TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #31

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i have watched that interview several times and JVM did try to get the info but it was like questioning a small child. That was a strange interview to say the least. The way Karen kept looking at him she was on pins and needles, then after break Dana gone and creepy smiling minister there just strange. IMO
Here we go again, back to square one and around in circles...and it always comes back to Clint's story, because that's all there is.
I think Jane Velez Mitchell tried to clarify the car port/garage by asking Clint if Holly and the perp were inside or outside. Clint said outside. It was still very confusing though because Clint refers to it as a garage.

Clint did NOT say outside. He said they were in the garage and that the garage was attached to the house. JVM had asked him about looking outside or looking out a window and he clarified that the garage was not removed from the house. As per discussions here going wayyyyyyyy back with locals, the garage is enclosed and not used as a car garage or carport.
Thanks,to all for your input.

I have to organize events in a linear way. So I am going to sequence Holly gathering her belongings and summarize events up to walking toward the logging road. There is a reason I do this and will explain later. *

Holly is preparing to leave she picks up her cell places it in her jeans pocket. *She puts her wallet in the other pocket. She carries her coke in one hand and holds her keys and lunch bucket in the other. We will not speculate how she open or shuts the house door. She walks toward her car at this point she shifts the coke can to the hand holding the lunch bucket to open the door with her
free hand. *The perp assaults and wounds her there. *She drops her coke can but manages to hold
onto the lunch box. Perhaps her keys are still in the car door. *Injured but able to walk they are last seen heading toward the logging
road ...Holly still clutching the lunch box.

Now I will explain why I feel the logging road is significant. An otherwise vague man of few words CB wants Velez-Mitchell to know that the woods where he last saw Holly leads to a *logging road.
It is further up the road approx. 8 miles the lunch box is later found. Now,the perp being a wily sort and a risk taker taunts LE by leaving a clear trail as to how and where he has
abducted Holly. Do I have it right? :confused:MOO

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But they`re not talking to you?*

K. BOBO:*Yes, they -- they talk to us, it`s just they can`t share any information pretty much about the case, as long as the case is ongoing. I
know they`re working hard, but, of course, to a mom, it`s not hard enough because nearly four months into it, we still don`t have Holly.*

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Did the blood trail lead anywhere

K. BOBO: No.*

C. BOBO:*The trail in the woods leads to a logging road.*

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It`s a logging road, is that what you said?*

C. BOBO: Right.*

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So she goes into this logging road, and then eight miles away her lunch pail shows up. What do you make of that, Karen? What do you make of the lunch pail showing up eight miles away from the home? That`s a long distance to walk, that would have to involve some kind of vehicle, I would think. Do they have any vehicle they`re looking for, Karen?*

K. BOBO:*As far as I know, if they do, I`m not sure what kind of vehicle that is. But, yes, I do believe a vehicle was involved.*

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So you would think that where they found the lunch pail, they would have some kind of tire tracks or something. What about -- her cell phone was left at home?*
Clint did NOT say outside. He said they were in the garage and that the garage was attached to the house. JVM had asked him about looking outside or looking out a window and he clarified that the garage was not removed from the house. As per discussions here going wayyyyyyyy back with locals, the garage is enclosed and not used as a car garage or carport.

Carla, you can interpret it the way you want. This is what he said.

C. BOBO: No, I saw them from inside the house and they were outside the house in the garage.

I think the garage he refers to is what I consider a carport. Yes, I realize we had this discussion wayyyyyy back but some are new to this case and/or may have missed some of the info.

reference to discussion. I pointed out on this thread what I consider a carport versus a garage

TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #26 - Page 33 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Thanks,to all for your input.

I have to organize events in a linear way. So I am going to sequence Holly gathering her belongings and summarize events up to walking toward the logging road. There is a reason I do this and will explain later. *

Holly is preparing to leave she picks up her cell places it in her jeans pocket. *She puts her wallet in the other pocket. She carries her coke in one hand and holds her keys and lunch bucket in the other. We will not speculate how she open or shuts the house door. She walks toward her car at this point she shifts the coke can to the hand holding the lunch bucket to open the door with her free hand. *The perp assaults and wounds her there. *She drops her coke can but manages to hold
onto the lunch box. Perhaps her keys are still in the car door. *Injured but able to walk they are last seen heading toward the logging
road ...Holly still clutching the lunch box.

