weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #139

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AL's demeanor during her testimony was noticibly more reserved and respectful today than it has been in the past. Add to that the Judge's statement to her at the end of today's testimony that she did not care about her personal problems, the issue at hand took priority, and to be in court on Tuesday. There had to be something significant that happened in Judge's chambers to account for this. I would of loved to be a fly on the wall.
This was the best day of the trial so far IMO -- I had to leave immediately after court concluded, and i haven't been able to read follow up comments or anything, but I just have to say:


The change in attitude in the defense was palpable. After their last substantive witness, hearing those jury questions, they know it's all over.

When Wilmott got back up to question Alyce, you could see that they were trying to backpedal and say some kinder things about Travis and were obviously concentrating on including men as abuse victims. A noticeably tempered and more moderate approach than all her prior testimony.

How could they not have any clue how Alyce was coming off in her testimony -- until they heard the jury questions? I mean, I just can't believe that they were so ignorant to think that all the Travis bashing and the refusal to say any single thing negative about Jodi would help Jodi in any way.
I'm not so sure of that. An attorney here stated that expert witnesses are not admonished to not watch media or speak with others about the case. She says she hasn't been privy to any of the trial testimony, but she said nothing about any other or secondary exposure. She has apparently familiarized herself with what's going on and being said by the public on the internet, in forums, and on twitter at least. That is in the motion filed by the defendant for a mistrial claiming some witnesses in the case are being affected by those things, and apparently why, as was reported by the media, she was in the emergency room recently, being treated for a panic attack and palpitations. Am I understanding this correctly?

Yep, you got it right;)

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My DH was annoying me looking for something called "dinner" tonight. After reminding him that today is National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day, I was able to convince him that in order to celebrate, that was for dinner. :)

oh, for 'national grilled cheese sandwich day', we we usually celebrate by ordering out, hehe... :rocker:
What I found that seemed to completely crush the defense was when ALV said Jodi never told her she felt sexually degraded and that as far as she knows Jodi has never claimed to have been sexually degraded. She added that Jodi was just a participant in a sexual relationship. ....OK so now what was the point of Nurmi's 18 days of anal/oral questions to Jodi???? I thought it was about how poor Jodi was sexually degraded.
So does that mean she is NOT getting paid for that day.....as she has been subpoenaed by the Court??


That would be nice!!

May I just say, from your avatar to your comments to your signage, I find you a delightful addition to our newbies! Welcome a 'board'! :goodpost:::welcome3::
That knife is frightening looking. Getting sick thinking of Travis getting stabbed so many times. May Travis RIP.

The wound that lacerated his superior vena cava was over 3 inches deep.
Q: On the one side we have demeaning slurs, a slap, a shove, a chokehold, and a lunge perpetrated on Jodi. On the other, we have a gunshot to the head, a 4 inch deep throat slit and close to 30 stab wounds delivered by Jodi to Travis. Is not the perpetrator of the greatest domestic violence Jodi?

I think that was one of the big ones the jury asked today...imo

Yes, that was the big one. I couldn't believe she answered, "No." I couldn't even think about the next few questions, because I was so shaken by her answer to that one. How does she live with that answer? How can anyone believe her? And those things that happened to her can not all be verified independent of her word. What happened to Travis leaves no doubt he was abused.
If anyone knows about this model of camera, please verify....

I had read somewhere some months ago that this camera which Travis purchased for his trip to Cancun was able to photograph underwater. If this is true it would explain why it wasn't damaged in the washing machine.

In addition to divine intervention, of course.


Hi! :seeya: Actually, the camera didn't survive. Only the SIM card did with a little coaxing from the lab techs.
It's actually worth watching on YouTube ... It was jaw dropping. The jurors love Juan .... DispiseJodi dont believe a word she saidand didn't believe the expert could find her hinney in the dark with a flashlight. IMO

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I totally agree! OMG. If she didn't understand by the jury question about ALV making shoulder shrugs and grinning at JA, then she is really just clueless. Reading the jury should be a given. They were clearly not focused on her droning on and on and on....
I'm projecting myself, I know it. A woman I knew years ago (she was my intern at one of my first jobs out of college) went to England on an exchange. I had plans to go to England in the fall. Before she left, she said, "Let's meet up when you come to the UK and hang out."

I said, "Yes, let's e-mail and keep in touch."

She was one of those ultra happy people always looking for the silver lining. I asked her one morning if she drank! :floorlaugh: Seriously, she was that chirpy.

She was super friendly but I never really thought she really wanted to meet up. We all say these things to each other when we part ways after college, from one job to another, from one gym to another. We exchanged a few e-mails over that summer and that was it. I wasn't surprised or disappointed because I thought we were exchanging social niceties.

In early October (my trip was mid October), she sent an e-mail asking where I'd be staying. A few days later, she e-mailed train schedules and maps from my hotel . She was in York and I was in London so it was quite the train trip. Beautiful though.

When the train pulled into the station, I didn't recognize her. She'd had a hair cut and was wearing a stylish scarf around her hair and she was just glowing. We talked about her boyfriend back home and a new guy she'd met in York. She was fascinated with him and conflicted by her feelings for her bf back home. She said she'd date this new guy and see how she felt over the winter break when she returned home.

