a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #8

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Watch this to hear Judge talking to AVL re Tuesday appearance needed.

I saw that on HLN :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Judge could care less about AJV's problems; Judge is so through with her. I smell a lot of trouble for ALV.

To me ALV has entitlement issues: Approaching and talking to Sami, being cocky and smart *advertiser censored* with JM. This woman has no respect for the court!! :furious:

ALV looks confused and frighten.
A tiny bit OT here, can't help it - anyone else read Egg Tree News? (http://eggtreenews.wordpress.com) OMgoodness, when I need a good laugh, she never fails. She's a JA trial watcher and has been writing about it for some time. 100% pro-prosecution..Nothing nasty, just very witty about that which we can laugh about.. Maybe she's a secret sleuther, who knows? :)

Bahahahahahahahaha...."Stabby". :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Next article: "Stabby Einstein"
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: love it!!!

Yay, I'm so glad ya'll liked my Eggie friend! Is she awesome or what?? Did you click on one of the tags & read everything she's written about this case? If not, do it when you have some time, you will NOT regret it! So hilarious, I love her..
She may still have her blogs from CA somewhere in her archives, and they're every bit as funny ~ she literally makes me laugh WAAYYY out loud! :floorlaugh:
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:(something about Boss Hogg & bartering for his jacked up teefs...I DIED laughing!!!) :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Three that I caught: 1) knife on nightstand; 2) shot in closet; 3) pictures on the computer. All three huge misspeaks. Then there were those answers she did not want to give such as Travis being "extremely" fearful because of Jodi's stalking. Pretty bad when the Judge has to remove the jury so defense can tell her, again, to answer the question truthfully.

Monday should be very interesting. I wonder if Sam was upset when she came out of the meeting in the Judge's chambers because ALV denied approaching her, or that ALV claimed she said nothing to Sam. And if the hearing with Ms. Wong has to do with what they may have captured on video? No response required if you suspect or know but I would not put it past ALV to deny she was trying to make contact.
Surely even ALV can not be THAT obtuse! Lordy, did I just say that. I REALLY hope the judge ripped into her facade for abusing "emergency potty privileges" for her own unprofessional PERSONAL agenda.
That's crazy why would she do that? I mean who would get the contents out of the carafe? Her attorney or mitigation specialist. It's just bazaar behaviour.
I wasn't watching so don't know if she did or didn't BUT this person plays everybody when she can. She knows from her "friends" all the comments from court watchers. I think she gives everybody something to watch when she can... JMOO, as usual. Guess she's gotta take her fun where she can find it.
Alyce is still under supeona. The judge actually said that. When ALV started to say something about having tests, the judge said "don't tell me about your personal issues, you are still under subpeona and I will give you the option of Monday or Tuesday to return. Please let me know. This is a priority."

Now exactly what the priority is, I don't know. I think Alyce doesn't want to be there for sure.

Good Morning!! I went back and watched the exchange on Friday with Judge Sherry and ALV. JS advises ALV, "My concern is that we are going to have a discussion on the record Monday, which we will need you here/testify." She tried very hard not to announce the details or be very specific, however I observed A few things from this exchange...

1. ALV, JW and NURMI Looked nervous and surprised when JS asked ALV to stay sitting after jury exit (camera pans over to JW who looks anxious biting her lip) as well as ALV looking surprised she had to return

2. JS, the sternest I have ever observed her, advises an issue came up, and she believes ALV is aware of the issue, advises both prosecution and defense will look into issue and be ready to proceed by Tuesday or sooner

3.JS, when advises of "issue " tries hard not elude as to who raised it, felt like she was trying not to say state raised it, as well ad advising her that Tuesday she will have been "prepared " was another attempt at saying ALV might need council herself.

