Max's Mother pleads case to Council

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Thanks, Kimster. Good advice.

Here is a link to the City of Coronado, and City Council minutes and agendas. The agenda for yesterday is posted. Minutes are supposed to be posted before the next meeting, and meetings are twice a month on alternating Tuesdays. So, minutes and any official comments about Dina's remarks should be available by Oct 2 meeting.However, I don't see anything that says that the council MUST respond to public comments in the minutes, just that there will not be discussion by the council during the public comments. I think maybe it is up to the council whether or not they choose to respond to citizen comments.

Link to yesterday's agenda. I don't see Dina listed by name on the agenda. I'm assuming she approached the council under the #6 item, "Oral communications" section, in accordance with the 3 minute timeframe for open comments. It wasn't a big secret to anyone that she was coming, though-- there have been news reports for a couple days, and TV cameras were there. But interesting that she was not on the agenda by name. In my location, you must be on the agenda by name, or you are not allowed to speak. Photos and infor about council members here.

You are correct about Item 6.....anyone can speak (for upto 3 minutes), and the format is 1. Identify yourself, 2. state your cause/concern.
That seems reasonable, except that she isn't advocating for both deaths to be reinvestigated, only Max's death. Rebecca's death is currently not being reopened or reinvestigated either. The best course of action, IMO, is for her to partner with the Zahau's to ask for both death investigations to be reopened. There is great strength in numbers. If both families cooperated in their lobby to reopen the deaths, it would be much more persuasive, IMO.

Why wouldn't Dina want to partner with the Zahau's to reopen BOTH investigations? That is very puzzling to me.

It's also puzzling to me that Jonah is silent on all aspects of Max and Rebecca's death investigations.

The Zahau's have said they are not opposed to reopening BOTH death investigations. I hope Dina considers a partnership with the Zahau's to reopen both deaths. Maybe then the authorities would give more serious consideration.

Why would she advocate for RZ's case to be reopened if she believed she was complicit in Max's case?

My point still stands. If Dina had killed RZ, there is no way she would be all up in the public's face like this, asking for police investigations into Maxies death. JMO
Mayor Tanaka appeared on the Dr. Drew show in 2011. The doctor questions Tanaka about knowing Jonah.

Dr. Drew - 7/20/2011

PINSKY: We are back with CNN reporter, Sandra Endo. Also, criminal defense attorney, Mark Eiglarsh is still with me. And I`m joined by the sister of Nicole Brown Simpson, Tanya Brown. In addition, we`ve just been joined by the mayor of Coronado, California, Casey Tanaka. So, let me start with you, Casey. You knew both Rebecca and Jonah. Can you tell us about them as a couple?

VOICE OF MAYOR CASEY TANAKA, CORONADO, CA: No. I only knew Jonah, and I knew Jonah because his home was designated historic in Coronado in 2006. And he became the owner around 2007. And he had been involved in a permitting process to make changes or at least to attempt to, to that historic home. So, I only knew Jonah.

PINSKY: And can you tell us about him? What kind of guy he was and what you learned about him?

TANAKA: Well, I think he -- I found him to be a very patient and rational person. That the red tape that one associates with trying to get a permitting done of an alteration permit for his historic home, it was kind of an arduous process for him. And at many points along the way, our commissions or even the city council itself had denied requests that he had made, and he was very constructive in terms of taking that criticism, changing his plans, and finally, in February of this year, he succeeded at getting his approvals that he was seeking.

So, I was very impressed with the way he handled himself. He didn`t threaten lawsuits. He didn`t try to throw his weight around. And he really took our critiques to heart. So, I was very impressed by that.

PINSKY: And it`s not as though neighbors were complaining about him or he was, you know, a suspected individual? In the community, he was just another member of the island?

TANAKA: The only complaints I had heard had been with regard to the changes he is proposing to his house. He want a second-story addition, and he had made a proposal to try and open his roof up so that it would become a more habitable space.
You are correct about Item 6.....anyone can speak (for upto 3 minutes), and the format is 1. Identify yourself, 2. state your cause/concern.

I skimmed thru a previous set of minutes to see how the council has addressed open comments in the past. There was a summary (From Sept 4 mtg minutes) of a guy who addressed the council about a small structure he was building adjacent to his deck, and there were permitting issues. His concerns were summarized, and included in the minutes, but no further comments were entered by the council.

