Boulder Grand Jury Voted To Indict-Boulder Dailey Camera

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Nobody here is saying anything about AH that the Boulder officials since at LEAST 1981 have said about him. Read Kirk Long's criticism about him. ST was not the first.

... if I had been in AH's shoes, I would have wondered if justice would truly be served by putting the Rs in prison. They were not an existing threat to society. They were good people who made a mistake, a mistake they would have to live with the rest of their lives. The LAW and JUSTICE are not always the same.

So, I can have respect for AH if that's the way he looked at this. Trouble is, I'm not so sure he did. I think he was more concerned with petty things: his own image, the image of his town, and so forth. (That's not counting some of the other possibilities.)

Snipped and BBM
Super Dave - Gotta love ya man, but..........."good people"? Would good people throw their best friends and several innocent people under the bus, stand on vacation home balconies and pretend to shoot photographers, limit their cooperation and interaction with law enforcement with the intent to avoid truth, deliberately concoct a fictitious scene of death that would lead to costing mega thousands of taxpayer's dollars, and end up costing respectable investigators their careers? And that type of list could go on to take up more space than this post would allow.

And, those good people made "A" (?) mistake they would have to live with the rest of their lives? It was discovered that JB had been sexually molested prior to the night of her death. Statistics show that an adult male family member is usually that type of perpetrator. Both of the children displayed documented signs of molestation through soiling of clothing, beds, and walls.
For a couple of years. OK, if these good people might have made the mistake of being in such devastated anguish that they could not make a 911 call when finding their daughter a victim of such torture, hoping to get assistance to save her life, I could see it.

SD, you have the AH part down pat. It is my opinion that AH is a self-serving lily-liver, and it is disgusting, at the very least, to think that he is able, as the Ramseys have, been able to "live with" their mistakes the rest of their lives. AH has drawn a public servant retirement payment routinely which keeps his life comfortable enough, I'm sure. He and the Ramseys, who have told their story through book$, con$ultations for 'crockumentaries', television appearance$, and even an obviously bogus memorial foundation for JB, have "managed" to go on with living the rest of their lives quite well, all the while without one shred of remorse for a beautiful child who has not been able to live the rest of her life at all.

Sorry, not one shred of empathy from me for any choices made by any of the responsible parties in this travesty of farce.

P.S. Do luv ya otherwise, SD :blowkiss:
Ummm "good people who made a mistake" sounds like BS that people say about wealthy people.
(Maybe if JBR was killed by BR, and the R's had admitted to everything on December 26)
I have no idea if ST, JK, or any of the other dedicated people that worked so hard on this case ever come to WS, but I hope they do. The following message is for them:

Your hard work has been publicly vindicated now! Thank you for never giving up in your fight for justice for JonBenet. Thank you for never giving in to those that sought to subvert justice. We here at WS will never give up hope that one day your dedication and hard work will result in a conviction of the only one left alive to convict! Had the Boulder DA's office shared your moral and ethical values, two convictions would have almost certainly happened 16 years ago. We have the utmost respect and admiration for you all. You are truly JonBenet's heros!

Justice for JonBenet!

Ditto and :gthanks:

Jeff Shapiro has weighed in on this with his recent article - link posted above.

He's a top pick to keep the momentum going on this. If anyone has a contact address for him, please share!
You would think if one child was found to have been sexually molested and with no perp being arrested at the very very least someone would take Burke in for an exam to to see if he also showed signs of being molested.
I'm on vacation and haven't taken time to read all of the posts here, but it's not really surprising to me that the GJ wanted to indict the Ramseys but the DA wouldn't prosecute :furious: John Ramsey's money and political prowess went a long way in keeping he and Patsy out of harm's way. I've always believed that they were responsible for JonBenet's untimely demise, and they will get their just "reward" in the afterlife. :moo:
Ditto and :gthanks:

Jeff Shapiro has weighed in on this with his recent article - link posted above.

He's a top pick to keep the momentum going on this. If anyone has a contact address for him, please share!


I'm not so sure about that MM.

[ame=""]Jeffrey Scott Shapiro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Shapiro believed that John Ramsey was innocent despite the murder accusations Shapiro's tabloid editors were publishing about him.[10] Shapiro felt compassion for the people his editors were targeting, and eventually he called John Ramsey personally to apologize for his participation in the tabloid accusations against him.
Strategically, Hunter made a lot of sense, and in my opinion, still does. Hunter viewed the case through the scope of reason, not emotion.
I'm on vacation and haven't taken time to read all of the posts here, but it's not really surprising to me that the GJ wanted to indict the Ramseys but the DA wouldn't prosecute :furious: John Ramsey's money and political prowess went a long way in keeping he and Patsy out of harm's way. I've always believed that they were responsible for JonBenet's untimely demise, and they will get their just "reward" in the afterlife. :moo:

I totally agree! If they both would have been charged and put on trial I just have to think that at least some questions would have been answered and that one may out the other. Who can know what would have occurred but to me not doing anything is worse than trying both and maybe them not being found guilty or whatever.
Maybe JR's latest self serving book was the last straw for somebody. To make money off the death of his daughter, after a jury voted to indict him, is offensive, beyond words. His days of playing the victim should be over. moo Another thing that's bugging me...all of the so called experts backing AH's decision. Do they also support his decision to keep the vote a secret? and give the impression that the jury voted against an indictment? And unless they saw and read every shred of evidence, (including what wasn't presented to the grand jury), I don't see how they could form an educated opinion on the subject, one way or the other.