Just my observations and opinion..could mean nothing..but watch end of day on youtube...I just have a sneaking suspicion ... Grace Wong asked to testify at 11:00 per JS, So think this has nothing to do with mistrial motion...but court starting at 9:30...seeing ad JS said Convo Monday "ON RECORD " guess we will find out Monday when court resumes....
Good Morning!! I went back and watched the exchange on Friday with Judge Sherry and ALV. JS advises ALV, "My concern is that we are going to have a discussion on the record Monday, which we will need you here/testify." She tried very hard not to announce the details or be very specific, however I observed A few things from this exchange...

1. ALV, JW and NURMI Looked nervous and surprised when JS asked ALV to stay sitting after jury exit (camera pans over to JW who looks anxious biting her lip) as well as ALV looking surprised she had to return

2. JS, the sternest I have ever observed her, advises an issue came up, and she believes ALV is aware of the issue, advises both prosecution and defense will look into issue and be ready to proceed by Tuesday or sooner

3.JS, when advises of "issue " tries hard not elude as to who raised it, felt like she was trying not to say state raised it, as well ad advising her that Tuesday she will have been "prepared " was another attempt at saying ALV might need council herself.

Just my observations and opinion..could mean nothing..but watch end of day on youtube...I just have a sneaking suspicion ... Grace Wong asked to testify at 11:00 per JS, So think this has nothing to do with mistrial motion...but court starting at 9:30...seeing ad JS said Convo Monday "ON RECORD " guess we will find out Monday when court resumes....
Great observations!
I would love to know the Juror's reactions on Friday when Alv answers one of the Juror's questions about who suffered the worst abuse, JA with her little minor boo boos or TA and the Juror went into great detail about his injuries. When she answered it was JA I thought steam was coming out of the Judge's ears. JMO, but I would love to have seen the Juror's faces.
To me, on top of all of her testimony, that sealed the deal that she was a hired gun and in no way and no how was she ever going to give an "expert" opinion
Good Morning!! I went back and watched the exchange on Friday with Judge Sherry and ALV. JS advises ALV, "My concern is that we are going to have a discussion on the record Monday, which we will need you here/testify." She tried very hard not to announce the details or be very specific, however I observed A few things from this exchange...

1. ALV, JW and NURMI Looked nervous and surprised when JS asked ALV to stay sitting after jury exit (camera pans over to JW who looks anxious biting her lip) as well as ALV looking surprised she had to return

2. JS, the sternest I have ever observed her, advises an issue came up, and she believes ALV is aware of the issue, advises both prosecution and defense will look into issue and be ready to proceed by Tuesday or sooner

3.JS, when advises of "issue " tries hard not elude as to who raised it, felt like she was trying not to say state raised it, as well ad advising her that Tuesday she will have been "prepared " was another attempt at saying ALV might need council herself.

Just my observations and opinion..could mean nothing..but watch end of day on youtube...I just have a sneaking suspicion ... Grace Wong asked to testify at 11:00 per JS, So think this has nothing to do with mistrial motion...but court starting at 9:30...seeing ad JS said Convo Monday "ON RECORD " guess we will find out Monday when court resumes....

Specifically JS tells ALV, "......on the issue we have discussed....you can make 'preparations' and we will see about it at that time." It sounds as if court starts at 9:30 on Monday with a meeting on the record where both sides can present whatever they have on the "issue". The hearing at 11:30 is with Ms. Wong and it sounds as if it is related to the "issue" which ALV is aware of. This can't be good for ALV. My guess is she has a slightly different view than what Sam stated happened when ALV approached her and what she said if Ms. Wong is involved. It is possible while it was not on tape Ms. Wong might have seen the whole thing play out. In any case isn't it highly unusual for a judge to stop in the middle of the trial to have a hearing about a separate issue?
Great observations!
I would love to know the Juror's reactions on Friday when Alv answers one of the Juror's questions about who suffered the worst abuse, JA with her little minor boo boos or TA and the Juror went into great detail about his injuries. When she answered it was JA I thought steam was coming out of the Judge's ears. JMO, but I would love to have seen the Juror's faces.
To me, on top of all of her testimony, that sealed the deal that she was a hired gun and in no way and no how was she ever going to give an "expert" opinion

