What do we know that the jury doesn't?

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Oops--I just found this topic tonight, and didn't think that maybe I shouldn't post a comment, seeing how I have never contributed before. I just thought it was a great thread. Sorry if I "barged in" folks--I am new and still learning the ropes. :)
Why? Jump right in, newbies are always welcome at WS.:welcome2::welcome3::welcome4::wagon::greetings::Welcome1:
I, for one, am very grateful that Gauntlet put all of our ideas together. Remember, folks, we may end up with a brand new jury that hasn't been looking at CMA for all those months where one or some jurors could have "somehow" decided "I can't put her to death" - "I've been in the courtroom with her for 5 months - type".....
If you listen to on AfterDark the former juror who was on the Death Penalty trial of Steven Hayes- horrific rapes and murders of the Pettit family- 7 hours isn't all that long, they are probably not "deadlocked" and minds can slowly change.
Didn't JA's father say on the tape that JA told her sister that her and Travis were getting married?
Probably because she'd stolen Travis's engagement ring for Linda Ballard Boss.
Oops--I just found this topic tonight, and didn't think that maybe I shouldn't post a comment, seeing how I have never contributed before. I just thought it was a great thread. Sorry if I "barged in" folks--I am new and still learning the ropes. :)
Welcome casesensitive. It's great to hear your thoughts and you have nothing to apologise for. Thanks for sharing and keeping on doing it :seeya:
The jury doesn't know that she's been tweeting, ridiculing Juan Martinez and doing countless interviews and will continue do so. :stormingmad:
Reading this list, I still think we are missing something. Is it that 4 people don't realise just how evil the CM is? Is it they bought some of the DT's story we never expected they'd believe? Or maybe the decision comes down to something that means even if the Jury knew all of the above, for some other reason 4 people still think she deserves LWOP.

Of course I realise they have convicted her of M1, they have found the cruelty so maybe it's nothing to do with this and they really do believe something in that mitigation.


I am a cynic, and quite frankly I don't believe there is too much that they were't privy to. I mean, FGS, if you log into your email account, you get breaking news splashed all over the page. If you turn on the TV news, Arias Trial is everywhere.

I mean, you go out to a casual dining restaurant and they have big screen TVs! I just cannot believe that none of the jurors encountered a sliver of trial coverage at any time, anywhere.

Not because they had bad intentions, but because it is nearly impossible to avoid reading or hearing about the case in today's tech-heavy world.

I just cannot wrap my head around a non-sequestered jury remaining pristine. It doesn't seem do-able.
I am a cynic, and quite frankly I don't believe there is too much that they were't privy to. I mean, FGS, if you log into your email account, you get breaking news splashed all over the page. If you turn on the TV news, Arias Trial is everywhere.

I mean, you go out to a casual dining restaurant and they have big screen TVs! I just cannot believe that none of the jurors encountered a sliver of trial coverage at any time, anywhere.

Not because they had bad intentions, but because it is nearly impossible to avoid reading or hearing about the case in today's tech-heavy world.

I just cannot wrap my head around a non-sequestered jury remaining pristine. It doesn't seem do-able.

I had to change my life all around to follow this trial. My email does not have news other than technology/web design news. I listen to public radio. I don't watch TV. I don't dine out in places with TV screens. My social media friends are also non-mainstream media types. I keep my enjoyment of true crime paperbacks on the down low. I'd bring up JA occasionally and my friends and family would say, "Who?" The only way I found the trial was via a discussion with an acquaintance about sociopaths and she recommended I search YouTube for the 48 Hours show she had seen. People like me and my friends do exist!
Thought these might get lost in the other threads and figured they'd apply here. If not, please feel free to ask the mods to remove.

