*graphic and adult content* Jodi Arias Trial media/ timeline thread **no discussion**

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Day 16, Monday, Feb 11, 2013

Jodi's dad is in court today --along with her brother. Her dad is on dialysis.

All according to Vinnie on TruTV.
Judge Stephens takes the bench


Defendant's father


Defendant retakes the stand, for the 4th day


Defendant's younger brother


Defendant's parents


Travis' Siblings

From this mornings testimony:

Looking at defense exhibits #432 and #435



Examining proposed exhibits #432 & #435


First bite at the defendant, voir dire regarding if Travis took the photos




Answering voir dire by Martinez, yes Travis took the photos


No objection


Defense Exhibit #435
Niagara Falls, NY


Can't seem to bare looking at the live Travis


Defense Exhibit #432
Sacred Grove, Palm Island, NY


From this mornings testimony:

Defendant's Parents


Defendant's aunt and younger brother



Travis' siblings


Sidebar over and back to taking lots of notes


Testimony over, lunch time


February 11, 2013

Afternoon testimony of Jodi Arias

--Jury not present. Judge telling Jodi that she is to answer the question she is being asked. There was a number of times last week where her answers were non responsive.
--Jury is brought in.
--Nurmi asking Jodi about staying in Big Sur or moving on. She had said there were compelling reasons to move on. Jodi asks if Nurmi meant
--Jodi planned to move to Mesa but changed her mind when she found out Travis was cheating on her. Planned on staying in Big Sur to fulfill her committments there and then move to Mesa. Committments would take two months to fulfill.
--jodi had two choices of where to move. Decided to move to Mesa because Travis said that there were a lot of single women looking for roommates. She could sock away more money if she moved there.
--Travis told her they could hang out more and figure things out.
--Hanging out involved sexual activity.
--Jodi moved to Mesa and moved about 15-20 minutes away from Travis. Depending on traffic.
--Was not in the same ward as Travis. Became an issue because they weren't in the same ward. As soon as Jodi moved in with Rachel, Rachel approached her, objection...hearsay, question is rephrased. Jodi moved in with Rachel and her boyfriend. Lived with them for 2.5 weeks. The couple eloped so it was time for Jodi to find a new place to live.
--It became imperative that Jodi move out as soon as possible as the couple were going to have a civil wedding ceremony. Jodi looked for new places to stay. Checked LDShousing.net. Called a few within her price range. Brenda called her back, lived in Gilbert, but hadn't moved in yet. House was brand new. Brenda showed Jodi the house. Took too long for Brenda to get her keys. Went to LDShousing.net again. Found a new place to rent.
--Found another place to rent, didn't want to rent in the same ward as Travis because he had ignored her in church when he was her boyfriend.
--Says that her and Travis talked about living in the same ward. To her understanding she says they discussed going to different wards.
--This new house was a lot closer, it was a 10 minute or less drive depending on the route.
--Moves into new place in the middle of August 2007.
--Jodi had ended her relationship with Travis but he was telling her all these loving things but was not his girlfriend in August 2007.
--Moved to Mesa and says the sexual relationship was ongoing but they weren't aciting like a couple in public. They were more clandestine.
--Sexual encounters were happening at Travis' house.
--Cycle began to develop where they would fight and make up and then it would turn sexual.
--One time of penile/vaginal intercouse, also other sex.
--Upon moving to Mesa, found a job, not right away, got a job at PF Changs. Other source of income...Travis offered to pay her to clean his house. Was going to pay her $200 extra a month to come over 2x a week, worked out to be $12.50 an hour. Was also having a sexual relationship at that time.
Exhibit #395, email Travis sent Jodi regarding a joke about her uniform for cleaning his house. Wanted her to wear a french maid outfit. Email was sent sometime in early August. Martinez objects to the written comment on the exhibit. Judge asks counsel to approach.
During a break in testimony








Jury sent back to jury room, so judge can see what the hold up is
Defense Exhibit #395.001


Part 2

--When Travis proposed this arrangement to her in August 2007, she hesitated but Travis said it was $200 extra a month and she needed the money. She was still sexually active with him.
--When she was cleaning the house, working as his maid, Nurmi asks if Travis ever asked to have sex with her while she was working. Jodi says occasionally. Nurmi asks how she felt about that since she was there to clean her house.
--Didn't bother Jodi because Travis was focused on her, made her feel attractive, was paying attention to her.
--Travis asked Jodi to wear a particular uniform, sent her a picture of a voluptuous woman wearing a french maid outfit, long blonde hair, stockings. Nurmi plans to show the jury the photo but Martinez objects. Counsel approach the bench.
--Judge tells the jury that there will be a delay of two minutes. Then after a few minutes judge tells the jury to go back to their room. Unsure what the delay is.
--Jury is brought back in.
--Exhibit 395.001 is admitted into evidence. Photo that Jodi received in an email. After they made the agreement but before she started. Thought Travis meant it as a joke.
--The implication was that sex was implied sometimes. If he was paying her to clean his house that was part of the deal. Martinez objects, Nurmi rephrases the question and asks if Jodi felt that because she was working for him and needed the money, she was already intimate for him, had feelings for him, she didn't correlate the two. She stuck with her duties there, it was during the day when he was at work.
--Sometimes he would just come up and kiss her.
--Worked as his maid for almost the entire time she lived in Mesa. Always paid her in one form or another. It was usually cash. Sometimes they went on trips together. They split the trips 50/50 and Travis kept track to the penny how much her share was but sometimes he would eat the cost of travelling for the money he owed her for cleaning.
--re: clandestine sexual relationship behind closed doors. There was also sexual encounters other places. Also had sexual interaction sometimes in her car, in parking lots, sometimes at her house in Mesa.
Defense exhibit #434
March 2007 Executive Ball for PPL


