Cases possibly of interest for the LISK case

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The Italian mobs dirty laundry don't get aired like the gb4 or manorville. The were small. Could probably fit them in a drum body no crime.
I´v tried to find info on this SK you mentioned, but I found nothing.

Could you please find a link to some info on the guy?
or at least some more details like:
what year did he commit his murders?
What year was he arrested?
what state/town
what kind of victims? all voman? all prostitutes? not prostitutes?
What was his MO (except for the bare feet and heads faceing east)

I looked for it extensively as well and couldn't find a thing. He wasn't very prolific. Maybe this is why I can't find much on him? I remember seeing it on The ID channel. He was picked up. Perhaps I am not remembering everything correctly, but I remember the case/story was very interesting to me and involved a Muslim suspect with a foot fetish who left his Victims shoeless and facing east. God I wish I could track it down.

None the less, even in Classic Christianity people were faced with their feet towards the east or Israel. This is why many graveyards have eastern facing lots. So it could also just be a suspect that feels he is burying them in his own private cemetery. It's all so haunting.

Edited to add info I forgot: and yes in the case I saw it seemed the victims were either female drug addicts that were homeless or prostitutes.
Paul Durousseau - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This was the only guy I could find that was a taxi cab driver. It said that this was how he first came into contact with some of his victims. Not sure if this is who 2hip was talking about or not.

Very similar to who I was thinking of, but not the same guy unfortunately.

This suspect however has definitely been someone I've studied and mentioned in a SK thread I have here trying to determine if there are other cabbie killers around the USA.

The phones this LISK guy has to harass his victims/their families are disposable burners. Couldn't they track his prepaid phone card somehow at least???
Very similar to who I was thinking of, but not the same guy unfortunately.

This suspect however has definitely been someone I've studied and mentioned in a SK thread I have here trying to determine if there are other cabbie killers around the USA.

The phones this LISK guy has to harass his victims/their families are disposable burners. Couldn't they track his prepaid phone card somehow at least???

You sure would think so. I think tho that by the time GB4 was found it was to late to go back and track the phone cards. That is if the LISK even used a burner phone. With MB he used her phone to harass her family.
You sure would think so. I think tho that by the time GB4 was found it was to late to go back and track the phone cards. That is if the LISK even used a burner phone. With MB he used her phone to harass her family.

Thank you! Yes he Defo used a victims phone to harass.

Yeah. This case has a lot of holes. There were so many ways LE could have tracked this guy down IMHO - every reasonable avenue seems to have been neglected.

Ie: SG's phone records and who she called - as a matter of fact ALL of the victims call logs from their phone records (you don't need the actual phone itself to do this)

The locations he called from when harassing: the empire state building, times square, etc etc. All densely populated areas in NYC - they are places a cabbie or cop would be hanging around doing their job. Most likely they live/work in Manhattan. Then again if he has any connection to murders in FL, MO, and AK - he could very well travel often in a transient job. This increases the likelihood in my mind that he is a cabbie/driver rather than cop. But I think he has some cop friends ;)

Is this a hit man of sorts who gets paid to kill these girls or does this suspect murder for his own pleasure? Maybe both? perhaps this is why many mistake that there are multiple killers - bc LISk has two different sources/motivations for his murders. One being business, the other being personal.

Reminds me of the Iceman SK - a mafia hit man and born psychopathic killer who enjoyed murdering his own victims when he wasn't busy doing contract hits.

But LISK seems like the contract hits he helps in are more involved with the upper echelon of political and religious society rather than the mob/mafia themselves. IMOO
The cab driver idea would fit my theory that the LISK is posing as a cab driver or is one. IMO it's one of the ways I think MBB could of been taken, along with MW. Actually could be how all four were taken. It's just that MBB and MW are the only two we know for sure were done with calls that night and trying to get some where other then to a client.
Not sure about New York, but in other cities I have lived in a big population of Muslims do drive cabs. It would be so easy to rig the back seat so the doors won't open. Just an idea I'm pretty sure others have pondered before on here.
Anyways, as far as the heads turned east in AC. That very well could be because the water was flowing east. So the water would naturally turn their heads that way. I haven't made my mind up yet if that is what I believe or if it's some type of staging on the SK side of things. Or if AC and GB4 are the work of the same guy or not. I don't see why it couldn't be. I remember seeing a picture of a shoe belonging to one of the GB4. I'd like to know more if they were found with their shoes on or even if any other shoes were found.
Very good point you bring up about the pig necklace. Whatever the reason is behind the necklace one thing is for wasn't a robbery or a domestic or els that necklace wouldn't of been left behind.