Dodie, that is one of the best, if not the best, posts on WS I've read about this case.

Touche, Nom.

Know he looked hard at Patsy. My opinion is based on his fortitude and ingenuity in going after a story. Also, with his law degree now in place he would have all the legal answers/angles at the ready as he would follow through with the steps it would take to get through to those now responsible for taking new action to move this case forward.

He's a warrior at heart, and I think he would see this as a prime public personna opportunity. Kinda like him being able to get whatever a Purple Heart of journalism might be called.
Ummm "good people who made a mistake" sounds like BS that people say about wealthy people.
(Maybe if JBR was killed by BR, and the R's had admitted to everything on December 26)
I used to believe 'the good people' theory, until I started delving into the evidence. After really reading the Rs own words and studying the evidence though, it's moo, that this isn't a case of a parent making a mistake or suffering from a lapse in judgment, or going into a one time rage. This was a case of ongoing abuse that escalated until JonBenet was murdered. Nothing good about that. And nothing good about the hole in her head. IMO, both of the Rs being named in the grand jury report says it all. Together, they made this happen. And seeing that report, makes me even madder about JR being able to go about his life and write books about how he's the victim, about how he has suffered, what an injustice that he lost his big boat...and he has made money off this! And he ran for political office! moo
This isn't a big deal, but what is up with Westword saying this case is arguably Colorado's most famous unsolved murder case? What other unsolved murder in Colorado could someone argue is just as famous as this one?
I think Hunter did the Ramseys a profound disservice by not taking the case to trial. Had he done so, the Ramseys would most definitely have been found "not guilty" and would have been spared much of the continuing indictments from the court of public opinion to which they have been brutally subjected over the years.

Predicting a not-guilty verdict is a 50/50 proposition. With a Grand Jury voting to indict both adult Ramseys based on selected testimony that excluded many primary sources, well, in my opinion, I think a jury of the Ramsey's peers would have found them guilty had it gone to trial and the jury heard all the evidence. I'd up the probability of guilty-as-charged to about 90% had it gone to trial. After all, the GJ thought there was enough to indict both.
I used to believe 'the good people' theory, until I started delving into the evidence. After really reading the Rs own words and studying the evidence though, it's moo, that this isn't a case of a parent making a mistake or suffering from a lapse in judgment, or going into a one time rage. This was a case of ongoing abuse that escalated until JonBenet was murdered. Nothing good about that. And nothing good about the hole in her head. IMO, both of the Rs being named in the grand jury report says it all. Together, they made this happen. And seeing that report, makes me even madder about JR being able to go about his life and write books about how he's the victim, about how he has suffered, what an injustice that he lost his big boat...and he has made money off this! And he ran for political office! moo

Here's a tidbit about the R's first sit-down interview in 2000:

John and Patsy Ramsey, parents of murdered 6-year-old JonBenet , chose Barbara Walters over such heavy hitters as ABC's Diane Sawyer, CBS's Dan Rather and NBC's Katie Couric and Ann Curry for their first in-depth interview since JonBenet 's death in December 1996.

And here's another interesting one:

Less persuasive with Nelson publisher Rolf Zettersten were Dan Rather and Diane Sawyer, associates said - despite cajoling tokens both sent from Tiffany. "

Tiffany---the jeweler?! Did this guy just admit that the media was sending the Ramseys things from Tiffany's...yet that wasn't good enough? Less persuasive? They didn't bid enough money?

ABC spent $400,000 on the promotional campaign for the interview[/quote

Here's what other infamous people have gotten:

Joey Buttafuoco got about $4 million for rights to his account of a botched scheme to kill his wife that resulted in the conviction of his teen-age lover, Amy Fisher, in 1992.

Jessica Hahn, a former church secretary, got nearly $3 million for telling about her affair with religious broadcaster Jim Bakker.
Touche, Nom.

Know he looked hard at Patsy. My opinion is based on his fortitude and ingenuity in going after a story. Also, with his law degree now in place he would have all the legal answers/angles at the ready as he would follow through with the steps it would take to get through to those now responsible for taking new action to move this case forward.

He's a warrior at heart, and I think he would see this as a prime public personna opportunity. Kinda like him being able to get whatever a Purple Heart of journalism might be called.

I do have to give him credit. His Fox article did seem pretty balanced. You may be correct about him pushing the story. He has to be part barracuda to have been a tabloid "journalist". And even though he thinks JR is innocent, he might push this for his own selfish reasons. Let's hope!