Arias jury foreman: "I don't think she proved to be a very good witness"http://www.azcentral.com/video/#/Ne...itness"/40280768001/35150280001/2407461515001

Arias jury foreman: "We felt like we had failed"
Jury foreman apologizes to Travis Alexander&#8217;s family
(also there but you have to click on them individually from the page)


Jodi Arias juror interview: Foreman speaks out about trial, trouble in sentencing phase, thought judge would decide not declare mistrial


(three videos - each must be clicked individually from the page)



I think there is a whole side waiting to be discovered. We haven't heard nearly enough about the wider context that this crime took place in.
The dynamics of that context, the impact on the relationship, and the impact of a belief system which might cause people to think as one. None of that has been addressed, or the issues of very clear sexism or racism inherent in that belief system.
My understanding is that it had a major impact in very brutal ways.
Extremes of that system, based on exactly the same values created the likes of Warren Jeffs.
How can that be ignored, it becomes a very biased and dangerous argument when a life is at stake?. I don't need to debate it, I just wanted to state it.
There is no analysis of the wider context, and so it becomes easier to blame an individual.
I think the jury did not know that the domestic violence expert Dr. Lenore?? Whose domestic violence work was cited by both DR. demarte and ALV still used her Battered Woman Syndrome criteria as cited by Dr. demarte and denied by ALV and also Dr. Lenore??? Stated in an interview that Jodi Arias did not fit the criteria of a battered woman
I thought of something that the jury didn't know .. they didn't know why there were so many days they were brought in only to be sent home, why they were told to come back after lunch only to be told they weren't needed, or why they were sent out for five minutes and not called again for an hour, they don't know that Jodi had sick days, they don't know why there's no court on Friday, hardly ever court on Monday, half weeks, weeks off etc .. they don't know why they had to take 5 months out of their lives for a trail that could have been over in less than three.
I thought of something that the jury didn't know .. they didn't know why there were so many days they were brought in only to be sent home, why they were told to come back after lunch only to be told they weren't needed, or why they were sent out for five minutes and not called again for an hour, they don't know that Jodi had sick days, they don't know why there's no court on Friday, hardly ever court on Monday, half weeks, weeks off etc .. they don't know why they had to take 5 months out of their lives for a trail that could have been over in less than three.

Good point Mrs N. Now to play devil's advocate, even if they knew and putting the foreperson we know about aside, do you think it'd affect their decision and if so how/why?
I only have a vague memory of this, hopefully others can recall it. Dr D had on a woman whose daughter lived with JA. Her daughter told her she was scared of JA and relayed some of her weird behavior. The woman started to give more examples when Dr D and his THs cut her off.
Yes, Sweet Fox. I remember when Dr. Drew interviewed that mother over the phone & I also remember the content. What I'm vague on is the location; it seems like California but not Palm Desert.
Tuba .. I thought it was somewhere in CA but I could be wrong.
The list is getting so long I'm not sure if this has been added. I'm upset the Jury Foreman believed Jodi was emotionally abused! So, it has been mentioned JA and TA exchanged 80,000 texts, emails, im's etc. AND the DT found like 4 that were angry. Jodi was NOT abused!
Good point Mrs N. Now to play devil's advocate, even if they knew and putting the foreperson we know about aside, do you think it'd affect their decision and if so how/why?

I don't think it would have .. but I am glad we are getting a new jury .. I think this is all karma working its way to the right outcome .. JMO.
Patty could not testify because she took the fifth. She has legal troubles in Ca. Jodi lied to the jury and said Patti was threatend.
Quite a few people are asking if I've sent this list to any of the jurors. I tried to tweet Tara twice (once at the beginning but she was busy and recently when she was quieter) with a link to the last 'full' list http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9419390&postcount=32 but unfortunately she's not replied.

Looking at Tara's tweets now she is gradually learning most of what is on here. I don't want to ask her again as I don't want to hassle her . Maybe we'll have more luck with another juror in the future, esp if someone comes on Tricia's show.

Sleuthers have suggested a few more since (please read the list first - I know it's long but that's because there's so much!) but I'll probably not update it again now til the penalty phase is retried.

Thanks again to everyone for their contributions

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