Thank you for inform
Me about this case thoroughly. I honestly appreciate it so much!

I'm wondering... Their heads were turned east and the water flows east, but what about rigor mortis? Wouldnt rigor disable the muscles in their necks to be able to be relaxed enough for the head to turn with the manipulation of the current?

I think you are right that he's a cabbie btw.

I have many lovely friends that follow Islam. But there are some radicals who take it far too literally, as there are radicals in every faith. So I promise any assertions I have about the suspect possibly being a Muslim man are completely objective and as well informed as My little brain can possibly ascertain. :)

With this said, many cab drivers follow the Islamic faith (particularly in NYC and FL as I've been to both places and used cabs). There are even unions of Muslim Cab drivers who are asking that they have access to places to wash their feet and pray during shifts. It is a big civil rights convo right now in the community of Muslim cab drivers.
A while back I posted a link to a story about NYC cab/livery drivers who were rounded up because they were involved in transporting prostitutes, forcing them to be tattooed and more...
...A father/son team arrested in early April for allegedly operating a brutal sex trafficking business in Manhattan, branded their prostitutes with tattoos, according to the Manhattan District Attorney's office...
Another source:
A while back I posted a link to a story about NYC cab/livery drivers who were rounded up because they were involved in transporting prostitutes, forcing them to be tattooed and more...
...A father/son team arrested in early April for allegedly operating a brutal sex trafficking business in Manhattan, branded their prostitutes with tattoos, according to the Manhattan District Attorney's office...
Another source:

Something I find interesting on the last article you posted above:

The ring was running the women from Manhattan to Allentown PA.

Now correct me if I'm wrong here, but wasn't one of the odd things about the 4 women found in AC that the casino nearby employed many former cops from PA to be bouncers/security guards?

Perhaps these bouncers were the ones who were the go between many times with the johns at the casino and the girls/taxi sex ring?

Maybe this explains how the taxi drivers might have understood police tactics? Bc the bouncers gave them tips straight from their prior experiences as police officers?

I NEED to find where I read that many of the bouncers at the casino were former PA cops. Why is it so hard to track these things down? Looking now FWIW if anything.
Additionally one of the possible suspects in the AC case is a drifter and follower/copycat of the green river killer. This might be the link to the number 71 by Tina's body on the beach (the number of GR's victims). This suspect is on the loose. He calls himself The River Man.

This may be the link I've been searching for in this case between the 4 AC victims and Tina Hoang on Newport Beach. [ame=""]CA, Newport Beach, Tina Hoang Found on Sand, 4th Mar 2013 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

"Adding to the mystery, self-described sex worker, Denise Hill, identified another individual as the killer – a man named Eldred Raymond Burchell, who called himself the “River Man,” an apparent reference to Washington state’s “Green River Killer,” who murdered at least 71 women – many prostitutes – during the 1980s and 1990s.
Hill told that Burchell, a drifter, spent time with her in Atlantic City around the time of the murders and confessed to killing people. Burchell, whose whereabouts is unknown, could not be reached for comment."

Read more:
Thank you for inform
Me about this case thoroughly. I honestly appreciate it so much!

I'm wondering... Their heads were turned east and the water flows east, but what about rigor mortis? Wouldnt rigor disable the muscles in their necks to be able to be relaxed enough for the head to turn with the manipulation of the current?

I think you are right that he's a cabbie btw.

I have many lovely friends that follow Islam. But there are some radicals who take it far too literally, as there are radicals in every faith. So I promise any assertions I have about the suspect possibly being a Muslim man are completely objective and as well informed as My little brain can possibly ascertain. :)

With this said, many cab drivers follow the Islamic faith (particularly in NYC and FL as I've been to both places and used cabs). There are even unions of Muslim Cab drivers who are asking that they have access to places to wash their feet and pray during shifts. It is a big civil rights convo right now in the community of Muslim cab drivers.