So it will be interesting to see how they handle Dina's remarks. Will they simply summarize in the Oct 2 minutes, or will there be more comments from the mayor and council? My sense is that if there are comments from the council or mayor, they will be expressions of sympathy for her loss, and support for the investigation by the police department, based on the mayor and one councilwoman's previous comments quoted upthread.

I could be wrong, though. Perhaps they will urge her to focus her efforts with LE differently, or pursue a different chain of command.
Why would she advocate for RZ's case to be reopened if she believed she was complicit in Max's case?

My point still stands. If Dina had killed RZ, there is no way she would be all up in the public's face like this, asking for police investigations into Maxies death. JMO


IIRC, Dina Romano stated Rebecca's death/investigation (?) as being SUSPICIOUS.

As to your fourth sentence...
If Dina had killed RZ, there is no way she would be all up in the public's face like this, asking for police investigations into Maxies death.

I disagree. Dina Romano, for all intent and purposes has NOTHING to lose. Nothing. She has lost everyone and everything of importance to her.

IMO, she is on a destroy all who she perceives who has hurt her. At any price, including her own self.

IIRC, Dina Romano stated Rebecca's death/investigation (?) as being SUSPICIOUS.

As to your fourth sentence...
If Dina had killed RZ, there is no way she would be all up in the public's face like this, asking for police investigations into Maxies death.

I disagree. Dina Romano, for all intent and purposes has NOTHING to lose. Nothing. She has lost everyone and everything of importance to her.

IMO, she is on a destroy all who she perceives who has hurt her. At any price, including her own self.

Agree. Smoke and mirrors. Dina has nothing to lose and everything to gain by flooding the media with insinuations that Rebecca and her sister X assaulted and killed Max. In law it's called the 4 D's of media and public manipulation: Deflection, Distraction, Diminishment and Denial. By dominating the airwaves with innuendos, falsehoods, and slander of the Zahaus, Dina is hoping to alter the public opinion to her own benefit.
Hello everyone, this video is wonderfully unreal. I think it may finally happen. The two families may join together. Well, at least a part of the families.

what Dina should have done from the beginning is admit how unusual Rebecca's death was.. Instead is accusing her of murder..

I really hope Dina has thought long and hard about what could have happen to Maxie and Rebecca. I feel she was so quick to judge Rebecca and accuse her that she overlooked someone else.
what Dina should have done from the beginning is admit how unusual Rebecca's death was.. Instead is accusing her of murder..

I really hope Dina has thought long and hard about what could have happen to Maxie and Rebecca. I feel she was so quick to judge Rebecca and accuse her that she overlooked someone else.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. I am purely excited by the fact there is still much hope for justice to be served. It has been a long, draining story. I'm ready for some real answers. Way ready.
BRAVO DINA!!! You are beautiful, brilliant and passionate. May GOD bless you in your battle for the truth about what happened to your precious son Maxie. Keep fighting. You touched my heart. I may just have to sign your petition after all.

I hope that both families will continue to seek the truth about what happened and will not give up until justice is done. I might add that Jonah Shacknai has been conspicuously absent in this gut wrenching battle.

Jonah was the one that funded the PR campaign and hired security guards but did not fund the investigations into his son's or lover's deaths. Jonah was satisfied with L.E.'s findings. He did not have one question about either death. No not one. He even praised L.E. for doing a great job.

Jonah is all about silencing people. It was Jonah's lawyer and Gore that sent threatening letters to the Zahau's attorney's. It was Jonah that made Dina agree to remain silent in order to to receive her divorce settlement.

Did he instruct Rebecca to remain silent about the details of Max's injuries? Is that why Rebecca was silent when Nina questioned her? Who else is remaining silent about what they know?

GOD bless you, Dina, for having the courage to speak up and fight for your son. I love you Dina!!!
freespeech, I agree. I watched the entire 21 min video interview.

I support the reopening of BOTH Max’s, and Rebecca’s death investigations. I would be happy to support a petition that advocates for reopening BOTH investigations, because I believe BOTH were highly flawed. To that end, I am in agreement with one of Dina’s assertions: that the Gomez analysis is flawed and incorrect. However, I also believe that the Gomez report CAN be incorrect, and Max’s death STILL be an accident.

I am concerned that Dina has apparently bought into an “either/ or” situation with her paid experts. Meaning, she believes that “if” the Gomez report is wrong, “then” Max’s death was a homicide. This is not logical, or rational. Flawed critical thinking. There are more potential options than that. But in her grief, and extreme anger, I don't think she is able to comprehend that.