I think ALV is soooooo deeply invested in DV that she never considered Travis was a victim of abuse. He was just the victim of murder because she refers to him being murdered in her testimony. For ALV DV takes place over a period of time and specifically with women. So while it sounds like a bad answer on her part to be fair that is where she was coming from. We've heard testimony that disputes Travis sitting on his bed/computer looking at pictures because Jodi was working that day. The texting shows Travis was at a meeting and Jodi went to bed early in her room with a migraine. That being said it is highly unlikely the broken finger fight happened the next day because the fight was about those pictures.

ALV had those records and missed that whole portion of the texting. Another thing she SHOULD have caught and missed.
Yay, I'm so glad ya'll liked my Eggie friend! Is she awesome or what?? Did you click on one of the tags & read everything she's written about this case? If not, do it when you have some time, you will NOT regret it! So hilarious, I love her.. (snip)

It's a fantastic blog! Thank you for sharing it, she is a treasure. What is not to love about a sentence like this :

"The relentlessly absurd trial of Jodi Arias took a surreal hairpin turn into The Magic Kingdom this week, when professional victim Alyce LaViolette and Mad Dog Martinez dragged poor Snow White, of all people, into this sordid mess."

And that's just one sentence if an unending stream of them :D

(snips by me)
Sooo.... the media pics of JM were taken AFTER the jurors had left....

Me thinks the DT won't be getting very much further with their attacks now, I hope!

Plus HLN altered the piece which brought on the motion for mistrial. It is pretty obvious HLN altered the piece so I do not see why this wasn't settled in chambers without the testimony of Ms. Wong.
Docket for the next two weeks

4/15/2013 11:00 Trial
4/16/2013 9:30 Trial
4/17/2013 9:30 Trial
4/18/2013 9:30 Trial
4/23/2013 9:30 Trial
4/24/2013 9:30 Trial
4/25/2013 9:30 Trial

The 22nd is out because a juror has other commitments. Nothing for the 26th yet even though they were going to hold court

..............unless, maybe the juror who had the commitment on the 22nd was juror 11? I can hope, right?

Did you guys seen Judge Jean last night? Peter Johnson, Jr Fox news legal analyst was saying that some out of court statements (such as jodi's twitter) have been used in sentencing. He cited case in New York where woman was passing messages to the terrorists.

Watch this to hear Judge talking to AVL re Tuesday appearance needed.

Here's the transcription:

ALV: Your honor?

JS: Sit right there.

(JA whispers into JW's ear)

JS: The record will show the jury has left the courtroom. Please be seated.

JS: Ms. LaViolette, we will need you to return on Tuesday to complete your testimony unless I release you from your subpoena prior to that time. There is another issue that the, uhhh...I think you are aware of the additional issue, so we will need you to be back here on Tuesday, and with regard to the time, I know that you have an, some other issues, but this is a priority, so because you cannot be here on Monday, you need to be here on Tuesday. It's either Monday or Tuesday, I'll allow you to decide which you prefer, which date you prefer to come back.

ALV: (inaudible) I'm having tests on Tuesday (inaudible) and I may have follow-up tests that I…

JA: Objection.

JS: Ms. LaViolette, don't tell me about your personal issues. Here's my concern: my concern is that we will have a conversation on the record, on Monday, after everyone has had an opportunity to follow up on the issues discussed, and at that time I will hear anything else we will have...you will have made, uhhh, preparations and we can talk about it at that time. All right? But plan to be back here on Tuesday. As of right now, you are still under subpoena.

JM: (asks to approach).

(Counsel approaches)

JS: Ok, Monday at 11 o'clock - Ms. Wong, you are in the back of the courtroom, is that correct?

GW: Yes I am your honor.

JS: Will you be here to testify?

GW: Well, you ordered me to, so...

JS: Okay, I guess then I will order you to be here at 11 o’clock to testify. I understand that you have an attorney; if there are any issues, he can raise them. Okay, we will be here starting at 9:30 a.m. on Monday. All right?