Well with the rigor mortise that would all depend on how long after he dumped the bodies after killing them, and how strong the current would be at the time the bodies were placed in the water. But, I have a funny feeling this guy didn't mess around with dumping the bodies soon after the kill.
It is all in my personal opinion that from day one I believed this guy was a cab driver. I could go into how he easily could of picked up all four girls but for me the most telling has always been MBB. IMO she tells us the most about the perp.
MBB was not addicted to drugs, didn't have a pimp, didn't do out calls, was only in town to make money to pay rent, had checked out of her hotel room and was last heard from saying she just wanted to go home. She had no reason to do an out call, but she did however have a reason to catch a cab randomly. I've often wondered if she could of been attacked but that seems more unlikely to me. It's to risky for the perp. But how often do you notice a women catching a cab? It's something people see every day so it's not something that would stick out in anyone's memory.
I know that some of the girls were offered a large amount of money. And this could of been the perp but on the other hand there is no solid proof of that. And nothing ever panned out from that being able to link all the girls other then they all worked off of craigslist or backpage.
I've said it before but it would be so easy to call MW or MBB and set up a date and just not show up. This making it so he was in fact not the last person to call them, yet being able to watch and wait for his moment to strike.
Thank you! Yes he Defo used a victims phone to harass.

Yeah. This case has a lot of holes. There were so many ways LE could have tracked this guy down IMHO - every reasonable avenue seems to have been neglected.

Ie: SG's phone records and who she called - as a matter of fact ALL of the victims call logs from their phone records (you don't need the actual phone itself to do this)

The locations he called from when harassing: the empire state building, times square, etc etc. All densely populated areas in NYC - they are places a cabbie or cop would be hanging around doing their job. Most likely they live/work in Manhattan. Then again if he has any connection to murders in FL, MO, and AK - he could very well travel often in a transient job. This increases the likelihood in my mind that he is a cabbie/driver rather than cop. But I think he has some cop friends ;)

Is this a hit man of sorts who gets paid to kill these girls or does this suspect murder for his own pleasure? Maybe both? perhaps this is why many mistake that there are multiple killers - bc LISk has two different sources/motivations for his murders. One being business, the other being personal.

Reminds me of the Iceman SK - a mafia hit man and born psychopathic killer who enjoyed murdering his own victims when he wasn't busy doing contract hits.

But LISK seems like the contract hits he helps in are more involved with the upper echelon of political and religious society rather than the mob/mafia themselves. IMOO

I agree there were a lot of ways LE could of caught the perp. Unfortunately, with the track record of most prostitutes being drug addicts who live a life of someone who doesn't care about them selfs and have tendencies to disappear for days at a time on drug benders. LE has formed tunnel vision when it comes to prostitutes disappearing. They just didn't take it seriously when these women went missing. And it's a damn shame. The times have changed. Now if only LE views on prostitutes would change....maybe it could help save some of these women.

Reminds me of Robert Pickton aka Willie. If I remember right all those prostitutes were going missing for the longest time and it took LE forever to put it all together. That's another damn shame where if LE would of gave a damn lifes could of been saved.

However, I am with LE when it comes to finding the bodies. By that time there was so little to go off of. They waited to long to check out clients, the burner phone...ect. I doubt any DNA was left by the time they found the bodies, if there was LE sure isn't saying. Even then you have to have someone to match the DNA to. It's a mess.

However, I do think they did check SG's phone records. And a lot of the calls were between her and MP. It would be interesting to know if JB used a burner phone to call SG in the first place.

The places where MB phone was used would not only be a place a cabbie would be hanging out or a cop but it's the kind of place where a cabbie wouldn't have to get out of his car to make the phone calls. This making it so he wouldn't be on camera anywhere. The calls were all less then 3 min this also making it not noticeable for a cab to be sitting in one place that long.

I've often wondered if this could be the work of a hit man. Or I have seen others on here say maybe it's the work of a disposal guy. I've wondered about both of these theories a lot but have ruled them both out. It's all just IMO but if this was a disposal guy working for people who just liked to kill the girls out of some type of sexual gratification. Then that would mean it's an organized group of some kind. And that is all fine and all but it don't make any sense. I mean with all the underground sex trade going on it wouldn't make any sense or at least not to me that these guys would resort to craigslist or backpage to pick up their victims. When they could so easily go to the underground sex trade and pick up a girl that no one would ever know was missing. A girl that was all ready owned by the underground sex trade. Not only that but there would also be no risk involved when it came to being traced by LE.

