished? nah. If really carjacked and had a handgun..why run? Shoot the creeper in the foot or shoot the tires..something. ::sigh::
Has the girlfriend talked yet? Has anyone heard from her? I would hope she'd be able to refute the beating accusation from the night prior and verify that B got into the car alive and well (and not 1/2 dead).



Gosh now I'm really going to sound jaded...but any man who would beat a young child like that...would beat a girlfriend. Girlfriends who are beaten...don't always come clean about such events, imho. Especially if they think they risk their own child being taken away or lack of support (from daddy going to jail) being at risk.

I'd love to be wrong. But I would believe another little child from the house before I'd believe a gf in a matter such as that.
Well...what do you guys all think???

He sounded really sincere to me. Seems like an intelligent, well spoken, handsome young man who truly loves his daughter. He isn't a violent criminal, that we know of, is he? I know his story sounds outrageous, he failed a LDT, etc...

I have such a hard time with these things. I see someone like DB or Dandre and I just can't see them harming their child. I don't know. Looking forward to everyone's thoughts.

Where are you precious BeBe?
Respectfully, the vast majority of parents who commit filicide have no criminal record at all, let alone a violent one.

I think it is difficult for many to accept that the one person a child trusts to protect them is so often the one they are in most danger of. I generally make the assumption that a parent is involved, especially in cases of young children, unless there is evidence to the contrary. That being said I've been researching filicides for 25 years and am a little bit beyond totally, utterly cynical. ;)
Sources tell us a child who was in the home Thursday evening, the day before all of this happened, told police that she saw Lane beating Bianca and the two-year-old may have been unresponsive following the incident.

Lane has admitted to police that he did discipline the child,
but it's what happened next that sources believe he's lying about. He says carjackers took off with his daughter still in his vehicle Friday morning, but police have found no evidence to support the story.


"I don't know anything about his story. My thoughts are all on my daughter. My thoughts are all on getting Bianca back," said Banika Jones, Bianca's mother.

Her mother told FOX 2 that as of Monday afternoon, Lane had not tried to contact her.

Right now, for the Jones family, he doesn't matter. All that matter is finding Bianca. The question is could the father hold the key to finding her.

ETA: He admits that he did 'discipline' the child. She had just turned two yrs old. What does a 24 month old child do that deserves 'discipline.'?

BBM. While I have no reason to believe that the mother had anything to do with Bianca's disappearance, I have to admit that her comment about whether or not Lane was involved and not speaking with him seemed creepy. It reminded me of how Deborah Bradley was reluctant to look in the backyard for any signs of her daughter, Lisa Irwin. What did DB think that she might find if she did check behind the house? Similarly, why wouldn't Bianca's mother want to know every detail about what might have happened to her child? In the WDIV interview, she says that she didn't even know anything about the carjacking!

The dad's admission of having "disciplined" little Bianca made my stomach churn. That, and the fact that his attorney would not let him answer the question about what happened to the child are enough to convince me that D'Andre did, indeed, harm his daughter, perhaps unintentionally. jmo
Gosh now I'm really going to sound jaded...but any man who would beat a young child like that...would beat a girlfriend. Girlfriends who are beaten...don't always come clean about such events, imho. Especially if they think they risk their own child being taken away or lack of support (from daddy going to jail) being at risk.

I'd love to be wrong. But I would believe another little child from the house before I'd believe a gf in a matter such as that.


I totally agree. I would believe a child who said they witnessed a beating of another child in the same home. And i would have doubts if the GF denied it. Girlfriends make all kinds of excuses to enable their boyfriends, especially if they have kids together.
I wish we knew exactly who lives at the Mitchell Street house and who besides Lane's two daughters were there on Friday morning. Has there been any mention about the girlfriend having children of her own who also live in the house? It's quite common for folks in Detroit to have extended family/friends staying in a home at one time or another. Media keep saying that it's D'Andre Lane's house, but he isn't documented as the current owner; someone posted this info yesterday.
Last Updated: December 06. 2011 1:52PM.

Dad of missing girl threatened to kill son, ex-wife claimed in court filing

George Hunter and Mike Martindale/ The Detroit News

Detroit— D'Andre Lane, father of missing 2-year-old Bianca Jones, was barred from contacting his ex-wife after she accused him of trying to kill their 2-year-old son, according to a personal protection order filed in Oakland Circuit Court earlier this year...