Now I will explain why I feel the logging road is significant. An otherwise vague man of few words CB wants Velez-Mitchell to know that the woods where he last saw Holly leads to a *logging road.
It is further up the road approx. 8 miles the lunch box is later found. Now,the perp being a wily sort and a risk taker taunts LE by leaving a clear trail as to how and where he has
abducted Holly. Do I have it right? :confused:

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But they`re not talking to you?*

K. BOBO:*Yes, they -- they talk to us, it`s just they can`t share any information pretty much about the case, as long as the case is ongoing. I
know they`re working hard, but, of course, to a mom, it`s not hard enough because nearly four months into it, we still don`t have Holly.*

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Did the blood trail lead anywhere

K. BOBO: No.*

C. BOBO:*The trail in the woods leads to a logging road.*

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It`s a logging road, is that what you said?*

C. BOBO: Right.*

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So she goes into this logging road, and then eight miles away her lunch pail shows up. What do you make of that, Karen? What do you make of the lunch pail showing up eight miles away from the home? That`s a long distance to walk, that would have to involve some kind of vehicle, I would think. Do they have any vehicle they`re looking for, Karen?*

K. BOBO:*As far as I know, if they do, I`m not sure what kind of vehicle that is. But, yes, I do believe a vehicle was involved.*

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So you would think that where they found the lunch pail, they would have some kind of tire tracks or something. What about -- her cell phone was left at home?*

The trail he refers to, in my opinion, is assumption on his part as to how the perp got Holly to the logging road. I do not believe that was ever confirmed. There was no blood trail as far as I know.
Here we go again, back to square one and around in circles...and it always comes back to Clint's story, because that's all there is.

Yup...he was the only witness so we can only go by what he said he saw. LE is not releasing anything. :sigh:
The trail he refers to, in my opinion, is assumption on his part as to how the perp got Holly to the logging road. I do not believe that was ever confirmed. There was no blood trail as far as I know.

I thought it was out of character for CB to answer a question out of turn and a question directed to his mother. I felt he *wanted to change the subject from that of the blood trail ....kinda like saying 'look a squirrel'. Keeping it vague ....CB distracts Velez-Mitchell and makes sure it's understood that HB is 'very much alive.' Although HB may have been wounded & lost blood it was not a fatal or serious wound. The last glimpse CB has of her ..she is upright, mobile and
*walking unassisted *with her lunch bucket toward the trail next to her kidnapper. Implying the trail leads to the logging road where she will be spirited away. MOO

According to Velez-Mitchell a few miles on this same road..three days later her lunch bucket is found.
VELEZ-MITCHELL: So she goes into this logging road, and then eight miles away her lunch pail shows up.

Thanks ~n/t~ :Banane48:
Did they ever do a recreation of what happened? I swear one was going to happen at one point and I may have missed discussion of it here?
If the dad left lunch money on the counter for Holly, why did KB pack a lunch for Holly?
Wasn't Holly of an age that she could pack her own lunch especially considering her mom had a fulltime job outside of the home?
That's not my point though - why pack a lunch when dad already left money on the counter? :waitasec:
How does one see into an attached garage from inside one's house?
CB claims the garage is attached to the house.
I've been under the impression that the garage was that carport that looks
to be in the back and to the right of the house if you're facing the front of the house with the circular drive in front of it.

If there is an attached garage it would be to the left of the front door.
How would CB be able to see into that garage from the inside of his house?
If the dad left lunch money on the counter for Holly, why did KB pack a lunch for Holly?
Wasn't Holly of an age that she could pack her own lunch especially considering her mom had a fulltime job outside of the home?
That's not my point though - why pack a lunch when dad already left money on the counter? :waitasec:

DB actually asked HB if she needed money for gas...
"A lot of mornings before I leave, I'll ask her if she needs any money to buy gas," Dana said. "It is about 5:30 I guess, when I usually leave to go to work, and I talked to her through the door. She said leave her some money, and I left the money on the bar at 5:30 or 25 until 6, and that was the last I talked to her."
<snipped> (the actual article link did not work)

Why does Bromley, family spokesman, keep referring to 'the tragedy; the tragedy itself'. What is 'the tragedy' that he's referring to already?

