IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #5

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Wow, you miss an hour around here, and apparently you miss a lot
""There was a gentleman who regularly runs around the lake. He didn’t see either one of the girls ... but he did see their bikes and he was able to pinpoint the time of the day that he saw the bikes. Small details like this are really important to the investigation,” she said.""

Read More: http://wcfcourier.com/news/local/fb...2b1-11e1-8f0b-0019bb2963f4.html#ixzz21OvACwHc

So sounds like police believe the biker 100% but what about the neighborhood couple?

But we don't know what time this witness saw the bikes. It could be at a different time than the one the biker, TG, saw at 12:20. She said in the presser today couldn't or wouldn't talk about it.

Just to jump off this post......Could be the reason for the boat and fisherman inquiry is someone came out early in the day and deposited "something" in the lake...out further in the middle...and this is the evidence they found that they talked about yesterday. Now reminds me of the pics of the FBI right before dawn placing their boats in the water for the final search. Before today, weren't they asking for any info by people at the lake between a certain time period. 12:15 - 4? Now they're wanting info before the girls even supposedly left for their bike ride.
LE is always sure that the young victims are alive until they are certain they are not. Just the way they roll.....
JMO, but I don't believe anyone related to these girls is involved in any way in their disappearance. I don't think it's anyone that has anything to do with meth that involves Lyric's parents. Who on meth wants to bother to take two little girls that would need to be looked after? I can always be wrong, like we anyone else, but I can't see someone taking two kids that they have to deal with. When I am thinking of someone that one of the girls knew, I am thinking more along the lines of, "Hi! Remember me? I'm Susie's Dad." "Hi! Remember me? I'm your mailman." "Hi? Remember me? I fixed your Grandma's leaky roof." "Hi! Remember me? I substitute in your class when your teacher is sick." In other words, someone that one of them (or even both) has seen and somene who can say something like one of the examples above that could cause the girls to think, "Oh, yes. I remember him (and therefore, he isn't a stranger)." Then, a little conversation and perhaps one of the girls remembers that they have been gone too long and she says, "Lyric/Elizabeth! We should have been home a long time ago! We're going to be in trouble!" And the perp says, "Hey! My van is parked right over here. Jump in and I'll drive you straight up to Liz's house and explain it to all to Grandma so you won't be in trouble. Then, I'll come right back and pick up your bikes." Off they go....

Here's another scenerio using the same type meeting with a man who they come to believe isn't really a stranger. This time let's put the man himself on a bike. Elizabeth's house isn't far from the Evansdale Nature Trail. In this scenerio the "known" stranger said, "Guess what, girls?! I just talked to your Grandma (or your mom/aunt at the store) and told them I was going to ride down to Meyers Lake. They said you could with me if you wanted to. Come on! It'll be fun!" Off they go down the trail which doesn't appear from the aerial view, anyway, to be as visible as riding down the streets might be. So, they ride down the trail and arrive at the lake. They're hot after such a long ride (it's long for two little girls, after all). Now, the "known" stranger says, "Boy, I'm tired, girls. My van is parked right over on the other side of these trees. Tell you what - let's cut through the woods over to my van and I'll drive you up to Liz's house and we'll get a drink. I'll come back and get your bikes because it would be too hard for you to get your bikes through the woods or you and your bikes won't all fit in my van at the same time so I'll just take you two girls and my bike for now. I'll come back for your bikes after I drop you off. It wouldn't be safe to leave you here alone." Off they go....
LE has the bikes that belong to Elizabeth and Lyric, definitely.

However, are those the two bikes seen by the 12:27 witness? Could he have seen bikes belonging to Jane and Janet Public, who were doing a little exploring in the woods, came back just after he saw the bikes and rode off.

If so, then Elizabeth and Lyric came along a little later and left their bikes in the same location.

If that were so, I would wonder if a perp was creating some sort of lure or attraction at that point but the first two kids didn't fit the perp's profile.