From The Detroit News:
Thanks for all of the feedback everyone. I hadn't realized about the order of protection. That would indicate violent behavior in the past. I knew about the drug arrests, but nothing else. It's a huge leap from drug arrests to the murder of a 2 year old child, but the OOP does give a bit more of a link for me. If he did it, then wow...good actor! If he didn't, then I give him a lot of credit for getting in front of the cameras. I just hope they find her and she is OK, although I am doubtful. How could anyone harm that poor sweet little child???
I wish we knew exactly who lives at the Mitchell Street house and who besides Lane's two daughters were there on Friday morning. Has there been any mention about the girlfriend having children of her own who also live in the house? It's quite common for folks in Detroit to have extended family/friends staying in a home at one time or another. Media keep saying that it's D'Andre Lane's house, but he isn't documented as the current owner; someone posted this info yesterday.

Since he took his nephew to school that morning it made me wonder if it was maybe his brother or sister's house.
Last Updated: December 06. 2011 1:52PM.

Dad of missing girl threatened to kill son, ex-wife claimed in court filing

George Hunter and Mike Martindale/ The Detroit News

Detroit— D'Andre Lane, father of missing 2-year-old Bianca Jones, was barred from contacting his ex-wife after she accused him of trying to kill their 2-year-old son, according to a personal protection order filed in Oakland Circuit Court earlier this year...

From The Detroit News:

Alllriiiiighty then....
Last Updated: December 06. 2011 1:52PM.

Dad of missing girl threatened to kill son, ex-wife claimed in court filing

George Hunter and Mike Martindale/ The Detroit News

Detroit— D'Andre Lane, father of missing 2-year-old Bianca Jones, was barred from contacting his ex-wife after she accused him of trying to kill their 2-year-old son, according to a personal protection order filed in Oakland Circuit Court earlier this year...

From The Detroit News:

Johnson said Mitchell's accusation should be taken with a grain of salt. "Remember, these are allegations made by his ex-wife," he said.


From The Detroit News:
D seems to have alot of women in his life. perhaps there are more. Hoping Bianca will be found healing up.

It just seems crazy they have not found her yet with the short amount of timing.
Since he took his nephew to school that morning it made me wonder if it was maybe his brother or sister's house.

Have you heard/read that the nephew was staying in the Mitchell Street house?

The homeowner isn't named Lane. I don't want to post someone's name who might not have any connection to the case. The information is on the Wayne County website (Tax Assessment).
Johnson said Mitchell's accusation should be taken with a grain of salt. "Remember, these are allegations made by his ex-wife," he said.


From The Detroit News:

The protection order filed March 10, 2011, by Lane's ex-wife, Rakiba Mitchell, claimed that Lane threatened to kill their 2-year-old son. A box was checked off on the protection form indicating that Lane "threatened to kill or injure" their son.

Mitchell also claimed Lane tried to kidnap the boy, and that he stalked her with constant phone calls, text messages and Facebook postings.

The protection order was to remain in effect until March 31, 2012 -- it was unclear how he violated it.

She may be the link to DPS
Last Updated: December 06. 2011 1:52PM.

Dad of missing girl threatened to kill son, ex-wife claimed in court filing

George Hunter and Mike Martindale/ The Detroit News

Detroit— D'Andre Lane, father of missing 2-year-old Bianca Jones, was barred from contacting his ex-wife after she accused him of trying to kill their 2-year-old son, according to a personal protection order filed in Oakland Circuit Court earlier this year...

From The Detroit News:


The protection order filed March 10, 2011, by Lane's ex-wife, Rakiba Mitchell, claimed that Lane threatened to kill their 2-year-old son. A box was checked off on the protection form indicating that Lane "threatened to kill or injure" their son.

Mitchell also claimed Lane tried to kidnap the boy, and that he stalked her with constant phone calls, text messages and Facebook postings.

The protection order was to remain in effect until March 31, 2012 -- it was unclear how he violated it.

She may be the link to DPS

Sounds like D'Andre has some issues with 2-year-olds :furious:
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