Defense exhibit #431
October 2007 Balloon Festival

JA voice breaking up a little bit . . . saying hard t see pics because they had a really good day and it reminds her ofreally good times

She was still coming over to his house -his roommate tried to warn JA that TA was seeing other people . . . . . affection was ok in his room or on his porch

he ejaculates on your face = how did you feel about that
I felt like a prostitute but just chalking it up to one of his little antics that he did.

Any time you said enough of these little antics I am done with this guy.
A little later on down the road I did - but we increased our .. . .

he grabbed my wrist @the Oklahoma convention . . .. he and I were hanging out @ the Sheraton 2 nights after th drunklady was all over him .. . I went to the restroom by a bar - on the weekend lots of people drinkn . . . .. I heard someone call myname . . . it was Abe the guy I went on a date with some months earlier - he heard what hapened and said I deserved more . . ..

Iwalked back toward TA - he reached out and grabbed my wrist hard but not painful . . . . he was squeezing tight but it didn't hurt . . . as soon as he began to talk I could tell he was pissed off -his demeanor his tone and his words - sternly speaking under his breath . ..

Unhappy you were talking to Abe?
Yes he was. . he wanted to know what we were talking about
You were talking aboutthe ideathat you deserved better

in Mesa, the sexual encounters happened more frequently
3-4 times per week
instances on te porch . . . instances in thehome
middle of the day no one home -- if roommates were home Ihad to be very quiet . . . thin walls . . ..
presence in the home a secret?
Activities were secret

Usually stayed night but I left really early - because of roommate

TA specifically told JA that he was not in acommitted relationship with anyone - dates with people from church ocassionally I knew about

TA found out about . . . late 2007 . . . . react positively about you going on dates with othr men?
tease me - one guy he hated . ... (Dixon?)

TA believed he had aright to tellyou who you could date in this time period?
He specifically did not me to date that guy.

Object . . . . not dictated who to date - just didn't like

TA doesn't like John Dixon you are not supposed to date him because TA says so
pretty much yea

behind closed doors

Prior to2007 - sex behind closed doors .. . . .Fall of 2007 . . . . same time period you dared t defy TA and date Dixon? TA expresses anger about this . . . . @ Havisupai . . . .didn't stop going to Havisupai. . . . .

did it stop you from dating Dixon?
Anyone else?
I went a few dates but I didn't tell TA anymore after that

Why not break upwith this guy . . . . telling you to date him or not . ..

Things he did made me feel . . . . . howhe treated me - say things. . . . . got me little inexpensive gifts ,

Cmon Jodi - maybe I will marry you someday?
no not like that . . . . . something I did or said . . . he would look @ me with an inagmatic smile (sic) and say Marry me . . . .I took it as a joke . . . . he only did that when I did something that would merit being a good wife . . . . that was my goal at the time . . . . I wanted to become TA's wife until Havisupai . . . we had such a bad fight that morning . . . he had said such horrible things . . . . I couldn't imagine marrying somene who would say those things to me or him being a father who would say those things to their Mother

What did he say?
Objection - hearsay

Afternoon break
Day 17 - Tuesday, Feb 12, 2013

Beth Karas ‏@BethKaras

The judge has now summoned the court media liaison into chambers. 3m
Chris Williams @chriswnews

#JodiArias for the record: most media in section behind Travis Alexander's family. I'm across ct room this AM. Better view of jury
We got a new thread, court still has the seal.
Judge in chambers with the parties

JA's sister in court w/JA's younger brother, her Aunt, Mom, and Father are all in attendance for the phone sex tape day in court . . . . curious as to why they picked this day of all days.

Sounds of doors closin in the courtroom . . .. . Judge is sitting and waiting - holding her mouth tightly closed = looking around.

HLN thinks they might be waiting for the jurors to enter . . . . TA's sisters are in attendance - courtroom appears to be full to capacity.
Defendant's younger sister and brother


Defendant's aunt and mom


Defendant's dad

Whoa. We have drama already.

Jodi stands as the jury is brought in. She is visibly upset and stands with her arms crossed.

Judge tells the jury they are dismissed until 1300 hours as there is a matter to discuss.

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