Of course this is all IMO...and I'm sorry for rambling on tonight but I've actually got some free time for the first time in weeks. lol
A while back I posted a link to a story about NYC cab/livery drivers who were rounded up because they were involved in transporting prostitutes, forcing them to be tattooed and more...
...A father/son team arrested in early April for allegedly operating a brutal sex trafficking business in Manhattan, branded their prostitutes with tattoos, according to the Manhattan District Attorney's office...
Another source:

Thank you for this link. But, this kinda throws off my theory that it would for sure not be some type of disposal

A little random and off track here. But about four years ago well I was living in Huntsville, AL out of all places. I took a cab home one night after my martial arts class (so I'm not sure if the guy was trying to be cool and impress me or was serious). But when I went to get out of the cab the cabbie gave me a piece of paper with his name and number on it. He told me that him and his friend were starting a business up that they made sure people were served. And if anyone was bothering me or if I need anyone taken care of to call them and they would make sure that they were "taken care of" for a small fee.
I was only 20 at the time and found it funny and joked about it with my roommate. I remember thinking why would I pay anyone when I have a whole class room full of friends who enjoy martial arts as much as I do. I also never took the guy seriously. But now days I actually find myself wondering about that and what he actually meant and why the hell out of all people would he think I needed someone "taken care of"
Thank you for this link. But, this kinda throws off my theory that it would for sure not be some type of disposal

A little random and off track here. But about four years ago well I was living in Huntsville, AL out of all places. I took a cab home one night after my martial arts class (so I'm not sure if the guy was trying to be cool and impress me or was serious). But when I went to get out of the cab the cabbie gave me a piece of paper with his name and number on it. He told me that him and his friend were starting a business up that they made sure people were served. And if anyone was bothering me or if I need anyone taken care of to call them and they would make sure that they were "taken care of" for a small fee.
I was only 20 at the time and found it funny and joked about it with my roommate. I remember thinking why would I pay anyone when I have a whole class room full of friends who enjoy martial arts as much as I do. I also never took the guy seriously. But now days I actually find myself wondering about that and what he actually meant and why the hell out of all people would he think I needed someone "taken care of"

I've ran a background check on the newest suspect ERB, and I found he's lived in AL (creepy considering you said you had that experience there), WA, CA, FL, MO, UT, AND AZ. He has most recently been in Redding, CA
from what I can see. Looks like he jumps around. Seems like he never had an address when he was in NJ with Miss Hill.


"Names / Aliases:

He's 61 if this is indeed the same ERB... Which I only found 1 nationally. It notes he was married in 1969.

Very creepy.
Thank you for this link. But, this kinda throws off my theory that it would for sure not be some type of disposal

A little random and off track here. But about four years ago well I was living in Huntsville, AL out of all places. I took a cab home one night after my martial arts class (so I'm not sure if the guy was trying to be cool and impress me or was serious). But when I went to get out of the cab the cabbie gave me a piece of paper with his name and number on it. He told me that him and his friend were starting a business up that they made sure people were served. And if anyone was bothering me or if I need anyone taken care of to call them and they would make sure that they were "taken care of" for a small fee.
I was only 20 at the time and found it funny and joked about it with my roommate. I remember thinking why would I pay anyone when I have a whole class room full of friends who enjoy martial arts as much as I do. I also never took the guy seriously. But now days I actually find myself wondering about that and what he actually meant and why the hell out of all people would he think I needed someone "taken care of"

Your story reminds me of the back story of one of the woman, Alison Foy, who was murdered in Wilmington, NC. She supposedly left a bar possibly with some some sort of rouge cabbie whose business card was kept or left at the Billiards hall where she was last seen.

"...Marc Benson: Coulda been!

In fact, Iannone - who was a regular at the pub - had his cell phone number on a special list, kept behind the bar as a cabbie to call if anyone needed a ride home. That could explain why police hadn't found any record of a cab being called to the Junction Pub and Billiards that night.

The P.I. asked Allison's best friend to describe the cabbie she left with.
Your story reminds me of the back story of one of the woman, Alison Foy, who was murdered in Wilmington, NC. She supposedly left a bar possibly with some some sort of rouge cabbie whose business card was kept or left at the Billiards hall where she was last seen.

"...Marc Benson: Coulda been!

In fact, Iannone - who was a regular at the pub - had his cell phone number on a special list, kept behind the bar as a cabbie to call if anyone needed a ride home. That could explain why police hadn't found any record of a cab being called to the Junction Pub and Billiards that night.

The P.I. asked Allison's best friend to describe the cabbie she left with.

I just finished reading half of the link you posted. Kinda made the hair on the back of my neck stand up for a moment. I just realized how easy it would be for a cabbie to give a young unexspecting women his number. Or anyone for that matter. Leave his number at the bar, anything. All he would have to do is sit back and wait for that one call to come in that would make it possible to kill a women. In the mean time well waiting for a women to kill make a few extra bucks.