We didn't keep in touch for a while after I left York but she'd sent me away with recommended books and asked me to pass them on after I read them. She sent a couple of letters and one of the letters was how she was engaged. When she got back to Holy Cross, she could not stop thinking about him.

Mutual friends said that she moved to England and shortly afterwards, she and her husband and new baby moved back here.

I never saw her again. Her husband shot her in the head and their daughter Lilian whilst they slept. And during the trial he claimed she was depressed and that she killed herself and the baby. Was he out of his MF mind? OMG.

He was found guilty and rots in prison. You've probably heard about the case. My friend was Rachel Souza. I refuse to ever refer to her by her married name, which was Entwhistle.

I know I'm too caught up in this case but there is just something obscene and truly pornographic to take someone's life and decide to take the only thing the dead have: their dignity and honor.

So I'm ambivalent about the DP but I know I want her to be convicted. I want her to know we all judge her and find her wanting. I want her in a little cell with no one to admire her and take photos and film her every move and report on her every blink.

She already thinks she's won because she took what no other woman will ever have. But she's still a flaming narcissist who needs constant validation and I want her in a plain little cell with only herself for company for ever and ever and ever.

I want her in a panic now that the sand is running out of the hourglass and I want her to sweat. And I want the Alexander family to make their impact statements and then I want the jury to verbally body slam her with their sentence, whatever that may be.

So, I'll keep posting smarty arse comments about the trial but I'm never forgetting what it's about. And it isn't a spectator sport for me. I'm a heat seeking missile where this chick is concerned and I have no shame about it. :)

OMG, another late night vent. I swear I don't drink or drug. lol

I followed that case. It was horrible. I am so sorry that you lost your friend. ((((hugs))))
It's actually worth watching on YouTube ... It was jaw dropping. The jurors love Juan .... DispiseJodi dont believe a word she saidand didn't believe the expert could find her hinney in the dark with a flashlight. IMO

Way up there....:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
In think our jurors get about $24 a day plus gas mileage....not a big difference in jury pay, in any case....

Jurors should get more $ for their Duty....and Expert Witnesses should get less $ !!

I'm not so sure of that. An attorney here stated that expert witnesses are not admonished to not watch media or speak with others about the case. She says she hasn't been privy to any of the trial testimony, but she said nothing about any other or secondary exposure. She has apparently familiarized herself with what's going on and being said by the public on the internet, in forums, and on twitter at least. That is in the motion filed by the defendant for a mistrial claiming some witnesses in the case are being affected by those things, and apparently why, as was reported by the media, she was in the emergency room recently, being treated for a panic attack and palpitations. Am I understanding this correctly?

Yeah but there was so much evidence with which she was not familiar.

Like I said, I go back and forth. At the moment my guess is she'll realize Jodi is guilty but still think she was abused. Ask me tomorrow and my answer will be different!
This was the best day of the trial so far IMO -- I had to leave immediately after court concluded, and i haven't been able to read follow up comments or anything, but I just have to say:


The change in attitude in the defense was palpable. After their last substantive witness, hearing those jury questions, they know it's all over.

When Wilmott got back up to question Alyce, you could see that they were trying to backpedal and say some kinder things about Travis and were obviously concentrating on including men as abuse victims. A noticeably tempered and more moderate approach than all her prior testimony.

How could they not have any clue how Alyce was coming off in her testimony -- until they heard the jury questions? I mean, I just can't believe that they were so ignorant to think that all the Travis bashing and the refusal to say any single thing negative about Jodi would help Jodi in any way.

I'm SO happy! Today I wasn't able to watch it much, but when I did watch, it just seemed like the DT was deflated and a bit subdued. I'm not surprised with the jury questions at all. I think that this jury is very smart! :)
Watching that again, I think Judge Stephens, realizing they're still "live", cuts off ALV to protect her privacy. The judge tells her that they'll talk on Monday and see where ALV's whatever issues stand and do further planning as needed then.

That is what I was thinking too, although I will freely admit that I thought it was a good smack down too. I hate being snarky, but something about this lady just does it to me.
Yes, that was the big one. I couldn't believe she answered, "No." I couldn't even think about the next few questions, because I was so shaken by her answer to that one. How does she live with that answer? How can anyone believe her? And those things that happened to her can not all be verified independent of her word. What happened to Travis leaves no doubt he was abused.

I thought her face looked pained when she said that.
I seriously want to know what JA writes about all day..... she sure does an awful lot of writing.

I thought I explained that...
I do too! I heard she was writing again today.

No jury will ever convict me

I hope no jury will ever convict me

I don't think this jury will convict me

Oh Crap. This jury is going to convict me!
For people that think Alyce will ever change her mind on Travis, don't hold your breath.

She is doing what she was hired for, collect her money {$45,000???}, then go home.

Then she will attempt to profit a second time by continuing her relationship with Jodi

and write her best selling book.

ALV does not care one bit about Travis nor his family, never has, never will. Clearly.
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