Is it common to call a kidnapping a tragedy prior to knowing if the person will be found any minute now?

In my humble opinion, it IS a tragedy simply to be kidnapped, regardless of the outcome. Furthermore, the circumstances being what they are.....would definitely make me think a good outcome was unlikely. Just my two cents.
How does one see into an attached garage from inside one's house?
CB claims the garage is attached to the house.
I've been under the impression that the garage was that carport that looks
to be in the back and to the right of the house if you're facing the front of the house with the circular drive in front of it.

If there is an attached garage it would be to the left of the front door.
How would CB be able to see into that garage from the inside of his house?

I believe this is from the "Jackson Sun" newspaper.
This describes the relationship of where the blood by the car is in relation to the house.~n/t~ on
the previous page of the thread has the transcript from Valez-Mitchell interview where she asks CB about that.

Clint described the man as wearing a noninsulating type of camouflage a turkey hunter might wear and said that he could not see the man's face or hands. He believes he might have been wearing gloves and a cap. He said both Holly and the man had their backs turned to him. Clint told investigators the man was between 5 feet 8 inches and 6 feet tall and weighed around 200 pounds.

Karen said she told Clint to get a gun and go after the man. She hung up to call 911 again and reached Decatur County. She still had not told Clint about Drew being on the other side of the county, and Clint said he still believed the man to be Holly's boyfriend.

Clint got a loaded pistol, walked out of the back door and went through an open garage attached to the house. That's when he saw a puddle of blood near Holly's car.

"When I walked out the back door, I saw a small puddle of blood, and I still wasn't alarmed because who I thought was her boyfriend was dressed in camo," Clint said. "I thought, 'He's killed a turkey up here on this trail behind the house and brought it to the house to show Holly before she goes to school.'"

"The thing is there was no turkey," Clint said. "I wondered why they would take the turkey back to the woods unless they were walking back to put the turkey in his truck. I was not worried until the neighbor pulled up and said her son heard screams."
Clint got a loaded pistol, walked out of the back door and went through an open garage attached to the house. That's when he saw a puddle of blood near Holly's car.

"When I walked out the back door, I saw a small puddle of blood, and I still wasn't alarmed because who I thought was her boyfriend was dressed in camo," Clint said

Why did he load a gun and run outside if he was not alarmed? And if he ran outside with a loaded gun, then why not chase his sister and the man in camo?
Clint got a loaded pistol, walked out of the back door and went through an open garage attached to the house. That's when he saw a puddle of blood near Holly's car.

"When I walked out the back door, I saw a small puddle of blood, and I still wasn't alarmed because who I thought was her boyfriend was dressed in camo," Clint said

Why did he load a gun and run outside if he was not alarmed? And if he ran outside with a loaded gun, then why not chase his sister and the man in camo?

Not to be snarky, but didn't his mom tell him to? (get the gun, I mean.)
Not to be snarky, but didn't his mom tell him to? (get the gun, I mean.)

I think she may have, but she also told him it was urgent that he go look for his sister because it was not Clint she was with. So it seems that she tried to tell him to go and help her quickly. He took a loaded gun with him, but did not go after her.
I brought this over from thread #30 post 285 it is by Mr. Noatac. It is the last paragraph only from post 285.
It has occurred to me that the police may have recovered skin cell DNA from the "significant items" that were found, but cannot get a match from those whom they have tested. It has also occurred to me that the police may be waiting to see if the bill to allow familial DNA in Tennessee passes and becomes law on Jan. 1, 2012. This is a big deal. With familial DNA, even if you cannot get a direct match, you may discover a near-match from a relative who has previously committed a serious crime. You can then go and monitor or question family members, to identify other black sheep relatives. This is a VERY POWERFUL investigative tool.​

If Mr. Noatac still reads this forum perhaps he could update us on this law. I hope Mr. Noatac does not mind me reposting it.
If the dad left lunch money on the counter for Holly, why did KB pack a lunch for Holly?
Wasn't Holly of an age that she could pack her own lunch especially considering her mom had a fulltime job outside of the home?
That's not my point though - why pack a lunch when dad already left money on the counter? :waitasec:

I think it was gas money he left her...
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