It is abundantly clear that Dina’s own experts were guided to analyze ONLY a specific scenario: assault and homicide. They were guided to analyze and disprove ONLY the Gomez scenario, and to “prove” assault and homicide. It is entirely possible Gomez WAS wrong in his analysis, and Max’s injuries were STILL the result of an accident. This is what I want to see explored more fully, by professionals that are not hired by the child’s grieving mother. I would like to see a thorough, independent, biometric analysis of “planking” in various positions and planes in the stairwell, because this is one of the earliest explanations for Max’s injuries that was documented by MSM articles. As well as a thorough explanation of other scenarios (reaching for a toy caught in the chandelier, scooter tricks, etc). We now have 2 scenarios—the Gomez fall, and Dina’s “Rebecca or X assaulted Max” scenarios. Let’s look at ALL of the possibilities.

Dina is clearly grieving and tortured about the horrific injuries her son experienced. She deserves answers. Many highly experienced, credentialed, high level professionals would help, if she and Jonah were to cooperate and release Max’s medical records. Max’s medical records hold the answers to the truth. I urge Dina to selectively release all of Max’s medical records (including radiographic reports), with Jonah’s concurrence. Some very high level, expert professionals, care about these 2 deaths, and would be happy to review the medical records and comment, for free. Dina has not explored this possibility. Dina has had no personal issues posting pictures of Max in ICU as though these pictures conclusively prove something; Max’s actual medical records will be able to conclusively determine and settle a lot of issues about his injuries.

I am sensitive to the privacy concerns of medical records (even in death), but I also think that these records should be available in conjunction with her independent expert’s reports. Otherwise, the reports are only one sided, without the ability for other experts to analyze, concur, or disagree.

If Dina truly wants to find out what happened to her deeply beloved son, and I think she does, she should think beyond her paid experts. Her paid experts were quite constrained in their paid work product. Dina’s sound bite of “science doesn’t lie” rings hollow, because her experts were so constrained. Cast a wide net, and much more information is possible.

But if she is convinced, and committed to only ONE other scenario—assault and homicide—then it is going to be impossible for any official agency to look at her data seriously. The way she has gone about her “independent investigation” is so flawed, scientifically, that the results cannot be given credibility by official agencies, IMO. No one is willing to say that to her very frankly because of her obvious grief. ONE alternate theory, that has been directed by the person paying for the investigation, is not compelling.

The Gomez report/ analysis CAN be wrong. And the manner of death can STILL be an accident. OR a homicide. This is the genuine truth that Dina has still not even begun to entertain. Assault and homicide are NOT the ONLY other options.
Thank you K_Z for your well thought out and articulate post. I agree with your analysis. However, I admit that I was was caught up in joyful exuberance over Dina's apparently small and hinted concessions that an alternate scenario may have been possible.

I believe that Max fell while planking more than any of the alternate theories. I also believe that an older kid may have helped him to get his Razor scooter up on the railing for photo when a curious Ocean jumped up and knocked him off the railing.

I do not believe any child is incapable of making a foolish choice. Children learn to make good choices by reaping the consequences of their poor choices. Ideally, an adult is present to assist them with the process.

However, tragically many children are fatally injured in accidents yearly. It happens and it's hard to blame anyone, especially if there was no grossly blatant neglect.

I can't imagine the pain Dina feels over Max's death. I sincerely pray that GOD will bless her with the strength to go on and also help her come peace about it in time. I think that her emphasis on Rebecca seems to be fading as she concentrates her thoughts and efforts on finding out the truth about what happened to Max. I believe her critical thinking is starting to kick in and will continue to grow if she concentrates her efforts.

I agree that the Melinik and Bove reports were drastically flawed. I will never condone the use the LHK site and Wikipedia articles to support their points. I agree with the privacy concerns you mentioned as well. Dina may be forced to make more public than one would normally in order to sell her points.

Jonah's power, influence and wealth probably did more damage to the quest for truth and justice in this case than any other factor, imo.
Thank you K_Z for your well thought out and articulate post. I agree with your analysis. However, I admit that I was was caught up in joyful exuberance over Dina's apparently small and hinted concessions that an alternate scenario may have been possible.

I believe that Max fell while planking more than any of the alternate theories. I also believe that an older kid may have helped him to get his Razor scooter up on the railing for photo when a curious Ocean jumped up and knocked him off the railing.

I do not believe any child is incapable of making a foolish choice. Children learn to make good choices by reaping the consequences of their poor choices. Ideally, an adult is present to assist them with the process.