Kinda makes me wonder. I mean it was clear from the start that the cabbie who gave me his number was up to no good. Of course givin my age at the time I just laughed about it. I always asumed he seen me coming out of class and wanted to look tough. I have found that when people learn your very heavy into martial arts they tend to start talking about that one time they took a kung fu class, or their brother who can kill you with just the touch of his finger. It's stupid. I didn't even think about that for years, actually till just recently. Now days I'm not so naive. That cabbie was a creep.
Their heads facing east? No shoes? No way! Anyone remember the serial killer that was a Muslim cab driver with a foot fetish that left his victims in the same position? Ugh what was his name?!

Anyways, this sounds IDENTICAL to that Muslim SK except I believe he was just making a point with the victims feet in AC... The feet and hands often times are considered avenues for evil in Islam.

He faced the women/escorts toward Mecca (the east) after murdering them and took their shoes to signify that they were dirty and didn't deserve shoes/clean feet.

Additionally this might be where the pig necklace from the asian victim may come into play. I believe he left it on her bc pigs are unholy in Islam and "tainted".

Or the drainage pit was running towards the east and moved them tht way?
Not sure if this has already been posted:

"A Great Neck man was arrested*in Brooklyn Sunday for a robbery that occurred in March...
Police say*Bjorn Brodsky, 28, drove to a residence on Maxwell Avenue in Oyster Bay on March 28*and asked a 19-year-old male victim if he could talk to him. The victim, who knew Brodsky,*entered car with the defendant and two unknown male white subjects. Brodsky then*threatened the victim with a hypodermic needle and demanded he empty his pockets, according to police."
Not sure if this has already been posted:

"A Great Neck man was arrested*in Brooklyn Sunday for a robbery that occurred in March...
Police say*Bjorn Brodsky, 28, drove to a residence on Maxwell Avenue in Oyster Bay on March 28*and asked a 19-year-old male victim if he could talk to him. The victim, who knew Brodsky,*entered car with the defendant and two unknown male white subjects. Brodsky then*threatened the victim with a hypodermic needle and demanded he empty his pockets, according to police."

Wow! A real winner huh??
Good find! Thank you, but can you post a link to the article, and not a link to the thread here... :) I'm sure it was a simple mistake, but some of us inquiring minds need to know! :scared:

It's amazing the men these girls got caught up with. :noooo: I know most say "Well it goes with the lifestyle..." but really, I was an escort at one time, and I never kept company like that. My friends were and still are all pretty straight edge, well educated, jail fearing people :jail:. It really amazes me sometimes the things these girls associated with on a personal level. :facepalm:
Not sure if this has already been posted:

"A Great Neck man was arrested*in Brooklyn Sunday for a robbery that occurred in March...
Police say*Bjorn Brodsky, 28, drove to a residence on Maxwell Avenue in Oyster Bay on March 28*and asked a 19-year-old male victim if he could talk to him. The victim, who knew Brodsky,*entered car with the defendant and two unknown male white subjects. Brodsky then*threatened the victim with a hypodermic needle and demanded he empty his pockets, according to police."

Here are another group of charges on Bjorn from 2011:
Originally Posted by Just K
Case Information Court Nassau First District Court
Case # 2011NA018490

Defendant Brodsky, Bjorn M Add Case to eTrack
Case Information Court Nassau First District Court
Case # 2011NA018490
Defendant Brodsky, Bjorn M
Charge Detail Disposition/Sentence
PL 265.01 02 A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge

Description Crim Poss Weap-4th:int To Use
Pled Guilty, Imprisonment For 1 Year
PL 120.14 01 A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Arrest charge, Arraignment charge
Description Menacing 2nd - Weapon

PL 121.11 00
**TOP CHARGE** A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Arrest charge, Arraignment charge
Description Crim Obstruction Breathing


Name:Brodsky, Bjorn M
Birth Year:1984

Date:August 12, 2011 04:45
Summons/Ticket #:


Date & Time:August 12, 2011 17:30
Arrest #:0014039



Type:pro Se
Court Date:August 13, 2011
Court Part:ARR A

Assistant District Attorney

Assigned:August 13, 2011

Date:August 12, 2013
Court:Nassau First District Court

Description:CVA Fee Imposed $25
DNA Fee Waived
Imprisonment for 1 Years
Surcharge Imposed $175

Docket Sentence

Description:CVA Fee Imposed $25
DNA Fee Waived
Imprisonment for 1 Years
Surcharge Imposed $175

One year for criminally obstructing breathing...!!!
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