GW: (smiling) Yes.

JS: Nothing else, counsel? All right, have a nice weekend.
Well, I for one cannot wait tip Monday!! This ALV issue is driving me bananas!

LARK2..Thanks for poring transcript! I once again derive that ALV might be in some trouble here...will see! Can I just say...bless this jury???? Everytime the jury poses questions I am elated!! JUSTICE FOR TRAVIS AND FAMILY!!!!
Regarding her journals...(I can't remember where I read it and hopefully someone else does)...it was said that they were going to analyze the ink in them to see if she has been writing in them using the stolen pens.

You know, like Re-Fabricating her memoirs.

I had said it. The other thing is if the journals are written in ink, then how did she get the pens, since I believe they are only allowed little pencils.

ETA: I was just guessing why the journals were taken - I made the analyzing assumption....

This is what I had said:


IMHO, the state seized them, if there is any writing in pen (remember all the blue pens she got in trouble for hiding), I'm guessing they want to run chemical tests to see if the same pens were used to "create" all the journals that ALV relied on for her assessment of JA.
I could have sworn she said something to the effect that Jody isn't a liar, but a frightened individual, too. Does anyone else remember that? I think she said that during Juan's questioning on Thursday. I couldn't believe my ears.

I believe it was in response to one of the juror questions. My immediate reaction was ... "Yeah, she's so frightened, she goes on national TV to spew those lies to the general public. Riiiiight ...."
I want to thank Alyce for helping this jury have a vision of the truth of Travis Alexander's life.

I wonder how many jurors held back tears as they heard of a 6 year old who had been repeatedly beaten by his mother and father. Who remembered living under a car part in a yard. Who remembered a mother sleeping off drug induced stupors. Who remembered searching for food and having to eat moldy bread. Who endured the laughter of going to school covered in filthy clothes.....

As you, Alyce, recited this from Travis's own writings, I wonder how many jurors glanced over at his siblings realising that those sitting there also went through this childhood experience and the ages they might have been at the time. You know, Alyce, I did not see a tear in your eye as you recited this horrific story. Nor did I hear a break in your tone of voice.

Also, thank you, Alyce for giving the juror's and the world a chance to see the real Travis. When asked about emails you did mention the ones from two women who recited to Travis REAL domestic violence in their marriages. And what was that you said Travis told them, Alyce? Did I hear you say that Travis told them "THAT IS NOT RIGHT". You said Travis knew his scriptures well and was a mentor in PPL and the Church. And he advised these women from his spiritual side vs his sexual side, right Alyce?

As you sat on the throne of a court room witness chair you were so quick to judge so many things. Yet you refused to see that you did not have the experience to judge Travis. You, who have no idea how couples speak to each other in today's world vs the world of the 60's and 70's chose to sit in that seat. You spoke of rant's and degradement yet you have no idea in this day and age how couples speak to each other in private do you? You have no idea about words used to banter back and forth via texting do you Alyce? You have no idea what words or tone used in written words mean when used in a sexual content, or used between two people, do you?

No, Alyce, you do not know. But, the majority of us and the juror's who represent us do.

You, Alyce,you chose to tell us about what a wonderful motivational speaker Travis was. I suggest you read some of those speeches and learn from this young man exactly why the world has chosen to regard you in a very negative way. It is 90% from your word and only 10% from your body language.

evidentiary rules are different for the post conviction process as guilt has already been established so it would make sense that items previously excluded because of prejudice etc can now be presented. I don't know the specific rules in AZ and I'm not a criminal lawyer so don't know much about what the exact rules are. I did find this interesting article on the AZ state web site which is exclusively about Capital Punishment in AZ.