Whether it's JS or someone else, somebody needs to push this! I don't care what his motives, or anyone elses are for that matter, but this story cannot fade from the headlines!! Even LW, JR, or any other RST speaking out will keep the momentum going.
This isn't a big deal, but what is up with Westword saying this case is arguably Colorado's most famous unsolved murder case? What other unsolved murder in Colorado could someone argue is just as famous as this one?

Colorado's? How about the entire country? For that matter the world! I've heard it said that JBR's case is the most infamous case since Jack the Ripper.

IMO the only other cases that even come close to this one would be OJ and CA, both horrible miscarriages of justice. But then so is JBR's. :banghead:
Anyonw who believes for one second that AH did the right thing by not going ahead in this case is seriously deluded. AH chose not to go ahead because his own wrongdoings would be exposed. Things like: Sending a tabloid reported to dig up dirt on witnesses and LE involved in this case. Having the same tabloid reporter get him an advanced copy of the infamous "Vanity Fair" article. Allowing the same tabloid reporter to see evidence in this case, while in the comfort of Hunter's office. And that's just some of the things we KNOW about.

This case was lost before the 9-11 call was made.

For people like ST, this must be incredibly painful. To know what you did was right, have the GJ issue an indictment, and then Hunter refusing to file charges, well that would be more than I think I could deal with.

And to answer the poster that thought the Ramseys never said the touch DNA cleared them, John's been crowing about it for years. He even spoke before lawmakers in AR about how the DNA cleared him and his family when he spoke out in support of a bill requiring LE to take DNA samples on people only arrested for felonies, not convicted.

You would think that AH would just shut up and not issue any statements. He has evaded the consequences of his actions and inactions for years, he should just shut up.

JMO, IMO, :moo: , and all other disclaimers.
Joey Buttafuoco got about $4 million for rights to his account of a botched scheme to kill his wife that resulted in the conviction of his teen-age lover, Amy Fisher, in 1992.

How does this happen? I thought there was a law that prevented people from profiting off of their crime.

That old adage about "crime doesn't pay" isn't so accurate anymore. It's certainly paid well for JR & others. Disgusting!

Does anyone know, is it possible for the citizens of a city to bring a civil suit against an individual? Or the city itself? Not that it would ever happen, but I'd sure like to see JR lose every penny he has to repay the citizens of Boulder for all the wasted tax dollars needlessly spent on this case. Ok....I admit it....I just want to see him living in a box under a bridge if I can't see him in :jail:

What kind of sick SOB profits from the murder of their daughter? Especially when that sick SOB is one of the guilty ones? :furious:
Ummm "good people who made a mistake" sounds like BS that people say about wealthy people.
(Maybe if JBR was killed by BR, and the R's had admitted to everything on December 26)

Been thinking about this for awhile now. I honestly believe that BR is in the middle of this. I wonder if the reason for so many people backing AH, is that they knew of BR's guilt, and the fact that he, being under age 10, could not be investigated, or have his crime be publicized/prosecuted.

The autopsy report however, does not find him to be the actual murderer. Even though it is certain JonBenet could have/would have, died from the blow to her head, which I believe he inflicted, it is the suffocation that actually caused her death.

So, if the R's hadn't of staged the scene, they wouldn't have been guilty of murder. Since they did stage the scene, while strangling JonBenet, they are therefore murderers.

What are the odds, that the R law team, would have gone to trial and NOT tried to get a mistrial, by implicating BR?

Anyway, just what I've been thinking about.
Been thinking about this for awhile now. I honestly believe that BR is in the middle of this. I wonder if the reason for so many people backing AH, is that they knew of BR's guilt, and the fact that he, being under age 10, could not be investigated, or have his crime be publicized/prosecuted.

The autopsy report however, does not find him to be the actual murderer. Even though it is certain JonBenet could have/would have, died from the blow to her head, which I believe he inflicted, it is the suffocation that actually caused her death.

So, if the R's hadn't of staged the scene, they wouldn't have been guilty of murder. Since they did stage the scene, while strangling JonBenet, they are therefore murderers.

What are the odds, that the R law team, would have gone to trial and NOT tried to get a mistrial, by implicating BR?

Anyway, just what I've been thinking about.

If BR whacked JonBenet on the head, then as per the Autopsy Report, he would be responsible for one part of the oxygen depletion, and whoever asphyxiated JonBenet for the other part.

BR would never have seen the inside of a Court, he would never have been publicly implicated.

I do think AH decision not to indict was probably based on information related to who could actually be prosecuted and who had legal immunity?

That is, if AH knew the case to be BDI then he would need a way to deal with the fallout.

It could be AH is the case fall guy, setup to take the heat, in terms of allowing the adult R's to escape justice?

I still reckon BR will have to make some public statement, if anymore people come forward, and they will, because the damn is breaking, the media will be phoning BR off the hook demanding quotes, rebuttal statements etc.


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