I bet kids would stop riding to pick up a bunch of quarters sprinkled on the bike trail. Quarters are the largest coin in general usage in the US and if there were 10 or 20 of them on the ground, that would look like a treasure to 8 and 10 year olds.
Thank you!

Between ollipop's pictures of the area that the bikes were found and awesome descriptions that really put you there and your explanation here, I finally understand how it might be possible that the bikes might not have been the girls' bikes that were seen by Ted G at 12:20.

Great thinking about the perp using that spot to lure with something like quarters! That would be a perfect lure for children of this age!
""There was a gentleman who regularly runs around the lake. He didn’t see either one of the girls ... but he did see their bikes and he was able to pinpoint the time of the day that he saw the bikes. Small details like this are really important to the investigation,” she said.""

Read More: http://wcfcourier.com/news/local/fb...2b1-11e1-8f0b-0019bb2963f4.html#ixzz21OvACwHc

So sounds like police believe the biker 100% but what about the neighborhood couple?
Runs is not the same as rode a bike and had to swerve to miss the bikes laying on the path.
Runs is not the same as rode a bike and had to swerve to miss the bikes laying on the path.

Great catch! I am thinking its time to go to bed. I am reading things very wrong.
We are not sleuthing people that 'might' be tied to this case, we are not sleuthing the family at this time. No one has been named a POI or Suspect in this case.


Ollipop shout out...or other local with knowledge of the area....

If you are at that pump house or garage with no house thing next to the trail....would you be able to keep an eye out on another part of the trail from there to be able to watch who might be coming up next to the area where the girls bikes were eventually found?

Does that make sense? Could that be used as a "lookout" spot, both to watch for who is coming up along the trail and then to access the trail to put out a lure or even just act like he's walking up from the other direction on the path. He/she could easily knock both girls off their bikes in that narrow space. They'd be almost caged in with the fence on both sides.
Sorry, but where is the article with the interesting comments? Was it the ABC site-I did not see any comments after the story.
One thing I read (and I don't recall which article) said the bikes were found near the hole in the fence (from previous accident involving a car going off the highway and hitting the fence).

When I was looking at Ollipop's photos - it seemed the damaged fence is much further away from the narrow double fenced part of the path as well as further west. If the bikes were by that part of the fence, it is on the opposite end of the path than the wooded area where I imagined all this happened. Does that make sense? Do we know if the bikes were in fact found by that damaged area of the fence?
Working on a new thread, will be closing this one in a few...

One thing I read (and I don't recall which article) said the bikes were found near the hole in the fence (from previous accident involving a car going off the highway and hitting the fence).

When I was looking at Ollipop's photos - it seemed the damaged fence is much further away from the narrow double fenced part of the path as well as further west. If the bikes were by that part of the fence, it is on the opposite end of the path than the wooded area where I imagined all this happened. Does that make sense? Do we know if the bikes were in fact found by that damaged area of the fence?

The only fact we know is the girls were last seen @12:15 and they have been abducted. That is a lot of info to go on huh.
So maybe the "false alarm" call to the police a few days earlier, was a botched abduction...because LCM did arrive home a short time after the police were called. That leads me back to the point that the first time LCM "went missing" is somehow related to this!

like trial run or practise?:rocker:
One thing I read (and I don't recall which article) said the bikes were found near the hole in the fence (from previous accident involving a car going off the highway and hitting the fence).

When I was looking at Ollipop's photos - it seemed the damaged fence is much further away from the narrow double fenced part of the path as well as further west. If the bikes were by that part of the fence, it is on the opposite end of the path than the wooded area where I imagined all this happened. Does that make sense? Do we know if the bikes were in fact found by that damaged area of the fence?

The area where the fence is missing because of an auto was on the other side of the trail....the hwy side. Where the bikes were found was further up the trail heading east and on the lake side. It's the GATE that was unlocked that is used to access the pump/jetty. The purse and phone were found inside this gate.......appox 20 from the fence.
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