However, tragically many children are fatally injured in accidents yearly. It happens and it's hard to blame anyone, especially if there was no grossly blatant neglect.

I can't imagine the pain Dina feels over Max's death. I sincerely pray that GOD will bless her with the strength to go on and also help her come peace about it in time. I think that her emphasis on Rebecca seems to be fading as she concentrates her thoughts and efforts on finding out the truth about what happened to Max. I believe her critical thinking is starting to kick in and will continue to grow if she concentrates her efforts.

I agree that the Melinik and Bove reports were drastically flawed. I will never condone the use the LHK site and Wikipedia articles to support their points. I agree with the privacy concerns you mentioned as well. Dina may be forced to make more public than one would normally in order to sell her points.

Jonah's power, influence and wealth probably did more damage to the quest for truth and justice in this case than any other factor, imo.

I want truth and justice for both families. I agree with much of what you said. However, I don't believe that planking was the proximate cause of Max's injuries as he would have fallen straight down, rather than over and catching the chandelier.

Due to Max's center of gravity and the distance and position of the chandelier and the bannister height, it is more likely he was on his scooter and jumped or tripped over an object (soccerball or Ocean), flying over the bannister and catching the chandelier.

I still do see that Dina is placing the blame for Max's accident squarely on Rebecca and her teenage sister though. When she said there were "three people" alone that morning of Max's accident, she was not indicating that Jonah or his two teenage children were there. Rather, she was trying to point out that only Rebecca, her sister, and Max were there.

From the link above:

"In fact, Drs Bove and Melinik concluded that Max could not have gone over the bannister with one foot , two feet, with a dog, with a ball or with a scooter. Each scenario defies the laws of gravity. Further, Max’s injuries were not consistent with an accident scenario, given the multiple planes and locations of those injuries. Both experts agreed that Max was the victim of an assault which culminated in a homicide….the most horrific scenario a parent could envision."

If she wants to stand up in front of them and first claim she is a scientist, I think she should have explained what her background actually is because she is adding some 'authority' to what she is saying. I would not call her a scientist, but they don't know who she is really.

I don't think Dr. Bove agreed with what Dina is stating in the quote above and I'm not sure where the 'defies the laws of gravity' came from? :waitasec:
From the link above:

"In fact, Drs Bove and Melinik concluded that Max could not have gone over the bannister with one foot , two feet, with a dog, with a ball or with a scooter. Each scenario defies the laws of gravity. Further, Max’s injuries were not consistent with an accident scenario, given the multiple planes and locations of those injuries. Both experts agreed that Max was the victim of an assault which culminated in a homicide….the most horrific scenario a parent could envision."

If she wants to stand up in front of them and first claim she is a scientist, I think she should have explained what her background actually is because she is adding some 'authority' to what she is saying. I would not call her a scientist, but they don't know who she is really.

I don't think Dr. Bove agreed with what Dina is stating in the quote above and I'm not sure where the 'defies the laws of gravity' came from? :waitasec:

I'll have to watch the video again. Now I'm not sure what I heard.
I'll have to watch the video again. Now I'm not sure what I heard.

Hi Free!

Right now, what I'm concerned about are two things:

1. Dina seems to be overly dramatic and, I would say, misleading. Why interject things into what is a serious matter that are not really true (I'm a scientist and a Coronado homeowner) or are overly dramatized to insinuate Rebecca is a bad person, my kid wouldn't do that, project herself as a near perfect mom, my ex husband is ....etc. (Boy Interrupted article)?

2. Where is Dr. Bove since most of their argument seems to rely on physics and accident recreation and not much on what Dr. Melinek has to say as a pathologist?

3. I don't see anyone on Dina's team saying Rebecca's death should be reopened/reinvestigated. If a death ever was suspicious, it's Rebecca's. Why wouldn't she want it looked into also. Jonah and Dina should have been thoroughly investigated, they never were. Instead, we just got the siblings.

It's awful when you lose a child, but that does not give you the right to hurt others.
Hi Free!

Right now, what I'm concerned about are two things:

1. Dina seems to be overly dramatic and, I would say, misleading. Why interject things into what is a serious matter that are not really true (I'm a scientist and a Coronado homeowner) or are overly dramatized to insinuate Rebecca is a bad person, my kid wouldn't do that, project herself as a near perfect mom, my ex husband is ....etc. (Boy Interrupted article)?

2. Where is Dr. Bove since most of their argument seems to rely on physics and accident recreation and not much on what Dr. Melinek has to say as a pathologist?