With the enactment of Arizona’s new death penalty statute, the sentencing process now has two phases. In the first phase, the prosecutor presents evidence relating to aggravating circumstances. If the jury determines that the State has not established at least one statutory aggravating circumstance, the defendant is no longer subject to the death penalty. The jury is dismissed and the trial judge decides the appropriate sentence. If the jury finds that there is at least one aggravating circumstance, the jury remains empaneled and considers any mitigating evidence presented by the defense or by the State, as well as victim impact evidence. The jurors then decide whether to impose a death sentence, assessing whether the proffered mitigation is sufficiently substantial to warrant leniency.

I was actually wondering if/how the Twitter evidence could come in now during the guilt phase as it is seemingly relevant to the claims of her having low self esteem and not being able to stand up for herself against yelly men like Juan. Surely public taunts to the man prosecuting you for murder has to show you are pretty darn sure of yourself. Can anyone here imagine doing such a thing? What would the jury think? I assume the DT would argue it was too prejudicial but since she is doing it in the present knowing full well her circumstances as being on trial for her life it's a little disingenuous to argue prejudice at this point. There's probably some reason it can't come in as I said, not a criminal lawyer-I work in house and hire my litigators and it's all civil stuff.

..............unless, maybe the juror who had the commitment on the 22nd was juror 11? I can hope, right?

Did you guys seen Judge Jean last night? Peter Johnson, Jr Fox news legal analyst was saying that some out of court statements (such as jodi's twitter) have been used in sentencing. He cited case in New York where woman was passing messages to the terrorists.
I want to thank Alyce for helping this jury have a vision of the truth of Travis Alexander's life.

I wonder how many jurors held back tears as they heard of a 6 year old who had been repeatedly beaten by his mother and father. Who remembered living under a car part in a yard. Who remembered a mother sleeping off drug induced stupors. Who remembered searching for food and having to eat moldy bread. Who endured the laughter of going to school covered in filthy clothes.....

As you, Alyce, recited this from Travis's own writings, I wonder how many jurors glanced over at his siblings realising that those sitting there also went through this childhood experience and the ages they might have been at the time. You know, Alyce, I did not see a tear in your eye as you recited this horrific story. Nor did I hear a break in your tone of voice.

Also, thank you, Alyce for giving the juror's and the world a chance to see the real Travis. When asked about emails you did mention the ones from two women who recited to Travis REAL domestic violence in their marriages. And what was that you said Travis told them, Alyce? Did I hear you say that Travis told them "THAT IS NOT RIGHT". You said Travis knew his scriptures well and was a mentor in PPL and the Church. And he advised these women from his spiritual side vs his sexual side, right Alyce?

As you sat on the throne of a court room witness chair you were so quick to judge so many things. Yet you refused to see that you did not have the experience to judge Travis. You, who have no idea how couples speak to each other in today's world vs the world of the 60's and 70's chose to sit in that seat. You spoke of rant's and degradement yet you have no idea in this day and age how couples speak to each other in private do you? You have no idea about words used to banter back and forth via texting do you Alyce? You have no idea what words or tone used in written words mean when used in a sexual content, or used between two people, do you?

No, Alyce, you do not know. But, the majority of us and the juror's who represent us do.

You, Alyce,you chose to tell us about what a wonderful motivational speaker Travis was. I suggest you read some of those speeches and learn from this young man exactly why the world has chosen to regard you in a very negative way. It is 90% from your word and only 10% from your body language.


Ok I am sobbing now reading this beautiful piece. This is amazing. With your permission I'd like to print it and and share it with the Alexander siblings this week.

Thank you for this. I wish it was on Huffington post or something. Can you submit it? Anyone know? I'm so moved by this insightful beautifully written TRUTH.

Ok if I tweet it?
Ok I am sobbing now reading this beautiful piece. This is amazing. With your permission I'd like to print it and and share it with the Alexander siblings this week.

Thank you for this. I wish it was on Huffington post or something. Can you submit it? Anyone know? I'm so moved by this insightful beautifully written TRUTH.

Ok if I tweet it?

It was a "from my heart" post and own it girl you deserve God's blessings. From my heart to your's and the Alexanders.
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