3. I don't see anyone on Dina's team saying Rebecca's death should be reopened/reinvestigated. If a death ever was suspicious, it's Rebecca's. Why wouldn't she want it looked into also. Jonah and Dina should have been thoroughly investigated, they never were. Instead, we just got the siblings.

It's awful when you lose a child, but that does not give you the right to hurt others.

What you say is true. I agree with your analysis.

I also would question why she needed the Melinek report. Dr. Peterson had done a report regarding his findings but she never stated whether Dr. Peterson recanted after receiving the reports on Max's MRI and autopsy. I would think those results would explain why she sought a second opinion but that information was suppressed.

I totally agree that Dina and Jonah should be investigated. Nina placed Jonah's car in the vicinity and a witness placed Dina at the mansion prior to Rebecca's death. The siblings were used as proxies since both placed themselves at the scene. Imo, that was how it was planned to happen and regardless if it were thought up on the spot or an hour or day before the murder there was thought and planning given to producing dead ended and misleading alibis.

I probably only let myself hear what I wanted, hoped and wished to to hear. Thank you for caring enough to bring me back to earth.
Hi Free!

Right now, what I'm concerned about are two things:

1. Dina seems to be overly dramatic and, I would say, misleading. Why interject things into what is a serious matter that are not really true (I'm a scientist and a Coronado homeowner) or are overly dramatized to insinuate Rebecca is a bad person, my kid wouldn't do that, project herself as a near perfect mom, my ex husband is ....etc. (Boy Interrupted article)?

2. Where is Dr. Bove since most of their argument seems to rely on physics and accident recreation and not much on what Dr. Melinek has to say as a pathologist?

3. I don't see anyone on Dina's team saying Rebecca's death should be reopened/reinvestigated. If a death ever was suspicious, it's Rebecca's. Why wouldn't she want it looked into also. Jonah and Dina should have been thoroughly investigated, they never were. Instead, we just got the siblings.

It's awful when you lose a child, but that does not give you the right to hurt others.

What you say is true. I agree with your analysis.

I also would question why she needed the Melinek report. Dr. Peterson had done a report regarding his findings but she never stated whether Dr. Peterson recanted after receiving the reports on Max's MRI and autopsy. I would think those results would explain why she sought a second opinion but that information was suppressed.

I totally agree that Dina and Jonah should be looked at. Nina placed Jonah's car in the vicinity and a witness place Dina at the mansion prior prior to Rebecca's death. The siblings were used as proxies since both placed themselves at the scene. Imo, that was how it was planned to happen. Imo, regardless if it were thought up on the spot or an hour or day before the murder there was thought and planning given to producing alibis dead ended and misleading alibis.

I probably only let myself hear what I wanted, hoped and wished to to hear. Thank you for caring enough to bring me back to earth.
Dina's attorney Angela Hallier is misrepresenting her own experts opinions. Both experts hired by Dina do not agree that this was an assault scenario. Dr. Bove, "I have not taken a position as to whether the actual incident that resulted in Maxfield Shacknai’s injuries was intentional". Why would attorney Hallier misrepresent the conclusion of her own expert? Dina also states the same while addressing the Coronado council members.

"Drs. Bove and Melinek are deeply disturbed and frustrated by the COPD's refusal to reopen the case, and the failure to reexamine the biomechanical aspects of the incident and the scene findings," said Angela Hallier, Managing Partner of Hallier & Lawrence PLC. "After a nine-month investigation, both experts agree that it is clear the accident scenario put forth by the COPD is inaccurate and that an assault scenario is the only scenario consistent with the injuries and science."

Dr. Bove's Conclusion -

The opinions in this report, based upon the materials reviewed and the education, experience, and knowledge of the author, and are presented with a reasonable degree of biomechanical and scientific certainty. As additional information becomes available, this report may be amended. If additional reasonable accidental scenarios consistent with the available information are presented that have not been addressed in this report, this report may be amended.

This report has drawn various conclusions about the kinematics and mechanisms by which Maxfield Shacknai sustained his injuries. Although I have ruled out Dr. Gomez’s scenario as inconsistent with Maxfield Shacknai’s injuries and have confirmed that Dr. Melinek’s scenario is consistent with those injuries, I cannot affirmatively state exactly what happened in the subject matter. I also am unable to determine the initiating event and who was at fault at the time of the subject accident. Although I have ruled out certain types of accidental events or actions (as described above), I have not taken a position as to whether the actual incident that resulted in Maxfield Shacknai’s injuries was intentional.

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